US Rejects to Host Moscow Delegation for Syria Talks


Nov 14, 2012
US policy makers block any path towards a cooperation between the "Coalition" and Russia, insisting on a "political" solution, which they apparently hope to cover in case the Syrian government loses grip in Syria.

"The United States declined to host a high-ranking Russian delegation on Syria and also refused to send its own mission to Moscow, Russia’s foreign minister said on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Washington of refusing to cooperate and share intelligence on Syria and said he was willing to send a high-profile delegation led by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to the United States.

“Literally today, we got a reply,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said, speaking in parliament.

“We have been told that they can’t send a delegation to Moscow and they can’t host a delegation in Washington either,” he said.

Putin, speaking at an investment forum on Tuesday, said Russia’s delegation could include military officials at the level of deputy chief of the General Staff as well as members of security services.

“It is time to take this work to a serious, substantial level, if we really want to work effectively,” Putin said.

But Putin also expressed some of his strongest criticism yet of Washington’s handling of the Syrian crisis, saying the United States did not seem to know what its goals were in the Middle Eastern country.

“I believe some of our partners simply have mush for brains,” he said.

Late last month Moscow launched a bombing campaign in Syria, saying it needed to target the terrorist groups and gunmen operating against the Syrian government across the country."
Meanwhile, the US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter has replaced the reality with colored pills and claims Putin is tethering Russia to a sinking ship while the Syrian forces are advancing.

US Defense Chief: Russia Has ’Losing Strategy’ in Syria

"US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said Monday that Russia is pursuing a “losing strategy” in Syria and that it must live up to its commitments in Ukraine.

Speaking in Madrid at the start of a five-day trip to Europe, Carter told Spanish military officials that by carrying out bombing in Syria, Russia had only worsened the four-year conflict.

Russia last week started air strikes in Syria to eliminate the so-called ‘Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’ (ISIL) takfiri group.

“Russia has escalated the civil war, putting further at risk the very political resolution and preservation of Syria’s structure of future governance it says that it wants,” Carter said.

“It remains my hope that Vladimir Putin will see that tethering Russia to a sinking ship is a losing strategy, and will decide to confront the threat presented by ISIL instead of continuing its unilateral airstrikes against Assad’s opposition.”

Carter’s trip is aimed at acknowledging allies in the 60-plus member US-led coalition that is carrying out daily drone and plane strikes against ISIL in Iraq and Syria."

US Defense Chief: Russia Has ’Losing Strategy’ in Syria
Washington knows damn will what its' goal is. World War. The only problem the west is having is finding a pretext. It just can't get it's populations on board.

It's coming up with a big empty. This whole internet thing, and the fact the Iran, Russia and China are civilized nations that have no interest in threatening the west are causing a real problem for the Banking cartel.

Lying to their own people is proving a real challenge to western powers in this era. How do you motivate your people to fight, when they know what is going on?

But no, the west has no interest in working with Russia, Syria, or anyone else. The financial system is slowly crumbling and war is, like in the 1930's, the only way out. So why would they want to "talk peace?"

Their eventual goal is a one world financial system. These folks are standing in the way.

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