US Representative Calls Arizona Audit Launchpad for Audits Across America

Knock yourself out son, it's irrelevant now.
Most if you have spent 6 months moaning and crying with pathetic justifications why trumps gone but not one of you have acknowledged it was angry republicans that voted him out. Read the statistics. Cut the rubbish of all the gossip theories.
Concentrate on winning them back instead of wailing like kids.
and you moaned and cried for four fking years. payback is a fking bitch right?
Could you post an example of what you consider "nutter" about OANN?
they're not allowed to report the other side of a story!!!! If they do, then they are dirt bags know nothings, because they don't conform to the talking points of the elites.
Lots of words no proof, the audit of one county is taking longer than the counting of votes for the whole country. There game? keep the confusion going as a money raiser & further disrupt the normal process of voting.
Get that irrefutable evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady and MyPillow pronto. They are in immediate need of it!!!!
Oh shut the fuck up, you whiney prog slave....Millions of dollars was spent on a bogus fake Dossier used by the Hitlerly campaign about Russian Collusion. You fuckers love to waste money when it can profit you....
You are obviously very pissy as you persist in spewing the lies you have been issued, but the Arizona Clown Show is finally fizzling.

Ken Bennett, the former Arizona GOP secretary of state serving as the Arizona Senate Republicans' liaison to the unending "audit":

"I cannot be a part of a process that I am kept out of critical aspects along the way that make the audit legitimate
and have integrity when we produce the final report. And unfortunately, there have been too many
of those situations. And the tip of the iceberg kind of came out last Friday when I was denied access to the audit."


With heroic police are finally given the chance to testify to the trump goon depravity,
and most Americans approving of the President thy elected,
trump bum kissers are not happy pampers.​
and you moaned and cried for four fking years. payback is a fking bitch right?

If memory serves me correctly, I don't recall Hilary still screaming about fraud for 6 months after being defeated. She never had any rallies threatening a come back an df most if all she was never impeached or found guilty of one of Your perceived crimes.
Get over it. Trump was defeated democratically and that will never be changed or over turned by idiots like you.
If memory serves me correctly, I don't recall Hilary still screaming about fraud for 6 months after being defeated. She never had any rallies threatening a come back an df most if all she was never impeached or found guilty of one of Your perceived crimes.
Get over it. Trump was defeated democratically and that will never be changed or over turned by idiots like you.
She wrote a book and went on shows crying every week. And the DNC tried to impeach

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