US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

While I was going back through this string looking for your lie about the formula I discovered your lie about putting me on ignore.

"You are incapable of conversation, or debate, me boy. Totally. And your insults are getting old. As of now, in deference to others who may want to actually engage in discussion about the subject of this thread, you are now officially on ignore. Knock yourself out with your drivel, me boy."
That would be post more example of you lying when you claimed that you never pretended to put me on ignore!

Are you so stupid as to think you can be put on ignore, AND not later taken off? I do not believe even you are that ignorant.
I did put you on ignore for a period, and got tired of your personal insults to me through other people. And ( now pay attention) took you off ignore. Dipshit. Again, you have failed to prove anything, me poor stupid con troll. Because I never, ever lie. And I know that makes you nuts.
[QUOTE="Oldstyle, post: 14628528, member: 31215"

]Nice try, Georgie...too bad your "conditions" came AFTER you gave us all your "A-B=Jobs Saved" which was essentially laughed off of the chat site!

Why do you even bother coming here? You've got nothing but evasions and more lies.

Nice try, Dipshit. The condition came before my a-b+jobs saved. And there was no laughter at all. As I have proven conclusively. But, if you were not lying, it would be very easy to bring back those original posts and prove what you say. That you do not is because you can not. BECAUSE YOU ARE LYING AGAIN. And because you have NO INTEGRITY.

"The condition that I gave you that I said would cause me to provide you with the formula was as follows: Now PAY ATTENTION, oldstyle.
If only you could show me the bill that a republican sponsored to help decrease unemployment during the great republican recession of 2008.
Now that, for most people, is really, really, really simple. So, me boy, not a bill to eliminate medical devices tax. Not a bill to fund a pipeline. A bill meant to decrease unemployment. Now, that is easy. I could do it for Democrats in a second. You must have some bills in mind for Republicans. If not, you loose. Though, me boy, if you can not figure out the formula, you have already lost. It is way too simple. Actually, there are a couple. At least. But I will provide you with one.
Oh, hell. Here is one. I am tired of your endless begging.
A - B = jobs saved
There. My job is done. And I did not even require you to hold up your end of the bargain. So, me boy, I owed you nothing. And you got something. Kind of like getting something for nothing. Next thing you will be complaining about it."

That was your post 1776 in this string, Georgie...when you first gave me your "formula" that was nothing but a lie! Notice that you provided that formula of your own free will while not requiring me to do anything! Yet, once I asked you what A and B stood immediately went back to hiding behind "conditions".

You're a bullshit artist, Rshermr. You always have been and you continue to BE a bullshit artist!
Wow. A swing and a miss. You first asked for the condition on May 4 of this year in this thread, and it was Post 696!!!

Then on post 700, SAME DAY, I said: "As soon as you give me a name of a bill from the republican congress meant to support recovery from the Great Republican Recession of 2008."

So NO, oldstyle, it had nothing to do with post 1776 which was many weeks later.
Again, proving you are a lying con troll.

I provided you an equation, in jest. Because that is what you were bugging me about in post after post for week after week . And you take that joke, and pretend that it was an attempt to answer your question. Dipshit. But you continued to ask for the actual formula time after time after time even after that point. You have continued this completely dishonest thread of pretending that I owe you an answer. Total dishonesty on your part. And that you did not agree to the condition. Total dishonesty on your part. As I again proved above.

Oh, so now the formula was a "jest"? Is that Georgie-speak for fabrication? Something you made up? So now weeks after posting your pathetic formula and repeatedly declaring that it was're here to tell us that it was really a "jest"? Well, you are apparently trying to get someone to believe that you are really stupid. That is possible.

Yeah, it's total dishonestly all dishonesty on your part.

So, are you simply trying to prove that you are a stupid con troll. Because that is a good way to do it.
You had been asking for the formula over and over and over. Lying your ass off, saying you had it coming. Then I say:

Oh, hell. Here is one. Not here is the formula. Not here is the formula you wanted. Are you really that stupid. I am tired of your endless begging. Did you think that I was simply getting you off of your game playing? Nah, that would be to obvious.
A - B = jobs saved
There. My job is done. And I did not even require you to hold up your end of the bargain. So, me boy, I owed you nothing. And you got something. Kind of like getting something for nothing. Next thing you will be complaining about it."

And then you kept asking for the formula. Proving you knew that the formula I gave you was a joke. Dipshit.

You are a true fucking lying troll.

I kept asking for the formula because I knew it was a lie. So does everyone else at this point. It's what you DO, Georgie!
While I was going back through this string looking for your lie about the formula I discovered your lie about putting me on ignore.

"You are incapable of conversation, or debate, me boy. Totally. And your insults are getting old. As of now, in deference to others who may want to actually engage in discussion about the subject of this thread, you are now officially on ignore. Knock yourself out with your drivel, me boy."
That would be post more example of you lying when you claimed that you never pretended to put me on ignore!

Are you so stupid as to think you can be put on ignore, AND not later taken off? I do not believe even you are that ignorant.
I did put you on ignore for a period, and got tired of your personal insults to me through other people. And ( now pay attention) took you off ignore. Dipshit. Again, you have failed to prove anything, me poor stupid con troll. Because I never, ever lie. And I know that makes you nuts.

"Friedman lost nearly all credibility when his theories were tested by Ronald Reagan, and the great tax cut which created the second worst ue rate in history, Then further by the stimulus of W, which failed to do anything at all. Not sure where you were, me boy. All really well known parts of economic history.
And see yet why you will be the only person I put on ignore? Post 841

This is why I put OS on ignore. He is indeed a con tool. He has the amounts wrong, and what was going on wrong, just about everything wrong. You can not help him understand anything. What he wants to do is call the obama stimulus a failure, which is what he has been told is the case. But he has huge problems because unemployment has gone to near zero. Post 948

I did not put you on ignore, I decided instead not to pay any attention to you. Look it up. That, me boy, is the definition of ignore. But you could not stop lying about me, and so I just thought I would correct some of your lies. Sorry that bothers you so much. Most people, those with integrity, would stop lying.
So, me boy, did you have anything to say about the subject of this thread, or are you planning on just continuing your personal attacks and lies???" Post 1097

You can't keep track of your lies here, Georgie! One post you're claiming you're going to put me on ignore. Others you're claiming you've already done so. Then others you claim that you never did! All you do is lie after another.
While I was going back through this string looking for your lie about the formula I discovered your lie about putting me on ignore.

"You are incapable of conversation, or debate, me boy. Totally. And your insults are getting old. As of now, in deference to others who may want to actually engage in discussion about the subject of this thread, you are now officially on ignore. Knock yourself out with your drivel, me boy."
That would be post more example of you lying when you claimed that you never pretended to put me on ignore!

Are you so stupid as to think you can be put on ignore, AND not later taken off? I do not believe even you are that ignorant.
I did put you on ignore for a period, and got tired of your personal insults to me through other people. And ( now pay attention) took you off ignore. Dipshit. Again, you have failed to prove anything, me poor stupid con troll. Because I never, ever lie. And I know that makes you nuts.

"Friedman lost nearly all credibility when his theories were tested by Ronald Reagan, and the great tax cut which created the second worst ue rate in history, Then further by the stimulus of W, which failed to do anything at all. Not sure where you were, me boy. All really well known parts of economic history.
And see yet why you will be the only person I put on ignore? Post 841

This is why I put OS on ignore. He is indeed a con tool. He has the amounts wrong, and what was going on wrong, just about everything wrong. You can not help him understand anything. What he wants to do is call the obama stimulus a failure, which is what he has been told is the case. But he has huge problems because unemployment has gone to near zero. Post 948

I did not put you on ignore, I decided instead not to pay any attention to you. Look it up. That, me boy, is the definition of ignore. But you could not stop lying about me, and so I just thought I would correct some of your lies. Sorry that bothers you so much. Most people, those with integrity, would stop lying.
So, me boy, did you have anything to say about the subject of this thread, or are you planning on just continuing your personal attacks and lies???" Post 1097

You can't keep track of your lies here, Georgie! One post you're claiming you're going to put me on ignore. Others you're claiming you've already done so. Then others you claim that you never did! All you do is lie after another.


Nice try, Dipshit. The condition came before my a-b+jobs saved. And there was no laughter at all. As I have proven conclusively. But, if you were not lying, it would be very easy to bring back those original posts and prove what you say. That you do not is because you can not. BECAUSE YOU ARE LYING AGAIN. And because you have NO INTEGRITY.

"The condition that I gave you that I said would cause me to provide you with the formula was as follows: Now PAY ATTENTION, oldstyle.
If only you could show me the bill that a republican sponsored to help decrease unemployment during the great republican recession of 2008.
Now that, for most people, is really, really, really simple. So, me boy, not a bill to eliminate medical devices tax. Not a bill to fund a pipeline. A bill meant to decrease unemployment. Now, that is easy. I could do it for Democrats in a second. You must have some bills in mind for Republicans. If not, you loose. Though, me boy, if you can not figure out the formula, you have already lost. It is way too simple. Actually, there are a couple. At least. But I will provide you with one.
Oh, hell. Here is one. I am tired of your endless begging.
A - B = jobs saved
There. My job is done. And I did not even require you to hold up your end of the bargain. So, me boy, I owed you nothing. And you got something. Kind of like getting something for nothing. Next thing you will be complaining about it."

That was your post 1776 in this string, Georgie...when you first gave me your "formula" that was nothing but a lie! Notice that you provided that formula of your own free will while not requiring me to do anything! Yet, once I asked you what A and B stood immediately went back to hiding behind "conditions".

You're a bullshit artist, Rshermr. You always have been and you continue to BE a bullshit artist!
Wow. A swing and a miss. You first asked for the condition on May 4 of this year in this thread, and it was Post 696!!!

Then on post 700, SAME DAY, I said: "As soon as you give me a name of a bill from the republican congress meant to support recovery from the Great Republican Recession of 2008."

So NO, oldstyle, it had nothing to do with post 1776 which was many weeks later.
Again, proving you are a lying con troll.

I provided you an equation, in jest. Because that is what you were bugging me about in post after post for week after week . And you take that joke, and pretend that it was an attempt to answer your question. Dipshit. But you continued to ask for the actual formula time after time after time even after that point. You have continued this completely dishonest thread of pretending that I owe you an answer. Total dishonesty on your part. And that you did not agree to the condition. Total dishonesty on your part. As I again proved above.

Oh, so now the formula was a "jest"? Is that Georgie-speak for fabrication? Something you made up? So now weeks after posting your pathetic formula and repeatedly declaring that it was're here to tell us that it was really a "jest"? Well, you are apparently trying to get someone to believe that you are really stupid. That is possible.

Yeah, it's total dishonestly all dishonesty on your part.

So, are you simply trying to prove that you are a stupid con troll. Because that is a good way to do it.
You had been asking for the formula over and over and over. Lying your ass off, saying you had it coming. Then I say:

Oh, hell. Here is one. Not here is the formula. Not here is the formula you wanted. Are you really that stupid. I am tired of your endless begging. Did you think that I was simply getting you off of your game playing? Nah, that would be to obvious.
A - B = jobs saved
There. My job is done. And I did not even require you to hold up your end of the bargain. So, me boy, I owed you nothing. And you got something. Kind of like getting something for nothing. Next thing you will be complaining about it."

And then you kept asking for the formula. Proving you knew that the formula I gave you was a joke. Dipshit.

You are a true fucking lying troll.

I kept asking for the formula because I knew it was a lie. So does everyone else at this point. It's what you DO, Georgie!

While I was going back through this string looking for your lie about the formula I discovered your lie about putting me on ignore.

"You are incapable of conversation, or debate, me boy. Totally. And your insults are getting old. As of now, in deference to others who may want to actually engage in discussion about the subject of this thread, you are now officially on ignore. Knock yourself out with your drivel, me boy."
That would be post more example of you lying when you claimed that you never pretended to put me on ignore!

Are you so stupid as to think you can be put on ignore, AND not later taken off? I do not believe even you are that ignorant.
I did put you on ignore for a period, and got tired of your personal insults to me through other people. And ( now pay attention) took you off ignore. Dipshit. Again, you have failed to prove anything, me poor stupid con troll. Because I never, ever lie. And I know that makes you nuts.

"Friedman lost nearly all credibility when his theories were tested by Ronald Reagan, and the great tax cut which created the second worst ue rate in history, Then further by the stimulus of W, which failed to do anything at all. Not sure where you were, me boy. All really well known parts of economic history.
And see yet why you will be the only person I put on ignore? Post 841

This is why I put OS on ignore. He is indeed a con tool. He has the amounts wrong, and what was going on wrong, just about everything wrong. You can not help him understand anything. What he wants to do is call the obama stimulus a failure, which is what he has been told is the case. But he has huge problems because unemployment has gone to near zero. Post 948

I did not put you on ignore, I decided instead not to pay any attention to you. Look it up. That, me boy, is the definition of ignore. But you could not stop lying about me, and so I just thought I would correct some of your lies. Sorry that bothers you so much. Most people, those with integrity, would stop lying.
So, me boy, did you have anything to say about the subject of this thread, or are you planning on just continuing your personal attacks and lies???" Post 1097

You can't keep track of your lies here, Georgie! One post you're claiming you're going to put me on ignore. Others you're claiming you've already done so. Then others you claim that you never did! All you do is lie after another.



Your own posts prove that you're a liar, Rshermr! You tell so many lies in fact that you can't keep them straight.

Posting in capitals won't change that. It simply underscores it.
But what's really underscored by all of your lying is that you've once again failed miserably in a string having to do with economics. Why? Because you know almost nothing about the subject despite your rather pathetic attempts to pretend that you do. It's why you promise economic formulas that don't exist and then have to lie about them to try to extricate yourself from the lies you've already told.

You ARE the George Costanza of the US Message Board!
While I was going back through this string looking for your lie about the formula I discovered your lie about putting me on ignore.

"You are incapable of conversation, or debate, me boy. Totally. And your insults are getting old. As of now, in deference to others who may want to actually engage in discussion about the subject of this thread, you are now officially on ignore. Knock yourself out with your drivel, me boy."
That would be post more example of you lying when you claimed that you never pretended to put me on ignore!

Are you so stupid as to think you can be put on ignore, AND not later taken off? I do not believe even you are that ignorant.
I did put you on ignore for a period, and got tired of your personal insults to me through other people. And ( now pay attention) took you off ignore. Dipshit. Again, you have failed to prove anything, me poor stupid con troll. Because I never, ever lie. And I know that makes you nuts.

"Friedman lost nearly all credibility when his theories were tested by Ronald Reagan, and the great tax cut which created the second worst ue rate in history, Then further by the stimulus of W, which failed to do anything at all. Not sure where you were, me boy. All really well known parts of economic history.
And see yet why you will be the only person I put on ignore? Post 841

This is why I put OS on ignore. He is indeed a con tool. He has the amounts wrong, and what was going on wrong, just about everything wrong. You can not help him understand anything. What he wants to do is call the obama stimulus a failure, which is what he has been told is the case. But he has huge problems because unemployment has gone to near zero. Post 948

I did not put you on ignore, I decided instead not to pay any attention to you. Look it up. That, me boy, is the definition of ignore. But you could not stop lying about me, and so I just thought I would correct some of your lies. Sorry that bothers you so much. Most people, those with integrity, would stop lying.
So, me boy, did you have anything to say about the subject of this thread, or are you planning on just continuing your personal attacks and lies???" Post 1097

You can't keep track of your lies here, Georgie! One post you're claiming you're going to put me on ignore. Others you're claiming you've already done so. Then others you claim that you never did! All you do is lie after another.



Your own posts prove that you're a liar, Rshermr! You tell so many lies in fact that you can't keep them straight.

Posting in capitals won't change that. It simply underscores it.

So, I have a proven liar, who wants badly to prove that I have lied. But who can not do so. Because I never, ever lie. But he does waste space, saying over and over and over that I lie, with no proof. Then suggests he has proof, but does not.
Why not stop the personal attacks long enough to actually attempt to post an economic argument? Nah. Not your style. You love personal attacks and lying way too much.
But what's really underscored by all of your lying is that you've once again failed miserably in a string having to do with economics. Why? Because you know almost nothing about the subject despite your rather pathetic attempts to pretend that you do. It's why you promise economic formulas that don't exist and then have to lie about them to try to extricate yourself from the lies you've already told.

You ARE the George Costanza of the US Message Board!

Oldstyle, your normal personal attacks are way stupid. The fact you can not prove I have ever lied, and continue to lie when I have categorically proven you lie is crazy. But you do so scores of times. Over and over with the same lies.
So, saying that I or anyone lies is pretty hollow, me boy. People usually do not lie. It is a trait that you yourself have, and that few others do. Consider these lies you have tried:
1. So, you lied what, 50 plus times, when you claimed that I did not know what the Chicago School of economics was when you mentioned it to me in a post. But, when I brought up your post, copied and pasted it to show what the truth was, it proved that you were lying not once, but at least 50 times. Because the post I copied and pasted for you to see plainly said nothing about the Chicago school. But by now, you have made that same claim at least 50 times.
There was never a mention of the Chicago School until you started making the lie about it.
2. You lied today when you said I claimed to have a secretary who proofed my typing. I brought forward the post and proved I said that I had previously had a secretary that did check my writing. Which was true, And offered to prove it to you, offering you a bet. You ran from that, because you had no proof and knew you would have lost.
3. You have said many, many times that I have lied when I said I have a college degree in economics. Again, I offered you a bet that would have made you a nice check if I could not produce a diploma. You again ran from the bet, knowing you would loose. But you continue to make the same claim.
4. You claimed that I said I worked with executives at BP as an employee there. I proved that I said no such thing. By the time I took the time to disprove you lie in this instance, you had claimed that I had lied on several occasions. Again, I proved you lied and that I never made the claim you were trying to say I had.

Most of those few cases you stated time after time after time. Each time you knew better, but it did not stop you. But the number of times you have intentionally lied about me is over 100 times. That is not just dishonest, it proves you to be SICK.

So, you see, you lie a lot. It is expected of you at this time. And you have made such claims knowing you were lying, after they were proven untrue to you. You are, me boy, not just a liar, but a serial liar. You have a major problem with lying. Or, maybe you just have no class, no integrity, no honesty. What is your problem, Oldstyle?
Last edited:
What no Caps, Georgie? Already embarrassed out of taking that tack?

Come on, give us another speech about how you never lie!

Then you can try explaining why you said you HAD put me on ignore and then days later said that you'd NEVER put me on ignore?

Then you can explain how "A-B=Jobs Saved" went from being one of several formulas you stated existed to determine "Jobs Saved" being a jest? The only jest is that you attempted to pass it off as anything serious in the first place!

Gee, Rshermr...for a guy who supposedly NEVER sure do get caught telling lies a lot! Just saying...
What no Caps, Georgie? Already embarrassed out of taking that tack?

Come on, give us another speech about how you never lie!

Then you can try explaining why you said you HAD put me on ignore and then days later said that you'd NEVER put me on ignore?

Then you can explain how "A-B=Jobs Saved" went from being one of several formulas you stated existed to determine "Jobs Saved" being a jest? The only jest is that you attempted to pass it off as anything serious in the first place!

Gee, Rshermr...for a guy who supposedly NEVER sure do get caught telling lies a lot! Just saying...

Speech??? Apparently you are too stupid to understand anything.
I never lie. No speech at all, me poor ignorant con troll. Just the truth.

But it is funny watching you twist and turn trying to find some proof that I have ever lied. Failure after failure on your part. Because I do not lie. Even if I wanted to lie, which I do not, you would never be important enough to make me lie.

The jest, me boy, was obvious. Though I did forget that cons have no sense of humor. As I have proven, and will not bother again, the formula you asked for had a condition that you said you would meet, but then could not meet. You loose again, me boy. You are soooo sad.

Still waiting, by the way, for the bill republicans brought forward. I assume you have learned there was none.
"This is why I put OS on ignore. He is indeed a con tool. He has the amounts wrong, and what was going on wrong, just about everything wrong. You can not help him understand anything. What he wants to do is call the obama stimulus a failure, which is what he has been told is the case. But he has huge problems because unemployment has gone to near zero." Post 948

"I did not put you on ignore, I decided instead not to pay any attention to you. Look it up. That, me boy, is the definition of ignore. But you could not stop lying about me, and so I just thought I would correct some of your lies. Sorry that bothers you so much. Most people, those with integrity, would stop lying.
So, me boy, did you have anything to say about the subject of this thread, or are you planning on just continuing your personal attacks and lies???" Post 1097

That's you lying, Georgie. One post you claim that you've put me on ignore (which you've done because you have no answer to my request for what A or B mean in your A-B=Jobs Saved "formula") and then a week later you claim that you didn't put me on ignore! So either you lied in the first post...or you lied in the second. So spare us the "I never lie" bullshit because you were caught red handed.
As for your "jest"? Is that what you call it when you lie and say that you have something that you don't have? You claimed to have the formula that the Obama Administration used to determine "jobs saved". It didn't become a "jest" until weeks later when you finally figured out two things...A) that there was no such formula!...and B) that I wasn't going to let you get away with the lie that you told about having it. Only THEN did you come back with the rather pathetic excuse that you weren't serious and that what you claimed was a "jest" all along!

The truth, that your whole life is a "jest". You're the biggest poser on this board...a real life George Costanza.
As for your "jest"? Is that what you call it when you lie and say that you have something that you don't have? You claimed to have the formula that the Obama Administration used to determine "jobs saved". It didn't become a "jest" until weeks later when you finally figured out two things...A) that there was no such formula!...and B) that I wasn't going to let you get away with the lie that you told about having it. Only THEN did you come back with the rather pathetic excuse that you weren't serious and that what you claimed was a "jest" all along!

The truth, that your whole life is a "jest". You're the biggest poser on this board...a real life George Costanza.
So, let me try to understand this drivel you are posting:

Is that what you call it when you lie and say that you have something that you don't have?
No, that was a poke at you because you would not give up asking for it, without providing your required condition.
But more importantly, the formula that was what you wanted you continued to ask for, for several months. So, you say you thought you had the actual formula, but kept asking for that same actual formula for months. That, me boy, tells one all you need to know. Which is that you are lying again. Which is normal for you, me poor ignorant con troll.

The rest is just your normal drivel, with no effort to post economic argument. All you are capable of, as you have proven, is personal attack.
And no one is paying any attention to your posts any longer.

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Of course I'm not going to stop asking for the formula that the Obama White House used to determine "Jobs Saved"! Not because I actually want to see it...because I already KNEW it didn't exist! There is no such formula! There never was. The Obama economists made up those numbers. They just plain INVENTED them!

You're the one who said you had the formula. I kept asking for it because I knew right from the start that you were lying.
Anyone who HAS paid attention to this string now knows that you are a liar!
What's pathetic are your attempts to wiggle out of the lies that you have told by claiming that they were a "jest"! When you lie to someone repeatedly only to be found out weeks later...telling them that you didn't really mean what you were saying and that it was all a joke is about as weak as it gets.
Of course I'm not going to stop asking for the formula that the Obama White House used to determine "Jobs Saved"! Not because I actually want to see it...because I already KNEW it didn't exist! There is no such formula! There never was. The Obama economists made up those numbers. They just plain INVENTED them!

You're the one who said you had the formula. I kept asking for it because I knew right from the start that you were lying.
Anyone who HAS paid attention to this string now knows that you are a liar!

Good. So now you admit you were looking for the actual formula, and not the a-b formula I gave you to stop your whining and lying. Thanks for your admission.
So, you also admit that you were playing a game, in your mind. Not believing there was an actual formula, which I had conditionally promised you, you just kept asking anyway. Got it.
And you just kept ignoring the fact that you refused, and were apparently unable, to provide the condition I requited. Got it.
So, you just admitted what all have known. You are a dishonest game playing lying conservative con troll. Which everyone who paid any attention to you, if there were any at all, which I doubt.

And, as you well know, I never ever lie. What is funny is a liar saying that I lie.
You never lie? You just admitted that you gave me something that you KNEW wasn't the actual formula...your "A-B=Jobs Saved" was a bald faced lie!

Holding your feet to the fire to make you admit that you lied isn't me "playing a game"'s simply me demanding the truth. You lied all along, Georgie. You lied because you promised something you couldn't deliver and weren't man enough to admit it! My asking for something that I know doesn't exist isn't's what needs to be done with pathological liars like yourself.
After all your bluster...after all your accusations that others have lied or used personal attacks against you...the fact remains that you STILL can't come up with the economic formula that the Obama White House economists used to determine their "Jobs Saved" numbers...and the reason for that is that such a formula has never existed! If you had even an iota of integrity you'd admit that and move on but you can't do that...can you, Georgie? No, you'll stubbornly insist that you never lie...when it's obvious that not only DO you lie...but you do it a lot and rather badly!
You never lie? You just admitted that you gave me something that you KNEW wasn't the actual formula...your "A-B=Jobs Saved" was a bald faced lie!

Holding your feet to the fire to make you admit that you lied isn't me "playing a game"'s simply me demanding the truth. You lied all along, Georgie. You lied because you promised something you couldn't deliver and weren't man enough to admit it! My asking for something that I know doesn't exist isn't's what needs to be done with pathological liars like yourself.
Right. Asking for something you said you already had. I did not promise anything I could not deliver. That was no problem. The person who promised what they could not deliver was you. You could not name a bill that Republicans had sponsored to help with the problems of their own Great Republican Recession of 2008.
Because they, like YOU, could care less about the middle class, and all those unemployed by the Great Republican Recession. Because you are a lying piece of shit. Who only cares about himself.
And, to prove you are a game player, you could not admit that there was no such bill. And that you had lied about that. Really sad, me poor ignorant con tool.
You lied then like:
1. You lied when you said that you know I do not have a degree in econ.
2. You lied when you said over and over that I did not have a secretary that proofed my writing.
3. You lied at least 50 times when you said that you said "Chicago School" and I did not know what you meant.

Want more? How about when you said I claimed to have been an executive at BP.
You are a proven serial liar, who just like now, does not stop lying. You lie, over and over, and you lie to cover your lies.

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