US reputation thanks to Obama


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2009
Newsweek editor Evan Thomas brought adulation over President Obama’s Cairo speech to a whole new level on Friday, declaring on MSNBC: "I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."

And Mathews too has described Obama as the second coming...

How we are mocked thanks to democrats and their behavior and policies. I thought Obama was The One? Yeah. the one to be mocked and derided. German Parade Floats
Newsweek editor Evan Thomas brought adulation over President Obama’s Cairo speech to a whole new level on Friday, declaring on MSNBC: "I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."

And Mathews too has described Obama as the second coming...

How we are mocked thanks to democrats and their behavior and policies. I thought Obama was The One? Yeah. the one to be mocked and derided. German Parade Floats

From your link:

Carnival parades are a cherished annual tradition across a swath of western Germany, particularly in Rhineland cities such as Cologne, Duesseldorf and Mainz.

The brightly painted papier-mache floats traditionally focus on current political events and this year was no exception.
Read more at German Parade Floats

So this happens every year. They did this because Obama hurt our reputation you say. Really?




Heres the part where you say "Its different" and proceed to talk yourself in circles
Has anyone thrown a shoe at him?

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Yes, but this was not supposed to happen with Obama.... He was The One- You all paraded him out as the Second Coming and low and behold he's the most incompetent; arrogant and dishonest boob to ever be called president!
Yes, it is all the same...


The difference is our approach to the world.

Seems Obamas approach has not changed a thing for the better as it pertains to world relations.
Almost all countries on Earth (except I think Pakistan?) backed Obama over Romney in 2012.

Also Obama was frequently cited as "most admired person in the world" in the 2013 YouGov poll and was the number 1 person in a large number of countries.
Yes, but this was not supposed to happen with Obama.... He was The One- You all paraded him out as the Second Coming and low and behold he's the most incompetent; arrogant and dishonest boob to ever be called president!

It wasnt supposed to happen because you say so? Well dam..

I thought the parade happened because Obama hurt our reputation NOW you've changed your mind and disagree with yourself?

That was quick
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Bush never tied to appease the world- he was not after a popularity contest- THAT was Obama's schtick- except that's exactly the opposite of what has transpired. page after page of links shows just how derided; despised; and disliked Obama is.

Why the World Hates Obama | FrontPage Magazine

Europeans hate Obama more than Bush? | LibertyLog

How Barack Obama became the George W. Bush liberals love to hate | Rare

Muslim World Hates America More Under Obama Than It Did Under Bush - Katie Pavlich

Europeans hate Obama more than Bush? | LibertyLog
So for anyone who just joined. Clever girl alluded to the parade being evidence of How much Obama hurt our reputation.

Once she was shown this parade happens every year and Bush was mocked also. She changed her position. Now this is not about Obama hurting our reputation and the OP title should be ignored
So for anyone who just joined. Clever girl alluded to the parade being evidence of How much Obama hurt our reputation.

Once she was shown this parade happens every year and Bush was mocked also. She changed her position. Now this is not about Obama hurting our reputation and the OP title should be ignored

It would also help if even a single one of the given cites wasn't written by an "in the tank" Obama-hater. How can we take any of this seriously when all the "facts" are massaged by people who value political expediency over truth?
So for anyone who just joined. Clever girl alluded to the parade being evidence of How much Obama hurt our reputation.

Once she was shown this parade happens every year and Bush was mocked also. She changed her position. Now this is not about Obama hurting our reputation and the OP title should be ignored

And yet you will still post in and start hate threads declaring Republican policy to be the evil that destroyed our country.... despite Obama and dems (people you vote for) expanding near every single one of those evil destructive policies.

Oh how I love sitting back watching the 2 parties hate each other for the same reasons...
So for anyone who just joined. Clever girl alluded to the parade being evidence of How much Obama hurt our reputation.

Once she was shown this parade happens every year and Bush was mocked also. She changed her position. Now this is not about Obama hurting our reputation and the OP title should be ignored

And yet you will still post in and start hate threads declaring Republican policy to be the evil that destroyed our country.... despite Obama and dems (people you vote for) expanding near every single one of those evil destructive policies.

Oh how I love sitting back watching the 2 parties hate each other for the same reasons...

Which makes it even weirder when you claim to dislike Obamas policies and call him a liberal. From the statement above it seems that you either say it because you have a 2nd personality or you are full of shit.
There is no doubt that Obama's policies have done serious harm to America's image internationally. Just one source:

"For instance, among the 22 countries surveyed by Pew Global in both 2009 (the first year of Obama's presidency) and 2013 approval of US international policies has dropped by about 20% or more in six states, including China, Indonesia, Argentina, and Egypt. In many other countries (including Canada, Russia, Britain, Poland, France, Turkey, Jordan, and Japan), the fall-off is over 10% over the same period."

Can Obama win back world opinion in second term? -

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