US politicians claim HAMAS attack was unprovoked, but nearly 80 years of Israeli terrorism tells a very different story

That’s right. Be a good little stooge and support what your masters tell you. Supporting a fascist ethno-state is a good thing.
Obviously I'm against the fascist ethno state right wing swine in Israel too but I'm certainly not against the security of Israel as a country. try and remain calm, Life is certainly exciting in Dupeville...
The time has come to push the phukking Muzzies onto the EAST Bank of the JOrdan, in the COUNTRY of Jordan.

And then cook-down the patch of land known as Gaza, and then, once the fires have burned-out, annex the place.

And move hundreds of thousands of Jews into the vacuum.

Go get 'em, Team Israel.
Hakeem Jeffries:

Jim Jordan:

The White House:

Statement from NSC Spokesperson Adrienne Watson Condemning Terrorist Attacks Against Israel | The White House

It has been said that the people of the United States are the most propagandized on Earth, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the two-party lockstep of more than 50 years of support for Israel's virulent antisemitic terrorism against the people of Palestine.

Even alleged "maverick" RFKJ has chimed in:

But reality begs to differ.

Why do so many US citizens accept the counterfactual "Israel is innocent" narrative?

Amnesty International - among numerous other groups - has condemned Israeli apartheid:

Amnesty joins rights groups in accusing Israel of apartheid

Why is this not compelling?

Here's a partial list of Israeli bombing attacks on Gaza, wherein untold numbers of women and children were murdered:

Casualties of Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia

Why is this ignored?

Will US politicians EVER tell the truth about Israel's many crimes against humanity, and endless provocations?

the ONLY terrorists are the Palestinians anyone claiming other wise is a liar and terrorist supporter.
Hakeem Jeffries:

Jim Jordan:

The White House:

Statement from NSC Spokesperson Adrienne Watson Condemning Terrorist Attacks Against Israel | The White House

It has been said that the people of the United States are the most propagandized on Earth, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the two-party lockstep of more than 50 years of support for Israel's virulent antisemitic terrorism against the people of Palestine.

Even alleged "maverick" RFKJ has chimed in:

But reality begs to differ.

Why do so many US citizens accept the counterfactual "Israel is innocent" narrative?

Amnesty International - among numerous other groups - has condemned Israeli apartheid:

Amnesty joins rights groups in accusing Israel of apartheid

Why is this not compelling?

Here's a partial list of Israeli bombing attacks on Gaza, wherein untold numbers of women and children were murdered:

Casualties of Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia

Why is this ignored?

Will US politicians EVER tell the truth about Israel's many crimes against humanity, and endless provocations?

This is exactly why Muslim terrorists such as Jeffries and the squad shouldn't be allowed to be members of Congress.
Whatever :eusa_hand: When you launch a sneak attack on women and children killing and wounding thousands, take dozens hostage then you get wiped out in a war. Hamas is about to be removed from planet earth.

These two ignorant fat asses should be strung up.
Hakeem Jeffries:

Jim Jordan:

The White House:

Statement from NSC Spokesperson Adrienne Watson Condemning Terrorist Attacks Against Israel | The White House

It has been said that the people of the United States are the most propagandized on Earth, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the two-party lockstep of more than 50 years of support for Israel's virulent antisemitic terrorism against the people of Palestine.

Even alleged "maverick" RFKJ has chimed in:

But reality begs to differ.

Why do so many US citizens accept the counterfactual "Israel is innocent" narrative?

Amnesty International - among numerous other groups - has condemned Israeli apartheid:

Amnesty joins rights groups in accusing Israel of apartheid

Why is this not compelling?

Here's a partial list of Israeli bombing attacks on Gaza, wherein untold numbers of women and children were murdered:

Casualties of Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia

Why is this ignored?

Will US politicians EVER tell the truth about Israel's many crimes against humanity, and endless provocations?

Fuck Israel!
Incorrect. Phukk you-and-yours, and your Muzzie buddies. Go Team Israel.
Last night on SNL they did a blasphemy skit on the Christian God. Perhaps if Christians acted like Hamas and Hezbollah and others here this would end. To be anti-Christian and pro-Islamic is nonsensical unless politicized. That part of the world is never going to accept Israel. And their weapons are getting more sophisticated.
Last night on SNL they did a blasphemy skit on the Christian God. Perhaps if Christians acted like Hamas and Hezbollah and others here this would end. To be anti-Christian and pro-Islamic is nonsensical unless politicized. That part of the world is never going to accept Israel. And their weapons are getting more sophisticated.
The Hamas terror apologists are the same twerps who blame America for 9/11.
The Hamas terror apologists are the same twerps who blame America for 9/11.
We don't blame America, we blame right wing racist idiotic Republicans who allowed 9/11 through sheer incompetence and started the two stupidest longest wars ever..... And whose confrontational racist policies have ruined the economies of Palestine and Latin America. Tax the rich and invest in America and the Americas and Palestine again..... America and the world are desperate for a democratic landslide so we can get some real reform going again instead of this hateful crap. And get Muslim oil countries to help....
Hakeem Jeffries:

Jim Jordan:

The White House:

Statement from NSC Spokesperson Adrienne Watson Condemning Terrorist Attacks Against Israel | The White House

It has been said that the people of the United States are the most propagandized on Earth, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the two-party lockstep of more than 50 years of support for Israel's virulent antisemitic terrorism against the people of Palestine.

Even alleged "maverick" RFKJ has chimed in:

But reality begs to differ.

Why do so many US citizens accept the counterfactual "Israel is innocent" narrative?

Amnesty International - among numerous other groups - has condemned Israeli apartheid:

Amnesty joins rights groups in accusing Israel of apartheid

Why is this not compelling?

Here's a partial list of Israeli bombing attacks on Gaza, wherein untold numbers of women and children were murdered:

Casualties of Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia

Why is this ignored?

Will US politicians EVER tell the truth about Israel's many crimes against humanity, and endless provocations?

It's in the Hamas Charter to eliminate the JEWS!
Guess where they got that idea from......The Qur'an, Hadiths, and Sunnah!
BIGOTRY against the JEWS and the "People of the Book" (Christians) is BAKED into the fundamental foundation of Islam!
That's 1400 YEARS you fucking POS!
We don't blame America, we blame right wing racist idiotic Republicans who allowed 9/11 through sheer incompetence and started the two stupidest longest wars ever..... And whose confrontational racist policies have ruined the economies of Palestine and Latin America. Tax the rich and invest in America and the Americas and Palestine again..... America and the world are desperate for a democratic landslide so we can get some real reform going again instead of this hateful crap. And get Muslim oil countries to help....
How fucking stupid. I stopped reading after the first sentence.
There is no logical connection between the conditions in Gaza and these attacks. There is no conceivable way that these attacks could possibly result in improvement of living conditions in Gaza. In fact, the opposite is the case, and the leaders of HAMAS are surely aware.

The attacks will result in more money flowing into the hands of HAMAS "leaders," and an elevation of their personal status in the Islamic world. That's it. It's an ego thing.
You have a link for that? That appears to be from the Hamas charter, DIFFERENT.
It is NOT from the hamas charter. It is from the Quran

You will fight against the Jews and you will gain victory over them. The stones will saying: 'Oh slave of Allah! there is a Jew hiding behind me; so kill him'​


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