US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

More con tool nonsense.

Meanwhile, Bush took credit for the housing boom until it went bust.

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all-time high." ~ George Bush, 9.2.2004, RNC acceptance speech

The Great Bush Recession is on him (and Republicans).

And it cost is more than 9.11 by multitudes. Yet you idiotically claimed Obama didn't have to deal with anything near like what Bush did. <smh>

Setting the Record Straight: Six Years of Unheeded Warnings for GSE Reform
The Washington Times Fails To Research The Administration's Efforts To Reform Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac
White House News

Setting the Record Straight
In Focus: Economy

Today, the Washington Times incorrectly accused the White House of ignoring warnings of trouble ahead for government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) and neglecting to "adopt any reform until this summer," when it was too late. "Neither the White House nor Congress heeded the warnings, Fannie and Freddie retained strong bipartisan support during the 1990s and early part of this decade." (Editorial, "Hear, See And Speak No Evil About Fannie And Freddie," The Washington Times, 10/9/08)

Over the past six years, the President and his Administration have not only warned of the systemic consequences of failure to reform GSEs but also put forward thoughtful plans to reduce the risk that either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac would encounter such difficulties. In fact, it was Congress that flatly rejected President Bush's call more than five years ago to reform the GSEs. Over the years, the President's repeated attempts to reform the supervision of these entities were thwarted by the legislative maneuvering of those who emphatically denied there were problems with the GSEs.

Read more: Setting the Record Straight: Six Years of Unheeded Warnings for GSE Reform
You have no idea how retarded you are to post that.

6 years Bush asked for GSE reform. Let's review, shall we?

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 1 bill passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Democrat-led House -- 2 bills passed
Democrat-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Democrat-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Democrat-led House -- 0 bills passed
Democrat-led Senate -- 1 bill passed
Democrat-led Congress -- 1 bill to the president

Do you see that?

6 years Bush said he waited for a GSE reform bill to land on his desk.

4 of those years, when the housing bubble was bursting, when the GOP ran the Congress, they got zero bills to him.

In years, the Democrat Congress got him a bill. By then, it was too late.

Friggin' rightards blame Democrats. Do ya see why folks think you idiots are insane?

You have no idea how retarded you are to post that.

6 years Bush asked for GSE reform. Let's review, shall we?

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 1 bill passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Democrat-led House -- 2 bills passed
Democrat-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Democrat-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Democrat-led House -- 0 bills passed
Democrat-led Senate -- 1 bill passed
Democrat-led Congress -- 1 bill to the president

Do you see that?

6 years Bush said he waited for a GSE reform bill to land on his desk.

4 of those years, when the housing bubble was bursting, when the GOP ran the Congress, they got zero bills to him.

In years, the Democrat Congress got him a bill. By then, it was too late.

Friggin' rightards blame Democrats. Do ya see why folks think you idiots are insane?


Just to remind all our FRIENDS from the far left, the responsibility for this mess lies with Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. AND WITH REPUBLICANS for backing off every time Barney Frank and his cronies played…THE RACE CARD! The housing bubble is what led to the downfall and that was driven by Democrats, starting with Jimmy Carter and hugely expanded by Bill Clinton. Here are the facts, once again, for you to ignore….

August 5, 1997
HUD to Fight Discrimination, Boost Minority Homeownership and Work With Urban League to Further Goals - Free Online Library

New York Times - 1999
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending -
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending
Markle said:
You have no idea how retarded you are to post that.

6 years Bush asked for GSE reform. Let's review, shall we?

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 1 bill passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Democrat-led House -- 2 bills passed
Democrat-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Democrat-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Democrat-led House -- 0 bills passed
Democrat-led Senate -- 1 bill passed
Democrat-led Congress -- 1 bill to the president

Do you see that?

6 years Bush said he waited for a GSE reform bill to land on his desk.

4 of those years, when the housing bubble was bursting, when the GOP ran the Congress, they got zero bills to him.

In years, the Democrat Congress got him a bill. By then, it was too late.

Friggin' rightards blame Democrats. Do ya see why folks think you idiots are insane?

Just to remind all our FRIENDS from the far left, the responsibility for this mess lies with Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. AND WITH REPUBLICANS for backing off every time Barney Frank and his cronies played…THE RACE CARD! The housing bubble is what led to the downfall and that was driven by Democrats, starting with Jimmy Carter and hugely expanded by Bill Clinton. Here are the facts, once again, for you to ignore….

August 5, 1997
HUD to Fight Discrimination, Boost Minority Homeownership and Work With Urban League to Further Goals - Free Online Library

New York Times - 1999
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending -
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending

Look at how fast this Markle idiot flees from his previous post to change the topic from Bush asking Congress for GSE reform for 6 years to it being Jimmy Carter's fault from 30 years earlier.


What better demonstration is there that you felt bitchslapped by the reality that the Republican-led Congress failed to respond to Bush's warning during all those years they were in control; that you felt compelled to abandon your own position.

You have no idea how retarded you are to post that.

6 years Bush asked for GSE reform. Let's review, shall we?

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 1 bill passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Democrat-led House -- 2 bills passed
Democrat-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Democrat-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Democrat-led House -- 0 bills passed
Democrat-led Senate -- 1 bill passed
Democrat-led Congress -- 1 bill to the president

Do you see that?

6 years Bush said he waited for a GSE reform bill to land on his desk.

4 of those years, when the housing bubble was bursting, when the GOP ran the Congress, they got zero bills to him.

In years, the Democrat Congress got him a bill. By then, it was too late.

Friggin' rightards blame Democrats. Do ya see why folks think you idiots are insane?

Just to remind all our FRIENDS from the far left, the responsibility for this mess lies with Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. AND WITH REPUBLICANS for backing off every time Barney Frank and his cronies played…THE RACE CARD! The housing bubble is what led to the downfall and that was driven by Democrats, starting with Jimmy Carter and hugely expanded by Bill Clinton. Here are the facts, once again, for you to ignore….

August 5, 1997
HUD to Fight Discrimination, Boost Minority Homeownership and Work With Urban League to Further Goals - Free Online Library

New York Times - 1999
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending -
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending[/QUOTE]

Who is "our"? What makes you think you have friends? The rest of your drivel is just that, all mindless drivel.

Wow. You are indeed an idiot.

Republican president, republican congress, and you want to blame dems. That is just too stupid. Apparently you think we elect presidents and congress to sit with their thumbs up their ass.
Markle said:
You have no idea how retarded you are to post that.

6 years Bush asked for GSE reform. Let's review, shall we?

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 1 bill passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Democrat-led House -- 2 bills passed
Democrat-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Democrat-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Democrat-led House -- 0 bills passed
Democrat-led Senate -- 1 bill passed
Democrat-led Congress -- 1 bill to the president

Do you see that?

6 years Bush said he waited for a GSE reform bill to land on his desk.

4 of those years, when the housing bubble was bursting, when the GOP ran the Congress, they got zero bills to him.

In years, the Democrat Congress got him a bill. By then, it was too late.

Friggin' rightards blame Democrats. Do ya see why folks think you idiots are insane?

Just to remind all our FRIENDS from the far left, the responsibility for this mess lies with Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. AND WITH REPUBLICANS for backing off every time Barney Frank and his cronies played…THE RACE CARD! The housing bubble is what led to the downfall and that was driven by Democrats, starting with Jimmy Carter and hugely expanded by Bill Clinton. Here are the facts, once again, for you to ignore….

August 5, 1997
HUD to Fight Discrimination, Boost Minority Homeownership and Work With Urban League to Further Goals - Free Online Library

New York Times - 1999
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending -
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending


Look at how fast this Markle idiot flees from his previous post to change the topic from Bush asking Congress for GSE reform for 6 years to it being Jimmy Carter's fault from 30 years earlier.


What better demonstration is there that you felt bitchslapped by the reality that the Republican-led Congress failed to respond to Bush's warning during all those years they were in control; that you felt compelled to abandon your own position.


But Markle is a proven factor. Actually, proven to be a congenital idiot. Keeps shooting himself in the foot, but is so stupid he does not notice until too late.
Markle said:
You have no idea how retarded you are to post that.

6 years Bush asked for GSE reform. Let's review, shall we?

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 1 bill passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Democrat-led House -- 2 bills passed
Democrat-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Democrat-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Democrat-led House -- 0 bills passed
Democrat-led Senate -- 1 bill passed
Democrat-led Congress -- 1 bill to the president

Do you see that?

6 years Bush said he waited for a GSE reform bill to land on his desk.

4 of those years, when the housing bubble was bursting, when the GOP ran the Congress, they got zero bills to him.

In years, the Democrat Congress got him a bill. By then, it was too late.

Friggin' rightards blame Democrats. Do ya see why folks think you idiots are insane?

Just to remind all our FRIENDS from the far left, the responsibility for this mess lies with Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. AND WITH REPUBLICANS for backing off every time Barney Frank and his cronies played…THE RACE CARD! The housing bubble is what led to the downfall and that was driven by Democrats, starting with Jimmy Carter and hugely expanded by Bill Clinton. Here are the facts, once again, for you to ignore….

August 5, 1997
HUD to Fight Discrimination, Boost Minority Homeownership and Work With Urban League to Further Goals - Free Online Library

New York Times - 1999
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending -
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending

Look at how fast this Markle idiot flees from his previous post to change the topic from Bush asking Congress for GSE reform for 6 years to it being Jimmy Carter's fault from 30 years earlier.


What better demonstration is there that you felt bitchslapped by the reality that the Republican-led Congress failed to respond to Bush's warning during all those years they were in control; that you felt compelled to abandon your own position.

Yup. Bitchslapped is a good term for what we, and particularly you, did to the con tools. They have their tails between their legs cause they got caught lying and see no way out. Funny.
Associated Press ^ | Jun 3, 2016 5:37 PM EDT | Christopher S. Rugaber and Josh Boak
U.S. hiring slowed to a near-standstill in May, sowing doubts about the economy’s health and complicating the Federal Reserve’s efforts to raise interest rates. While unemployment slid from 5 percent to 4.7 percent, the lowest since November 2007, the rate fell for a troubling reason: Nearly a half-million jobless Americans stopped looking for work and so were no longer counted as unemployed. Employers added just 38,000 jobs in May, the fewest in over five years. Less-educated workers bore the brunt of the hiring slump, with a quarter-million high school dropouts losing their jobs in May. That has perpetuated a long-term...
My challenge to any of you Obama shills remains the same as it's been for years me his policies that created jobs and grew the economy!
As I've already pointed out a) there's no point because anything mentioned results on you trying to summarily dismiss it (which I've done and you did); b) for better or worse, the presidents policies get credit or blame for the economy.

Con tools like you seek only to blame Democrats for the bad and find ways to not credit them for the good. That's your entire game plan summed up nice and succinctly in one sentence. That's what makes you a con tool. :thup:

So in other're not even going to try to show Obama policies that created jobs and grew the economy? Noted, Faun...

That's what makes YOU the partisan shill that you are!
You must have attention deficit disorder. As I just pointed out to you -- I've offered policies in the past. You ignored them. Why would I expect a different result trying that again?

You ignore inconvenient facts.

That's what you do.

You're a con tool.

That's what you are.

Sure you did, Faun...:bs1::bs1::bs1:

Well, actually you didn' just SAID you did! When I pressed you on what those policies WERE your reply was that you'd already stated them and couldn't be bothered to do so again. :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

You're as bad as Georgie Costanza and his missing formula for determining "Jobs Saved"!
Markle said:
You have no idea how retarded you are to post that.

6 years Bush asked for GSE reform. Let's review, shall we?

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 1 bill passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Democrat-led House -- 2 bills passed
Democrat-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Democrat-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Democrat-led House -- 0 bills passed
Democrat-led Senate -- 1 bill passed
Democrat-led Congress -- 1 bill to the president

Do you see that?

6 years Bush said he waited for a GSE reform bill to land on his desk.

4 of those years, when the housing bubble was bursting, when the GOP ran the Congress, they got zero bills to him.

In years, the Democrat Congress got him a bill. By then, it was too late.

Friggin' rightards blame Democrats. Do ya see why folks think you idiots are insane?

Just to remind all our FRIENDS from the far left, the responsibility for this mess lies with Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. AND WITH REPUBLICANS for backing off every time Barney Frank and his cronies played…THE RACE CARD! The housing bubble is what led to the downfall and that was driven by Democrats, starting with Jimmy Carter and hugely expanded by Bill Clinton. Here are the facts, once again, for you to ignore….

August 5, 1997
HUD to Fight Discrimination, Boost Minority Homeownership and Work With Urban League to Further Goals - Free Online Library

New York Times - 1999
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending -
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending

Look at how fast this Markle idiot flees from his previous post to change the topic from Bush asking Congress for GSE reform for 6 years to it being Jimmy Carter's fault from 30 years earlier.


What better demonstration is there that you felt bitchslapped by the reality that the Republican-led Congress failed to respond to Bush's warning during all those years they were in control; that you felt compelled to abandon your own position.

Yup. Bitchslapped is a good term for what we, and particularly you, did to the con tools. They have their tails between their legs cause they got caught lying and see no way out. Funny.

Poor little Georgie Costanza! Have you come back to provide the economic formula you said you had...or are you still coming up with pathetic excuses why you can't do that?

Tail between legs? You're the one who ran away from this string pretending to have people on ignore! Lying is what you do...
Markle said:
You have no idea how retarded you are to post that.

6 years Bush asked for GSE reform. Let's review, shall we?

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 1 bill passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Democrat-led House -- 2 bills passed
Democrat-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Democrat-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Democrat-led House -- 0 bills passed
Democrat-led Senate -- 1 bill passed
Democrat-led Congress -- 1 bill to the president

Do you see that?

6 years Bush said he waited for a GSE reform bill to land on his desk.

4 of those years, when the housing bubble was bursting, when the GOP ran the Congress, they got zero bills to him.

In years, the Democrat Congress got him a bill. By then, it was too late.

Friggin' rightards blame Democrats. Do ya see why folks think you idiots are insane?

Just to remind all our FRIENDS from the far left, the responsibility for this mess lies with Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. AND WITH REPUBLICANS for backing off every time Barney Frank and his cronies played…THE RACE CARD! The housing bubble is what led to the downfall and that was driven by Democrats, starting with Jimmy Carter and hugely expanded by Bill Clinton. Here are the facts, once again, for you to ignore….

August 5, 1997
HUD to Fight Discrimination, Boost Minority Homeownership and Work With Urban League to Further Goals - Free Online Library

New York Times - 1999
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending -
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending

Look at how fast this Markle idiot flees from his previous post to change the topic from Bush asking Congress for GSE reform for 6 years to it being Jimmy Carter's fault from 30 years earlier.


What better demonstration is there that you felt bitchslapped by the reality that the Republican-led Congress failed to respond to Bush's warning during all those years they were in control; that you felt compelled to abandon your own position.

Yup. Bitchslapped is a good term for what we, and particularly you, did to the con tools. They have their tails between their legs cause they got caught lying and see no way out. Funny.

Poor little Georgie Costanza! Have you come back to provide the economic formula you said you had...or are you still coming up with pathetic excuses why you can't do that?

Tail between legs? You're the one who ran away from this string pretending to have people on ignore! Lying is what you do...
I never, ever lie, me poor con tool. As you know, to your never ending frustration, me con tool. You can never show that I lied, because I never do. That is the purview of you, the lying con tool that you are.
As you well know, and as I proved a week or two ago, you agreed to provide information on a bill sent up to help quell the great republican recession of 2008, by Republicans. You did not, so you get no equation. Too bad for you, me con tool. But you keep coming back and saying I said I would provide an equation without conditions. Now, if I had done that, it would be a simple thing for you to show the post where I did so. The reason you do not is that you can not. Because I made no such unconditional post. And because you know I can prove you to be a liar again. So, unless you have a post showing what you say I promised, which you do not, then fuck off, me little minded con tool.
What was it, a month or less ago that you said I did not know what the Chicago School of Economics was when you asked about it. And, after you made the accusation time after time after time, I brought forward what you asked about. And, you had never mentioned the Chicago School. Ever. Up to the time you started saying that you had done so. Proving again that you lied multiple times.
Most people feel guilty about lying. Most people will apologize if they were caught lying, as you have multiple times. Most people have class. Most people have integrity. You have proven to have none of either. You have proven yourself to be a small minded insignificant con tool. with no ability to make economic arguments.
My challenge to any of you Obama shills remains the same as it's been for years me his policies that created jobs and grew the economy!
As I've already pointed out a) there's no point because anything mentioned results on you trying to summarily dismiss it (which I've done and you did); b) for better or worse, the presidents policies get credit or blame for the economy.

Con tools like you seek only to blame Democrats for the bad and find ways to not credit them for the good. That's your entire game plan summed up nice and succinctly in one sentence. That's what makes you a con tool. :thup:

So in other're not even going to try to show Obama policies that created jobs and grew the economy? Noted, Faun...

That's what makes YOU the partisan shill that you are!
You must have attention deficit disorder. As I just pointed out to you -- I've offered policies in the past. You ignored them. Why would I expect a different result trying that again?

You ignore inconvenient facts.

That's what you do.

You're a con tool.

That's what you are.

Sure you did, Faun...:bs1::bs1::bs1:

Well, actually you didn' just SAID you did! When I pressed you on what those policies WERE your reply was that you'd already stated them and couldn't be bothered to do so again. :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

You're as bad as Georgie Costanza and his missing formula for determining "Jobs Saved"!

Thats all you have, me boy. Personal insults and lies. Faun showed you obama policies that created jobs, as did I. But you always go on like it never happened. It must be a crappy life to know that you lie over and over and over. And deny over and over and over. Tacky, tacky, tacky little man.
My challenge to any of you Obama shills remains the same as it's been for years me his policies that created jobs and grew the economy!
As I've already pointed out a) there's no point because anything mentioned results on you trying to summarily dismiss it (which I've done and you did); b) for better or worse, the presidents policies get credit or blame for the economy.

Con tools like you seek only to blame Democrats for the bad and find ways to not credit them for the good. That's your entire game plan summed up nice and succinctly in one sentence. That's what makes you a con tool. :thup:

So in other're not even going to try to show Obama policies that created jobs and grew the economy? Noted, Faun...

That's what makes YOU the partisan shill that you are!
You must have attention deficit disorder. As I just pointed out to you -- I've offered policies in the past. You ignored them. Why would I expect a different result trying that again?

You ignore inconvenient facts.

That's what you do.

You're a con tool.

That's what you are.

Sure you did, Faun...:bs1::bs1::bs1:

Well, actually you didn' just SAID you did! When I pressed you on what those policies WERE your reply was that you'd already stated them and couldn't be bothered to do so again. :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

You're as bad as Georgie Costanza and his missing formula for determining "Jobs Saved"!

Thats all you have, me boy. Personal insults and lies. Faun showed you obama policies that created jobs, as did I. But you always go on like it never happened. It must be a crappy life to know that you lie over and over and over. And deny over and over and over. Tacky, tacky, tacky little man.

Lets see who is lying, faun or you, oldstyle. You say faun never showed obama policies that created jobs.

Post 936 on May 9, 2016 THIS THREAD Fauns response to you is as followsL
Utter nonsense. Typical for you. ARRA was not only funding the creation and saving of jobs, it also provided tax cuts for the private sector. So you're wrong about that. Plus there were additional stimulus' passed to help the private sector, such as cash for clunkers. So you're wrong about that too. The economy cratered. Credit markets locked up and money flowing through the economy, like life blood, was tightening up. Obama's stimulus served as a transfusion until the private sector could stand up again. And it worked as designed. Early in 2010, the private sector began to recover. Had Obama not gotten ARRA passed... had he let the U.S. auto markets dive into total collapse... the economy could have slipped into another Great Depression.

Not that con tools like you would have cared since the worse the economy is while a Democrat, the happier you are.
So, faun did not lie. He told the truth. But you, Oldstyle, lied. As the post PROVES.

Lets see who is lying, me (rshermr) or you, oldstyle. You say I, rshermr, never showed obama policies that created jobs.
post 614, May 3 2016, THIS THREAD, rshermn responds to you as follows:
The stimulus could have done more good had it been bigger and more carefully constructed. But put simply, it prevented a second recession that could have turned into a depression. It created or saved an average of 1.6 million jobs a year for four years. (There are the jobs, Mr. Boehner.) It raised the nation’s economic output by 2 to 3 percent from 2009 to 2011. It prevented a significant increase in poverty — without it, 5.3 million additional people would have become poor in 2010.

So rshermr did not lie. He told the truth. But you, Oldstyle, lied AGAIN, As the post proves.

So, that is just two more occasions. both where you have said multiple times that those posts did not occur, and we have over and over answered that they did. And now it is proven, you are a multiple offender, lying several times AGAIN. It must suck to have no integrity.
You have no idea how retarded you are to post that.

6 years Bush asked for GSE reform. Let's review, shall we?

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 1 bill passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Republican-led House -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Republican-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Democrat-led House -- 2 bills passed
Democrat-led Senate -- 0 bills passed
Democrat-led Congress -- 0 bills to the president

Democrat-led House -- 0 bills passed
Democrat-led Senate -- 1 bill passed
Democrat-led Congress -- 1 bill to the president

Do you see that?

6 years Bush said he waited for a GSE reform bill to land on his desk.

4 of those years, when the housing bubble was bursting, when the GOP ran the Congress, they got zero bills to him.

In years, the Democrat Congress got him a bill. By then, it was too late.

Friggin' rightards blame Democrats. Do ya see why folks think you idiots are insane?

Just to remind all our FRIENDS from the far left, the responsibility for this mess lies with Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. AND WITH REPUBLICANS for backing off every time Barney Frank and his cronies played…THE RACE CARD! The housing bubble is what led to the downfall and that was driven by Democrats, starting with Jimmy Carter and hugely expanded by Bill Clinton. Here are the facts, once again, for you to ignore….

August 5, 1997
HUD to Fight Discrimination, Boost Minority Homeownership and Work With Urban League to Further Goals - Free Online Library

New York Times - 1999
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending -
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending

Look at how fast this Markle idiot flees from his previous post to change the topic from Bush asking Congress for GSE reform for 6 years to it being Jimmy Carter's fault from 30 years earlier.


What better demonstration is there that you felt bitchslapped by the reality that the Republican-led Congress failed to respond to Bush's warning during all those years they were in control; that you felt compelled to abandon your own position.

Yup. Bitchslapped is a good term for what we, and particularly you, did to the con tools. They have their tails between their legs cause they got caught lying and see no way out. Funny.

Poor little Georgie Costanza! Have you come back to provide the economic formula you said you had...or are you still coming up with pathetic excuses why you can't do that?

Tail between legs? You're the one who ran away from this string pretending to have people on ignore! Lying is what you do...
I never, ever lie, me poor con tool. As you know, to your never ending frustration, me con tool. You can never show that I lied, because I never do. That is the purview of you, the lying con tool that you are.
As you well know, and as I proved a week or two ago, you agreed to provide information on a bill sent up to help quell the great republican recession of 2008, by Republicans. You did not, so you get no equation. Too bad for you, me con tool. But you keep coming back and saying I said I would provide an equation without conditions. Now, if I had done that, it would be a simple thing for you to show the post where I did so. The reason you do not is that you can not. Because I made no such unconditional post. And because you know I can prove you to be a liar again. So, unless you have a post showing what you say I promised, which you do not, then fuck off, me little minded con tool.
What was it, a month or less ago that you said I did not know what the Chicago School of Economics was when you asked about it. And, after you made the accusation time after time after time, I brought forward what you asked about. And, you had never mentioned the Chicago School. Ever. Up to the time you started saying that you had done so. Proving again that you lied multiple times.
Most people feel guilty about lying. Most people will apologize if they were caught lying, as you have multiple times. Most people have class. Most people have integrity. You have proven to have none of either. You have proven yourself to be a small minded insignificant con tool. with no ability to make economic arguments.

Still trying to peddle your "conditions" excuse, Georgie? You never cease to amuse...

All you do is lie because you constantly try to pretend that you know something about economics when it's obvious that you're one of the board's most ignorant posters when it comes to that topic. "A-B=Jobs Saved"? That's YOU making an economic argument! That's YOU proving what a complete bullshit artist you are when it comes to that topic!
It's a simple thing, Georgie...

Either provide the economic formula used to determine "Jobs Saved" you've repeatedly claimed to be able to do...or admit that you were just shoveling grade A bullshit (as usual!) when you made that claim!
My challenge to any of you Obama shills remains the same as it's been for years me his policies that created jobs and grew the economy!
As I've already pointed out a) there's no point because anything mentioned results on you trying to summarily dismiss it (which I've done and you did); b) for better or worse, the presidents policies get credit or blame for the economy.

Con tools like you seek only to blame Democrats for the bad and find ways to not credit them for the good. That's your entire game plan summed up nice and succinctly in one sentence. That's what makes you a con tool. :thup:

So in other're not even going to try to show Obama policies that created jobs and grew the economy? Noted, Faun...

That's what makes YOU the partisan shill that you are!
You must have attention deficit disorder. As I just pointed out to you -- I've offered policies in the past. You ignored them. Why would I expect a different result trying that again?

You ignore inconvenient facts.

That's what you do.

You're a con tool.

That's what you are.

Sure you did, Faun...:bs1::bs1::bs1:

Well, actually you didn' just SAID you did! When I pressed you on what those policies WERE your reply was that you'd already stated them and couldn't be bothered to do so again. :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

You're as bad as Georgie Costanza and his missing formula for determining "Jobs Saved"!
Tell ya what .... If I link to any of my posts where I listed any economic policies that Obama passed, you leave the forum forever. If I can't find any because you're telling the truth that I never did, I leave forever. And this isn't based on your opinion if they were successful or not since you're only here to argue they weren't. All I have to show is that I've pointed some out, which you are denying I ever did.

Either take this bet or expose yourself once again as the lying con tool the forum sees you are....
My challenge to any of you Obama shills remains the same as it's been for years me his policies that created jobs and grew the economy!
As I've already pointed out a) there's no point because anything mentioned results on you trying to summarily dismiss it (which I've done and you did); b) for better or worse, the presidents policies get credit or blame for the economy.

Con tools like you seek only to blame Democrats for the bad and find ways to not credit them for the good. That's your entire game plan summed up nice and succinctly in one sentence. That's what makes you a con tool. :thup:

So in other're not even going to try to show Obama policies that created jobs and grew the economy? Noted, Faun...

That's what makes YOU the partisan shill that you are!
You must have attention deficit disorder. As I just pointed out to you -- I've offered policies in the past. You ignored them. Why would I expect a different result trying that again?

You ignore inconvenient facts.

That's what you do.

You're a con tool.

That's what you are.

Sure you did, Faun...:bs1::bs1::bs1:

Well, actually you didn' just SAID you did! When I pressed you on what those policies WERE your reply was that you'd already stated them and couldn't be bothered to do so again. :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

You're as bad as Georgie Costanza and his missing formula for determining "Jobs Saved"!
Tell ya what .... If I link to any of my posts where I listed any economic policies that Obama passed, you leave the forum forever. If I can't find any because you're telling the truth that I never did, I leave forever. And this isn't based on your opinion if they were successful or not since you're only here to argue they weren't. All I have to show is that I've pointed some out, which you are denying I ever did.

Either take this bet or expose yourself once again as the lying con tool the forum sees you are.... it doesn't matter if the economic policies that Obama passed were successful or not...all you have to show is that he HAD a policy? That in and of itself shows how pathetic Barack Obama's economic plans have been, Faun!

Here's a concept...list the economic policies that Barry pushed that created jobs and grew the economy. The guy has spent trillions on economic should be a walk in the park for you to list the Obama economic plans that worked...yet you never seem to be able to! Why is that, Faun?
Just to remind all our FRIENDS from the far left, the responsibility for this mess lies with Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. AND WITH REPUBLICANS for backing off every time Barney Frank and his cronies played…THE RACE CARD! The housing bubble is what led to the downfall and that was driven by Democrats, starting with Jimmy Carter and hugely expanded by Bill Clinton. Here are the facts, once again, for you to ignore….

August 5, 1997
HUD to Fight Discrimination, Boost Minority Homeownership and Work With Urban League to Further Goals - Free Online Library

New York Times - 1999
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending -
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending

Look at how fast this Markle idiot flees from his previous post to change the topic from Bush asking Congress for GSE reform for 6 years to it being Jimmy Carter's fault from 30 years earlier.


What better demonstration is there that you felt bitchslapped by the reality that the Republican-led Congress failed to respond to Bush's warning during all those years they were in control; that you felt compelled to abandon your own position.

Yup. Bitchslapped is a good term for what we, and particularly you, did to the con tools. They have their tails between their legs cause they got caught lying and see no way out. Funny.

Poor little Georgie Costanza! Have you come back to provide the economic formula you said you had...or are you still coming up with pathetic excuses why you can't do that?

Tail between legs? You're the one who ran away from this string pretending to have people on ignore! Lying is what you do...
I never, ever lie, me poor con tool. As you know, to your never ending frustration, me con tool. You can never show that I lied, because I never do. That is the purview of you, the lying con tool that you are.
As you well know, and as I proved a week or two ago, you agreed to provide information on a bill sent up to help quell the great republican recession of 2008, by Republicans. You did not, so you get no equation. Too bad for you, me con tool. But you keep coming back and saying I said I would provide an equation without conditions. Now, if I had done that, it would be a simple thing for you to show the post where I did so. The reason you do not is that you can not. Because I made no such unconditional post. And because you know I can prove you to be a liar again. So, unless you have a post showing what you say I promised, which you do not, then fuck off, me little minded con tool.
What was it, a month or less ago that you said I did not know what the Chicago School of Economics was when you asked about it. And, after you made the accusation time after time after time, I brought forward what you asked about. And, you had never mentioned the Chicago School. Ever. Up to the time you started saying that you had done so. Proving again that you lied multiple times.
Most people feel guilty about lying. Most people will apologize if they were caught lying, as you have multiple times. Most people have class. Most people have integrity. You have proven to have none of either. You have proven yourself to be a small minded insignificant con tool. with no ability to make economic arguments.

Still trying to peddle your "conditions" excuse, Georgie? You never cease to amuse...

All you do is lie because you constantly try to pretend that you know something about economics when it's obvious that you're one of the board's most ignorant posters when it comes to that topic. "A-B=Jobs Saved"? That's YOU making an economic argument! That's YOU proving what a complete bullshit artist you are when it comes to that topic!
Would you like to see the post that specifies the condition that would get you your formula, me boy. As I did before. It will prove you are lying again, and it will waste peoples time. Again. But that is what you like to do. Let me know. I never lie, as you well know. And I can prove what I have said, as you well know. You make the choice.
As I've already pointed out a) there's no point because anything mentioned results on you trying to summarily dismiss it (which I've done and you did); b) for better or worse, the presidents policies get credit or blame for the economy.

Con tools like you seek only to blame Democrats for the bad and find ways to not credit them for the good. That's your entire game plan summed up nice and succinctly in one sentence. That's what makes you a con tool. :thup:

So in other're not even going to try to show Obama policies that created jobs and grew the economy? Noted, Faun...

That's what makes YOU the partisan shill that you are!
You must have attention deficit disorder. As I just pointed out to you -- I've offered policies in the past. You ignored them. Why would I expect a different result trying that again?

You ignore inconvenient facts.

That's what you do.

You're a con tool.

That's what you are.

Sure you did, Faun...:bs1::bs1::bs1:

Well, actually you didn' just SAID you did! When I pressed you on what those policies WERE your reply was that you'd already stated them and couldn't be bothered to do so again. :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

You're as bad as Georgie Costanza and his missing formula for determining "Jobs Saved"!
Tell ya what .... If I link to any of my posts where I listed any economic policies that Obama passed, you leave the forum forever. If I can't find any because you're telling the truth that I never did, I leave forever. And this isn't based on your opinion if they were successful or not since you're only here to argue they weren't. All I have to show is that I've pointed some out, which you are denying I ever did.

Either take this bet or expose yourself once again as the lying con tool the forum sees you are.... it doesn't matter if the economic policies that Obama passed were successful or not...all you have to show is that he HAD a policy? That in and of itself shows how pathetic Barack Obama's economic plans have been, Faun!

Here's a concept...list the economic policies that Barry pushed that created jobs and grew the economy. The guy has spent trillions on economic should be a walk in the park for you to list the Obama economic plans that worked...yet you never seem to be able to! Why is that, Faun?
You, me boy, said you wanted policies. And that neither Faun had done so. I showed you that both of us had. You lied, we did not. Now you are wanting to change the rules. Funny. In your little con tool mind, you seem to think that lying gives you the right to demand things. It does not.
Now, I have asked you MANY times to provide me with a bill meant by republicans to help curb the damages of the Great Republican Recession of 2008, but you can not. Funny. You are a comedian, but we are laughing at you, not with you, me boy.
Now, by the way, you have stated that Obama spent Trillions on economic stimulus. Which is another lie. Want to try to prove you were telling the truth, so I can prove you were lying. Or do you give up?
As I've already pointed out a) there's no point because anything mentioned results on you trying to summarily dismiss it (which I've done and you did); b) for better or worse, the presidents policies get credit or blame for the economy.

Con tools like you seek only to blame Democrats for the bad and find ways to not credit them for the good. That's your entire game plan summed up nice and succinctly in one sentence. That's what makes you a con tool. :thup:

So in other're not even going to try to show Obama policies that created jobs and grew the economy? Noted, Faun...

That's what makes YOU the partisan shill that you are!
You must have attention deficit disorder. As I just pointed out to you -- I've offered policies in the past. You ignored them. Why would I expect a different result trying that again?

You ignore inconvenient facts.

That's what you do.

You're a con tool.

That's what you are.

Sure you did, Faun...:bs1::bs1::bs1:

Well, actually you didn' just SAID you did! When I pressed you on what those policies WERE your reply was that you'd already stated them and couldn't be bothered to do so again. :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

You're as bad as Georgie Costanza and his missing formula for determining "Jobs Saved"!
Tell ya what .... If I link to any of my posts where I listed any economic policies that Obama passed, you leave the forum forever. If I can't find any because you're telling the truth that I never did, I leave forever. And this isn't based on your opinion if they were successful or not since you're only here to argue they weren't. All I have to show is that I've pointed some out, which you are denying I ever did.

Either take this bet or expose yourself once again as the lying con tool the forum sees you are.... it doesn't matter if the economic policies that Obama passed were successful or not...all you have to show is that he HAD a policy? That in and of itself shows how pathetic Barack Obama's economic plans have been, Faun!

Here's a concept...list the economic policies that Barry pushed that created jobs and grew the economy. The guy has spent trillions on economic should be a walk in the park for you to list the Obama economic plans that worked...yet you never seem to be able to! Why is that, Faun?
Of course it matters that they were successful. That's not the point. The point is ... no matter what policies I mention, you're going to ignore and deny their success. We know this because we've been down this road before. That's why you won't touch my bet. You're a phony and a fraud (i.e., a con tool) whose soul purpose is to deny and obfuscate. 14 million jobs have been created since the recovery and you think you can actually deny any of those jobs were due to the president's policies. Funny though, if we were losing jobs, you be blaming Obama.
As I've already pointed out a) there's no point because anything mentioned results on you trying to summarily dismiss it (which I've done and you did); b) for better or worse, the presidents policies get credit or blame for the economy.

Con tools like you seek only to blame Democrats for the bad and find ways to not credit them for the good. That's your entire game plan summed up nice and succinctly in one sentence. That's what makes you a con tool. :thup:

So in other're not even going to try to show Obama policies that created jobs and grew the economy? Noted, Faun...

That's what makes YOU the partisan shill that you are!
You must have attention deficit disorder. As I just pointed out to you -- I've offered policies in the past. You ignored them. Why would I expect a different result trying that again?

You ignore inconvenient facts.

That's what you do.

You're a con tool.

That's what you are.

Sure you did, Faun...:bs1::bs1::bs1:

Well, actually you didn' just SAID you did! When I pressed you on what those policies WERE your reply was that you'd already stated them and couldn't be bothered to do so again. :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

You're as bad as Georgie Costanza and his missing formula for determining "Jobs Saved"!
Tell ya what .... If I link to any of my posts where I listed any economic policies that Obama passed, you leave the forum forever. If I can't find any because you're telling the truth that I never did, I leave forever. And this isn't based on your opinion if they were successful or not since you're only here to argue they weren't. All I have to show is that I've pointed some out, which you are denying I ever did.

Either take this bet or expose yourself once again as the lying con tool the forum sees you are.... it doesn't matter if the economic policies that Obama passed were successful or not...all you have to show is that he HAD a policy? That in and of itself shows how pathetic Barack Obama's economic plans have been, Faun!

Here's a concept...list the economic policies that Barry pushed that created jobs and grew the economy. The guy has spent trillions on economic should be a walk in the park for you to list the Obama economic plans that worked...yet you never seem to be able to! Why is that, Faun?

I will be happy to, me boy. Here's the concept. If (notice, me boy, there is a condition And we know how you ignore conditions) you provide proof of even one trillion spent by the obama team on stimulus, I will prove the obama bill did create jobs. As I have proven before. Should be easy, since you say he spent multiple trillions. But since you are lying, if I were you, I would apologize for the lie.
If, on the other hand, you take the challenge, and you can not prove he spent at least a trillion dollars on stimulus, then you apologize and leave the board.

My bet is you will be turning yourself inside out to change the subject. Because you lied again, and there is no way you can win.

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