US Marines Confront A Fake "Army Sergeant"?

He's a fake, just like Asswipe. It makes them feel important to impersonate important people.
Isn't that illegal?

Sadly, no.

'Stolen Valor Act' Shot Down by High Court |
A Texas man who helped lead the charge for Congress to pass a law against so-called military "fakers" said he was disappointed the Supreme Court had struck it down Thursday.

B.G. "Jug" Burkett, a Vietnam veteran and co-author of 1998's "Stolen Valor," told he thought the court might toss out the portion of the act making it a crime to "verbally" claim being awarded medals and decorations, but not the entire law.

"I'm disappointed. You've got people out there that can claim the highest decorations in the land and there's no way to legally stop them from doing so," he said.

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