US President Barack Obama tells Donald Trump to "stop wining"


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2016
US President Barack Obama tells Donald Trump to "stop wining"


"US President Barack Obama has told Donald Trump to "stop whining" as he rejected his claim that next month's White House election will be rigged.

He said Mr Trump's attempt to discredit a poll before it has even taken place was "unprecedented" for a US presidential candidate."
Yeah the same man that said you can keep your doctor and your health plan said today that there is no voter fraud. That tells me there most certainly is voter fraud and he knows it.
Modern day liberals; Please lie to me some more, corrupt my once corruption free nation and bastardize my IRS, FBI, EPA, ATF, Border Patrol, and please ruin health care. Thank you now I will go and vote 10 times.
Trump should stop wining, eh.

Just like a liberal to dictate the social habits of others.
And as I put in another thread, Obama can kiss our collective asses. Remember Gore vs Bush. Hell's bells they're still whining to this day that the election was stolen.
Well I suppose it would negate the need to cheat id he stopped winning .

So stop winning Donald! Dems dont want to do work:p
For those right wingers who have not yet changed their screen names, November 9th will be "CONSERVATIVES' WHINING DAY"

(BTW, O/poster....please learn to spell in your thread's title.....)

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