US OK's first factory in Cuba since revolution

I like how conservatives pretend to be against outsourcing until it's time to actually do something about it. A REGULATION? SACRILEGE!

You are so brainwashed and really only a tool. sorry that had to be said. you evidently have never OWNED your own business. all these REGULATIONS on top of regulations is STANGLEING not only our business but our ECONOMY
I like how conservatives pretend to be against outsourcing until it's time to actually do something about it. A REGULATION? SACRILEGE!
I like how you think its a good thing we lose jobs to a socialist hell-hole.
You see folks the DOUBLE standards of the liberal/dem. first they wail we shouldn't be NATION BUILDING and these BIG CORPS are evil for setting up jobs overseas, and then their own Party traitors approves sending OUR JOBS out of the country and to a COMMUNITST country deemed OUR ENEMY, now they are ALL FOR IT.

this is what is killing us and our country. Double standards and NEVER taking a hard stand on anything if it's ONE OF THEIR PARTY

and top it off

the country they are supporting for the off shoring

the >>most<< an employee can make is a little over 5400 dollars a year

that is some cheap labor there

I think Cuba is small enough that if we flood them with American companies that the Castro Regime will collapse like a deck of cards.

It will be over when the first McDonalds opens in Havana.
We need them to be strong, as strong as we have made Marxist China. Besides once they are a strong Communist society, think of all the food production that can be moved from here to there.

The Castro Brothers now have the cash they have been cheated out of since becoming Socialist. This was way over due.

Dictators have been toppling for the last decade, either via our action or the action of their own people. Give them a taste of America, and watch the leaders fall.

China is a unique situation, as the Confucian mindset of order and harmony with government predates the communists by centuries. Cubans have no such dogma to fall back on. They revolted once, they will do so again.
The taste we are giving them is Socialism, the new Marxist America style of help.

They are fine. I know of no Marxist leader that has been toppled.

You must have missed the late 80's early 90's,

Try and find Ceaceascu and ask him how's it hanging.
Sorry, I was watching China, a billion strong modern nuclear powered country.

We gave them tons of Nuclear technology, I really do not pay attention to the little guys. China can now build nuclear reactor vessels, we can not.

We will make Cuba much stronger than any individual state in the USA. Cuba is and will be a shining example of what Marxism is. They will thank their big Marxist brother, us.

I doubt Cuba has the wherewithal for that. And for all of China's power they are rapidly approaching a demographic issue that will take most of their attention.
You see folks the DOUBLE standards of the liberal/dem. first they wail we shouldn't be NATION BUILDING and these BIG CORPS are evil for setting up jobs overseas, and then their own Party traitors approves sending OUR JOBS out of the country and to a COMMUNITST country deemed OUR ENEMY, now they are ALL FOR IT.

this is what is killing us and our country. Double standards and NEVER taking a hard stand on anything if it's ONE OF THEIR PARTY

and top it off

the country they are supporting for the off shoring

the >>most<< an employee can make is a little over 5400 dollars a year

that is some cheap labor there


that is the max btw


the average is 20 dollars a month
Isn't that Obama grand? he prefers to send OUR JOBS oversees and to a human rights abuser COMMUNITST country. you see folks what you put in with that thing called Obama? the man wants to see us FALL and he only has so little time to do it

Obama helping out his Marxist friends The Castro brothers

Isn't that Obama grand? he prefers to send OUR JOBS oversees and to a human rights abuser COMMUNITST country. you see folks what you put in with that thing called Obama? the man wants to see us FALL and he only has so little time to do it

Obama helping out his Marxist friends The Castro brothers


yeah it wasnt that long ago he sent them a missile to reverse engineer
I like how conservatives pretend to be against outsourcing until it's time to actually do something about it. A REGULATION? SACRILEGE!

So sending jobs to Cuba is doing something about it?

Letting these guys make some money by building tractors for farmers that need them is not going to hurt our economy. They very likely wouldn't even have been competitive stateside. The regulations I was speaking of involve taxing the shit out of corporations that outsource all of their labor to Asia. Yes, it WILL work. Germany does it and it works good for them.
This will help Cuba a lot. It's stupid that it has taken this long to normalize relations.

APNewsBreak: US OK's first factory in Cuba since revolution

The Obama administration has approved the first U.S. factory in Cuba in more than half a century, allowing a two-man company from Alabama to build a plant assembling as many as 1,000 small tractors a year for sale to private farmers in Cuba.

Yes....only a leftist would normalize relations with a prison Island so that he could export American jobs there........

lefties think funny.....
I like how conservatives pretend to be against outsourcing until it's time to actually do something about it. A REGULATION? SACRILEGE!

So sending jobs to Cuba is doing something about it?

Letting these guys make some money by building tractors for farmers that need them is not going to hurt our economy. They very likely wouldn't even have been competitive stateside. The regulations I was speaking of involve taxing the shit out of corporations that outsource all of their labor to Asia. Yes, it WILL work. Germany does it and it works good for them.

But you aren't in favor of taxing the shit out of the tractor manufacturer?
I like how conservatives pretend to be against outsourcing until it's time to actually do something about it. A REGULATION? SACRILEGE!

So sending jobs to Cuba is doing something about it?

Letting these guys make some money by building tractors for farmers that need them is not going to hurt our economy. They very likely wouldn't even have been competitive stateside. The regulations I was speaking of involve taxing the shit out of corporations that outsource all of their labor to Asia. Yes, it WILL work. Germany does it and it works good for them. just want to out source them to Cuba instead.........lefty thinking....... just want to out source them to Cuba instead.........lefty thinking.......

How many jobs do you think those guys would have created stateside competing with other tractor producers? Their success probably depends on operating in Cuba. Why not focus your rage at Walmart for destroying small businesses all over the United States and sending all of their production to China?

But you aren't in favor of taxing the shit out of the tractor manufacturer?

If they weren't small time I would be. If they end up being wildly successful and employ millions of people in Cuba I will support imposing heavy taxes for outsourcing. They probably won't be that successful, though. just want to out source them to Cuba instead.........lefty thinking.......

How many jobs do you think those guys would have created stateside competing with other tractor producers? Their success probably depends on operating in Cuba. Why not focus your rage at Walmart for destroying small businesses all over the United States and sending all of their production to China?

But you aren't in favor of taxing the shit out of the tractor manufacturer?

If they weren't small time, yes. If they end up being wildly successful and employ millions of people in Cuba I would support imposing heavy taxes for outsourcing. They probably won't be that successful, though.

Why are you complaining about Wal are fine with sending jobs to Cuba, so you should not mind Wal Mart sending jobs to China.....perhaps they can open up manufacturing in Cuba will cost less to bring the goods back here....right? Then you will love Wal Mart? just want to out source them to Cuba instead.........lefty thinking.......

How many jobs do you think those guys would have created stateside competing with other tractor producers? Their success probably depends on operating in Cuba. Why not focus your rage at Walmart for destroying small businesses all over the United States and sending all of their production to China?

But you aren't in favor of taxing the shit out of the tractor manufacturer?

If they weren't small time, yes. If they end up being wildly successful and employ millions of people in Cuba I will support imposing heavy taxes for outsourcing. They probably won't be that successful, though. you just hate the rich.
How predictable....
jobs that could have gone to Americans

well at least they wont go to China or Mexico

good going obama


Couldn't the US use those jobs? So, the company had to have permission to open a business in Cuba? We have a normalized relationship with them...

Does it make much business sense to build the tractors here and then pay to ship them to Cuba?
Why are you complaining about Wal are fine with sending jobs to Cuba, so you should not mind Wal Mart sending jobs to China

Do you really think a couple of guys building tractors for poor Cuban farmers is comparable to China eviscerating small business and outsourcing millions of jobs?

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