US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

So in other're not even going to try to show Obama policies that created jobs and grew the economy? Noted, Faun...

That's what makes YOU the partisan shill that you are!
You must have attention deficit disorder. As I just pointed out to you -- I've offered policies in the past. You ignored them. Why would I expect a different result trying that again?

You ignore inconvenient facts.

That's what you do.

You're a con tool.

That's what you are.

Sure you did, Faun...:bs1::bs1::bs1:

Well, actually you didn' just SAID you did! When I pressed you on what those policies WERE your reply was that you'd already stated them and couldn't be bothered to do so again. :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

You're as bad as Georgie Costanza and his missing formula for determining "Jobs Saved"!
Tell ya what .... If I link to any of my posts where I listed any economic policies that Obama passed, you leave the forum forever. If I can't find any because you're telling the truth that I never did, I leave forever. And this isn't based on your opinion if they were successful or not since you're only here to argue they weren't. All I have to show is that I've pointed some out, which you are denying I ever did.

Either take this bet or expose yourself once again as the lying con tool the forum sees you are.... it doesn't matter if the economic policies that Obama passed were successful or not...all you have to show is that he HAD a policy? That in and of itself shows how pathetic Barack Obama's economic plans have been, Faun!

Here's a concept...list the economic policies that Barry pushed that created jobs and grew the economy. The guy has spent trillions on economic should be a walk in the park for you to list the Obama economic plans that worked...yet you never seem to be able to! Why is that, Faun?

I will be happy to, me boy. Here's the concept. If (notice, me boy, there is a condition And we know how you ignore conditions) you provide proof of even one trillion spent by the obama team on stimulus, I will prove the obama bill did create jobs. As I have proven before. Should be easy, since you say he spent multiple trillions. But since you are lying, if I were you, I would apologize for the lie.
If, on the other hand, you take the challenge, and you can not prove he spent at least a trillion dollars on stimulus, then you apologize and leave the board.

My bet is you will be turning yourself inside out to change the subject. Because you lied again, and there is no way you can win.
Notice the con tool ran away from my bet?
You must have attention deficit disorder. As I just pointed out to you -- I've offered policies in the past. You ignored them. Why would I expect a different result trying that again?

You ignore inconvenient facts.

That's what you do.

You're a con tool.

That's what you are.

Sure you did, Faun...:bs1::bs1::bs1:

Well, actually you didn' just SAID you did! When I pressed you on what those policies WERE your reply was that you'd already stated them and couldn't be bothered to do so again. :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

You're as bad as Georgie Costanza and his missing formula for determining "Jobs Saved"!
Tell ya what .... If I link to any of my posts where I listed any economic policies that Obama passed, you leave the forum forever. If I can't find any because you're telling the truth that I never did, I leave forever. And this isn't based on your opinion if they were successful or not since you're only here to argue they weren't. All I have to show is that I've pointed some out, which you are denying I ever did.

Either take this bet or expose yourself once again as the lying con tool the forum sees you are.... it doesn't matter if the economic policies that Obama passed were successful or not...all you have to show is that he HAD a policy? That in and of itself shows how pathetic Barack Obama's economic plans have been, Faun!

Here's a concept...list the economic policies that Barry pushed that created jobs and grew the economy. The guy has spent trillions on economic should be a walk in the park for you to list the Obama economic plans that worked...yet you never seem to be able to! Why is that, Faun?

I will be happy to, me boy. Here's the concept. If (notice, me boy, there is a condition And we know how you ignore conditions) you provide proof of even one trillion spent by the obama team on stimulus, I will prove the obama bill did create jobs. As I have proven before. Should be easy, since you say he spent multiple trillions. But since you are lying, if I were you, I would apologize for the lie.
If, on the other hand, you take the challenge, and you can not prove he spent at least a trillion dollars on stimulus, then you apologize and leave the board.

My bet is you will be turning yourself inside out to change the subject. Because you lied again, and there is no way you can win.
Notice the con tool ran away from my bet?
Yes indeed. His normal procedure over the past years is to talk like he is tough, then run like a coward. Normsal
Associated Press ^ | Jun 3, 2016 5:37 PM EDT | Christopher S. Rugaber and Josh Boak
U.S. hiring slowed to a near-standstill in May, sowing doubts about the economy’s health and complicating the Federal Reserve’s efforts to raise interest rates. While unemployment slid from 5 percent to 4.7 percent, the lowest since November 2007, the rate fell for a troubling reason: Nearly a half-million jobless Americans stopped looking for work and so were no longer counted as unemployed. Employers added just 38,000 jobs in May, the fewest in over five years. Less-educated workers bore the brunt of the hiring slump, with a quarter-million high school dropouts losing their jobs in May. That has perpetuated a long-term...

Another winner!
As I've already pointed out a) there's no point because anything mentioned results on you trying to summarily dismiss it (which I've done and you did); b) for better or worse, the presidents policies get credit or blame for the economy.

Con tools like you seek only to blame Democrats for the bad and find ways to not credit them for the good. That's your entire game plan summed up nice and succinctly in one sentence. That's what makes you a con tool. :thup:

So in other're not even going to try to show Obama policies that created jobs and grew the economy? Noted, Faun...

That's what makes YOU the partisan shill that you are!
You must have attention deficit disorder. As I just pointed out to you -- I've offered policies in the past. You ignored them. Why would I expect a different result trying that again?

You ignore inconvenient facts.

That's what you do.

You're a con tool.

That's what you are.

Sure you did, Faun...:bs1::bs1::bs1:

Well, actually you didn' just SAID you did! When I pressed you on what those policies WERE your reply was that you'd already stated them and couldn't be bothered to do so again. :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

You're as bad as Georgie Costanza and his missing formula for determining "Jobs Saved"!
Tell ya what .... If I link to any of my posts where I listed any economic policies that Obama passed, you leave the forum forever. If I can't find any because you're telling the truth that I never did, I leave forever. And this isn't based on your opinion if they were successful or not since you're only here to argue they weren't. All I have to show is that I've pointed some out, which you are denying I ever did.

Either take this bet or expose yourself once again as the lying con tool the forum sees you are.... it doesn't matter if the economic policies that Obama passed were successful or not...all you have to show is that he HAD a policy? That in and of itself shows how pathetic Barack Obama's economic plans have been, Faun!

Here's a concept...list the economic policies that Barry pushed that created jobs and grew the economy. The guy has spent trillions on economic should be a walk in the park for you to list the Obama economic plans that worked...yet you never seem to be able to! Why is that, Faun?

Also, lets consider obummer's increases to the national debt and deficits.

Maybe one or more of the leftards can explain how printing worthless money to 'stimulate' an economy only to result in marginal growths in jobs and absolutely no reduction in the debts is a good thing.

Look at how fast this Markle idiot flees from his previous post to change the topic from Bush asking Congress for GSE reform for 6 years to it being Jimmy Carter's fault from 30 years earlier.


What better demonstration is there that you felt bitchslapped by the reality that the Republican-led Congress failed to respond to Bush's warning during all those years they were in control; that you felt compelled to abandon your own position.

Yup. Bitchslapped is a good term for what we, and particularly you, did to the con tools. They have their tails between their legs cause they got caught lying and see no way out. Funny.

Poor little Georgie Costanza! Have you come back to provide the economic formula you said you had...or are you still coming up with pathetic excuses why you can't do that?

Tail between legs? You're the one who ran away from this string pretending to have people on ignore! Lying is what you do...
I never, ever lie, me poor con tool. As you know, to your never ending frustration, me con tool. You can never show that I lied, because I never do. That is the purview of you, the lying con tool that you are.
As you well know, and as I proved a week or two ago, you agreed to provide information on a bill sent up to help quell the great republican recession of 2008, by Republicans. You did not, so you get no equation. Too bad for you, me con tool. But you keep coming back and saying I said I would provide an equation without conditions. Now, if I had done that, it would be a simple thing for you to show the post where I did so. The reason you do not is that you can not. Because I made no such unconditional post. And because you know I can prove you to be a liar again. So, unless you have a post showing what you say I promised, which you do not, then fuck off, me little minded con tool.
What was it, a month or less ago that you said I did not know what the Chicago School of Economics was when you asked about it. And, after you made the accusation time after time after time, I brought forward what you asked about. And, you had never mentioned the Chicago School. Ever. Up to the time you started saying that you had done so. Proving again that you lied multiple times.
Most people feel guilty about lying. Most people will apologize if they were caught lying, as you have multiple times. Most people have class. Most people have integrity. You have proven to have none of either. You have proven yourself to be a small minded insignificant con tool. with no ability to make economic arguments.

Still trying to peddle your "conditions" excuse, Georgie? You never cease to amuse...

All you do is lie because you constantly try to pretend that you know something about economics when it's obvious that you're one of the board's most ignorant posters when it comes to that topic. "A-B=Jobs Saved"? That's YOU making an economic argument! That's YOU proving what a complete bullshit artist you are when it comes to that topic!
Would you like to see the post that specifies the condition that would get you your formula, me boy. As I did before. It will prove you are lying again, and it will waste peoples time. Again. But that is what you like to do. Let me know. I never lie, as you well know. And I can prove what I have said, as you well know. You make the choice.

I would like to see the post that explains why you need to have a "condition" met before you're willing to provide a formula that you already stated that you had! Waste time? Dude, you've spent WEEKS now posting this ridiculous bullshit...all because you can't bring yourself to admit that there is no formula for determining "Jobs Saved"!
So in other're not even going to try to show Obama policies that created jobs and grew the economy? Noted, Faun...

That's what makes YOU the partisan shill that you are!
You must have attention deficit disorder. As I just pointed out to you -- I've offered policies in the past. You ignored them. Why would I expect a different result trying that again?

You ignore inconvenient facts.

That's what you do.

You're a con tool.

That's what you are.

Sure you did, Faun...:bs1::bs1::bs1:

Well, actually you didn' just SAID you did! When I pressed you on what those policies WERE your reply was that you'd already stated them and couldn't be bothered to do so again. :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

You're as bad as Georgie Costanza and his missing formula for determining "Jobs Saved"!
Tell ya what .... If I link to any of my posts where I listed any economic policies that Obama passed, you leave the forum forever. If I can't find any because you're telling the truth that I never did, I leave forever. And this isn't based on your opinion if they were successful or not since you're only here to argue they weren't. All I have to show is that I've pointed some out, which you are denying I ever did.

Either take this bet or expose yourself once again as the lying con tool the forum sees you are.... it doesn't matter if the economic policies that Obama passed were successful or not...all you have to show is that he HAD a policy? That in and of itself shows how pathetic Barack Obama's economic plans have been, Faun!

Here's a concept...list the economic policies that Barry pushed that created jobs and grew the economy. The guy has spent trillions on economic should be a walk in the park for you to list the Obama economic plans that worked...yet you never seem to be able to! Why is that, Faun?
Of course it matters that they were successful. That's not the point. The point is ... no matter what policies I mention, you're going to ignore and deny their success. We know this because we've been down this road before. That's why you won't touch my bet. You're a phony and a fraud (i.e., a con tool) whose soul purpose is to deny and obfuscate. 14 million jobs have been created since the recovery and you think you can actually deny any of those jobs were due to the president's policies. Funny though, if we were losing jobs, you be blaming Obama.

What I've pointed out, that you're struggling mightily to show us what policies put forth by Barack Obama have created jobs. What I've pointed out is that improvements to the economy and job creation have in large part happened DESPITE Barry...not BECAUSE of him! The biggest driver of economic growth over the past few years has been cheap energy...something brought about not because of any policy that Barack Obama has pushed but rather because of fracking technology that he actively sought to curtail. We don't have cheap oil and natural gas because of Obama...we have it despite him!
I asked for economic policy that Obama pushed that created jobs and grew the economy and Faun gave me "Cash For Clunkers"...a program that cost billions and didn't create jobs or create real economic growth. It's like my asking for the formula for determining "Jobs Saved" and having Georgie give me A-B=Jobs Saved.

Yes, you replied to my question but it wasn't with an was with bullshit.
I asked for economic policy that Obama pushed that created jobs and grew the economy and Faun gave me "Cash For Clunkers"...a program that cost billions and didn't create jobs or create real economic growth. It's like my asking for the formula for determining "Jobs Saved" and having Georgie give me A-B=Jobs Saved.

Yes, you replied to my question but it wasn't with an was with bullshit.

We are 20 TRILLION dollars in debt but I have no worries. . . Because with the revenues we get from schemes like "cash for clunkers" we can pay that off (with interest) in just a few hundred years!

Sure you did, Faun...:bs1::bs1::bs1:

Well, actually you didn' just SAID you did! When I pressed you on what those policies WERE your reply was that you'd already stated them and couldn't be bothered to do so again. :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

You're as bad as Georgie Costanza and his missing formula for determining "Jobs Saved"!
Tell ya what .... If I link to any of my posts where I listed any economic policies that Obama passed, you leave the forum forever. If I can't find any because you're telling the truth that I never did, I leave forever. And this isn't based on your opinion if they were successful or not since you're only here to argue they weren't. All I have to show is that I've pointed some out, which you are denying I ever did.

Either take this bet or expose yourself once again as the lying con tool the forum sees you are.... it doesn't matter if the economic policies that Obama passed were successful or not...all you have to show is that he HAD a policy? That in and of itself shows how pathetic Barack Obama's economic plans have been, Faun!

Here's a concept...list the economic policies that Barry pushed that created jobs and grew the economy. The guy has spent trillions on economic should be a walk in the park for you to list the Obama economic plans that worked...yet you never seem to be able to! Why is that, Faun?

I will be happy to, me boy. Here's the concept. If (notice, me boy, there is a condition And we know how you ignore conditions) you provide proof of even one trillion spent by the obama team on stimulus, I will prove the obama bill did create jobs. As I have proven before. Should be easy, since you say he spent multiple trillions. But since you are lying, if I were you, I would apologize for the lie.
If, on the other hand, you take the challenge, and you can not prove he spent at least a trillion dollars on stimulus, then you apologize and leave the board.

My bet is you will be turning yourself inside out to change the subject. Because you lied again, and there is no way you can win.
Notice the con tool ran away from my bet?
Yes indeed. His normal procedure over the past years is to talk like he is tough, then run like a coward. Normsal

Run? You mean like pretending to put someone on ignore because you don't have an answer to their question? Is that the kind of cowardice that you're talking about, Georgie?

I haven't gone anywhere throughout this entire string. You gave me A-B=Jobs Saved and then tucked tail. That's you...not I.
Yup. Bitchslapped is a good term for what we, and particularly you, did to the con tools. They have their tails between their legs cause they got caught lying and see no way out. Funny.

Poor little Georgie Costanza! Have you come back to provide the economic formula you said you had...or are you still coming up with pathetic excuses why you can't do that?

Tail between legs? You're the one who ran away from this string pretending to have people on ignore! Lying is what you do...
I never, ever lie, me poor con tool. As you know, to your never ending frustration, me con tool. You can never show that I lied, because I never do. That is the purview of you, the lying con tool that you are.
As you well know, and as I proved a week or two ago, you agreed to provide information on a bill sent up to help quell the great republican recession of 2008, by Republicans. You did not, so you get no equation. Too bad for you, me con tool. But you keep coming back and saying I said I would provide an equation without conditions. Now, if I had done that, it would be a simple thing for you to show the post where I did so. The reason you do not is that you can not. Because I made no such unconditional post. And because you know I can prove you to be a liar again. So, unless you have a post showing what you say I promised, which you do not, then fuck off, me little minded con tool.
What was it, a month or less ago that you said I did not know what the Chicago School of Economics was when you asked about it. And, after you made the accusation time after time after time, I brought forward what you asked about. And, you had never mentioned the Chicago School. Ever. Up to the time you started saying that you had done so. Proving again that you lied multiple times.
Most people feel guilty about lying. Most people will apologize if they were caught lying, as you have multiple times. Most people have class. Most people have integrity. You have proven to have none of either. You have proven yourself to be a small minded insignificant con tool. with no ability to make economic arguments.

Still trying to peddle your "conditions" excuse, Georgie? You never cease to amuse...

All you do is lie because you constantly try to pretend that you know something about economics when it's obvious that you're one of the board's most ignorant posters when it comes to that topic. "A-B=Jobs Saved"? That's YOU making an economic argument! That's YOU proving what a complete bullshit artist you are when it comes to that topic!
Would you like to see the post that specifies the condition that would get you your formula, me boy. As I did before. It will prove you are lying again, and it will waste peoples time. Again. But that is what you like to do. Let me know. I never lie, as you well know. And I can prove what I have said, as you well know. You make the choice.

I would like to see the post that explains why you need to have a "condition" met before you're willing to provide a formula that you already stated that you had! Waste time? Dude, you've spent WEEKS now posting this ridiculous bullshit...all because you can't bring yourself to admit that there is no formula for determining "Jobs Saved"!
I had a condition because I wanted to. Simple as that. Now you agreed to it, but you did not have to. And I have posted no ridiculous anything, me boy. I showed you the post with the condition, me lying con tool. You saw it, and tried to say you did not. But I do not have to explain anything to you. At all. Ever. It was my decision, and if you did not like it, you had the option to leave it alone.
But instead, you keep pushing for an answer without doing what I said you had to do to get an answer. Then you lied, over and over and over, saying that I gave you no condition. So, finally I pulled forward the post proving that you had been lying over and over and over. So, I am done talking with you. Because you have proven yourself a liar, many times over. And there is no value, EVER, in dealing with a liar. Because all you get is NEW LIES on top of OLD LIES.

Now, I know this is not what you want to believe, but everyone but you understands. I have no obligation to prove anything to you. Nor anyone else. Those who lie to me on a couple occasions, I do not work with. But people like you who lie, provably, scores of times, are not worth my time, or the time of anyone, me boy. You are a total waste.
I asked for economic policy that Obama pushed that created jobs and grew the economy and Faun gave me "Cash For Clunkers"...a program that cost billions and didn't create jobs or create real economic growth. It's like my asking for the formula for determining "Jobs Saved" and having Georgie give me A-B=Jobs Saved.

Yes, you replied to my question but it wasn't with an was with bullshit.

Both Faun and I did what you said we did not do. Before you made the claim We proved you to be a liar. Simple as that. Your opinion on anything is of no value because:
1. You are a con tool.
2. You are a serial liar.
What I posted was Faun, and then I, showing you the exact posts that were designed to help the problems created by the Great Republican Recession of 2008. They were indeed designed with that in mind. Both of us stated the Stimulus was one of those bills that Obama passed to respond to the recession your heroes caused. So, me boy, you loose. You are again caught lying.

You loose, cause you were proven to have lied. And as I predicted, in writing, you would then be back to try and change the rules. Because, me boy, you are a lying con tool. And that is what con tools do.
Tell ya what .... If I link to any of my posts where I listed any economic policies that Obama passed, you leave the forum forever. If I can't find any because you're telling the truth that I never did, I leave forever. And this isn't based on your opinion if they were successful or not since you're only here to argue they weren't. All I have to show is that I've pointed some out, which you are denying I ever did.

Either take this bet or expose yourself once again as the lying con tool the forum sees you are.... it doesn't matter if the economic policies that Obama passed were successful or not...all you have to show is that he HAD a policy? That in and of itself shows how pathetic Barack Obama's economic plans have been, Faun!

Here's a concept...list the economic policies that Barry pushed that created jobs and grew the economy. The guy has spent trillions on economic should be a walk in the park for you to list the Obama economic plans that worked...yet you never seem to be able to! Why is that, Faun?

I will be happy to, me boy. Here's the concept. If (notice, me boy, there is a condition And we know how you ignore conditions) you provide proof of even one trillion spent by the obama team on stimulus, I will prove the obama bill did create jobs. As I have proven before. Should be easy, since you say he spent multiple trillions. But since you are lying, if I were you, I would apologize for the lie.
If, on the other hand, you take the challenge, and you can not prove he spent at least a trillion dollars on stimulus, then you apologize and leave the board.

My bet is you will be turning yourself inside out to change the subject. Because you lied again, and there is no way you can win.
Notice the con tool ran away from my bet?
Yes indeed. His normal procedure over the past years is to talk like he is tough, then run like a coward. Normsal

Run? You mean like pretending to put someone on ignore because you don't have an answer to their question? Is that the kind of cowardice that you're talking about, Georgie?

I haven't gone anywhere throughout this entire string. You gave me A-B=Jobs Saved and then tucked tail. That's you...not I.

Yes, indeed, you ran. Now as predicted you are back trying to change the rules. Because, me boy, as all recognize you lied. You got caught. And now you are trying to change the subject. Sad.

And there you are lying again. I stated clearly that I would provide the formula you so badly desire, though in fact we all know you could care less. And in that post, I stated clearly that you would get the formula as soon as you showed a republican bill designed to address the problems caused by the great Republican Recession of 2008. Which I already brought back and showed you, proving you had been lying. So, no one is at all surprised at the fact that you are lying again. I have stood ready for weeks and weeks to respond as I promised if you met the condition of showing the bill. But, you can not show the bill, though you said there were many. Because you lied. Again. So, you loose.
the problems caused by the great Republican Recession of 2008. .

Republican Recession???

"These two entities—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—are not facing any kind of financial crisis," said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. "The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."-Barney Frank

Barney Frank: "I hope by next year we'll have abolished Fanny Freddie... it was a great mistake to push lower income people into homes they couldn't afford and couldn't really handle once they had it" it doesn't matter if the economic policies that Obama passed were successful or not...all you have to show is that he HAD a policy? That in and of itself shows how pathetic Barack Obama's economic plans have been, Faun!

Here's a concept...list the economic policies that Barry pushed that created jobs and grew the economy. The guy has spent trillions on economic should be a walk in the park for you to list the Obama economic plans that worked...yet you never seem to be able to! Why is that, Faun?

I will be happy to, me boy. Here's the concept. If (notice, me boy, there is a condition And we know how you ignore conditions) you provide proof of even one trillion spent by the obama team on stimulus, I will prove the obama bill did create jobs. As I have proven before. Should be easy, since you say he spent multiple trillions. But since you are lying, if I were you, I would apologize for the lie.
If, on the other hand, you take the challenge, and you can not prove he spent at least a trillion dollars on stimulus, then you apologize and leave the board.

My bet is you will be turning yourself inside out to change the subject. Because you lied again, and there is no way you can win.
Notice the con tool ran away from my bet?
Yes indeed. His normal procedure over the past years is to talk like he is tough, then run like a coward. Normsal

Run? You mean like pretending to put someone on ignore because you don't have an answer to their question? Is that the kind of cowardice that you're talking about, Georgie?

I haven't gone anywhere throughout this entire string. You gave me A-B=Jobs Saved and then tucked tail. That's you...not I.

Yes, indeed, you ran. Now as predicted you are back trying to change the rules. Because, me boy, as all recognize you lied. You got caught. And now you are trying to change the subject. Sad.

And there you are lying again. I stated clearly that I would provide the formula you so badly desire, though in fact we all know you could care less. And in that post, I stated clearly that you would get the formula as soon as you showed a republican bill designed to address the problems caused by the great Republican Recession of 2008. Which I already brought back and showed you, proving you had been lying. So, no one is at all surprised at the fact that you are lying again. I have stood ready for weeks and weeks to respond as I promised if you met the condition of showing the bill. But, you can not show the bill, though you said there were many. Because you lied. Again. So, you loose.

Ah, when was it that I "ran"? You're the one who declared that you were putting me on ignore simply because I asked you to provide the economic formula that was used by the Obama Administration economists to determine "Jobs Saved"! I haven't gone ANYWHERE, Georgie...nor will I! You lied about having me on ignore. You lied when you posted that pathetic A-B=Jobs Saved. You lied when you said you have the formula for determining "Jobs Saved". All you've DONE in this string is tell nonsense about "conditions" and spam that silly "Me boy" THAT is going to hide the fact that you're a total fraud who keeps painting himself into a corner by pretending to know something about economics!
I asked for economic policy that Obama pushed that created jobs and grew the economy and Faun gave me "Cash For Clunkers"...a program that cost billions and didn't create jobs or create real economic growth. It's like my asking for the formula for determining "Jobs Saved" and having Georgie give me A-B=Jobs Saved.

Yes, you replied to my question but it wasn't with an was with bullshit.

Both Faun and I did what you said we did not do. Before you made the claim We proved you to be a liar. Simple as that. Your opinion on anything is of no value because:
1. You are a con tool.
2. You are a serial liar.
What I posted was Faun, and then I, showing you the exact posts that were designed to help the problems created by the Great Republican Recession of 2008. They were indeed designed with that in mind. Both of us stated the Stimulus was one of those bills that Obama passed to respond to the recession your heroes caused. So, me boy, you loose. You are again caught lying.

You loose, cause you were proven to have lied. And as I predicted, in writing, you would then be back to try and change the rules. Because, me boy, you are a lying con tool. And that is what con tools do.

And it's illiterate loser!
I will be happy to, me boy. Here's the concept. If (notice, me boy, there is a condition And we know how you ignore conditions) you provide proof of even one trillion spent by the obama team on stimulus, I will prove the obama bill did create jobs. As I have proven before. Should be easy, since you say he spent multiple trillions. But since you are lying, if I were you, I would apologize for the lie.
If, on the other hand, you take the challenge, and you can not prove he spent at least a trillion dollars on stimulus, then you apologize and leave the board.

My bet is you will be turning yourself inside out to change the subject. Because you lied again, and there is no way you can win.
Notice the con tool ran away from my bet?
Yes indeed. His normal procedure over the past years is to talk like he is tough, then run like a coward. Normsal

Run? You mean like pretending to put someone on ignore because you don't have an answer to their question? Is that the kind of cowardice that you're talking about, Georgie?
I did indeed put you on ignore for a while. Did you think I did not. What you fail to understand is that you can take them off of ignore. Dipshit.

I haven't gone anywhere throughout this entire string. You gave me A-B=Jobs Saved and then tucked tail. That's you...not I.

Yes, indeed, you ran. Now as predicted you are back trying to change the rules. Because, me boy, as all recognize you lied. You got caught. And now you are trying to change the subject. Sad.

And there you are lying again. I stated clearly that I would provide the formula you so badly desire, though in fact we all know you could care less. And in that post, I stated clearly that you would get the formula as soon as you showed a republican bill designed to address the problems caused by the great Republican Recession of 2008. Which I already brought back and showed you, proving you had been lying. So, no one is at all surprised at the fact that you are lying again. I have stood ready for weeks and weeks to respond as I promised if you met the condition of showing the bill. But, you can not show the bill, though you said there were many. Because you lied. Again. So, you loose.

So Oldstyle, the proven LIAR, asked the following:
Ah, when was it that I "ran"? Multiple times. One was when you gave up on your side of the bargain. Which was to provide a simple response, a bill by a republican that was aimed at reducing the damage from the Great Republican Recession of 1998. You had the option, but could not do so. But did not have the class or integrity to admit that you did not. You're the one who declared that you were putting me on ignore simply because I asked you to provide the economic formula that was used by the Obama Administration economists to determine "Jobs Saved"! So, again, you are lying as you well know. I put you on ignore because you would not provide your part of the bargain, and kept lying, time after time after time saying I did not require a condition. You were playing games then, as you are now. Because you are a lying con tool. I haven't gone ANYWHERE, Georgie...nor will I! You lied about having me on ignore. Hardly, dipshit. No such thing. I never, ever lie. Which is why you can never catch me lying. Saying that I lied, me poor ignorant tool, is different than proving I lied. And you can never prove i lied because I never, ever lie. You lied when you posted that pathetic A-B=Jobs Saved. You lied when you said you have the formula fo r determining "Jobs Saved". I did not ever lie. If you think I did, prove it. All you've DONE in this string is tell nonsense about "conditions" and spam that silly "Me boy" THAT is going to hide the fact that you're a total fraud who keeps painting himself into a corner by pretending to know something about economics!
People who know something about economics talk about economics. And they can not generally be proven wrong. Now, you, on the other hand just post con dogma, accusations with no basis, and personal attacks. Never, ever an economic argument.
So, where is that republican bill you said you could produce to show that republicans actually wanted to help out of work workers from the Great Republican Recession of 2008, me boy. When are you going to correct that lie of yours?
Relative to the "me boy", it is simply a term I use when talking to obviously inferior people. Like liars. Used to be a term of endearment to inferior people who at least try. But you do not try. You simply waste everyone's time.
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Notice the con tool ran away from my bet?
Yes indeed. His normal procedure over the past years is to talk like he is tough, then run like a coward. Normsal

Run? You mean like pretending to put someone on ignore because you don't have an answer to their question? Is that the kind of cowardice that you're talking about, Georgie?
I did indeed put you on ignore for a while. Did you think I did not. What you fail to understand is that you can take them off of ignore. Dipshit.

I haven't gone anywhere throughout this entire string. You gave me A-B=Jobs Saved and then tucked tail. That's you...not I.

Yes, indeed, you ran. Now as predicted you are back trying to change the rules. Because, me boy, as all recognize you lied. You got caught. And now you are trying to change the subject. Sad.

And there you are lying again. I stated clearly that I would provide the formula you so badly desire, though in fact we all know you could care less. And in that post, I stated clearly that you would get the formula as soon as you showed a republican bill designed to address the problems caused by the great Republican Recession of 2008. Which I already brought back and showed you, proving you had been lying. So, no one is at all surprised at the fact that you are lying again. I have stood ready for weeks and weeks to respond as I promised if you met the condition of showing the bill. But, you can not show the bill, though you said there were many. Because you lied. Again. So, you loose.

Ah, when was it that I "ran"? Multiple times. One was when you gave up on your side of the bargain. Which was to provide a simple response, a bill by a republican that was aimed at reducing the damage from the Great Republican Recession of 1998. You had the option, but could not do so. You're the one who declared that you were putting me on ignore simply because I asked you to provide the economic formula that was used by the Obama Administration economists to determine "Jobs Saved"! So, again, you are lying as you well know. I put you on ignore because you would not provide your part of the bargain, and kept lying, time after time after time saying I did not require a condition. You were playing games then, as you are now. Because you are a lying con tool. I haven't gone ANYWHERE, Georgie...nor will I! You lied about having me on ignore. Hardly, dipshit. No such thing. I never, ever lie. Which is why you can never catch me lying. Saying that I lied, me poor ignorant tool, is different than proving I lied. And you can never prove i lied because I never, ever lie. You lied when you posted that pathetic A-B=Jobs Saved. You lied when you said you have the formula fo r determining "Jobs Saved". I did not ever lie. If you think I did, prove it. All you've DONE in this string is tell nonsense about "conditions" and spam that silly "Me boy" THAT is going to hide the fact that you're a total fraud who keeps painting himself into a corner by pretending to know something about economics!
People who know something about economics talk about economics. And they can not generally be proven wrong. Now, you, on the other hand just post con dogma, accusations with no basis, and personal attacks. Never, ever an economic argument.
So, where is that republican bill you said you could produce to show that republicans actually wanted to help out of work workers from the Great Republican Recession of 2008, me boy. When are you going to correct that lie of yours?
Relative to the me boy, it is simply a term I use when talking to obviously inferior people. Like liars.

What is A-B=Jobs Saved? Is it a real economic formula used to determine jobs saved? Or is it a lie...something that you made up trying to hide the fact that you don't have the faintest idea what the formula is that the Obama Administration used to come up with their numbers for "jobs saved"? You never lie? You CONSTANTLY lie!
Yes indeed. His normal procedure over the past years is to talk like he is tough, then run like a coward. Normsal

Run? You mean like pretending to put someone on ignore because you don't have an answer to their question? Is that the kind of cowardice that you're talking about, Georgie?
I did indeed put you on ignore for a while. Did you think I did not. What you fail to understand is that you can take them off of ignore. Dipshit.

I haven't gone anywhere throughout this entire string. You gave me A-B=Jobs Saved and then tucked tail. That's you...not I.

Yes, indeed, you ran. Now as predicted you are back trying to change the rules. Because, me boy, as all recognize you lied. You got caught. And now you are trying to change the subject. Sad.

And there you are lying again. I stated clearly that I would provide the formula you so badly desire, though in fact we all know you could care less. And in that post, I stated clearly that you would get the formula as soon as you showed a republican bill designed to address the problems caused by the great Republican Recession of 2008. Which I already brought back and showed you, proving you had been lying. So, no one is at all surprised at the fact that you are lying again. I have stood ready for weeks and weeks to respond as I promised if you met the condition of showing the bill. But, you can not show the bill, though you said there were many. Because you lied. Again. So, you loose.

Ah, when was it that I "ran"? Multiple times. One was when you gave up on your side of the bargain. Which was to provide a simple response, a bill by a republican that was aimed at reducing the damage from the Great Republican Recession of 1998. You had the option, but could not do so. You're the one who declared that you were putting me on ignore simply because I asked you to provide the economic formula that was used by the Obama Administration economists to determine "Jobs Saved"! So, again, you are lying as you well know. I put you on ignore because you would not provide your part of the bargain, and kept lying, time after time after time saying I did not require a condition. You were playing games then, as you are now. Because you are a lying con tool. I haven't gone ANYWHERE, Georgie...nor will I! You lied about having me on ignore. Hardly, dipshit. No such thing. I never, ever lie. Which is why you can never catch me lying. Saying that I lied, me poor ignorant tool, is different than proving I lied. And you can never prove i lied because I never, ever lie. You lied when you posted that pathetic A-B=Jobs Saved. You lied when you said you have the formula fo r determining "Jobs Saved". I did not ever lie. If you think I did, prove it. All you've DONE in this string is tell nonsense about "conditions" and spam that silly "Me boy" THAT is going to hide the fact that you're a total fraud who keeps painting himself into a corner by pretending to know something about economics!
People who know something about economics talk about economics. And they can not generally be proven wrong. Now, you, on the other hand just post con dogma, accusations with no basis, and personal attacks. Never, ever an economic argument.
So, where is that republican bill you said you could produce to show that republicans actually wanted to help out of work workers from the Great Republican Recession of 2008, me boy. When are you going to correct that lie of yours?
Relative to the me boy, it is simply a term I use when talking to obviously inferior people. Like liars.
So Oldstyle, twisting and turning trying to prove I lied, because he has been caught lying a number of times, says:

What is A-B=Jobs Saved? Is it a real economic formula used to determine jobs saved? Or is it a lie...something that you made up trying to hide the fact that you don't have the faintest idea what the formula is that the Obama Administration used to come up with their numbers for "jobs saved"? It is indeed a real formula. It is definitely not a lie. Because I never lie. Ever. You never lie? You CONSTANTLY lie!\
The only lie, me boy, is that I owe you a formula for nothing. I said there was a condition, which was that you would provide the bill that republicans sent forward to address the misery of the unemployment caused by the Great Republican Recession of 2008. As you said you could. So, let me be clear, because you are playing games:
1. You have said I owe you a formula and that I did not set the condition as above.
2. I brought forward my post that clearly laid out the condition. In plain english, no question about it.
3. #2 above proved that you had been lying multiple times.
4. Now you are turning yourself inside out to make it sound like I lied to you.
5. Per 2 above, I proved that you are lying again, not I.
6. It is abundantly clear that you have mental issues. There is nothing important enough for all the lies you have made. And for all of your personal attacks. And all of your untrue accusations.
7. You lost this argument a long time ago, and simply come back at it over and over, again lying and playing games that waste people's time.
8. You, I, or anyone can offer to provide some thing, any thing, based on a condition. No problem at all. And you can make good on the condition, and then have owing the thing you wanted.
9. You, I, or anyone can refuse to meet the condition, at which point they have no right to whatever the condition covered.
10, You did what #9 states, and you have nothing coming.
11. No one with a rational mind needs the above 10 items explained to them. So, we all know that you are A. A lying tool. B. Playing games. C. Wasting our time.
So, based on 1 through 11 above, FUCK OFF.
the problems caused by the great Republican Recession of 2008. .

Republican Recession???

"These two entities—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—are not facing any kind of financial crisis," said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. "The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."-Barney Frank

Barney Frank: "I hope by next year we'll have abolished Fanny Freddie... it was a great mistake to push lower income people into homes they couldn't afford and couldn't really handle once they had it"
Name a single GSE reform bill Barney Frank blocked or expose yourself as a lunatic rightie...
That was then this is now. After that the bush family fucked up the Clinton surplus and Obama fixed the bush great recession.
It is indeed a real formula. It is definitely not a lie. Because I never lie. Ever.

So couch protester said:
Yeah, he sure did fix it alright, I mean contain the situation alright.

So, ok, we understand. You like an economy where we are loosing over 500,000 Because you are a con tool, and you can always find some bat shit crazy con web sites where you can cut and paste. Cause, of course, being a congenital idiot con tool, you have no ability to make an actual argument. Way over your head.
And why that Obama guy would initiate policies that would stop all that misery of the people out of a job is well beyond you. Cause, being a con tool, you hate the middle class.
You see, couch potato, it is sad that a dipshit like you can only cut and paste drivel from attack sites. Sad for you, that is. Because you have proven yourself to be of no importance at all.



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