US officials: We didn't link Libya attack to video


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
So, where did Obama get the big lie about the youtube video being responsible? I think he knew immediately that he and his people were at fault for not taking steps to ensure the safety of those at the embassy. Between campaigning and preparing to celebrate 9/11 as community service day, he was too busy to worry about some gay ambassador being threatened by terrorists.

US officials: We didn't link Libya attack to video

The State Department said Tuesday it never concluded that the consulate attack in Libya stemmed from protests over an American-made video ridiculing Islam, raising further questions about why the Obama administration used that explanation for more than a week after assailants killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.
US officials: We didn't link Libya attack to video - Yahoo! News
I'd love to hear someone try to explain why Obama and crew insisted that there was a protest outside the consulate, when they knew there wasn't.

Do these people EVER tell the truth....Jesus, they have some stupid voters.......
Susan Rice, our ambassador to the UN thought it was all about the video, as did some Obama admin people who spoke about it for several days afterwards. I honestly do not understand how anyone can trust anything they say, for them it's all about politics and the election, truth be damned.
This is another case of inexperienced President trying to win reelection. It is beyond defense but the liberal base will defend the anointed one as they always do
Somebody's going to get thrown under the bus. Looks like it might be Hillary giving Obama a shove this time.
Total Pubcrappe, for dupes only. Everyone was confused. Seems to me RPGs started fires that killed with smoke, don't see any bullet holes, nothing would have helped....just me.
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Somebody's going to get thrown under the bus. Looks like it might be Hillary giving Obama a shove this time.

I noticed in the news reports as the story was breaking that Hillary seemed truly distressed. I thought at the time that it was because she had asked Stevens to take the job and for the first time ever, I felt sorry for her. Now it seems that her distress was more likely knowing that the lack of security at the consulate was going to be laid at her door.
The very idea that a Youtube video caused a coordinated Terrorist attack was, and still is preposterous.
Somebody's going to get thrown under the bus. Looks like it might be Hillary giving Obama a shove this time.

I noticed in the news reports as the story was breaking that Hillary seemed truly distressed. I thought at the time that it was because she had asked Stevens to take the job and for the first time ever, I felt sorry for her. Now it seems that her distress was more likely knowing that the lack of security at the consulate was going to be laid at her door.

Hillary is smart, much smarter than Obama. She's probably done things that made him look good in the past and he is the one who owes her. I think he's in for a shock if he tries to sell her out.
So, where did Obama get the big lie about the youtube video being responsible? I think he knew immediately that he and his people were at fault for not taking steps to ensure the safety of those at the embassy. Between campaigning and preparing to celebrate 9/11 as community service day, he was too busy to worry about some gay ambassador being threatened by terrorists.

US officials: We didn't link Libya attack to video

The State Department said Tuesday it never concluded that the consulate attack in Libya stemmed from protests over an American-made video ridiculing Islam, raising further questions about why the Obama administration used that explanation for more than a week after assailants killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.
US officials: We didn't link Libya attack to video - Yahoo! News

You have got to be kidding me lol.

This Administration is Pathetic. Drop the Ball, Lie about the Reason for the Attack, the lie again and deny you ever said it.

Just UN-believable, if the American people are stupid enough to reward this crap with another 4 years we deserve exactly what we get.
Somebody's going to get thrown under the bus. Looks like it might be Hillary giving Obama a shove this time.

I noticed in the news reports as the story was breaking that Hillary seemed truly distressed. I thought at the time that it was because she had asked Stevens to take the job and for the first time ever, I felt sorry for her. Now it seems that her distress was more likely knowing that the lack of security at the consulate was going to be laid at her door.

Hillary is smart, much smarter than Obama. She's probably done things that made him look good in the past and he is the one who owes her. I think he's in for a shock if he tries to sell her out.

In this case though, I don't think he'll have to try to sell her out. She's the head of the State Dept. so this is her responsibility as much as it is his. Because of the fragility of the new Libyan government, Obama also won't be able to shunt the blame because he should have been closely monitoring EVERYTHING happening over there.
The very idea that a Youtube video caused a coordinated Terrorist attack was, and still is preposterous.

The Idea that it is even the Reason for the more wide spread Demonstrations and Violence we saw is just as silly. It's but an excuse, not the Reason.

Libs always laugh when people say they hate us for our Freedoms, But it's the Truth. Case in point is the Video. They hate freedom of Expression. The US is seen as the Symbol of Freedom, and in their eyes that means unmoral, in the Face of true Freedom Religions shrink, and lose power, as we have seen in the West. The Radical Muslims know that, and that is why they will never allow true Freedom in their own Countries, and Hate us for ours.

They Hate us because were free to Choose not to Be Muslim.
They Hate us because we don't Oppress our woman, and allow them to show to much of their Bodies.
They Hate us Because we are free to point out the Silliness in all Religions and we do.
I could go on and on.

Finally they hate us, because in order to Protect our Own Interests, and Freedoms we have supported Dictatorships and Monarchies in their Countries instead of allowing them to fall to the Rule of Radical Islam, which seems to almost always be the Case when they do.
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The protests in 30 countries had nothing to do with the video and the Egyptian fundie Rush Limbaugh and all the mullahs telling their people to protest? That's nuts...Pub dupes!
So, where did Obama get the big lie about the youtube video being responsible? I think he knew immediately that he and his people were at fault for not taking steps to ensure the safety of those at the embassy. Between campaigning and preparing to celebrate 9/11 as community service day, he was too busy to worry about some gay ambassador being threatened by terrorists.

US officials: We didn't link Libya attack to video

The State Department said Tuesday it never concluded that the consulate attack in Libya stemmed from protests over an American-made video ridiculing Islam, raising further questions about why the Obama administration used that explanation for more than a week after assailants killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.
US officials: We didn't link Libya attack to video - Yahoo! News

because it was a foreign policy clusterfuck, and the One is trying to be re-elected and could not afford a clusterfuck.
"further questions about why the Obama administration used that explanation for more than a week after assailants killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans."

...because they didn't?
Somebody's going to get thrown under the bus. Looks like it might be Hillary giving Obama a shove this time.

I noticed in the news reports as the story was breaking that Hillary seemed truly distressed. I thought at the time that it was because she had asked Stevens to take the job and for the first time ever, I felt sorry for her. Now it seems that her distress was more likely knowing that the lack of security at the consulate was going to be laid at her door.

My understanding is that the State Dept turned down a request for more security, even though intel was available that suggested trouble might be brewing. Don't know if she personally made that call or someone else a little lower in the chain, but it was a grievous mistake. I'd like to know who knew what when; bottom line is, somebody fucked up bad and should be fired, at least on current info.

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