US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

After all your bluster...after all your accusations that others have lied or used personal attacks against you...the fact remains that you STILL can't come up with the economic formula that the Obama White House economists used to determine their "Jobs Saved" numbers...and the reason for that is that such a formula has never existed! If you had even an iota of integrity you'd admit that and move on but you can't do that...can you, Georgie? No, you'll stubbornly insist that you never lie...when it's obvious that not only DO you lie...but you do it a lot and rather badly!

Since you have no integrity, since you have proven you have no integrity, it does not surprise me to see you again lying. So that you could learn a little about integrity, and honor, and truth, and honesty, I can give you nothing at all until you learn to show such qualities. And that would require that you to keep the promise you made when you agreed to the condition I required BEFORE providing you with the formula you so badly want. You know that i did require a condition of you. You have denied it, and I have proven that you lied when you did deny it. And yet the beat goes on. There are very few people who can be as dishonest as you. And they are all, to my knowledge, psychopaths. Is that you, Oldstyle? Is that why it does not bother you to lie over and over and over.
I have no problem providing you with the Formula that you so badly want. Not the a-b formula that you have known since I gave it to you was a joke. But the real formula. But you must meet the condition you said that you would. But since you will not and can not, you will see no formula. You will just go on playing your little dishonest game, because that is you. A dishonest lying con troll.
After all your bluster...after all your accusations that others have lied or used personal attacks against you...the fact remains that you STILL can't come up with the economic formula that the Obama White House economists used to determine their "Jobs Saved" numbers...and the reason for that is that such a formula has never existed! If you had even an iota of integrity you'd admit that and move on but you can't do that...can you, Georgie? No, you'll stubbornly insist that you never lie...when it's obvious that not only DO you lie...but you do it a lot and rather badly!

Since you have no integrity, since you have proven you have no integrity, it does not surprise me to see you again lying. So that you could learn a little about integrity, and honor, and truth, and honesty, I can give you nothing at all until you learn to show such qualities. And that would require that you to keep the promise you made when you agreed to the condition I required BEFORE providing you with the formula you so badly want. You know that i did require a condition of you. You have denied it, and I have proven that you lied when you did deny it. And yet the beat goes on. There are very few people who can be as dishonest as you. And they are all, to my knowledge, psychopaths. Is that you, Oldstyle? Is that why it does not bother you to lie over and over and over.
I have no problem providing you with the Formula that you so badly want. Not the a-b formula that you have known since I gave it to you was a joke. But the real formula. But you must meet the condition you said that you would. But since you will not and can not, you will see no formula. You will just go on playing your little dishonest game, because that is you. A dishonest lying con troll.

Dude...seriously? You're STILL pretending that there is a formula? You have issues...
It's so obvious that you've been lying about this whole thing it's laughable to watch you bluster about your "conditions"!

The only reason you came up with the whole condition thing is to give you an excuse not to provide the formula. I really don't know who you think you're fooling at this point. Are you trying to convince yourself that you're not full of shit? Because you'll never convince me of that...I've seen you tell too many whoppers, Georgie!
After all your bluster...after all your accusations that others have lied or used personal attacks against you...the fact remains that you STILL can't come up with the economic formula that the Obama White House economists used to determine their "Jobs Saved" numbers...and the reason for that is that such a formula has never existed! If you had even an iota of integrity you'd admit that and move on but you can't do that...can you, Georgie? No, you'll stubbornly insist that you never lie...when it's obvious that not only DO you lie...but you do it a lot and rather badly!

Since you have no integrity, since you have proven you have no integrity, it does not surprise me to see you again lying. So that you could learn a little about integrity, and honor, and truth, and honesty, I can give you nothing at all until you learn to show such qualities. And that would require that you to keep the promise you made when you agreed to the condition I required BEFORE providing you with the formula you so badly want. You know that i did require a condition of you. You have denied it, and I have proven that you lied when you did deny it. And yet the beat goes on. There are very few people who can be as dishonest as you. And they are all, to my knowledge, psychopaths. Is that you, Oldstyle? Is that why it does not bother you to lie over and over and over.
I have no problem providing you with the Formula that you so badly want. Not the a-b formula that you have known since I gave it to you was a joke. But the real formula. But you must meet the condition you said that you would. But since you will not and can not, you will see no formula. You will just go on playing your little dishonest game, because that is you. A dishonest lying con troll.

Dude...seriously? You're STILL pretending that there is a formula? You have issues...
Just want you to keep your commitment to provide the bills names or numbers used by republicans over the years of slow growth of the employment picture caused by the great republican recession of 2008. As you stated that you would. But which you have failed to provide. And which you can not admit that they did not try. You know, me lying con troll, any effort at all to provide relief from their own recession.
Or alternatively to admit that you lied, and that there was o such effort by republicans, and that they just did not care.
It's so obvious that you've been lying about this whole thing it's laughable to watch you bluster about your "conditions"!

The only reason you came up with the whole condition thing is to give you an excuse not to provide the formula. I really don't know who you think you're fooling at this point. Are you trying to convince yourself that you're not full of shit? Because you'll never convince me of that...I've seen you tell too many whoppers, Georgie!

Hardly. You actually dabbled in economic history when you stated that Republicans did indeed care and did indeed bring bills forward to address their great unemployment problems caused by their Great Republican Recession of 2008, And I was so interested in seeing the bill you said you knew about and that I had missed. But it turns out you were simply being what you are, which is a con troll. And that you were lying. And that there was no such bill. And that neither you, nor the republican congressmen cared a wit about the people out of jobs and suffering from their efforts to make the rich richer.
And then, you lied and pretended that I did not require a condition to see the Formula that you so cared about. And you simply had no integrity, no honor at all. And wanted to see it and pretend you did not agree to a condition. Which I again proved you had agreed to. And I tried to teach you what integrity is, and what honor is, and you simply did not care. Because, me boy, you are a con troll. And you do not intend to admit that there was no bill, and that you did not care, as the republican congressmen did not care.
It must be awful to have no integrity or honor, me boy.
"This is why I put OS on ignore. He is indeed a con tool. He has the amounts wrong, and what was going on wrong, just about everything wrong. You can not help him understand anything. What he wants to do is call the obama stimulus a failure, which is what he has been told is the case. But he has huge problems because unemployment has gone to near zero." Post 948

"I did not put you on ignore, I decided instead not to pay any attention to you. Look it up. That, me boy, is the definition of ignore. But you could not stop lying about me, and so I just thought I would correct some of your lies. Sorry that bothers you so much. Most people, those with integrity, would stop lying.
So, me boy, did you have anything to say about the subject of this thread, or are you planning on just continuing your personal attacks and lies???" Post 1097
"I have no problem providing you with the Formula that you so badly want. Not the a-b formula that you have known since I gave it to you was a joke. But the real formula. But you must meet the condition you said that you would. But since you will not and can not, you will see no formula."

Every time you attempt to post something intelligent about economics it's a "joke", Rshermr! This is just one more pathetic example.
"I have no problem providing you with the Formula that you so badly want. Not the a-b formula that you have known since I gave it to you was a joke. But the real formula. But you must meet the condition you said that you would. But since you will not and can not, you will see no formula."

Every time you attempt to post something intelligent about economics it's a "joke", Rshermr! This is just one more pathetic example.
You just made three more posts attacking me, and making some sort of statements that you think are somehow important. And that no one else in this world cares about.
Now, me boy, did you have a point at all. And did you think you made a post about economics?

Or, are you simply trying to prove that you are a joke. Cause we have that down.
So, you say:

Every time you attempt to post something intelligent about economics it's a "joke", Rshermr! This is just one more pathetic example.
All you do is attack me, over and over. There has been no attempt to post anything about economic that I can remember, for a month by you. Period. And then, to make you look really, really irrational, you attack me for responding to your drivel. But maybe you are correct for once. No one is paying any attention to you, dipshit. For the past 5 days, there have been 44 posts. Most are yours, a few are mine. NO ONE ELSE HAS POSTED ANYTHING, IN THE PAST 44 POSTS. BECAUSE, ME BOY, NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR SUBJECT MATTER. SO, THERE YOU ARE. IF THAT IS NOT IRRELEVANT, NOTHING IS. It is just you posting drivel, again. You have, me boy, become completely irrelevant. And by responding to you, so do I. So, maybe this is the proper response to you, me poor ignorant con troll: Fuck off.
"The unemployment rate declined by 0.3 percentage point to 4.7 percent in May, "

So, no economist believes that full employment means 0% unemployment. Rather, it is generally close to 3%. And the best unemployment rate may be somewhat higher than that. So, if we are now at 4.7%, we are close to Optimal Unemployment. During Reagan's 8 years, the ue rate never got better than 5.1%. Clinton had rates down to 3.9%. So, perhaps 3% is a tough measure.
So, it is now true that our current problem is not the ue rate, but the rate of pay. Average pay rates, in other words. Which have not raised to where they should have by now.
Last edited:
"The unemployment rate declined by 0.3 percentage point to 4.7 percent in May, "

So, no economist believes that full employment means 0% unemployment. Rather, it is generally close to 3%. And the best unemployment rate may be somewhat higher than that. So, if we are now at 4.7%, we are close to Optimal Unemployment.
So, it is now true that our current problem is not the ue rate, but the rate of pay. Average pay rates, in other words. Which have not raised to where they should have by now.

We have an anti business libsocialist in the White House. Does socialism make people richer or poorer?
"The unemployment rate declined by 0.3 percentage point to 4.7 percent in May, "

So, no economist believes that full employment means 0% unemployment. Rather, it is generally close to 3%. And the best unemployment rate may be somewhat higher than that. So, if we are now at 4.7%, we are close to Optimal Unemployment.
So, it is now true that our current problem is not the ue rate, but the rate of pay. Average pay rates, in other words. Which have not raised to where they should have by now.

We have an anti business libsocialist in the White House. Does socialism make people richer or poorer?

According to ed, Obama was a socialist and bad for business. But the truth is, S&P up 157% and Business Profits up 182% with Employment up 8million jobs, and the ue rate down from 10% to 4.7% today. Looks like we better find another guy Ed calls a socialist.
Because the last republican administration created the worst recession since the Great Republican Depression of 1929.
"I have no problem providing you with the Formula that you so badly want. Not the a-b formula that you have known since I gave it to you was a joke. But the real formula. But you must meet the condition you said that you would. But since you will not and can not, you will see no formula."

Every time you attempt to post something intelligent about economics it's a "joke", Rshermr! This is just one more pathetic example.
You just made three more posts attacking me, and making some sort of statements that you think are somehow important. And that no one else in this world cares about.
Now, me boy, did you have a point at all. And did you think you made a post about economics?

Or, are you simply trying to prove that you are a joke. Cause we have that down.
So, you say:

Every time you attempt to post something intelligent about economics it's a "joke", Rshermr! This is just one more pathetic example.
All you do is attack me, over and over. There has been no attempt to post anything about economic that I can remember, for a month by you. Period. And then, to make you look really, really irrational, you attack me for responding to your drivel. But maybe you are correct for once. No one is paying any attention to you, dipshit. For the past 5 days, there have been 44 posts. Most are yours, a few are mine. NO ONE ELSE HAS POSTED ANYTHING, IN THE PAST 44 POSTS. BECAUSE, ME BOY, NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR SUBJECT MATTER. SO, THERE YOU ARE. IF THAT IS NOT IRRELEVANT, NOTHING IS. It is just you posting drivel, again. You have, me boy, become completely irrelevant. And by responding to you, so do I. So, maybe this is the proper response to you, me poor ignorant con troll: Fuck off.

Back to posting in Caps? Sorry, Georgie but Caps don't make you less of a liar...they just make you a LOUDER liar!
"I have no problem providing you with the Formula that you so badly want. Not the a-b formula that you have known since I gave it to you was a joke. But the real formula. But you must meet the condition you said that you would. But since you will not and can not, you will see no formula."

Every time you attempt to post something intelligent about economics it's a "joke", Rshermr! This is just one more pathetic example.
You just made three more posts attacking me, and making some sort of statements that you think are somehow important. And that no one else in this world cares about.
Now, me boy, did you have a point at all. And did you think you made a post about economics?

Or, are you simply trying to prove that you are a joke. Cause we have that down.
So, you say:

Every time you attempt to post something intelligent about economics it's a "joke", Rshermr! This is just one more pathetic example.
All you do is attack me, over and over. There has been no attempt to post anything about economic that I can remember, for a month by you. Period. And then, to make you look really, really irrational, you attack me for responding to your drivel. But maybe you are correct for once. No one is paying any attention to you, dipshit. For the past 5 days, there have been 44 posts. Most are yours, a few are mine. NO ONE ELSE HAS POSTED ANYTHING, IN THE PAST 44 POSTS. BECAUSE, ME BOY, NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR SUBJECT MATTER. SO, THERE YOU ARE. IF THAT IS NOT IRRELEVANT, NOTHING IS. It is just you posting drivel, again. You have, me boy, become completely irrelevant. And by responding to you, so do I. So, maybe this is the proper response to you, me poor ignorant con troll: Fuck off.

Back to posting in Caps? Sorry, Georgie but Caps don't make you less of a liar...they just make you a LOUDER liar!

I never ever lie. As you know. So, another post attacking me but totally without content. Just drivel, attacks, lies, and acting like a con troll as usual.
If you knew anything about economics, you could actually contribute.
"The unemployment rate declined by 0.3 percentage point to 4.7 percent in May, "

So, no economist believes that full employment means 0% unemployment. Rather, it is generally close to 3%. And the best unemployment rate may be somewhat higher than that. So, if we are now at 4.7%, we are close to Optimal Unemployment.
So, it is now true that our current problem is not the ue rate, but the rate of pay. Average pay rates, in other words. Which have not raised to where they should have by now.

We have an anti business libsocialist in the White House. Does socialism make people richer or poorer?
View attachment 80441

According to ed, Obama was a socialist and bad for business. But the truth is, S&P up 157% and Business Profits up 182% with Employment up 8million jobs, and the ue rate down from 10% to 4.7% today. Looks like we better find another guy Ed calls a socialist.
Because the last republican administration created the worst recession since the Great Republican Depression of 1929.

Did you want to take a crack at explaining which Obama economic policy it was that led to the turn-around in the stock market? While your statistics look wonderful for Barry, Rshermr...the truth is...the American economy rebounded DESPITE his policies! If he'd gotten Cap & Trade as he'd wanted...if he'd been able to stop fracking like he wanted...our economy would be in much worse shape than it is right now. He should give thanks to the GOP for taking over the House in 2010 and stopping him and his progressive minions from doing some serious harm to the recovery.
"I have no problem providing you with the Formula that you so badly want. Not the a-b formula that you have known since I gave it to you was a joke. But the real formula. But you must meet the condition you said that you would. But since you will not and can not, you will see no formula."

Every time you attempt to post something intelligent about economics it's a "joke", Rshermr! This is just one more pathetic example.
You just made three more posts attacking me, and making some sort of statements that you think are somehow important. And that no one else in this world cares about.
Now, me boy, did you have a point at all. And did you think you made a post about economics?

Or, are you simply trying to prove that you are a joke. Cause we have that down.
So, you say:

Every time you attempt to post something intelligent about economics it's a "joke", Rshermr! This is just one more pathetic example.
All you do is attack me, over and over. There has been no attempt to post anything about economic that I can remember, for a month by you. Period. And then, to make you look really, really irrational, you attack me for responding to your drivel. But maybe you are correct for once. No one is paying any attention to you, dipshit. For the past 5 days, there have been 44 posts. Most are yours, a few are mine. NO ONE ELSE HAS POSTED ANYTHING, IN THE PAST 44 POSTS. BECAUSE, ME BOY, NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR SUBJECT MATTER. SO, THERE YOU ARE. IF THAT IS NOT IRRELEVANT, NOTHING IS. It is just you posting drivel, again. You have, me boy, become completely irrelevant. And by responding to you, so do I. So, maybe this is the proper response to you, me poor ignorant con troll: Fuck off.

Back to posting in Caps? Sorry, Georgie but Caps don't make you less of a liar...they just make you a LOUDER liar!

I never ever lie. As you know. So, another post attacking me but totally without content. Just drivel, attacks, lies, and acting like a con troll as usual.
If you knew anything about economics, you could actually contribute.

"This is why I put OS on ignore. He is indeed a con tool. He has the amounts wrong, and what was going on wrong, just about everything wrong. You can not help him understand anything. What he wants to do is call the obama stimulus a failure, which is what he has been told is the case. But he has huge problems because unemployment has gone to near zero." Post 948

"I did not put you on ignore, I decided instead not to pay any attention to you. Look it up. That, me boy, is the definition of ignore. But you could not stop lying about me, and so I just thought I would correct some of your lies. Sorry that bothers you so much. Most people, those with integrity, would stop lying.
So, me boy, did you have anything to say about the subject of this thread, or are you planning on just continuing your personal attacks and lies???" Post 1097

Yeah, you never lie...except of course where you lie and get caught doing so red handed! Why do you even bother claiming that at this point, Georgie?
As for what I know about economics? What's amusing is that I knew what an economic school of thought is and I was a history supposedly taught economics at the college level yet you didn't have a clue what that expression referred to. It was the first time that I realized what a bullshit artist you are.

If you REALLY want to contribute to this economic discussion the starting point would be for you to share with us all what the formula was that the Obama Administration's economists used to determine "Jobs Saved". You know...walk the walk instead of talk the talk?

Or you can continue to hide your lie behind "conditions".
"The unemployment rate declined by 0.3 percentage point to 4.7 percent in May, "

So, no economist believes that full employment means 0% unemployment. Rather, it is generally close to 3%. And the best unemployment rate may be somewhat higher than that. So, if we are now at 4.7%, we are close to Optimal Unemployment.
So, it is now true that our current problem is not the ue rate, but the rate of pay. Average pay rates, in other words. Which have not raised to where they should have by now.

We have an anti business libsocialist in the White House. Does socialism make people richer or poorer?
View attachment 80441

According to ed, Obama was a socialist and bad for business. But the truth is, S&P up 157% and Business Profits up 182% with Employment up 8million jobs, and the ue rate down from 10% to 4.7% today. Looks like we better find another guy Ed calls a socialist.
Because the last republican administration created the worst recession since the Great Republican Depression of 1929.

Did you want to take a crack at explaining which Obama economic policy it was that led to the turn-around in the stock market? While your statistics look wonderful for Barry, Rshermr...the truth is...the American economy rebounded DESPITE his policies! If he'd gotten Cap & Trade as he'd wanted...if he'd been able to stop fracking like he wanted...our economy would be in much worse shape than it is right now. He should give thanks to the GOP for taking over the House in 2010 and stopping him and his progressive minions from doing some serious harm to the recovery.

Ah, got it. So only you, a con troll, knows what the truth is, eh. Is that what you did, me boy, take a "crack at it". Being a food services worker, you think we should take your drivel as expert? Because you are what, other than delusional? So it was the republicans who did nothing except vote against everything Obama brought forward who were to credit for his successful economy. Because you believe the con talking points?
So votes a conservative con troll who spends every free moment attacking democrats, 24/7/365. A con troll who only posts conservative talking points, but does not use links to proe his points, because he is ashamed of the bat shit crazy con web sites he uses.

What did he do? Should we take the suggestions of a con troll who pushes con talking points, or should we take the happy talk of politicians, or the negative talk of politicians? Or, perhaps, should we take the words of experts who study the facts? Complete with actual links?
How about the latter, actual facts which trolls hate:

"1. Ended the 2008 Recession
In February 2009, Congress approved Obama's $787 billion economic stimulus package. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects. Therecession ended six months later when GDP growth turned positive. In just seven months, ARRA pumped $241.9 billion to the economy, stirring growth to a robust 3.9% by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, nearly all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.

2. Received 2009 Nobel Peace Prize
Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize in March 2010. The Committee lauded "..his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." He promised to withdraw U.S. ground troops from Iraq and take steps to arrest climate change. Most important, he promised to reduce the number of nuclear weapons. (Source: "Inspires Hope for a Better Future," Nobel Peace Prize 2009)

The Committee used the award to support for Obama's vision of peace rather his accomplishments. Since then, Obama withdrew troops from Iraq in 2011. He announced carbon reduction regulations in 2014 and signed a global climate accord in 2015. He has reduced the U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile by 10 percent. His team negotiated a deal with Iran to control its ability to build nuclear weapons.

3. Reformed Health Care
On March 23, 2010, Obamacare revolutionized healthcare. Six months later, concerns over the program's cost helped Republicans win control of the House of Representatives in the mid-term elections. Why did healthcare need to be reformed? Rising costs threatened to outstrip Medicare's ability to pay for it, and contributed to 50% of all bankruptcies. The quality of care was one of the worst in the world. For more on the story behind Obama's Plan to Reform Healthcare.

By 2014, the economy benefited from having 95% of the population on health insurance.That should reduce the number of emergency visits to the hospital and lower costs. Bankruptcies should decline since medical costs are the number one cause. For more, see see Obamacare Pros and Cons.

4. Regulated the Big Banks
In July 2010, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act improved regulation of eight areas that led to the financial crisis. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency improved regulation of credit cards and mortgages. The Financial Stability Oversight Council regulated hedge funds and banks that became too big to fail. The "Volcker Rule" banned banks from being too involved with hedge funds. Dodd-Frank clarified which agencies regulated which banks, stopping banks from cherry-picking their regulator.

6. Eliminated bin Laden Threat and Ended Iraq and Afghanistan Wars
On May 1, 2011, Navy Seals attacked the al Quaeda leader's compound in Pakistan and eliminated Osama bin Laden. Later that year, Obama ended the Iraq War. However, renewed threats from ISIS meant renewed military presence. For more, see Will It Ever End? How the Sunni-Shiite Split Affects the U.S. Economy.

In 2014, Obama wound down the War in Afghanistan. He increased defense spending to new record levels, partly by improving care and benefits for veterans. Ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan should have reduced the more than $800 billion in annual military spending. That's the largest discretionary budget item. It's one of the leading causes of the budget deficit and debt levels. Instead, it remained higher than during the Bush Administration. For more, see War on Terror Costs.

7. International Climate Agreement
Obama led global efforts to reach the International Climate Agreement. It was negotiated in Paris on December 12, 2015. Countries agreed to reduce carbon emissions and increase carbon trading. Members agreed to limit global warming to 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit above pre-industrial temperatures. Developed countries will contribute $100 billion a year to assist emerging markets. Many of them bear the brunt of damage from typhoons, rising sea levels, and droughts. At least 55 of the 196 countries participating must now ratify the agreement before it can go into effect. (Source: "Climate Agreement Best Chance We Have to Save the Planet," CNN, December 14, 2015)"
What Has Obama Done? 11 Major Accomplishments

So, there are a few, complete with a link. It is not as cool as you believe the re
publican meeting on his inauguration eve was. You know, the one where republicans pledged to do all necessary to keep Obama from being a two term president, and to block every single piece of legislation he brought forward to help in mitigating the effects of the great republican recession of 2008. And it was not as cool as the republican determination to never bring forward a single bill to help Which all con trolls, like Oldstyle, blindly followed and supported.

Got an economic argument? Or do you just go forward posting bat shit crazy con talking points?
Last edited:
"The unemployment rate declined by 0.3 percentage point to 4.7 percent in May, "

So, no economist believes that full employment means 0% unemployment. Rather, it is generally close to 3%. And the best unemployment rate may be somewhat higher than that. So, if we are now at 4.7%, we are close to Optimal Unemployment.
So, it is now true that our current problem is not the ue rate, but the rate of pay. Average pay rates, in other words. Which have not raised to where they should have by now.

We have an anti business libsocialist in the White House. Does socialism make people richer or poorer?
View attachment 80441

According to ed, Obama was a socialist and bad for business. But the truth is, S&P up 157% and Business Profits up 182% with Employment up 8million jobs, and the ue rate down from 10% to 4.7% today. Looks like we better find another guy Ed calls a socialist.
Because the last republican administration created the worst recession since the Great Republican Depression of 1929.

Did you want to take a crack at explaining which Obama economic policy it was that led to the turn-around in the stock market? While your statistics look wonderful for Barry, Rshermr...the truth is...the American economy rebounded DESPITE his policies! If he'd gotten Cap & Trade as he'd wanted...if he'd been able to stop fracking like he wanted...our economy would be in much worse shape than it is right now. He should give thanks to the GOP for taking over the House in 2010 and stopping him and his progressive minions from doing some serious harm to the recovery.

Ah, got it. So only you, a con troll, knows what the truth is, eh. Is that what you did, me boy, take a "crack at it". Being a food services worker, you think we should take your drivel as expert? Because you are what, other than delusional? So it was the republicans who did nothing except vote against everything Obama brought forward who were to credit for his successful economy. Because you believe the con talking points?
So votes a conservative con troll who spends every free moment attacking democrats, 24/7/365. A con troll who only posts conservative talking points, but does not use links to proe his points, because he is ashamed of the bat shit crazy con web sites he uses.

What did he do? Should we take the suggestions of a con troll who pushes con talking points, or should we take the happy talk of politicians, or the negative talk of politicians? Or, perhaps, should we take the words of experts who study the facts? Complete with actual links?
How about the latter, actual facts which trolls hate:

"1. Ended the 2008 Recession
In February 2009, Congress approved Obama's $787 billion economic stimulus package. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects. Therecession ended six months later when GDP growth turned positive. In just seven months, ARRA pumped $241.9 billion to the economy, stirring growth to a robust 3.9% by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, nearly all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.

2. Received 2009 Nobel Peace Prize
Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize in March 2010. The Committee lauded "..his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." He promised to withdraw U.S. ground troops from Iraq and take steps to arrest climate change. Most important, he promised to reduce the number of nuclear weapons. (Source: "Inspires Hope for a Better Future," Nobel Peace Prize 2009)

The Committee used the award to support for Obama's vision of peace rather his accomplishments. Since then, Obama withdrew troops from Iraq in 2011. He announced carbon reduction regulations in 2014 and signed a global climate accord in 2015. He has reduced the U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile by 10 percent. His team negotiated a deal with Iran to control its ability to build nuclear weapons.

3. Reformed Health Care
On March 23, 2010, Obamacare revolutionized healthcare. Six months later, concerns over the program's cost helped Republicans win control of the House of Representatives in the mid-term elections. Why did healthcare need to be reformed? Rising costs threatened to outstrip Medicare's ability to pay for it, and contributed to 50% of all bankruptcies. The quality of care was one of the worst in the world. For more on the story behind Obama's Plan to Reform Healthcare.

By 2014, the economy benefited from having 95% of the population on health insurance.That should reduce the number of emergency visits to the hospital and lower costs. Bankruptcies should decline since medical costs are the number one cause. For more, see see Obamacare Pros and Cons.

4. Regulated the Big Banks
In July 2010, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act improved regulation of eight areas that led to the financial crisis. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency improved regulation of credit cards and mortgages. The Financial Stability Oversight Council regulated hedge funds and banks that became too big to fail. The "Volcker Rule" banned banks from being too involved with hedge funds. Dodd-Frank clarified which agencies regulated which banks, stopping banks from cherry-picking their regulator.

6. Eliminated bin Laden Threat and Ended Iraq and Afghanistan Wars
On May 1, 2011, Navy Seals attacked the al Quaeda leader's compound in Pakistan and eliminated Osama bin Laden. Later that year, Obama ended the Iraq War. However, renewed threats from ISIS meant renewed military presence. For more, see Will It Ever End? How the Sunni-Shiite Split Affects the U.S. Economy.

In 2014, Obama wound down the War in Afghanistan. He increased defense spending to new record levels, partly by improving care and benefits for veterans. Ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan should have reduced the more than $800 billion in annual military spending. That's the largest discretionary budget item. It's one of the leading causes of the budget deficit and debt levels. Instead, it remained higher than during the Bush Administration. For more, see War on Terror Costs.

7. International Climate Agreement
Obama led global efforts to reach the International Climate Agreement. It was negotiated in Paris on December 12, 2015. Countries agreed to reduce carbon emissions and increase carbon trading. Members agreed to limit global warming to 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit above pre-industrial temperatures. Developed countries will contribute $100 billion a year to assist emerging markets. Many of them bear the brunt of damage from typhoons, rising sea levels, and droughts. At least 55 of the 196 countries participating must now ratify the agreement before it can go into effect. (Source: "Climate Agreement Best Chance We Have to Save the Planet," CNN, December 14, 2015)"
What Has Obama Done? 11 Major Accomplishments

So, there are a few, complete with a link. It is not as cool as you believe the re
publican meeting on his inauguration eve was. You know, the one where republicans pledged to do all necessary to keep Obama from being a two term president, and to block every single piece of legislation he brought forward to help in mitigating the effects of the great republican recession of 2008. And it was not as cool as the republican determination to never bring forward a single bill to help Which all con trolls, like Oldstyle, blindly followed and supported.

Got an economic argument? Or do you just go forward posting bat shit crazy con talking points?

I ask what economic policies of Barack Obama's led to the stock market rebound and you give me his Nobel Peace Prize? God but you're clueless!

You're blathering about "bat shit crazy" talking points while doing NOTHING but using them to excuse Obama's total lack of an economic plan to fix the economy. Our health care system was one of the worst in the world? What idiots put together that list of "Major Accomplishments"?

Did you want to take a crack at explaining which Obama economic policy it was that led to the turn-around in the stock market? While your statistics look wonderful for Barry, Rshermr...the truth is...the American economy rebounded DESPITE his policies! If he'd gotten Cap & Trade as he'd wanted...if he'd been able to stop fracking like he wanted...our economy would be in much worse shape than it is right now. He should give thanks to the GOP for taking over the House in 2010 and stopping him and his progressive minions from doing some serious harm to the recovery.

The statistics, of course, are not mine. Those statistics are from A Project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center. A project very often attacked by con trolls, because it traffics in truth with evidence, and never, ever talking points. And was originated by Walter Annenberg, a close personal friend of Ronald Reagan. And when last registered year ago, was registered as a REPUBLICAN.
But lets look at your attack on Cap and Trade. Which is consistent with Con talking points. Here is the actual conservative talking point:
"FreedomWorks' August Recess Action Kit States:
Waxman-Markey would cost American jobs. An analysis conducted in 2007 of the kind of policy approach contained in Waxman-Markey estimated as many as 1.2 million to 2.3 million jobs would be lost. [FreedomWorks, 8/5/09]"
The above quote from FreedomWorks was by Dick Armey, then Chairman of FreedomWorks. In a document called FreedomWorks August Recess Action Kit. On August 5, 2009. The claim has been rebutted many times, but to cons, it is "fact". And Dick Armey has never been known as a source for truth.

So, looking at impartial sources, we have:
President Obama has pledged to combat climate change and has asked Congress to pass legislation to lower U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. Concerns over economic costs have stymied attempts at federal policy in the past, and during the economic crisis it may prove even harder. The debate over U.S. climate policy comes amid lingering doubts by a majority of the U.S. public (TIME) about whether climate change should be a priority. And new studies questioning the effects of climate change -- such as a recent study that estimates the West Antarctic ice sheet will melt in thousands and not hundred of years (Nature) -- help reinforce those doubts. Despite possible hurdles, the president's first budget assumes that a cap-and-trade system for greenhouse gases will be up and running by 2012 and will begin generating revenues for the U.S. Treasury. asked six experts what impact a cap-and-trade system would have on the U.S. economy if it were imposed right now.

Michael A. Levi, David M. Rubenstein Senior Fellow for Energy and the Environment and Director of the Maurice R. Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies
Capping and hence pricing carbon immediately, while we're still in a recession, would be unwise, but no one is talking seriously about doing that. Passing legislation now that would cap emissions starting in a few years would probably have a small but positive net impact on the U.S. economy. A delayed cap wouldn't impose any immediate costs on U.S. consumers. It would, however, do two good things:
First, it would reduce current uncertainty about the shape of future greenhouse gas regulations. Uncertainty is a deterrent to investment. Passing cap-and-trade legislation soon would thus (at least marginally) help unlock spending.
Second, it would remove pressure to implement far clumsier regulations under the Clean Air Act, which was not designed for tackling the sort of broadly distributed and extraordinarily varied emissions sources that drive climate change. Using the Clean Air Act to regulate emissions would likely be far more expensive than using a cap-and-trade system; anything that makes the first path less likely, then, would be an economic plus."

Cons almost completely disagree with scientists on the issue of global climate change. And they all agree with the con talking points coming from energy corporations. But there is no truth to the idea, put forward by Oldstyle, that Cap and Trade would have had a negative impact on the economy. It was simply a policy opposed by energy corporations, for their own benefit.

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