US Navy announces nuclear submarine passed through Strait of Hormuz amid tensions with Iran

Completely stealth...I'm sure the move was announced to show we can anytime we want....
Nice reply. I am not a navy guy and doubt you are either, but I notice what looked like a hump behind the conning tower and looked up the USS Georgia, followed to the entry on Ohio Class submarines and saw a picture showing it to look like a small submarine, propeller clearly visible. If you have a huge bllistic missile submarine, why piggy back a small sub? Any Navy people out here?

The USS Georgia was retrofitted to be an SSGN. They no longer carry the ballistic missiles. They now carry cruise missiles and the like. The smaller sub piggybacking on the USS Georgia is likely some sort of special forces stealth sub.

And speaking of stealth, FBM subs are known for being almost impossible to detect. Changing them over to cruise missiles gives the task force an edge against other ships and land targets.
Yeah, picked up on the SF use, then looked up and found the picked up a 66 man "special operator" contingent with the retrofit. Navy gets cool useful toys.
Thank god democrats arent in power or they would give the sub to Iran full of americans to take prisoner like the speed boats and drones Obama/chinacrats gave them
That would never happen but please lie some more we need a good laugh at someone.
Thank god democrats arent in power or they would give the sub to Iran full of americans to take prisoner like the speed boats and drones Obama/chinacrats gave them
You are mistaking Oblama for Reagan...
This idiot Chinacrat tells this would never happen than quotes me again and tells me Reagan did it.

Obviously he has no clue what Im refering to. Totally ignorant.


Another branch of the CCP


The CCP's useful idiots
Reagan gave Iran, missiles, aircraft parts, money when it was illegal, Oblama gave back the money that was frozen assets of Iran when the hostages were taken........Now, go act stupid some more we need the laughs.
Still has no clue.

And the money Obama gave Iran was like giving a terrorist his bomb back. Kerry even admitted some of the money would fund terrorist. That's why we kept it from them to begin with.

Wonder how many people were killed by terror attacks funded by that money?
Completely stealth...I'm sure the move was announced to show we can anytime we want....
Nice reply. I am not a navy guy and doubt you are either, but I notice what looked like a hump behind the conning tower and looked up the USS Georgia, followed to the entry on Ohio Class submarines and saw a picture showing it to look like a small submarine, propeller clearly visible. If you have a huge bllistic missile submarine, why piggy back a small sub? Any Navy people out here?

The USS Georgia was retrofitted to be an SSGN. They no longer carry the ballistic missiles. They now carry cruise missiles and the like. The smaller sub piggybacking on the USS Georgia is likely some sort of special forces stealth sub.

And speaking of stealth, FBM subs are known for being almost impossible to detect. Changing them over to cruise missiles gives the task force an edge against other ships and land targets.
Yeah, picked up on the SF use, then looked up and found the picked up a 66 man "special operator" contingent with the retrofit. Navy gets cool useful toys.

From what I understand, when they convert the FBMs to SSGNs, they use the space from 22 of the ballistic missile tubes. 2 of the tubes are converted for use for divers and special forces missions. A lot easier than using the escape trunk.
An American nuclear-powered guided-missile submarine traversed the strategically vital waterway between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula on Monday, the U.S. Navy said, a rare announcement that comes amid rising tensions with Iran.

Dec. 21, 2020
Again the USA is the worlds aggressor in everything !
Dismantle the military
USA military is a force of evil that only protects the oligarchs financial interests
Completely stealth...I'm sure the move was announced to show we can anytime we want....
Nice reply. I am not a navy guy and doubt you are either, but I notice what looked like a hump behind the conning tower and looked up the USS Georgia, followed to the entry on Ohio Class submarines and saw a picture showing it to look like a small submarine, propeller clearly visible. If you have a huge bllistic missile submarine, why piggy back a small sub? Any Navy people out here?

Georgia was converted from a ballistic missile sub to a cruise missile sub. They took out the Nuclear ballistic missile launchers and added the capability to fire a crap ton of cruise missiles.

it's basically a stealthy artillery platform.
Completely stealth...I'm sure the move was announced to show we can anytime we want....
Nice reply. I am not a navy guy and doubt you are either, but I notice what looked like a hump behind the conning tower and looked up the USS Georgia, followed to the entry on Ohio Class submarines and saw a picture showing it to look like a small submarine, propeller clearly visible. If you have a huge bllistic missile submarine, why piggy back a small sub? Any Navy people out here?

The USS Georgia was retrofitted to be an SSGN. They no longer carry the ballistic missiles. They now carry cruise missiles and the like. The smaller sub piggybacking on the USS Georgia is likely some sort of special forces stealth sub.

And speaking of stealth, FBM subs are known for being almost impossible to detect. Changing them over to cruise missiles gives the task force an edge against other ships and land targets.
Yeah, picked up on the SF use, then looked up and found the picked up a 66 man "special operator" contingent with the retrofit. Navy gets cool useful toys.

From what I understand, when they convert the FBMs to SSGNs, they use the space from 22 of the ballistic missile tubes. 2 of the tubes are converted for use for divers and special forces missions. A lot easier than using the escape trunk.
Makes sense. Saw interior drawing of normal Ohio Class, but not configured as SSGN and the drawings nor pictures of Georgia showed a mini sub attached at commissioning or prior to the retrofit. In the picture for the article, it just looked like a large tank, apparently the end with the prop was pointed toward the conning tower. I am not swift on Naval boats. Tankers don't get much schooling on naval ship and sub identification.
Completely stealth...I'm sure the move was announced to show we can anytime we want....
Nice reply. I am not a navy guy and doubt you are either, but I notice what looked like a hump behind the conning tower and looked up the USS Georgia, followed to the entry on Ohio Class submarines and saw a picture showing it to look like a small submarine, propeller clearly visible. If you have a huge bllistic missile submarine, why piggy back a small sub? Any Navy people out here?

The USS Georgia was retrofitted to be an SSGN. They no longer carry the ballistic missiles. They now carry cruise missiles and the like. The smaller sub piggybacking on the USS Georgia is likely some sort of special forces stealth sub.

And speaking of stealth, FBM subs are known for being almost impossible to detect. Changing them over to cruise missiles gives the task force an edge against other ships and land targets.

Probably there to let a Seal team reach out and touch someone.
Completely stealth...I'm sure the move was announced to show we can anytime we want....
Nice reply. I am not a navy guy and doubt you are either, but I notice what looked like a hump behind the conning tower and looked up the USS Georgia, followed to the entry on Ohio Class submarines and saw a picture showing it to look like a small submarine, propeller clearly visible. If you have a huge bllistic missile submarine, why piggy back a small sub? Any Navy people out here?

That is a dry shelter for use by Navy SEALs equipment.
And the money Obama gave Iran was like giving a terrorist his bomb back.
Wonder how many people were killed by terror attacks funded by that money?

A lie is a lie and if you cannot come up with some valid proof I will be forced to refer to you as.,.,.,..,., " TheGreatSatanwithwarts"
It seems you missed the agreement Iran made with the USA and some European countries. The Iranians agreed to hold back on enriching their uranium stockpile to an atomic bomb level.

Iran complied and they are still complying today.

Trump trashed the treaty while the Iranians are still complying.
I pray Biden can cool off the Zion camp without hurting the Chosen's feelings.
But if they want to cry like a spoiled child send them two (2) crates of coved disinfected Kleenexes
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And the money Obama gave Iran was like giving a terrorist his bomb back.
Wonder how many people were killed by terror attacks funded by that money?

A lie is a lie and if you cannot come up with some valid proof I will be forced to refer to you as.,.,.,..,., " TheGreatSatanwithwarts"
It seems you missed the agreement Iran made with the USA and some European countries. The Iranians agreed to hold back on enriching their uranium stockpile to an atomic bomb level.

Iran complied and they are still complying today.

Trump trashed the treaty while the Iranians are still complying.
I pray Biden can cool off the Zion camp without hurting the Chosen's feelings.
But if they want to cry like a spoiled child send them two (2) crates of coved disinfected Kleenexes
Iran hasn't stopped anything. That is a lie

Kerry himself said some of the money Iran got would fund terrorist.

Is that you Fang Fang?
F the US military
They are the major source that destabilizes the world with one fake war after another
Time to cut the military budget by 2/3
Iran is zero threat to anyone

Who captured our sailors and held them for days when their vessel broke down?

Who attacked our bases in Iraq after we killed Soleimani?

Who attacked the Saudi oil processing facilities?

Who harrasses and attakcs oil tankers in the Persian Gulf?

How stupid can you get?
Iran is zero threat to anyone

Who captured our sailors and held them for days when their vessel broke down?

Who attacked our bases in Iraq after we killed Soleimani?

Who attacked the Saudi oil processing facilities?

Who harrasses and attakcs oil tankers in the Persian Gulf?

How stupid can you get?
What you want another worthless war ??
USA has done plenty to them , as well
Another fake war for hundreds of billions to the “ war profiteers “
I am grateful to the “ real war vets of WW2” not to the other fake wars
Iran is zero threat to anyone

Who captured our sailors and held them for days when their vessel broke down?

Who attacked our bases in Iraq after we killed Soleimani?

Who attacked the Saudi oil processing facilities?

Who harrasses and attakcs oil tankers in the Persian Gulf?

How stupid can you get?
What you want another worthless war ??
USA has done plenty to them , as well


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