US North Carolina Democrat Senate candidate Cal Cunningham Caught in Two Affairs

You're wanting to disqualify a candidate on the grounds that he's a cheating hound dog? YOUR candidate has five children by three wives and he cheated on all of them, quite publically. So I guess you won't vote for Trump now because of lack of morality?

You're such a fucking hypocrite. This thread is a joke.
And, not a single democrat cared until he became President.
Typical Democrat play. Take a boring run of the mill guy, package him as such and then get him to Washington and vote like a commie...they do this ALLLLLLLL the time. But he got caught, naughty naughty.

I bet he will vow not to vote for Pelosi (yeah it's a joke since he's in the senate)...but somehow she still remains Speaker, how odd.
Cal Cunningham was Schumer's handpicked candidate to run for Senate in North Carolina. Reports indicated Schumer's ideal candidate to challenge incumbent senator Thom Tillis (R., N.C.) would be as boring as possible and spend the entire campaign "in a windowless basement raising money" for "negative ads about Tillis."

Cunningham—a married father of two—was recently caught exchanging flirty messages with a married woman in California, the wife of a sergeant who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Cunningham apologized for hurting his family, refused to drop out of the race, cancelled all live campaign events.

Evidence has now been uncovered Cunningham may have had an extramarital relationship with a second woman.

Schumer and the Democrat Party chose to endorse and support 'vanilla', 'boring', WHITE Cal Cunningham over a qualified candidate already in the race - Erica Smith. Smith, a state senator and former Boeing engineer, tried to become the first black woman to win a statewide election in North Carolina but lost the primary after the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee endorsed Cunningham.
- I guess being a white, adulterous / promiscuous male are more sought after qualities by Schumer and the Democrats. (Of course if anyone asks why they chose Cunningham over Smith you can expect the Democrat Party / Chucky to lash out at whoever is asking, calling THEM 'racists' and 'misogynists'.

"Smith alleged that Democratic officials explicitly promised her that they wouldn't endorse in the primary and suggested that race was a factor in the decision to back Cunningham. "Sen. Schumer, for whatever reason, did not want an African American running for Senate in North Carolina," Smith said during a campaign event in January.

Schumer got exactly what he wanted. In light of recent events, however, he might be starting to regret his decision to value racial purity above all else. Lesson learned."

You're wanting to disqualify a candidate on the grounds that he's a cheating hound dog? YOUR candidate has five children by three wives and he cheated on all of them, quite publically. So I guess you won't vote for Trump now because of lack of morality?

You're such a fucking hypocrite. This thread is a joke.
There is that leftwing empathy for women...Trump didn't cheat on his wife on the actual campaign trail....and for Stormy, you would have to believe Michael "Don't drop the soap" ...yeah
This story is probably fake; it's a plant trying to convince the public there are heterosexual Democrats in office.

Mr. Cunningham isn't in office yet, he's only running for office. The D's are trying to pander to Normative Americans by their claim that Mr. Cunningham is straight.
With the right wing adoring their "reality TV guy" some of wonder why this is even an issue in modern reality TV times.
You're wanting to disqualify a candidate on the grounds that he's a cheating hound dog? YOUR candidate has five children by three wives and he cheated on all of them, quite publically. So I guess you won't vote for Trump now because of lack of morality?

You're such a fucking hypocrite. This thread is a joke.
And, not a single democrat cared until he became President.

When Bill Clinton, the President of the United States, was caught having an adulterous affair with an Intern in the Oral Office, MANY Democrats defended him by declaring what a grown adult male does with whoever he wants - as long as she is willing - on his own time is no one's business.

These same people have and still declare that what CITIZEN Donald Trump did with another consenting adult is not only THEIR business but is a disqualifying factor for him to be President.

...and the TDS-suffering, hate-driven, partisan-crazed Democrats, fake news media, and snowflakes can not see (or claim not to be able to) the Super-Hypocrisy and complete BS that this is.

THAT is amazing...but at the same time it is what we come to expect from them.
Disgusting pigs merely flirt instead of "grab them by the pussy"? Why am I not surprised by right wing, lack of moral consistency.
Why do you keep pushing the same lie that EVERYONE knows has been debunked?

You willingly continue to use the reference out of context, as if when you throw it out there you might find someone who does not know the truth that you can influence / deceive.

Literally everyone knows the story of how CITIZEN Trump was on a late night talk show and during the discussion of how some women will do anything for money and fame, how they will let rich people do virtually anything, Trump made the comment of how some women are so cheap / influenced by money / power they will 'let you grab them by the pu$$y'.

No one knows this better than Bill Clinton...and Joe Biden. Trump just SAID it on a late night talk show - Slick Willy and Dementia/China Joe actually DID it.
Cal Cunningham was Schumer's handpicked candidate to run for Senate in North Carolina. Reports indicated Schumer's ideal candidate to challenge incumbent senator Thom Tillis (R., N.C.) would be as boring as possible and spend the entire campaign "in a windowless basement raising money" for "negative ads about Tillis."

Cunningham—a married father of two—was recently caught exchanging flirty messages with a married woman in California, the wife of a sergeant who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Cunningham apologized for hurting his family, refused to drop out of the race, cancelled all live campaign events.

Evidence has now been uncovered Cunningham may have had an extramarital relationship with a second woman.

Schumer and the Democrat Party chose to endorse and support 'vanilla', 'boring', WHITE Cal Cunningham over a qualified candidate already in the race - Erica Smith. Smith, a state senator and former Boeing engineer, tried to become the first black woman to win a statewide election in North Carolina but lost the primary after the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee endorsed Cunningham.
- I guess being a white, adulterous / promiscuous male are more sought after qualities by Schumer and the Democrats. (Of course if anyone asks why they chose Cunningham over Smith you can expect the Democrat Party / Chucky to lash out at whoever is asking, calling THEM 'racists' and 'misogynists'.

"Smith alleged that Democratic officials explicitly promised her that they wouldn't endorse in the primary and suggested that race was a factor in the decision to back Cunningham. "Sen. Schumer, for whatever reason, did not want an African American running for Senate in North Carolina," Smith said during a campaign event in January.

Schumer got exactly what he wanted. In light of recent events, however, he might be starting to regret his decision to value racial purity above all else. Lesson learned."

You're wanting to disqualify a candidate on the grounds that he's a cheating hound dog? YOUR candidate has five children by three wives and he cheated on all of them, quite publically. So I guess you won't vote for Trump now because of lack of morality?

You're such a fucking hypocrite. This thread is a joke.

If Mr. Cunningham doesn't have a problem with being known as an adulterer, he should just open up about it.

That's the point.
He should get permission from his wife, in modern times. Nice husbands do.
Cal Cunningham was Schumer's handpicked candidate to run for Senate in North Carolina. Reports indicated Schumer's ideal candidate to challenge incumbent senator Thom Tillis (R., N.C.) would be as boring as possible and spend the entire campaign "in a windowless basement raising money" for "negative ads about Tillis."

Cunningham—a married father of two—was recently caught exchanging flirty messages with a married woman in California, the wife of a sergeant who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Cunningham apologized for hurting his family, refused to drop out of the race, cancelled all live campaign events.

Evidence has now been uncovered Cunningham may have had an extramarital relationship with a second woman.

Schumer and the Democrat Party chose to endorse and support 'vanilla', 'boring', WHITE Cal Cunningham over a qualified candidate already in the race - Erica Smith. Smith, a state senator and former Boeing engineer, tried to become the first black woman to win a statewide election in North Carolina but lost the primary after the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee endorsed Cunningham.
- I guess being a white, adulterous / promiscuous male are more sought after qualities by Schumer and the Democrats. (Of course if anyone asks why they chose Cunningham over Smith you can expect the Democrat Party / Chucky to lash out at whoever is asking, calling THEM 'racists' and 'misogynists'.

"Smith alleged that Democratic officials explicitly promised her that they wouldn't endorse in the primary and suggested that race was a factor in the decision to back Cunningham. "Sen. Schumer, for whatever reason, did not want an African American running for Senate in North Carolina," Smith said during a campaign event in January.

Schumer got exactly what he wanted. In light of recent events, however, he might be starting to regret his decision to value racial purity above all else. Lesson learned."

But, that's ok when liberals do it.
Well seeing America has elected two Presidents in recent history that have slept with other women while being married tell me this is something I just could not give a rat ass about!
Would it be a problem if a spouse gets permission from the other spouse, in modern times?
Pick up a Bible....then again, maybe you shouldn't. You might burst into flames.

Well seeing America has elected two Presidents in recent history that have slept with other women while being married tell me this is something I just could not give a rat ass about!
Would it be a problem if a spouse gets permission from the other spouse, in modern times?

I think the real point is why doesn't Mr. Cunningham just come out openly about it instead of staying in denial?

Adultery helped John Edwards win a Senate Seat as a D in North Carolina, so why wouldn't it help this latest liberal horndog?
You're wanting to disqualify a candidate on the grounds that he's a cheating hound dog? YOUR candidate has five children by three wives and he cheated on all of them, quite publically. So I guess you won't vote for Trump now because of lack of morality?

You're such a fucking hypocrite. This thread is a joke.
And, not a single democrat cared until he became President.
He should have run as a democrat; the left could have accomplished much more with Your guy. We actually understand our Constitution.
Well seeing America has elected two Presidents in recent history that have slept with other women while being married tell me this is something I just could not give a rat ass about!
Would it be a problem if a spouse gets permission from the other spouse, in modern times?

I think the real point is why doesn't Mr. Cunningham just come out openly about it instead of staying in denial?

Adultery helped John Edwards win a Senate Seat as a D in North Carolina, so why wouldn't it help this latest liberal horndog?
IMO, liberal (callous or otherwise) infidelity undermines Liberal credibility / their ability to attack Conservatives, like Kavanaugh.

Its like a proven racist calling someone else a 'racist', a proven pedophile calling someone else a 'pedophile'.....people just roll their eyes and walk...
You're wanting to disqualify a candidate on the grounds that he's a cheating hound dog? YOUR candidate has five children by three wives and he cheated on all of them, quite publically. So I guess you won't vote for Trump now because of lack of morality?

You're such a fucking hypocrite. This thread is a joke.
And, not a single democrat cared until he became President.

When Bill Clinton, the President of the United States, was caught having an adulterous affair with an Intern in the Oral Office, MANY Democrats defended him by declaring what a grown adult male does with whoever he wants - as long as she is willing - on his own time is no one's business.

These same people have and still declare that what CITIZEN Donald Trump did with another consenting adult is not only THEIR business but is a disqualifying factor for him to be President.

...and the TDS-suffering, hate-driven, partisan-crazed Democrats, fake news media, and snowflakes can not see (or claim not to be able to) the Super-Hypocrisy and complete BS that this is.

THAT is amazing...but at the same time it is what we come to expect from them.
A California court ordered President Trump to pay Stephanie Clifford, the adult-film actress known as Stormy Daniels, $44,100 to cover her legal fees stemming from a dispute over a nondisclosure agreement.--

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