US politicians claim HAMAS attack was unprovoked, but nearly 80 years of Israeli terrorism tells a very different story

The problem is they're 3rd worlders coming to modernity fast. The bible has death penalty for incorrect cloth, etc. The Brits and earlier with the French screwed up borders EVERYWHERE.
Yeah, but Mohammed scrambled their eggs 1400 years ago.
Yeah, but Mohammed scrambled their eggs 1400 years ago.
He did not force people to be Muslims most places, There is nothing wrong with the religion, just their rulers and fundies.... I'm not sure what you mean exactly LOL
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Israel ישראל 🇮🇱
Each and every one of these toddlers from Be’eri was butchered by Hamas terrorists. Tomorrow will mark three weeks since the day our children were murdered in their beds. We cannot and will not forget these evil horrors. 10.07.2023

3:49 PM · Oct 27, 2023
And dimocrap scum surrogates on dimocrap scum College Campuses are protesting in favor of Hamas.

I won't say what I'm thinking right now because I don't want to get booted off the forum. Make no mistake, dimocraps are the enemy of everything good and decent in this world.
99% of the protesters are protesting in favor of the Palestinians, not Hamas. Change the channel, hater dupe....
Hamas slaughtered innocents, including Americans, and is currently holding over 200 hostages including civilian women and children.

And here you are, actually posting on the internet support of terrorists. Wow.
Those Hamas terrorists were on a suicide mission and they were all hopped up on some crazy drug they got from Isis. At any rate ever since the first day it's almost all Israel bombing the hell out of way too many civilians and doing nothing to help them. Has been proven to be an insane right wing Israeli policy. They they need a new policy, like turn the cheek and allow investment in Palestinian areas et cetera et cetera et cetera. RWers won't ever do anything smart...
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He did not force people to be Muslims most places, There is nothing wrong with the religion, just their rulers and fundies.... I'm not sure what you mean exactly LOL
I'm going to paraphrase Islamic doctrine found in the Qur'an, Hadiths, and Sunnah....
"The Jews and the People of the Book were warned, verily, Inshallah."
The Islamic call to prayer is quite succinct expressing the bigotry of Ol'Mo.
Those Hamas terrorists were on a suicide mission and they were all hopped up on some crazy drug they got from Isis. At any rate ever since the first day it's almost all Israel bombing the hell out of way too many civilians and doing nothing to help them. Has been proven to be an insane right wing Israeli policy. They they need a new policy, like turn the cheek and allow investment in Palestinian areas et cetera et cetera et cetera. RWers won't ever do anything smart...

The Palestinians voted the Hamas terrorists into power.

Hamas is dedicated to killing Jews and destroying Israel.

Israel does not target civilians and has warned them all to leave for their own safety, whereas Hamas launche a surprise attack, not against the Israel military, but against unarmed Israeli women and children who they slaughtered, raped, and kidnapped.

The media spin that Hamas is a separate entity from the Palestinians is not credible. Palestinians allow Hamas to embed themselves along side the population.
The land the UN allocated to Israel was forfeit by Israel illegally displacing or murdering most of the native Palestinians.
That is why there are 13 million Palestinians, and only 1 million of them living in Israel.
Israel also forfeit all rights by invading Jerusalem and the West Bank in 1967, which clearly was the Palestinian side of the UN partition.

If you don't believe me, look up "Massacre of Deir Yassin" or the letter Albert Einstein sent to the NY Times, after he was there and witnessed part of the slaughter of unarmed Arab civilians.

The annexation of land in the West Bank by the radical settlers needs to be address as soon as Hamas' offensive capabilities are neutralized!
I don't know what you're blabbering about. The UN made Israel into a state. If the Palestinians have a beef with that then they should take it up with the UN. You're advocating for the overthrowing of a legitimate country.
Israel should have been happy with the land they were given. They lost Palestine in the first century.
Israel should have been happy with the land they were given. They lost Palestine in the first century.
Israel was attacked by your peaceful Arab armies when they declared their Nation. Arabs are to blame for everything after that.
Hakeem Jeffries:

Jim Jordan:

The White House:

Statement from NSC Spokesperson Adrienne Watson Condemning Terrorist Attacks Against Israel | The White House

It has been said that the people of the United States are the most propagandized on Earth, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the two-party lockstep of more than 50 years of support for Israel's virulent antisemitic terrorism against the people of Palestine.

Even alleged "maverick" RFKJ has chimed in:

But reality begs to differ.

Why do so many US citizens accept the counterfactual "Israel is innocent" narrative?

Amnesty International - among numerous other groups - has condemned Israeli apartheid:

Amnesty joins rights groups in accusing Israel of apartheid

Why is this not compelling?

Here's a partial list of Israeli bombing attacks on Gaza, wherein untold numbers of women and children were murdered:

Casualties of Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia

Why is this ignored?

Will US politicians EVER tell the truth about Israel's many crimes against humanity, and endless provocations?

/——/ Another Jew hater slithers from under a rock.
How many dead Jews would satisfy you, Min?

The facts are real Jews would never go to Israel.
They instead would be honoring the Diaspora Decree, that says they are supposed to be in atonement until the Messiah comes.
So the European invaders claiming to be Zionists are fakes, out to steal what they can get away with.
Israel was attacked by your peaceful Arab armies when they declared their Nation. Arabs are to blame for everything after that.

There is no Israel, and the land was made as an independent Palestine by the Treaty of San Remo and the Treaty of Sevres in 1920.
The reality is that the violence that started the war in 1948 was caused by Menachim Begin blowing up the King David Hotel to murder the British peace-keepers, gunning down Folke Bernadotte the UN moderator, and they wiping out hundreds of Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
/——/ Another Jew hater slithers from under a rock.

Israel is Zionist fakes, and is not Jewish at all, in any way.
They are not native and not following Jewish traditions that say they are supposed to be in atonement until the coming of the Messiah.
So you support defunding Israel because it’s run by Netanyahu? What happened to “we support democracy”?

Israel is the least democratic country in the world.
Check the stats, there are only 7 million Jews and 13 million Muslim Arabs.
If Israel was even remotely a democracy, then it would no longer exist.
Six million wasn't enough for him.

The Holocaust was cause by Jewish traitors like Chaim Weizmann and David ben Gurion stealing secrets from Germany, like the formula for synthetic acetone for cordite and the Zimmerman Letter.
That is why they got the Balfour Declaration, in exchange.
And more than 6 million innocent Germans died because of it.
The Allies were the bad guys in WWI.
Give the lowlifes in Gaza 72 hours to get across to the East Bank of the Jordan, then level the place...

The whole country is owned by the Palestinians.
It was illegal to arm the European settlers to steal 85% of the country already.
The Israelis do not legally own any land, and should be deported just as the illegal Mexican border crossers are deported from the US.
You need to learn more about the war against the Jews and Israel started by the Islamists, "Palestinians", and many Arab Nations in 1948 which had express purpose to eliminate the Nation of Israel and kill as many Jews as possible.

For many of the non-Jews of that region, that war hasn't ended and their goal/agenda remains the same.
Often aided by the neo-Nazis of the West such as you, OP, whom aid and support them.

That is all lies.
The 1948 war was started by Menachim Begin blowing up the King David hotel to murder all the British peace-keepers, gunning down Folke Bernadotte the UN moderator, and the massacre of hundreds of Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
Albert Einstein witness the survivors of Deir Yassin being executed, so it is all well documented.

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