US politicians claim HAMAS attack was unprovoked, but nearly 80 years of Israeli terrorism tells a very different story

Yep == the directive to kill Jews until they hide behind rocks and trees.

This is why Muzzie fundies are so popular with the site leftists,

That is a lie.
The Quran says there can be no compulsion over religion, that the 3 Abrahamic religions are all valid, and there is to never be any violence except in defense.

The section you are misquoting, is about ONE of the TWELVE Jewish tribes that allied with Mohammed while defending Medina. The Banu Qurayza turned traitor and tried to assassinate Mohammed. And the section in the Quran actually is about forgiveness, and says to give then a second chance. The only time it says to kill is if they violate oaths twice. Only then are they to be killed. And it is not until the hide behind rocks and trees, but that rocks and trees will call out where the traitors are hiding. Says nothing about Jews, since Jews were about 75% of Mohammed's army.
The whole country is owned by the Palestinians.
It was illegal to arm the European settlers to steal 85% of the country already.
The Israelis do not legally own any land, and should be deported just as the illegal Mexican border crossers are deported from the US.
Phukk 'em...

Vae victis...
Poor lefties. You’re told to hate nationalism and ethno-states. But the Democrats are totally owned by the Israel lobby. What’s an NPC to do when the programming contradicts itself?

AIPAC spends a lot of money on senators and congressmen every year.
The facts are real Jews would never go to Israel.
They instead would be honoring the Diaspora Decree, that says they are supposed to be in atonement until the Messiah comes.
So the European invaders claiming to be Zionists are fakes, out to steal what they can get away with.
Because Muslims were there before Jews ever were?
There is no Israel, and the land was made as an independent Palestine by the Treaty of San Remo and the Treaty of Sevres in 1920.
The reality is that the violence that started the war in 1948 was caused by Menachim Begin blowing up the King David Hotel to murder the British peace-keepers, gunning down Folke Bernadotte the UN moderator, and they wiping out hundreds of Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
They blew up the hotel housing the British High Command in 1946, nearly two year before the Brits quit their mandate for Palestine. The war for independence started soon after the UN General assembly approved a non binding resolution calling for a two state solution. War wasn't formally declared until the Brits quit and Israel declared itself a county, but the war had been on going since Nov. 1947.
99% of the protesters are protesting in favor of the Palestinians, not Hamas. Change the channel, hater dupe....
Palestinians = Hamas.

They elected Hamas to be their dictatorship. This is what all Islamic “democracies” end up doing.

Show us any Palestinians that oppose Hamas.
Israel is the least democratic country in the world.
Check the stats, there are only 7 million Jews and 13 million Muslim Arabs.
If Israel was even remotely a democracy, then it would no longer exist.

If any Democracy let Muslims be citizens and vote, they will end up losing their democracy. Islam and democracy cannot coexist, the ideas are fundamentally opposed to each other. Can you show us an Islamic democracy?
Palestinians = Hamas.

They elected Hamas to be their dictatorship. This is what all Islamic “democracies” end up doing.

Show us any Palestinians that oppose Hamas.
Election was 16 years ago fcs... Netanyahoo and rw Israelis suck.
If any Democracy let Muslims be citizens and vote, they will end up losing their democracy. Islam and democracy cannot coexist, the ideas are fundamentally opposed to each other. Can you show us an Islamic democracy?
Election was 16 years ago fcs... Netanyahoo and rw Israelis suck.
Yes the election was 16 years ago and Hamas is still in charge and has the full support of Palestinians.

Sounds more like you just hate Jews and hide behind the current regime being “right wing”. Tell us, were the “left wing” regimes any nicer to Palestinians?
Guinea and Gambia...They are just exiting third world status....Nigeria Morocco
Bwahahahaha. And tell us what are their laws on homosexuality? What’s their Jewish population look like?

Francis loves third world Islamic shit holes and thinks they are great “democracies“.

Can’t wait for you to move there. Take your lefty friends with you.
Bwahahahaha. And tell us what are their laws on homosexuality? What’s their Jewish population look like?

Francis loves third world Islamic shit holes and thinks they are great “democracies“.

Can’t wait for you to move there. Take your lefty friends with you.
Bwahahahaha. And tell us what are their laws on homosexuality? What’s their Jewish population look like?

Francis loves third world Islamic shit holes and thinks they are great “democracies“.

Can’t wait for you to move there. Take your lefty friends with you.
Their parents were born in huts lol...and I never said any of that crap ignoramus hater dupe...

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