US politicians claim HAMAS attack was unprovoked, but nearly 80 years of Israeli terrorism tells a very different story

It is Israel that constantly sends hit squads into Palestine.
Look it up.
Every single leader of Hamas has been murdered by Israel.
Gaza only retaliates in order to make Israel pay for each time the attack.

You do understand that a "hit squad", by definition doesn't kill indiscriminately right. They have a specific target and are not after innocent civilians. Perhaps those leaders shouldn't be acquiring rockets to fire into Israel in the first place, or sending suicided bombers to attack innocent Israeli civilians. The best way to kill a snake is take off it's head.

The land the UN allocated to Israel was forfeit by Israel illegally displacing or murdering most of the native Palestinians.
That is why there are 13 million Palestinians, and only 1 million of them living in Israel.
Israel also forfeit all rights by invading Jerusalem and the West Bank in 1967, which clearly was the Palestinian side of the UN partition.

If you don't believe me, look up "Massacre of Deir Yassin" or the letter Albert Einstein sent to the NY Times, after he was there and witnessed part of the slaughter of unarmed Arab civilians.
I don't know what you're blabbering about. The UN made Israel into a state. If the Palestinians have a beef with that then they should take it up with the UN. You're advocating for the overthrowing of a legitimate country.
Does not matter what religion or culture, the point is that Palestine belongs to the native Palestinians and not some European immigrants we armed.
Its a question of "rule of law".
We do not get to consider who we like or not.
The Zionists clearly are trespassers.
Vae victis.

Square profile picture

Israel ישראל 🇮🇱

Each and every one of these toddlers from Be’eri was butchered by Hamas terrorists. Tomorrow will mark three weeks since the day our children were murdered in their beds. We cannot and will not forget these evil horrors. 10.07.2023


3:49 PM · Oct 27, 2023
And dimocrap scum surrogates on dimocrap scum College Campuses are protesting in favor of Hamas.

I won't say what I'm thinking right now because I don't want to get booted off the forum. Make no mistake, dimocraps are the enemy of everything good and decent in this world.
That is just a lie.
Jews have always preferred Moslem nations to Christian ones.
For example, the Moors paid the Jews well to administer as Viziers, and the Christians instead did the Inquisition after the Moors left.

The "Book" refers to the Old Testament, so the "People of the Book" is Jews, Christians, and Moslems.
All 3 Abrahamic religions are equally "People of the Book".

Israel is not even supposed to be anywhere near to Jerusalem.
Here is the UN partition of Palestine.

Too bad the Arabs didn't accept that....
That is just a lie.
Jews have always preferred Moslem nations to Christian ones.
For example, the Moors paid the Jews well to administer as Viziers, and the Christians instead did the Inquisition after the Moors left.

The "Book" refers to the Old Testament, so the "People of the Book" is Jews, Christians, and Moslems.
All 3 Abrahamic religions are equally "People of the Book".
All throughout the Islamic scriptures the JEWS are called the JEWS, and they were warned, verily.
So were The People of the Book (Bible; New Testament: Christians).
Are you suggesting that Mohammed ignored Christianity in his bigoted rantings and rule book?
GTFOH! :talk2hand:
You do understand that a "hit squad", by definition doesn't kill indiscriminately right. They have a specific target and are not after innocent civilians. Perhaps those leaders shouldn't be acquiring rockets to fire into Israel in the first place, or sending suicided bombers to attack innocent Israeli civilians. The best way to kill a snake is take off it's head.


Oh Israel also murders indiscriminately as well as specific murders.
Like the time they brought down a rain of heavy artillery onto the beach on the Mediterranean, where they killed about 50 children playing there.
Since there were no Hamas rocket launchers anywhere near, it clearly was terrorism.
Or like the time they killed hundreds of people with white phosphorus bombs, that are banned by the Geneva Conventions.

Hamas never fires first.
They always only launch in retaliation to murders by Israel.
Israel has always been the guilty initiator, going back to when they blew up the King David Hotel in 1946, murdered Folke Bernadotte in 1948, and wiped out hundreds of Arab villages from 1940 to 1950.
I don't know what you're blabbering about. The UN made Israel into a state. If the Palestinians have a beef with that then they should take it up with the UN. You're advocating for the overthrowing of a legitimate country.

First of all, the UN does not have the authority to "make a state".
Second is that Israel then trying to commit genocide against the natives makes the government and there for all of Israel illegitimate.
Third is that by invading Palestine in Jerusalem and the West Bank in 1967, Israel lost any legitimacy they could have had.
Palestine is the only legitimate country there since it was made by international treaty, in San Remo, in 1920, and signed by all the WWI participants.
Vae victis.

The whole point of the UN was to change that.
If you allow the spoils to go to the victor, then the most evil country would own everything.
We believe in the rule of law instead, which is the principle of local autonomy in this case.
Square profile picture
Israel ישראל 🇮🇱
Each and every one of these toddlers from Be’eri was butchered by Hamas terrorists. Tomorrow will mark three weeks since the day our children were murdered in their beds. We cannot and will not forget these evil horrors. 10.07.2023

3:49 PM · Oct 27, 2023
And dimocrap scum surrogates on dimocrap scum College Campuses are protesting in favor of Hamas.

I won't say what I'm thinking right now because I don't want to get booted off the forum. Make no mistake, dimocraps are the enemy of everything good and decent in this world.

Total lies.
No children were reported "butchered" as you claim.
There were children killed, but due to a fire caused by the IDF attack on the Hamas fighters.
Too bad the Arabs didn't accept that....

The Arabs did accept the partition line, but just not the refusal of Israel to allow the right of return of over 1 million Arabs that the Israelis had forced from their homes.
The whole point of the UN was to change that.
Indeed. Great idea. Although it's failed a hundred times over since its inception.
If you allow the spoils to go to the victor, then the most evil country would own everything.
Yep. Just ask Russia how their unprovoked aggression is going.
We believe in the rule of law instead,
That's the theory. Wake me up when that works on a global basis.
which is the principle of local autonomy in this case.
That's one interpretation. Ask the East Prussians or Sudetenland Germans of 1945 or the Cossacks of the 1920s about that.

Or the Uighers of China or the Tibetans or the Hungarians of 1956 or the Czechs of 1968 or other post-WWII "interventions".


No... the Jews of Israel are there to stay... a two-state solution has been dead for years... the Palis need to concede and move.
All throughout the Islamic scriptures the JEWS are called the JEWS, and they were warned, verily.
So were The People of the Book (Bible; New Testament: Christians).
Are you suggesting that Mohammed ignored Christianity in his bigoted rantings and rule book?
GTFOH! :talk2hand:

The "People of the Book" has always referred in all references, as all those who believe in the Old Testament.
Which means all 3, Moslems, Jews, and Christians.
The "Book" is the Old Testament, not the New Testament.

People of the Book or Ahl al-kitāb is an Islamic term referring to followers of those religions which Muslims regard as having been guided by previous revelations, generally in the form of a scripture.[1] In the Quran they are identified as the Jews, the Christians, the Sabians, and—according to some interpretations—the Zoroastrians.[2] Starting from the 8th century, some Muslims also recognized other religious groups such as the Samaritans,[3] and even Buddhists, Hindus, and Jains,[4] as People of the Book.

Historically, the religious communities recognized by Muslims as People of the Book were subject to the legal status known as dhimma ('protection'), meaning that they were allowed to practice their faith and to govern their community according to the rules and norms of their own religion, in return for paying a special head tax called the jizya.[5]

The Quran uses the term in a variety of contexts, from religious polemics to passages emphasizing the community of faith among those who possess monotheistic scriptures.[6]

In Islamic law, Muslim men are permitted to marry women who are People of the Book; however, Muslim women are prevented from marrying men who are People of the Book.[7] In the case of a Muslim-Christian marriage, which is to be contracted only after permission from the Christian party, Christian women should not be prevented from attending church for prayer and worship.[8][9]

The term 'People of the Book' has been reappropriated as a means of self-identification by Jews and by the members of certain Christian denominations.[10]

And yes, Mohammed ignored Christianity because it had little effect on Islam.
Mohammed was concerned with the immediate tribes around him.
The conflict with Constantinople and Europe did not happen until about 900 years later, after the Turks had taken over Islam.
Indeed. Great idea. Although it's failed a hundred times over since its inception.

Yep. Just ask Russia how their unprovoked aggression is going.

That's the theory. Wake me up when that works on a global basis.

That's one interpretation. Ask the East Prussians or Sudetenland Germans of 1945 or the Cossacks of the 1920s about that.

Or the Uighers of China or the Tibetans or the Hungarians of 1956 or the Czechs of 1968 or other post-WWII "interventions".


No... the Jews of Israel are there to stay... a two-state solution has been dead for years... the Palis need to concede and move.

You are supporting evil aggression.

The war in the Ukraine was deliberately provoked by the Ukraine, under US urging. Such as trying to block use of Sevastopol, trying to join NATO, murdering native ethnic Russians, stealing oil, etc.

The Palestinians not only are the natives with the only legal right to be there, but Israel is too evil to allow at all, anywhere.

All those examples of abuse of local autonomy are accurate, but we all know they were wrong, evil, and we all try to stop it if we can. That is what the UN was supposed to do. To bad we corrupted the UN.
The "People of the Book" has always referred in all references, as all those who believe in the Old Testament.
Which means all 3, Moslems, Jews, and Christians.
The "Book" is the Old Testament, not the New Testament.

People of the Book or Ahl al-kitāb is an Islamic term referring to followers of those religions which Muslims regard as having been guided by previous revelations, generally in the form of a scripture.[1] In the Quran they are identified as the Jews, the Christians, the Sabians, and—according to some interpretations—the Zoroastrians.[2] Starting from the 8th century, some Muslims also recognized other religious groups such as the Samaritans,[3] and even Buddhists, Hindus, and Jains,[4] as People of the Book.

Historically, the religious communities recognized by Muslims as People of the Book were subject to the legal status known as dhimma ('protection'), meaning that they were allowed to practice their faith and to govern their community according to the rules and norms of their own religion, in return for paying a special head tax called the jizya.[5]

The Quran uses the term in a variety of contexts, from religious polemics to passages emphasizing the community of faith among those who possess monotheistic scriptures.[6]

In Islamic law, Muslim men are permitted to marry women who are People of the Book; however, Muslim women are prevented from marrying men who are People of the Book.[7] In the case of a Muslim-Christian marriage, which is to be contracted only after permission from the Christian party, Christian women should not be prevented from attending church for prayer and worship.[8][9]

The term 'People of the Book' has been reappropriated as a means of self-identification by Jews and by the members of certain Christian denominations.[10]

And yes, Mohammed ignored Christianity because it had little effect on Islam.
Mohammed was concerned with the immediate tribes around him.
The conflict with Constantinople and Europe did not happen until about 900 years later, after the Turks had taken over Islam.
Your opinion and other's excuses aside, Islam is rooted in BIGOTRY, and without shame.
It doesn't matter what they called the Infidels, Kafir, Mushrikun, or the Dhimme dummies...
I'm not religious but raised Catholic. I've never heard SMITE AT THEIR NECKS in Church, or read in any Christian scriptures.
Mohammed was a WAR LORD.
Too bad no-one got a chance to OFF HIM in the Battle of Badr.
The Arabs did accept the partition line, but just not the refusal of Israel to allow the right of return of over 1 million Arabs that the Israelis had forced from their homes.
The Brits weren't great coloialists, just great at naval dominance, with the huge channel advantage. I think there were times the caused the problems, a la movie Exodus. Fundies keep doing that on both sides, and RWers like Sharon and yahoo...
Your opinion and other's excuses aside, Islam is rooted in BIGOTRY, and without shame.
It doesn't matter what they called the Infidels, Kafir, Mushrikun, or the Dhimme dummies...
I'm not religious but raised Catholic. I've never heard SMITE AT THEIR NECKS in Church, or read in any Christian scriptures.
Mohammed was a WAR LORD.
Too bad no-one got a chance to OFF HIM in the Battle of Badr.
The problem is they're 3rd worlders coming to modernity fast. The bible has death penalty for incorrect cloth, etc. The Brits and earlier with the French screwed up borders EVERYWHERE.
Your opinion and other's excuses aside, Islam is rooted in BIGOTRY, and without shame.
It doesn't matter what they called the Infidels, Kafir, Mushrikun, or the Dhimme dummies...
I'm not religious but raised Catholic. I've never heard SMITE AT THEIR NECKS in Church, or read in any Christian scriptures.
Mohammed was a WAR LORD.
Too bad no-one got a chance to OFF HIM in the Battle of Badr.
Muslim warriors tended to be better than Christian ones, allowing people to keep their own religions etcetera and not massacring entire cities like the Crusaders liked to do....
Hakeem Jeffries:

Jim Jordan:

The White House:

Statement from NSC Spokesperson Adrienne Watson Condemning Terrorist Attacks Against Israel | The White House

It has been said that the people of the United States are the most propagandized on Earth, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the two-party lockstep of more than 50 years of support for Israel's virulent antisemitic terrorism against the people of Palestine.

Even alleged "maverick" RFKJ has chimed in:

But reality begs to differ.

Why do so many US citizens accept the counterfactual "Israel is innocent" narrative?

Amnesty International - among numerous other groups - has condemned Israeli apartheid:

Amnesty joins rights groups in accusing Israel of apartheid

Why is this not compelling?

Here's a partial list of Israeli bombing attacks on Gaza, wherein untold numbers of women and children were murdered:

Casualties of Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia

Why is this ignored?

Will US politicians EVER tell the truth about Israel's many crimes against humanity, and endless provocations?

Hamas slaughtered innocents, including Americans, and is currently holding over 200 hostages including civilian women and children.

And here you are, actually posting on the internet support of terrorists. Wow.

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