US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

Google it.

And thanks Obama.

If a Republican were in the white house conservatives wouldn't be making excuses for the people who've given up
America has 5.8 million job openings

Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

Republicans so dishonest. The base votes for the very people who screw them over.

Please provide us with the reliable source and link to the poll showing that REPUBLICAN (NOT DEMOCRAT) business executives want immigrant workers.
Tyson Foods Indicted in Plan To Smuggle Illegal Workers

Tyson Foods is certainly not the regional company it was 40 years ago or the large national company it was just a few decades ago. It’s now a global meat processing and distribution company, and you probably didn’t know that 90% of the pepperoni on frozen pizzas comes from a Tyson company.

These are the companies fucking us. Clearly it is the GOP who defends and protects them. Stop being intellectually dishonest with us. We aren't as stupid as you are if you don't get that it is the GOP who loves illegals. In fact your party plays you on this issue.

That’s the value of a contract business between Tyson Foods and the U.S. government that could be in jeopardy if the company is found guilty in an ongoing criminal probe by the Environmental Protection Agency over toxic chemicals released by a plant in Monett, Mo., last year. Tyson Foods recently settled a civil suit with the Missouri’s Attorney General agreeing to pay $530,000 for that unlawful dumping that killed 100,000 fish.

When you read shit like this, who's side do you think Tyson is on? The GOP who are anti regulations or the Democrats who make corporations act responsibly?

Tyson Foods spent $226,649 on political contributions in 2014. The Republican candidates received $128,200, while $61,200 went to the Democratic candidates and $30,000 to independents.
Google it.

And thanks Obama.

If a Republican were in the white house conservatives wouldn't be making excuses for the people who've given up
America has 5.8 million job openings

Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

Republicans so dishonest. The base votes for the very people who screw them over.

Please provide us with the reliable source and link to the poll showing that REPUBLICAN (NOT DEMOCRAT) business executives want immigrant workers.

Tyson Foods spent $226,649 on political contributions in 2014. The Republican candidates received $128,200, while $61,200 went to the Democratic candidates and $30,000 to independents.

Tyson Foods Indicted in Plan To Smuggle Illegal Workers
Google it.

And thanks Obama.

If a Republican were in the white house conservatives wouldn't be making excuses for the people who've given up
America has 5.8 million job openings

Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

Republicans so dishonest. The base votes for the very people who screw them over.

Please provide us with the reliable source and link to the poll showing that REPUBLICAN (NOT DEMOCRAT) business executives want immigrant workers.
Tyson Foods Indicted in Plan To Smuggle Illegal Workers

Tyson Foods is certainly not the regional company it was 40 years ago or the large national company it was just a few decades ago. It’s now a global meat processing and distribution company, and you probably didn’t know that 90% of the pepperoni on frozen pizzas comes from a Tyson company.

These are the companies fucking us. Clearly it is the GOP who defends and protects them. Stop being intellectually dishonest with us. We aren't as stupid as you are if you don't get that it is the GOP who loves illegals. In fact your party plays you on this issue.

That’s the value of a contract business between Tyson Foods and the U.S. government that could be in jeopardy if the company is found guilty in an ongoing criminal probe by the Environmental Protection Agency over toxic chemicals released by a plant in Monett, Mo., last year. Tyson Foods recently settled a civil suit with the Missouri’s Attorney General agreeing to pay $530,000 for that unlawful dumping that killed 100,000 fish.

When you read shit like this, who's side do you think Tyson is on? The GOP who are anti regulations or the Democrats who make corporations act responsibly?

Tyson Foods spent $226,649 on political contributions in 2014. The Republican candidates received $128,200, while $61,200 went to the Democratic candidates and $30,000 to independents.

Twenty years ago, if you were a mexican and still in mexico, but wanted to know where to go once in the US, american corporations set up shop in mexico to tell them where the should go once they made it in, to get a job.
Google it.

And thanks Obama.

If a Republican were in the white house conservatives wouldn't be making excuses for the people who've given up
America has 5.8 million job openings

Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

Republicans so dishonest. The base votes for the very people who screw them over.

Please provide us with the reliable source and link to the poll showing that REPUBLICAN (NOT DEMOCRAT) business executives want immigrant workers.
Here is another link that will show you what us liberals were saying back in 2006 about this problem. But again, you wouldn't fucking listen to any left wing links so you just blew off what we were saying. But notice now when Trump says what we were saying, you fucking get it? See what a partisan hack you are? If your party tells you that illegals are doing jobs Americans won't do, you repeat that like the fucking parrots that you are. But then they can just as easily work your sorry asses up with talk of illegal immigrants.

Anyways, we were explaining to you back in 2006 that your party is actually divided on this issue. On one side you have the corporations who love the cheap labor and on the other hand, the GOP caters to racist white anti immigrant Americans. So this is a touchy subject for the GOP. But they can very easily just put all the blame on the Democrats because you are all too ready to swallow that bullshit.

No bleeding heard liberal keeps illegals in this country. Paychecks keep them here. And what party do most business owners belong to? Hell, even small business owners who have no business being in the GOP think they are Republicans because Republicans say the right things and really that's all you people need is to be given good lip service. Proof of that is how Republicans are all too ready to forgive trump as long as he stops saying stupid shit. Doesn't matter to them that he thinks stupid shit. Just keep it to yourself don. That's all they are asking. Republican voters think all that same stupid shit but you can't say that in a general election. You have to lie to the people. You have to not tell them your true agenda and feelings. Sad.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)
Google it.

And thanks Obama.

If a Republican were in the white house conservatives wouldn't be making excuses for the people who've given up
America has 5.8 million job openings

Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

Republicans so dishonest. The base votes for the very people who screw them over.

Please provide us with the reliable source and link to the poll showing that REPUBLICAN (NOT DEMOCRAT) business executives want immigrant workers.
Here is another link that will show you what us liberals were saying back in 2006 about this problem. But again, you wouldn't fucking listen to any left wing links so you just blew off what we were saying. But notice now when Trump says what we were saying, you fucking get it? See what a partisan hack you are? If your party tells you that illegals are doing jobs Americans won't do, you repeat that like the fucking parrots that you are. But then they can just as easily work your sorry asses up with talk of illegal immigrants.

Anyways, we were explaining to you back in 2006 that your party is actually divided on this issue. On one side you have the corporations who love the cheap labor and on the other hand, the GOP caters to racist white anti immigrant Americans. So this is a touchy subject for the GOP. But they can very easily just put all the blame on the Democrats because you are all too ready to swallow that bullshit.

No bleeding heard liberal keeps illegals in this country. Paychecks keep them here. And what party do most business owners belong to? Hell, even small business owners who have no business being in the GOP think they are Republicans because Republicans say the right things and really that's all you people need is to be given good lip service. Proof of that is how Republicans are all too ready to forgive trump as long as he stops saying stupid shit. Doesn't matter to them that he thinks stupid shit. Just keep it to yourself don. That's all they are asking. Republican voters think all that same stupid shit but you can't say that in a general election. You have to lie to the people. You have to not tell them your true agenda and feelings. Sad.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

(the best part, for con tools, is the part in parens. (and Labor is Left Behind). Because cons hate labor.
Google it.

And thanks Obama.

If a Republican were in the white house conservatives wouldn't be making excuses for the people who've given up
America has 5.8 million job openings

Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

Republicans so dishonest. The base votes for the very people who screw them over.

Please provide us with the reliable source and link to the poll showing that REPUBLICAN (NOT DEMOCRAT) business executives want immigrant workers.
Here is another link that will show you what us liberals were saying back in 2006 about this problem. But again, you wouldn't fucking listen to any left wing links so you just blew off what we were saying. But notice now when Trump says what we were saying, you fucking get it? See what a partisan hack you are? If your party tells you that illegals are doing jobs Americans won't do, you repeat that like the fucking parrots that you are. But then they can just as easily work your sorry asses up with talk of illegal immigrants.

Anyways, we were explaining to you back in 2006 that your party is actually divided on this issue. On one side you have the corporations who love the cheap labor and on the other hand, the GOP caters to racist white anti immigrant Americans. So this is a touchy subject for the GOP. But they can very easily just put all the blame on the Democrats because you are all too ready to swallow that bullshit.

No bleeding heard liberal keeps illegals in this country. Paychecks keep them here. And what party do most business owners belong to? Hell, even small business owners who have no business being in the GOP think they are Republicans because Republicans say the right things and really that's all you people need is to be given good lip service. Proof of that is how Republicans are all too ready to forgive trump as long as he stops saying stupid shit. Doesn't matter to them that he thinks stupid shit. Just keep it to yourself don. That's all they are asking. Republican voters think all that same stupid shit but you can't say that in a general election. You have to lie to the people. You have to not tell them your true agenda and feelings. Sad.

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

(the best part, for con tools, is the part in parens. (and Labor is Left Behind). Because cons hate labor.
Even when they are/were labor they still hate labor.

They don't realize the labor movement helped them too
Google it.

And thanks Obama.

If a Republican were in the white house conservatives wouldn't be making excuses for the people who've given up

The unemployment rate is only one criteria for measuring the health of the economy. Other criteria include the rate of growth which has been anemic for nearly all of BO's term. Another is the wealth gap which has exploded under BO, wage growth which has been stagnant also with BO. So go ahead and thank him for more poor people employed in low end jobs if you want.
Do not tell me about the wealth gap that we were warning you about for decades. OMG! And don't try to put that on Obama. Unfuckingbelievable. Really.

Here was us warning you about it in 2005, but you didn't want to listen because these were't "credible" sources. Fucking douchbag!

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy?

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

What the fuck were you saying in 2005? You were saying the economy was great and anyone making excuses is just a slacker. Now here you are telling us what we already knew 16 fucking years ago. Wow!

First, you didn't say anything or hear me say anything in 2005, so let's try a hint of intellectual honesty here. Second, 2005 was 11 years ago, not 16. Why are socialist so bad at math?

So if BO is not responsible for the income gap, does he still get all the credit for the low employment rate, or did you also predict that 16 years ago in 2005? I think I understand your repeated swearing, very impressive.

Profanity is the last refuge of the truly ignorant." - Anonymous

A single profane expression betrays a [person's] low breeding." -Joseph Cook
Google it.

And thanks Obama.

If a Republican were in the white house conservatives wouldn't be making excuses for the people who've given up

The unemployment rate is only one criteria for measuring the health of the economy. Other criteria include the rate of growth which has been anemic for nearly all of BO's term. Another is the wealth gap which has exploded under BO, wage growth which has been stagnant also with BO. So go ahead and thank him for more poor people employed in low end jobs if you want.
Do not tell me about the wealth gap that we were warning you about for decades. OMG! And don't try to put that on Obama. Unfuckingbelievable. Really.

Here was us warning you about it in 2005, but you didn't want to listen because these were't "credible" sources. Fucking douchbag!

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy?

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

What the fuck were you saying in 2005? You were saying the economy was great and anyone making excuses is just a slacker. Now here you are telling us what we already knew 16 fucking years ago. Wow!

So if BO is not responsible for the income gap, does he still get all the credit for the low employment rate, or did you also predict that 16 years ago in 2005? I think I understand your repeated swearing, very impressive.
So, y)ou suggest that Obama, the sitting presidents actual name, caused the problem of wildly unequal income distribution. Even though the problem has existed for the past several decades. Perhaps he started it all as a college student/? No one can bee that stupid, can they buck?
So, when Obama became president, we were shedding over 600,000 Jobs Per Month. Get it, me boy? The economy was in free fall. Rational and credible economists were quite concerned, most believing we were headed toward a depression. So, who put together a bill to stop the bleeding? Republicans brought forward and voted for no bills to help. Obama and democrats did. So, should we think the recession was a democratic problem. Since they brought bills to stop it. Or republicans, who did absolutely nothing?
Does anyone think what you are saying is just plain ignorant. Or is it base stupidity. Or are you simply another con tool. BINGO.

Profanity is the last refuge? of the truly ignorant." - Anonymous
Uh, you bring total ignorance to the board as a con troll. And make stupid and unsupportable accusations against a sitting president. And do not use his name. Proving you have no class, and no integrity. Then you worry about profanity? You have to be kidding. Except you are really that stupid. When you see someone acting like an ass hole, me boy, you should not be surprised when you are called an ass hole.
Google it.

And thanks Obama.

If a Republican were in the white house conservatives wouldn't be making excuses for the people who've given up

The unemployment rate is only one criteria for measuring the health of the economy. Other criteria include the rate of growth which has been anemic for nearly all of BO's term. Another is the wealth gap which has exploded under BO, wage growth which has been stagnant also with BO. So go ahead and thank him for more poor people employed in low end jobs if you want.
Do not tell me about the wealth gap that we were warning you about for decades. OMG! And don't try to put that on Obama. Unfuckingbelievable. Really.

Here was us warning you about it in 2005, but you didn't want to listen because these were't "credible" sources. Fucking douchbag!

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy?

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

What the fuck were you saying in 2005? You were saying the economy was great and anyone making excuses is just a slacker. Now here you are telling us what we already knew 16 fucking years ago. Wow!

So if BO is not responsible for the income gap, does he still get all the credit for the low employment rate, or did you also predict that 16 years ago in 2005? I think I understand your repeated swearing, very impressive.
So, y)ou suggest that Obama, the sitting presidents actual name, caused the problem of wildly unequal income distribution. Even though the problem has existed for the past several decades. Perhaps he started it all as a college student/? No one can bee that stupid, can they buck?
So, when Obama became president, we were shedding over 600,000 Jobs Per Month. Get it, me boy? The economy was in free fall. Rational and credible economists were quite concerned, most believing we were headed toward a depression. So, who put together a bill to stop the bleeding? Republicans brought forward and voted for no bills to help. Obama and democrats did. So, should we think the recession was a democratic problem. Since they brought bills to stop it. Or republicans, who did absolutely nothing?
Does anyone think what you are saying is just plain ignorant. Or is it base stupidity. Or are you simply another con tool. BINGO.

Profanity is the last refuge? of the truly ignorant." - Anonymous
Uh, you bring total ignorance to the board as a con troll. And make stupid and unsupportable accusations against a sitting president. And do not use his name. Proving you have no class, and no integrity. Then you worry about profanity? You have to be kidding. Except you are really that stupid. When you see someone acting like an ass hole, me boy, you should not be surprised when you are called an ass hole.
I love it when one of these cons says something stupid, I lose it, then they come back and say me cursing them somehow suggests they are right or have won the argument.

Anyone who blames Obama for the results of the bush recession just isn't being intellectually honest. The question is do they know it or do they believe the shit they say?
Google it.

And thanks Obama.

If a Republican were in the white house conservatives wouldn't be making excuses for the people who've given up

The unemployment rate is only one criteria for measuring the health of the economy. Other criteria include the rate of growth which has been anemic for nearly all of BO's term. Another is the wealth gap which has exploded under BO, wage growth which has been stagnant also with BO. So go ahead and thank him for more poor people employed in low end jobs if you want.
Do not tell me about the wealth gap that we were warning you about for decades. OMG! And don't try to put that on Obama. Unfuckingbelievable. Really.

Here was us warning you about it in 2005, but you didn't want to listen because these were't "credible" sources. Fucking douchbag!

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy?

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

What the fuck were you saying in 2005? You were saying the economy was great and anyone making excuses is just a slacker. Now here you are telling us what we already knew 16 fucking years ago. Wow!

So if BO is not responsible for the income gap, does he still get all the credit for the low employment rate, or did you also predict that 16 years ago in 2005? I think I understand your repeated swearing, very impressive.
So, y)ou suggest that Obama, the sitting presidents actual name, caused the problem of wildly unequal income distribution. Even though the problem has existed for the past several decades. Perhaps he started it all as a college student/? No one can bee that stupid, can they buck?
So, when Obama became president, we were shedding over 600,000 Jobs Per Month. Get it, me boy? The economy was in free fall. Rational and credible economists were quite concerned, most believing we were headed toward a depression. So, who put together a bill to stop the bleeding? Republicans brought forward and voted for no bills to help. Obama and democrats did. So, should we think the recession was a democratic problem. Since they brought bills to stop it. Or republicans, who did absolutely nothing?
Does anyone think what you are saying is just plain ignorant. Or is it base stupidity. Or are you simply another con tool. BINGO.

Profanity is the last refuge? of the truly ignorant." - Anonymous
Uh, you bring total ignorance to the board as a con troll. And make stupid and unsupportable accusations against a sitting president. And do not use his name. Proving you have no class, and no integrity. Then you worry about profanity? You have to be kidding. Except you are really that stupid. When you see someone acting like an ass hole, me boy, you should not be surprised when you are called an ass hole.
I love it when one of these cons says something stupid, I lose it, then they come back and say me cursing them somehow suggests they are right or have won the argument.

Anyone who blames Obama for the results of the bush recession just isn't being intellectually honest. The question is do they know it or do they believe the shit they say?
So is the OP in this three being intellectually honest
Google it.

And thanks Obama.

If a Republican were in the white house conservatives wouldn't be making excuses for the people who've given up

The unemployment rate is only one criteria for measuring the health of the economy. Other criteria include the rate of growth which has been anemic for nearly all of BO's term. Another is the wealth gap which has exploded under BO, wage growth which has been stagnant also with BO. So go ahead and thank him for more poor people employed in low end jobs if you want.
Do not tell me about the wealth gap that we were warning you about for decades. OMG! And don't try to put that on Obama. Unfuckingbelievable. Really.

Here was us warning you about it in 2005, but you didn't want to listen because these were't "credible" sources. Fucking douchbag!

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy?

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

What the fuck were you saying in 2005? You were saying the economy was great and anyone making excuses is just a slacker. Now here you are telling us what we already knew 16 fucking years ago. Wow!

So if BO is not responsible for the income gap, does he still get all the credit for the low employment rate, or did you also predict that 16 years ago in 2005? I think I understand your repeated swearing, very impressive.
So, y)ou suggest that Obama, the sitting presidents actual name, caused the problem of wildly unequal income distribution. Even though the problem has existed for the past several decades. Perhaps he started it all as a college student/? No one can bee that stupid, can they buck?
So, when Obama became president, we were shedding over 600,000 Jobs Per Month. Get it, me boy? The economy was in free fall. Rational and credible economists were quite concerned, most believing we were headed toward a depression. So, who put together a bill to stop the bleeding? Republicans brought forward and voted for no bills to help. Obama and democrats did. So, should we think the recession was a democratic problem. Since they brought bills to stop it. Or republicans, who did absolutely nothing?
Does anyone think what you are saying is just plain ignorant. Or is it base stupidity. Or are you simply another con tool. BINGO.

Profanity is the last refuge? of the truly ignorant." - Anonymous
Uh, you bring total ignorance to the board as a con troll. And make stupid and unsupportable accusations against a sitting president. And do not use his name. Proving you have no class, and no integrity. Then you worry about profanity? You have to be kidding. Except you are really that stupid. When you see someone acting like an ass hole, me boy, you should not be surprised when you are called an ass hole.
I love it when one of these cons says something stupid, I lose it, then they come back and say me cursing them somehow suggests they are right or have won the argument.

Anyone who blames Obama for the results of the bush recession just isn't being intellectually honest. The question is do they know it or do they believe the shit they say?

If you are going to start a thread praising BO for the unemployment rate as if it is the only metric that matters,you should be prepared to defend it without whining and cursing like a spoiled adolescent. And please save the lecture about being disrespectful to the president because I use his initials, are you really that thin skinned?

Therefore, if you are going to credit BO for the unemployment rate you should consider all the things relative to health of our economy.

Please list the steps the Dems and Hussein (his real name, happy?) took to set the economy straight as the Rep sat and watch, rather than just making it up because it fits your fantasy narrative.

My impression is that the sitting presidents generally get too much credit/blame for the state of our economy. People like you (socialist) think the government can and should micro-manage to economic bliss, and that is just unreasonable. Economies move up and down and rarely if ever in a straight line. They are very complicated and a bunch of lawyers in Washington should not be making policy in an effort to influence something they don't understand, IMO.

You and I may have things in common, but you seem to think that socialism should be applied in mega scale to over 300 million people; I feel we should limit the federal government to the very specific responsibilities given in the constitution, and let the individual states deal with education, healthcare, and other social welfare issues. There are examples of socialism working, but only in smaller populated countries where the population is much more homogenized. Governments can only be a drain on the economy, because they don't produce anything. Instead they are the necessary overhead, and any seasoned business person will keep a close eye on overhead.
The unemployment rate is only one criteria for measuring the health of the economy. Other criteria include the rate of growth which has been anemic for nearly all of BO's term. Another is the wealth gap which has exploded under BO, wage growth which has been stagnant also with BO. So go ahead and thank him for more poor people employed in low end jobs if you want.
Do not tell me about the wealth gap that we were warning you about for decades. OMG! And don't try to put that on Obama. Unfuckingbelievable. Really.

Here was us warning you about it in 2005, but you didn't want to listen because these were't "credible" sources. Fucking douchbag!

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy?

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

What the fuck were you saying in 2005? You were saying the economy was great and anyone making excuses is just a slacker. Now here you are telling us what we already knew 16 fucking years ago. Wow!

So if BO is not responsible for the income gap, does he still get all the credit for the low employment rate, or did you also predict that 16 years ago in 2005? I think I understand your repeated swearing, very impressive.
So, y)ou suggest that Obama, the sitting presidents actual name, caused the problem of wildly unequal income distribution. Even though the problem has existed for the past several decades. Perhaps he started it all as a college student/? No one can bee that stupid, can they buck?
So, when Obama became president, we were shedding over 600,000 Jobs Per Month. Get it, me boy? The economy was in free fall. Rational and credible economists were quite concerned, most believing we were headed toward a depression. So, who put together a bill to stop the bleeding? Republicans brought forward and voted for no bills to help. Obama and democrats did. So, should we think the recession was a democratic problem. Since they brought bills to stop it. Or republicans, who did absolutely nothing?
Does anyone think what you are saying is just plain ignorant. Or is it base stupidity. Or are you simply another con tool. BINGO.

Profanity is the last refuge? of the truly ignorant." - Anonymous
Uh, you bring total ignorance to the board as a con troll. And make stupid and unsupportable accusations against a sitting president. And do not use his name. Proving you have no class, and no integrity. Then you worry about profanity? You have to be kidding. Except you are really that stupid. When you see someone acting like an ass hole, me boy, you should not be surprised when you are called an ass hole.
I love it when one of these cons says something stupid, I lose it, then they come back and say me cursing them somehow suggests they are right or have won the argument.

Anyone who blames Obama for the results of the bush recession just isn't being intellectually honest. The question is do they know it or do they believe the shit they say?
So is the OP in this three being intellectually honest
The unemployment rate is only one criteria for measuring the health of the economy. Other criteria include the rate of growth which has been anemic for nearly all of BO's term. Another is the wealth gap which has exploded under BO, wage growth which has been stagnant also with BO. So go ahead and thank him for more poor people employed in low end jobs if you want.
Do not tell me about the wealth gap that we were warning you about for decades. OMG! And don't try to put that on Obama. Unfuckingbelievable. Really.

Here was us warning you about it in 2005, but you didn't want to listen because these were't "credible" sources. Fucking douchbag!

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy?

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

What the fuck were you saying in 2005? You were saying the economy was great and anyone making excuses is just a slacker. Now here you are telling us what we already knew 16 fucking years ago. Wow!

So if BO is not responsible for the income gap, does he still get all the credit for the low employment rate, or did you also predict that 16 years ago in 2005? I think I understand your repeated swearing, very impressive.
So, y)ou suggest that Obama, the sitting presidents actual name, caused the problem of wildly unequal income distribution. Even though the problem has existed for the past several decades. Perhaps he started it all as a college student/? No one can bee that stupid, can they buck?
So, when Obama became president, we were shedding over 600,000 Jobs Per Month. Get it, me boy? The economy was in free fall. Rational and credible economists were quite concerned, most believing we were headed toward a depression. So, who put together a bill to stop the bleeding? Republicans brought forward and voted for no bills to help. Obama and democrats did. So, should we think the recession was a democratic problem. Since they brought bills to stop it. Or republicans, who did absolutely nothing?
Does anyone think what you are saying is just plain ignorant. Or is it base stupidity. Or are you simply another con tool. BINGO.

Profanity is the last refuge? of the truly ignorant." - Anonymous
Uh, you bring total ignorance to the board as a con troll. And make stupid and unsupportable accusations against a sitting president. And do not use his name. Proving you have no class, and no integrity. Then you worry about profanity? You have to be kidding. Except you are really that stupid. When you see someone acting like an ass hole, me boy, you should not be surprised when you are called an ass hole.
I love it when one of these cons says something stupid, I lose it, then they come back and say me cursing them somehow suggests they are right or have won the argument.

Anyone who blames Obama for the results of the bush recession just isn't being intellectually honest. The question is do they know it or do they believe the shit they say?

If you are going to start a thread praising BO for the unemployment rate as if it is the only metric that matters,you should be prepared to defend it without whining and cursing like a spoiled adolescent. And please save the lecture about being disrespectful to the president because I use his initials, are you really that thin skinned?

Therefore, if you are going to credit BO for the unemployment rate you should consider all the things relative to health of our economy.

Please list the steps the Dems and Hussein (his real name, happy?) took to set the economy straight as the Rep sat and watch, rather than just making it up because it fits your fantasy narrative.

My impression is that the sitting presidents generally get too much credit/blame for the state of our economy. People like you (socialist) think the government can and should micro-manage to economic bliss, and that is just unreasonable. Economies move up and down and rarely if ever in a straight line. They are very complicated and a bunch of lawyers in Washington should not be making policy in an effort to influence something they don't understand, IMO.

You and I may have things in common, but you seem to think that socialism should be applied in mega scale to over 300 million people; I feel we should limit the federal government to the very specific responsibilities given in the constitution, and let the individual states deal with education, healthcare, and other social welfare issues. There are examples of socialism working, but only in smaller populated countries where the population is much more homogenized. Governments can only be a drain on the economy, because they don't produce anything. Instead they are the necessary overhead, and any seasoned business person will keep a close eye on overhead.

My apologies to Sealybobo. In my previous post I mistakenly attributed comments made by Rshermr to you.
The unemployment rate is only one criteria for measuring the health of the economy. Other criteria include the rate of growth which has been anemic for nearly all of BO's term. Another is the wealth gap which has exploded under BO, wage growth which has been stagnant also with BO. So go ahead and thank him for more poor people employed in low end jobs if you want.
Do not tell me about the wealth gap that we were warning you about for decades. OMG! And don't try to put that on Obama. Unfuckingbelievable. Really.

Here was us warning you about it in 2005, but you didn't want to listen because these were't "credible" sources. Fucking douchbag!

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy?

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

What the fuck were you saying in 2005? You were saying the economy was great and anyone making excuses is just a slacker. Now here you are telling us what we already knew 16 fucking years ago. Wow!

So if BO is not responsible for the income gap, does he still get all the credit for the low employment rate, or did you also predict that 16 years ago in 2005? I think I understand your repeated swearing, very impressive.
So, y)ou suggest that Obama, the sitting presidents actual name, caused the problem of wildly unequal income distribution. Even though the problem has existed for the past several decades. Perhaps he started it all as a college student/? No one can bee that stupid, can they buck?
So, when Obama became president, we were shedding over 600,000 Jobs Per Month. Get it, me boy? The economy was in free fall. Rational and credible economists were quite concerned, most believing we were headed toward a depression. So, who put together a bill to stop the bleeding? Republicans brought forward and voted for no bills to help. Obama and democrats did. So, should we think the recession was a democratic problem. Since they brought bills to stop it. Or republicans, who did absolutely nothing?
Does anyone think what you are saying is just plain ignorant. Or is it base stupidity. Or are you simply another con tool. BINGO.

Profanity is the last refuge? of the truly ignorant." - Anonymous
Uh, you bring total ignorance to the board as a con troll. And make stupid and unsupportable accusations against a sitting president. And do not use his name. Proving you have no class, and no integrity. Then you worry about profanity? You have to be kidding. Except you are really that stupid. When you see someone acting like an ass hole, me boy, you should not be surprised when you are called an ass hole.
I love it when one of these cons says something stupid, I lose it, then they come back and say me cursing them somehow suggests they are right or have won the argument.

Anyone who blames Obama for the results of the bush recession just isn't being intellectually honest. The question is do they know it or do they believe the shit they say?
So is the OP in this three being intellectually honest
The unemployment rate is only one criteria for measuring the health of the economy. Other criteria include the rate of growth which has been anemic for nearly all of BO's term. Another is the wealth gap which has exploded under BO, wage growth which has been stagnant also with BO. So go ahead and thank him for more poor people employed in low end jobs if you want.
Do not tell me about the wealth gap that we were warning you about for decades. OMG! And don't try to put that on Obama. Unfuckingbelievable. Really.

Here was us warning you about it in 2005, but you didn't want to listen because these were't "credible" sources. Fucking douchbag!

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy?

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

What the fuck were you saying in 2005? You were saying the economy was great and anyone making excuses is just a slacker. Now here you are telling us what we already knew 16 fucking years ago. Wow!

So if BO is not responsible for the income gap, does he still get all the credit for the low employment rate, or did you also predict that 16 years ago in 2005? I think I understand your repeated swearing, very impressive.
So, y)ou suggest that Obama, the sitting presidents actual name, caused the problem of wildly unequal income distribution. Even though the problem has existed for the past several decades. Perhaps he started it all as a college student/? No one can bee that stupid, can they buck?
So, when Obama became president, we were shedding over 600,000 Jobs Per Month. Get it, me boy? The economy was in free fall. Rational and credible economists were quite concerned, most believing we were headed toward a depression. So, who put together a bill to stop the bleeding? Republicans brought forward and voted for no bills to help. Obama and democrats did. So, should we think the recession was a democratic problem. Since they brought bills to stop it. Or republicans, who did absolutely nothing?
Does anyone think what you are saying is just plain ignorant. Or is it base stupidity. Or are you simply another con tool. BINGO.

Profanity is the last refuge? of the truly ignorant." - Anonymous
Uh, you bring total ignorance to the board as a con troll. And make stupid and unsupportable accusations against a sitting president. And do not use his name. Proving you have no class, and no integrity. Then you worry about profanity? You have to be kidding. Except you are really that stupid. When you see someone acting like an ass hole, me boy, you should not be surprised when you are called an ass hole.
I love it when one of these cons says something stupid, I lose it, then they come back and say me cursing them somehow suggests they are right or have won the argument.

Anyone who blames Obama for the results of the bush recession just isn't being intellectually honest. The question is do they know it or do they believe the shit they say?

If you are going to start a thread praising BO for the unemployment rate as if it is the only metric that matters,you should be prepared to defend it without whining and cursing like a spoiled adolescent. And please save the lecture about being disrespectful to the president because I use his initials, are you really that thin skinned?

Therefore, if you are going to credit BO for the unemployment rate you should consider all the things relative to health of our economy.

Please list the steps the Dems and Hussein (his real name, happy?) took to set the economy straight as the Rep sat and watch, rather than just making it up because it fits your fantasy narrative.

My impression is that the sitting presidents generally get too much credit/blame for the state of our economy. People like you (socialist) think the government can and should micro-manage to economic bliss, and that is just unreasonable. Economies move up and down and rarely if ever in a straight line. They are very complicated and a bunch of lawyers in Washington should not be making policy in an effort to influence something they don't understand, IMO.

You and I may have things in common, but you seem to think that socialism should be applied in mega scale to over 300 million people; I feel we should limit the federal government to the very specific responsibilities given in the constitution, and let the individual states deal with education, healthcare, and other social welfare issues. There are examples of socialism working, but only in smaller populated countries where the population is much more homogenized. Governments can only be a drain on the economy, because they don't produce anything. Instead they are the necessary overhead, and any seasoned business person will keep a close eye on overhead.
The unemployment rate is only one criteria for measuring the health of the economy. Other criteria include the rate of growth which has been anemic for nearly all of BO's term. Another is the wealth gap which has exploded under BO, wage growth which has been stagnant also with BO. So go ahead and thank him for more poor people employed in low end jobs if you want.
Do not tell me about the wealth gap that we were warning you about for decades. OMG! And don't try to put that on Obama. Unfuckingbelievable. Really.

Here was us warning you about it in 2005, but you didn't want to listen because these were't "credible" sources. Fucking douchbag!

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy?

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

What the fuck were you saying in 2005? You were saying the economy was great and anyone making excuses is just a slacker. Now here you are telling us what we already knew 16 fucking years ago. Wow!

So if BO is not responsible for the income gap, does he still get all the credit for the low employment rate, or did you also predict that 16 years ago in 2005? I think I understand your repeated swearing, very impressive.
So, y)ou suggest that Obama, the sitting presidents actual name, caused the problem of wildly unequal income distribution. Even though the problem has existed for the past several decades. Perhaps he started it all as a college student/? No one can bee that stupid, can they buck?
So, when Obama became president, we were shedding over 600,000 Jobs Per Month. Get it, me boy? The economy was in free fall. Rational and credible economists were quite concerned, most believing we were headed toward a depression. So, who put together a bill to stop the bleeding? Republicans brought forward and voted for no bills to help. Obama and democrats did. So, should we think the recession was a democratic problem. Since they brought bills to stop it. Or republicans, who did absolutely nothing?
Does anyone think what you are saying is just plain ignorant. Or is it base stupidity. Or are you simply another con tool. BINGO.

Profanity is the last refuge? of the truly ignorant." - Anonymous
Uh, you bring total ignorance to the board as a con troll. And make stupid and unsupportable accusations against a sitting president. And do not use his name. Proving you have no class, and no integrity. Then you worry about profanity? You have to be kidding. Except you are really that stupid. When you see someone acting like an ass hole, me boy, you should not be surprised when you are called an ass hole.
I love it when one of these cons says something stupid, I lose it, then they come back and say me cursing them somehow suggests they are right or have won the argument.

Anyone who blames Obama for the results of the bush recession just isn't being intellectually honest. The question is do they know it or do they believe the shit they say?
So is the OP in this three being intellectually honest
The unemployment rate is only one criteria for measuring the health of the economy. Other criteria include the rate of growth which has been anemic for nearly all of BO's term. Another is the wealth gap which has exploded under BO, wage growth which has been stagnant also with BO. So go ahead and thank him for more poor people employed in low end jobs if you want.
Do not tell me about the wealth gap that we were warning you about for decades. OMG! And don't try to put that on Obama. Unfuckingbelievable. Really.

Here was us warning you about it in 2005, but you didn't want to listen because these were't "credible" sources. Fucking douchbag!

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy?

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

What the fuck were you saying in 2005? You were saying the economy was great and anyone making excuses is just a slacker. Now here you are telling us what we already knew 16 fucking years ago. Wow!

So if BO is not responsible for the income gap, does he still get all the credit for the low employment rate, or did you also predict that 16 years ago in 2005? I think I understand your repeated swearing, very impressive.
So, y)ou suggest that Obama, the sitting presidents actual name, caused the problem of wildly unequal income distribution. Even though the problem has existed for the past several decades. Perhaps he started it all as a college student/? No one can bee that stupid, can they buck?
So, when Obama became president, we were shedding over 600,000 Jobs Per Month. Get it, me boy? The economy was in free fall. Rational and credible economists were quite concerned, most believing we were headed toward a depression. So, who put together a bill to stop the bleeding? Republicans brought forward and voted for no bills to help. Obama and democrats did. So, should we think the recession was a democratic problem. Since they brought bills to stop it. Or republicans, who did absolutely nothing?
Does anyone think what you are saying is just plain ignorant. Or is it base stupidity. Or are you simply another con tool. BINGO.

Profanity is the last refuge? of the truly ignorant." - Anonymous
Uh, you bring total ignorance to the board as a con troll. And make stupid and unsupportable accusations against a sitting president. And do not use his name. Proving you have no class, and no integrity. Then you worry about profanity? You have to be kidding. Except you are really that stupid. When you see someone acting like an ass hole, me boy, you should not be surprised when you are called an ass hole.
I love it when one of these cons says something stupid, I lose it, then they come back and say me cursing them somehow suggests they are right or have won the argument.

Anyone who blames Obama for the results of the bush recession just isn't being intellectually honest. The question is do they know it or do they believe the shit they say?

If you are going to start a thread praising BO for the unemployment rate as if it is the only metric that matters,you should be prepared to defend it without whining and cursing like a spoiled adolescent. I find the fact that you have problems with cursing is your problem, me boy. I find the fact that you are a lying con tool much more serious. And please save the lecture about being disrespectful to the president because I use his initials, are you really that thin skinned? The deal is, I have been voting for presidents since Reagan, and lived through presidents since Eisenhower. I never used attempts to disrespect presidents, ever. Because I value class and self respect. Now, I have known and conversed with con tools for thirty years. Some of my best friends, and my brother, are con tools. And I understand fully your intent to use childish language to disrespect the president. BO and Hussein are examples of the childish methods used by ignorant minded tools like yourself. And simply show you have neither class nor integrity.
Therefore, if you are going to credit BO for the unemployment rate you should consider all the things relative to health of our economy.
Now, that is a stupid statement. Obviously we do not have the time to consider all economic issues. You obviously have a very tenuous understanding of economics, overall. We are, however, in a thread discussing the ue rate. So lets see if you can discuss it.

Please list the steps the Dems and Hussein (his real name, happy?) took to set the economy straight as the Rep sat and watch, rather than just making it up because it fits your fantasy narrative.

OK. As soon as you can tell me what the republicans have done so far to help the unemployment rate. Because what the Obama team did is way to obvious for even you to miss.

My impression is that the sitting presidents generally get too much credit/blame for the state of our economy. My belief, too, dipshit. Truth is that congress has a lot to do with it. As does the state of the economy when they take control. Now, did you have a point? People like you (socialist) think the government can and should micro-manage to economic bliss, and that is just unreasonable. Uh, my bet is that you do not even know what socialism is. I do. I am not a socialist, dipshitt. Not am I a Laissez Faire, Capitalist/ Libertarian. Economies move up and down and rarely if ever in a straight line. They are very complicated and a bunch of lawyers in Washington should not be making policy in an effort to influence something they don't understand, IMO. So, you want the "invisible hand" to take care of things? Are you a Libertarian, me boy?

You and I may have things in common, (Like we both breath air?) but you seem to think that socialism should be applied in mega scale to over 300 million people; I feel we should limit the federal government to the very specific responsibilities given in the constitution, and let the individual states deal with education, healthcare, and other social welfare issues. Wow, that lines up perfectly with the bat shit crazy web sites, including conservative talking points site. Must be a complete coincidence. You see, I have no favorite economic type. Any system that works well for the majority of the population works for me. There are examples of socialism working, but only in smaller populated countries where the population is much more homogenized. Tell us what socialist countries there are, in your mind. Because there are mixed economies. But there are no successful socialist countries. As there are no successful Communist, Capitalist, or Libertarian economies. (libertarianism defines a social system, including the required economic requirements) Governments can only be a drain on the economy, because they don't produce anything. Ignorant statement. Got some proof? Instead they are the necessary overhead, and any seasoned business person will keep a close eye on overhead.
Let me help you to understand why what you are saying is bullshit.
1. The Great Republican Depression of 1929.
2. The Reagan Recession of 1982.
3. The Great Republican Recession of 2008.
All created during republican administrations. And the three largest recessions in the past century.
You need some understanding of economic theory. You seem to have only talking points, which you like to believe. A really common trait among conservative tools.
Last edited:
Google it.

And thanks Obama.

If a Republican were in the white house conservatives wouldn't be making excuses for the people who've given up

The unemployment rate is only one criteria for measuring the health of the economy. Other criteria include the rate of growth which has been anemic for nearly all of BO's term. Another is the wealth gap which has exploded under BO, wage growth which has been stagnant also with BO. So go ahead and thank him for more poor people employed in low end jobs if you want.
Do not tell me about the wealth gap that we were warning you about for decades. OMG! And don't try to put that on Obama. Unfuckingbelievable. Really.

Here was us warning you about it in 2005, but you didn't want to listen because these were't "credible" sources. Fucking douchbag!

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy?

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

What the fuck were you saying in 2005? You were saying the economy was great and anyone making excuses is just a slacker. Now here you are telling us what we already knew 16 fucking years ago. Wow!
No Bucktooth you were talking to me. It was after I made this comment and posted these links showing you that back as far as 2005 we were warning you about the widening wealth gap and I remember specifically the right wing reply to that. They said THEY DIDN'T CARE! They said that's free market capitalism. I said, "we use to have 25% of the $ and now we only have 10%. Would you be ok if the rich had 99% of the money and us 1% and you guys said, "every man for himself, free market libertarian style capitalism where government is powerless to do anything about it".

Now you say you care about the wealth gap? Show me you cared about it before Obama got into office. The internet is a pretty amazing fucking thing. It saves articles from really far back. So if you have an article you can show us that shows you worried about the wealth gap in 2007 well we would fucking love to see it. Just fucking do a google search like I did.

Now cry that my sources are too liberal. Let me guess, you don't like Thom Hartmann. Well so fucking what? I'm showing you that back in 2005 we were saying the right things and YOUR SIDE was fighting us every step of the way. Now your side wants to blame our side for the wealth gap? Hardy Har Har.
Google it.

And thanks Obama.

If a Republican were in the white house conservatives wouldn't be making excuses for the people who've given up

The unemployment rate is only one criteria for measuring the health of the economy. Other criteria include the rate of growth which has been anemic for nearly all of BO's term. Another is the wealth gap which has exploded under BO, wage growth which has been stagnant also with BO. So go ahead and thank him for more poor people employed in low end jobs if you want.
Do not tell me about the wealth gap that we were warning you about for decades. OMG! And don't try to put that on Obama. Unfuckingbelievable. Really.

Here was us warning you about it in 2005, but you didn't want to listen because these were't "credible" sources. Fucking douchbag!

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy?

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

What the fuck were you saying in 2005? You were saying the economy was great and anyone making excuses is just a slacker. Now here you are telling us what we already knew 16 fucking years ago. Wow!
No Bucktooth you were talking to me. It was after I made this comment and posted these links showing you that back as far as 2005 we were warning you about the widening wealth gap and I remember specifically the right wing reply to that. They said THEY DIDN'T CARE! They said that's free market capitalism. I said, "we use to have 25% of the $ and now we only have 10%. Would you be ok if the rich had 99% of the money and us 1% and you guys said, "every man for himself, free market libertarian style capitalism where government is powerless to do anything about it".

Now you say you care about the wealth gap? Show me you cared about it before Obama got into office. The internet is a pretty amazing fucking thing. It saves articles from really far back. So if you have an article you can show us that shows you worried about the wealth gap in 2007 well we would fucking love to see it. Just fucking do a google search like I did.

Now cry that my sources are too liberal. Let me guess, you don't like Thom Hartmann. Well so fucking what? I'm showing you that back in 2005 we were saying the right things and YOUR SIDE was fighting us every step of the way. Now your side wants to blame our side for the wealth gap? Hardy Har Har.

The laughable thing is that for decades, to today, conservatives have said that the wealth gap is both natural and no problem. Now they see it as a problem and want to blame obama. Because they are cons. And cons can not reason. And they believe what they are told to believe. Because it is easy.
Tyson Foods Indicted in Plan To Smuggle Illegal Workers

Tyson Foods is certainly not the regional company it was 40 years ago or the large national company it was just a few decades ago. It’s now a global meat processing and distribution company, and you probably didn’t know that 90% of the pepperoni on frozen pizzas comes from a Tyson company.

Congratulations, you were able to find one example, from fifteen years ago.

Providence Journal
January 18, 2002

Tyson's Immigrants

Tyson Foods Inc., America's largest meat producer, has a weakness for sharp practices.

When Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas, where Tyson is based, there were allegations of influence-peddling in the state government, aggravated by the fact that the governor's wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, also served as a lawyer for Tyson. When Bill Clinton was president, a Tyson executive was convicted and sent to prison for trying to bribe Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy. (The executive was later pardoned by President Clinton.)

Now comes news that Tyson faces a 36-count federal indictment for reducing costs in its poultry factories by smuggling illegal aliens into the country from Mexico and providing them with fraudulent work papers. The government asserts that Tyson arranged for illegal aliens to be delivered to 15 plants in nine states, and obtained phony documents for the aliens so that they would be legally employable in the counties and states where the Tyson plants were situated.


The Clinton's and Tyson's Foods Close Bond



In 1974 as well as 1992, candidate Clinton has actually embraced powerful corporate interests and much of their agenda despite his rhetoric against them. When Clinton ran for Congress in 1974, the largest employer in the Third District of Arkansas was Tyson Foods, based in Springdale, which was well on its way to becoming the nation's largest poultry producer. In 1995, Tyson Foods ranked "110th on the Fortune 500 list, and sold 6,000 products in 57 countries, from fresh chickens to taco fillings," according to an August 1994 company profile in The New York Times.

The chairman, Don Tyson, is a colorful figure who in the late 1970s designed his corporate office as a replica of the Oval Office in the White House, with doorknobs shaped like chicken eggs. Tyson was estimated to be worth $800 million. He supported Clinton in the 1974 race, and according to author David Maraniss, the Tyson family donated a campaign telephone bank which was operated from an apartment near the University of Arkansas, although it should be noted that no such "in-kind" contribution was reported by the campaign to the Federal Election Commission.
Clinton never talked much about the company itself publicly, but instead spoke empathetically about the plight of chicken farmers.

The Tyson-Clinton relationship continued in Washington, of course, and it grew out of a special culture. Probably no one has better captured the real essence of the political-financial nexus in Arkansas than journalist Michael Kelly, who wrote that Arkansas "has been ruled for almost all of its existence, and is largely ruled still, by a thin upper crust of Democratic party officials and Democratic legislative leaders and important landholders and businessmen."

"This elite, bound together not by party or even ideology but by mutually advantageous relationships, holds sway over a small and politically disorganized middle class and a large but well-beaten population of the poor.


AllPolitics - Follow The Money


Clinton Ties to Tyson Scion Still Drawing Critics' Fire : Politics: Some allege Arkansan got special treatment from Agriculture, Commerce departments. He denies it.
June 12, 1994| SARA FRITZ |

SPRINGDALE, Ark. — He is an unlikely looking millionaire kingmaker--a balding, impish man whose trademark khaki work uniform belies his wealth and power.

Still, Donald Tyson, who succeeded in building his father's small poultry business into a multimillion-dollar food-processing empire, has been widely portrayed as a driving force behind the political ascendancy of Bill Clinton.

Indeed, during the 1992 presidential campaign, Texas billionaire and independent candidate Ross Perot dubbed then-Gov. Clinton "chicken man" because of his close relationship to Tyson and to Arkansas' poultry industry.

And Clinton himself drew attention to the association when he acknowledged to a campaign audience that he had sacrificed the environment in Arkansas to create more jobs for the state's poultry farms.


Clinton Ties to Tyson Scion Still Drawing Critics' Fire : Politics: Some allege Arkansan got special treatment from Agriculture, Commerce departments. He denies it.

The laughable thing is that for decades, to today, conservatives have said that the wealth gap is both natural and no problem. Now they see it as a problem and want to blame obama. Because they are cons. And cons can not reason. And they believe what they are told to believe. Because it is easy.

Typical of you to lie.

We conservatives are not saying it is a problem, we are pointing to the FACT that the policies and doctrines of Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama have made the situation far worse.

As you deny, this is but one reason.

The laughable thing is that for decades, to today, conservatives have said that the wealth gap is both natural and no problem. Now they see it as a problem and want to blame obama. Because they are cons. And cons can not reason. And they believe what they are told to believe. Because it is easy.

Typical of you to lie.

We conservatives are not saying it is a problem, we are pointing to the FACT that the policies and doctrines of Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama have made the situation far worse.

As you deny, this is but one reason.
Really? You post most, but not all, of a graph, dipshit. With no link, dipshit. Please, me boy, what did you think that proved? Dipshit.
Please, dipshit, if you think that Obama made it worse, tell me how. And for gods sake, tell me how republicans have passed bills to make it better. Name a .bill. Or simply tell me you are too ignorant to do so.

And, dipshit, tell me why Republicans not bringing a single bill forward to help the problems they created with the great Republican Recession of 2008 helped anything. Or why blocking every piece of legislation brought forward to help, by democrats, helped. Or name a single bill they brought forward.
Dipshit. Jesus, it pisses me off to have to deal with someone as brainless as you.
Tyson Foods Indicted in Plan To Smuggle Illegal Workers

Tyson Foods is certainly not the regional company it was 40 years ago or the large national company it was just a few decades ago. It’s now a global meat processing and distribution company, and you probably didn’t know that 90% of the pepperoni on frozen pizzas comes from a Tyson company.

Congratulations, you were able to find one example, from fifteen years ago.

Providence Journal
January 18, 2002

Tyson's Immigrants

Tyson Foods Inc., America's largest meat producer, has a weakness for sharp practices.

When Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas, where Tyson is based, there were allegations of influence-peddling in the state government, aggravated by the fact that the governor's wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, also served as a lawyer for Tyson. When Bill Clinton was president, a Tyson executive was convicted and sent to prison for trying to bribe Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy. (The executive was later pardoned by President Clinton.)

Now comes news that Tyson faces a 36-count federal indictment for reducing costs in its poultry factories by smuggling illegal aliens into the country from Mexico and providing them with fraudulent work papers. The government asserts that Tyson arranged for illegal aliens to be delivered to 15 plants in nine states, and obtained phony documents for the aliens so that they would be legally employable in the counties and states where the Tyson plants were situated.


The Clinton's and Tyson's Foods Close Bond



In 1974 as well as 1992, candidate Clinton has actually embraced powerful corporate interests and much of their agenda despite his rhetoric against them. When Clinton ran for Congress in 1974, the largest employer in the Third District of Arkansas was Tyson Foods, based in Springdale, which was well on its way to becoming the nation's largest poultry producer. In 1995, Tyson Foods ranked "110th on the Fortune 500 list, and sold 6,000 products in 57 countries, from fresh chickens to taco fillings," according to an August 1994 company profile in The New York Times.

The chairman, Don Tyson, is a colorful figure who in the late 1970s designed his corporate office as a replica of the Oval Office in the White House, with doorknobs shaped like chicken eggs. Tyson was estimated to be worth $800 million. He supported Clinton in the 1974 race, and according to author David Maraniss, the Tyson family donated a campaign telephone bank which was operated from an apartment near the University of Arkansas, although it should be noted that no such "in-kind" contribution was reported by the campaign to the Federal Election Commission.
Clinton never talked much about the company itself publicly, but instead spoke empathetically about the plight of chicken farmers.

The Tyson-Clinton relationship continued in Washington, of course, and it grew out of a special culture. Probably no one has better captured the real essence of the political-financial nexus in Arkansas than journalist Michael Kelly, who wrote that Arkansas "has been ruled for almost all of its existence, and is largely ruled still, by a thin upper crust of Democratic party officials and Democratic legislative leaders and important landholders and businessmen."

"This elite, bound together not by party or even ideology but by mutually advantageous relationships, holds sway over a small and politically disorganized middle class and a large but well-beaten population of the poor.


AllPolitics - Follow The Money


Clinton Ties to Tyson Scion Still Drawing Critics' Fire : Politics: Some allege Arkansan got special treatment from Agriculture, Commerce departments. He denies it.
June 12, 1994| SARA FRITZ |

SPRINGDALE, Ark. — He is an unlikely looking millionaire kingmaker--a balding, impish man whose trademark khaki work uniform belies his wealth and power.

Still, Donald Tyson, who succeeded in building his father's small poultry business into a multimillion-dollar food-processing empire, has been widely portrayed as a driving force behind the political ascendancy of Bill Clinton.

Indeed, during the 1992 presidential campaign, Texas billionaire and independent candidate Ross Perot dubbed then-Gov. Clinton "chicken man" because of his close relationship to Tyson and to Arkansas' poultry industry.

And Clinton himself drew attention to the association when he acknowledged to a campaign audience that he had sacrificed the environment in Arkansas to create more jobs for the state's poultry farms.


Clinton Ties to Tyson Scion Still Drawing Critics' Fire : Politics: Some allege Arkansan got special treatment from Agriculture, Commerce departments. He denies it.

Uh, did you have a point, or are you just picking and choosing political attacks arbitrarily?
Really stupid, but irrelevant, post.
Did you think that the male clinton was running for a political position. Really, have you always been this stupid, or have you been working on it.
The laughable thing is that for decades, to today, conservatives have said that the wealth gap is both natural and no problem. Now they see it as a problem and want to blame obama. Because they are cons. And cons can not reason. And they believe what they are told to believe. Because it is easy.

Typical of you to lie.

We conservatives are not saying it is a problem, we are pointing to the FACT that the policies and doctrines of Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama have made the situation far worse.

As you deny, this is but one reason.
Really? You post most, but not all, of a graph, dipshit. With no link, dipshit. Please, me boy, what did you think that proved? Dipshit.
Please, dipshit, if you think that Obama made it worse, tell me how. And for gods sake, tell me how republicans have passed bills to make it better. Name a .bill. Or simply tell me you are too ignorant to do so.

And, dipshit, tell me why Republicans not bringing a single bill forward to help the problems they created with the great Republican Recession of 2008 helped anything. Or why blocking every piece of legislation brought forward to help, by democrats, helped. Or name a single bill they brought forward.
Dipshit. Jesus, it pisses me off to have to deal with someone as brainless as you.[/QUOTE]

Hmm, just an observation- Rshermr just called Markle brainless. I suppose in Rshermr's mind you must call someone a dipshit at least a half dozen times per post to prove you have a brain.
The laughable thing is that for decades, to today, conservatives have said that the wealth gap is both natural and no problem. Now they see it as a problem and want to blame obama. Because they are cons. And cons can not reason. And they believe what they are told to believe. Because it is easy.

Typical of you to lie.

We conservatives are not saying it is a problem, we are pointing to the FACT that the policies and doctrines of Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama have made the situation far worse.

As you deny, this is but one reason.
Really? You post most, but not all, of a graph, dipshit. With no link, dipshit. Please, me boy, what did you think that proved? Dipshit.
Please, dipshit, if you think that Obama made it worse, tell me how. And for gods sake, tell me how republicans have passed bills to make it better. Name a .bill. Or simply tell me you are too ignorant to do so.

And, dipshit, tell me why Republicans not bringing a single bill forward to help the problems they created with the great Republican Recession of 2008 helped anything. Or why blocking every piece of legislation brought forward to help, by democrats, helped. Or name a single bill they brought forward.
Dipshit. Jesus, it pisses me off to have to deal with someone as brainless as you.

Hmm, just an observation- Rshermr just called Markle brainless. I suppose in Rshermr's mind you must call someone a dipshit at least a half dozen times per post to prove you have a brain.[/QUOTE]

Ah. So you are confused. And ignorant. You prove you have a brain by posting logical information and backing it up with rational and impartial sourced information. You prove you have no brain when you use irrational and partial sources, or no sources at all, to attempt to back up drivel. Like your posts.
And I call post authors who waste my time dipshits.

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