US Senator Favors Israelis Over Americans (again)

"Yes! We Agree! The Power of Zionism lies in the Power of $$$$$$$$$$$$MONEY!"

Here's a challenge for you, Philsy - and Georgie, and Sunni and the rest. Try to come up with a 'reason' to dislike Israel which isn't rooted in some filthy conspiranutter/Nazi/Commie bullcrap POS canard about 'Jews'..... or, to use the current 'code word', 'Zionists'.

Each time one of you spouts part of the Nazi party line about Jews - you are shitting on the Palestinians and their desire for a nation-state of their own. Just remember that: you are putting the Pals in bed with Hitler and David Duke and other rampant racists every time you include that filth in your 'arguments'.

With 'supporters' like the likes of you - who needs ten plagues! The Palestinian cause can never be 'just' while it is avidly supported based on Jew-hatred.

Tell us how Greater Israel comes into existence without Zionists?

"T]he Jewish national movement of rebirth and renewal in the land of Israel-the historical birthplace of the Jewish people. The yearning to return to Zion, the biblical term for both the Land of Israel and Jerusalem, has been the cornerstone of Jewish religious life since the Jewish exile from the land two thousand years ago.... Zionism, the national aspiration of the Jewish people to a homeland, is to the Jewish people what the liberation movements of Africa and Asia have been to their peoples...a vindication of the fundamental concepts of the equality of nations and of self-determination..."

"We need to ask: What kind of national liberation movement allies itself in every case and at every moment in its history with the powers of world imperialism?

"What national liberation struggle built its very existence on the colonization of another people, on the obliteration of that people's history, their culture, and their land?

The Hidden Roots of Zionism

650,000 Jews would not have been able to inflict their nation upon 1.2 million Arabs in 1948 Mandate Palestine if Zionism hadn't been imperial code for for the colonization of Palestine and the rejection of self-determination for its citizens.
This is because support for Israel is fortunately not a political issue. The only political issue is how best can we support Israel.

According to Gallup support for Israel is higher now than at any time since Gallup began polling the issue since June 2-7, 1967. Then 38 percent of Americans supported Israel. 3 percent supported the Arabs. Most recently, 64 percent support Israel. 12 percent support the Arabs.

Gallup Polls on American Sympathy| Jewish Virtual Library

The only reason the Arabs have any significance at all is because some Arabs have oil under their sand. Otherwise the Arabs would be as comical as Ahab the Arab.

Ahab the Arab - Ray Stevens - YouTube

Most recently, 64 percent support Israel. 12 percent support the Arabs.

And there is a good reason for that.

[ame=]Off the Charts - YouTube[/ame]
Is anyone surprised that Tinnie admires Allison Weir?
If Americans Knew Alison Weir…
Documenting Alison Weir's Anti-Semitic Activism

If Americans Knew Alison Weir?

Oh you say that about everyone who does not suck up to Israel.
"In order for the US to permit citizens of a foreign country to enter the US without a visa, that country must agree to certain conditions.

"Chief among them is reciprocity: that country must allow Americans to enter without a visa as well.

"There are 37 countries which have been permitted entrance into America's 'visa waiver' program, and all of them - all 37 - reciprocate by allowing American citizens to enter their country without a visa.."

AIPAC isn't even attempting to pretend Boxer's bill would result in discrimination against Arab Americans and others who criticize Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine:

"According to off the record accounts, AIPAC officials told members of Congress that there would need to be flexibility on this legal requirement to accommodate Israel's ongoing discrimination against Arab- and Muslim-Americans who attempt to travel to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories."

"So brazen is this bill in the special favors it showers on Israel at the expense of American citizens that even normally loyal factions in Congress are balking."

Barbara Boxer, AIPAC seek to codify Israel's right to discriminate against Americans | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |
Georgie: Your 'Annie' is a communist whore. And Alison Weir is a 'racist' bigot.

Epic fail, Georgie. You shit all over the Palestinians by slinging around the filth like that as though is in any way 'objective' or 'impartial' or even remotely attempting to be honest or truthful.

The rest of us pretty well understand that you lot are communists first last and to the exclusion of everything else: communists can be counted on, just like Nazis, to spout any number of lies to defame 'capitalism' and 'capitalists'. In fact, the two are virtually identical twins in that respect - in their unrelenting animosity of Jews.
Georgie: Your 'Annie' is a communist whore. And Alison Weir is a 'racist' bigot.

Epic fail, Georgie. You shit all over the Palestinians by slinging around the filth like that as though is in any way 'objective' or 'impartial' or even remotely attempting to be honest or truthful.

The rest of us pretty well understand that you lot are communists first last and to the exclusion of everything else: communists can be counted on, just like Nazis, to spout any number of lies to defame 'capitalism' and 'capitalists'. In fact, the two are virtually identical twins in that respect - in their unrelenting animosity of Jews.

So, Margie...if Annie's a whore and Alison a bigot, what does that make Barbara and Roy, star-spangled Jew-licks?

"As a result, at the behest of Aipac, Democrat Barbara Boxer, joined by Republican Roy Blunt, has introduced a bill that would provide for Israel's membership in the program while vesting it with a right that no other country in this program has: namely, the right to exclude selected Americans from this visa-free right of entrance.

"In other words, the bill sponsored by these American senators would exempt Israel from a requirement that applies to every other nation on the planet, for no reason other than to allow the Israeli government to engage in racial, ethnic and religious discrimination against US citizens."

Barbara Boxer, AIPAC seek to codify Israel's right to discriminate against Americans | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |
"Yes! We Agree! The Power of Zionism lies in the Power of $$$$$$$$$$$$MONEY!"

Here's a challenge for you, Philsy - and Georgie, and Sunni and the rest. Try to come up with a 'reason' to dislike Israel which isn't rooted in some filthy conspiranutter/Nazi/Commie bullcrap POS canard about 'Jews'..... or, to use the current 'code word', 'Zionists'.

Each time one of you spouts part of the Nazi party line about Jews - you are shitting on the Palestinians and their desire for a nation-state of their own. Just remember that: you are putting the Pals in bed with Hitler and David Duke and other rampant racists every time you include that filth in your 'arguments'.

With 'supporters' like the likes of you - who needs ten plagues! The Palestinian cause can never be 'just' while it is avidly supported based on Jew-hatred.

Tell us how Greater Israel comes into existence without Zionists?

"T]he Jewish national movement of rebirth and renewal in the land of Israel-the historical birthplace of the Jewish people. The yearning to return to Zion, the biblical term for both the Land of Israel and Jerusalem, has been the cornerstone of Jewish religious life since the Jewish exile from the land two thousand years ago.... Zionism, the national aspiration of the Jewish people to a homeland, is to the Jewish people what the liberation movements of Africa and Asia have been to their peoples...a vindication of the fundamental concepts of the equality of nations and of self-determination..."

"We need to ask: What kind of national liberation movement allies itself in every case and at every moment in its history with the powers of world imperialism?

"What national liberation struggle built its very existence on the colonization of another people, on the obliteration of that people's history, their culture, and their land?

The Hidden Roots of Zionism

650,000 Jews would not have been able to inflict their nation upon 1.2 million Arabs in 1948 Mandate Palestine if Zionism hadn't been imperial code for for the colonization of Palestine and the rejection of self-determination for its citizens.

Now, why would I give any credence to communist propaganda?
"So, Margie...if Annie's a whore and Alison a bigot, what does that make Barbara and Roy......?"

Barbara and Roy are politicians, Georgie. We - the voters of their districts - elect them to do our will - and we vote them out if they don't. It's really quite simple.
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Generally I would agree with the reciprocity requirement.
But Israelis Don't constitute a political threat to the USA while Some Americans, such as the wack-job-pancake Rachel Corrie's of the world, DO pose a threat to Israel.
You simply can't expect them to let crazies like, but not limited, to her in.
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"So, Margie...if Annie's a whore and Alison a bigot, what does that make Barbara and Roy......?"

Barbara and Roy are politicians, Georgie. We - the voters of their districts - elect them to do our will - and we vote them out if they don't. It's really quite simple.

AIPAC buys politicians like condoms, Margie.

Why do some Jews imagine their vote matters to whores and bigots?
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"Yes! We Agree! The Power of Zionism lies in the Power of $$$$$$$$$$$$MONEY!"

Here's a challenge for you, Philsy - and Georgie, and Sunni and the rest. Try to come up with a 'reason' to dislike Israel which isn't rooted in some filthy conspiranutter/Nazi/Commie bullcrap POS canard about 'Jews'..... or, to use the current 'code word', 'Zionists'.

Each time one of you spouts part of the Nazi party line about Jews - you are shitting on the Palestinians and their desire for a nation-state of their own. Just remember that: you are putting the Pals in bed with Hitler and David Duke and other rampant racists every time you include that filth in your 'arguments'.

With 'supporters' like the likes of you - who needs ten plagues! The Palestinian cause can never be 'just' while it is avidly supported based on Jew-hatred.

Tell us how Greater Israel comes into existence without Zionists?

"T]he Jewish national movement of rebirth and renewal in the land of Israel-the historical birthplace of the Jewish people. The yearning to return to Zion, the biblical term for both the Land of Israel and Jerusalem, has been the cornerstone of Jewish religious life since the Jewish exile from the land two thousand years ago.... Zionism, the national aspiration of the Jewish people to a homeland, is to the Jewish people what the liberation movements of Africa and Asia have been to their peoples...a vindication of the fundamental concepts of the equality of nations and of self-determination..."

"We need to ask: What kind of national liberation movement allies itself in every case and at every moment in its history with the powers of world imperialism?

"What national liberation struggle built its very existence on the colonization of another people, on the obliteration of that people's history, their culture, and their land?

The Hidden Roots of Zionism

650,000 Jews would not have been able to inflict their nation upon 1.2 million Arabs in 1948 Mandate Palestine if Zionism hadn't been imperial code for for the colonization of Palestine and the rejection of self-determination for its citizens.

Now, why would I give any credence to communist propaganda?

Ask Amos about the role socialism played in founding the Jewish state:

"Israeli author Amos Elon explains in his novel, The Israelis: Founders and Sons, this desire to escape religious persecution and possess freedom in a new homeland: 'Many were seized by a profound desire to get away from it all - from anti-Semitism, social injustice, money, capitalism, away even from the fetters of their own orthodox religion - to a desert island of their dreams, where no man would be his fellow's master...'"

"Jews believed that this new society would feature the socialist ideals that had been introduced to them while living in Russia. This socialist ideology included a commitment to the land with a focus on agriculture and cultivation.

Thus, the economic status of Zionists was safe under the principles of socialism, allowing each to gain equally. Jews established their economy based largely on the exclusion of Arabs from land they farmed and from the Jewish labor market."

What credence to you attach to racist discrimination, Margie?

The Zionist Movement and the Birth of Israel: 1880-1948 - Yahoo! Voices -
"So, Margie...if Annie's a whore and Alison a bigot, what does that make Barbara and Roy......?"

Barbara and Roy are politicians, Georgie. We - the voters of their districts - elect them to do our will - and we vote them out if they don't. It's really quite simple.

AIPAC buys politicians like condoms, Margie.

Why do some Jews imagine their vote matters to whores and bigots?

So you allege. But you haven't produced anything vaguely resembling proof - and in the meantime, you persist in continual hate speech against Jews. Perhaps you ARE different from the Holocaust-denying filthmongers around here - but you've yet to make a single post which is substantially different from theirs. Nor have you once appeared to notice their most blatant lies.
Tell us how Greater Israel comes into existence without Zionists?

"T]he Jewish national movement of rebirth and renewal in the land of Israel-the historical birthplace of the Jewish people. The yearning to return to Zion, the biblical term for both the Land of Israel and Jerusalem, has been the cornerstone of Jewish religious life since the Jewish exile from the land two thousand years ago.... Zionism, the national aspiration of the Jewish people to a homeland, is to the Jewish people what the liberation movements of Africa and Asia have been to their peoples...a vindication of the fundamental concepts of the equality of nations and of self-determination..."

"We need to ask: What kind of national liberation movement allies itself in every case and at every moment in its history with the powers of world imperialism?

"What national liberation struggle built its very existence on the colonization of another people, on the obliteration of that people's history, their culture, and their land?

The Hidden Roots of Zionism

650,000 Jews would not have been able to inflict their nation upon 1.2 million Arabs in 1948 Mandate Palestine if Zionism hadn't been imperial code for for the colonization of Palestine and the rejection of self-determination for its citizens.

Now, why would I give any credence to communist propaganda?

Ask Amos about the role socialism played in founding the Jewish state:

"Israeli author Amos Elon explains in his novel, The Israelis: Founders and Sons, this desire to escape religious persecution and possess freedom in a new homeland: 'Many were seized by a profound desire to get away from it all - from anti-Semitism, social injustice, money, capitalism, away even from the fetters of their own orthodox religion - to a desert island of their dreams, where no man would be his fellow's master...'"

"Jews believed that this new society would feature the socialist ideals that had been introduced to them while living in Russia. This socialist ideology included a commitment to the land with a focus on agriculture and cultivation.

Thus, the economic status of Zionists was safe under the principles of socialism, allowing each to gain equally. Jews established their economy based largely on the exclusion of Arabs from land they farmed and from the Jewish labor market."

What credence to you attach to racist discrimination, Margie?

The Zionist Movement and the Birth of Israel: 1880-1948 - Yahoo! Voices -

That isn't Amos: it's someone purporting to quote him on some Yahoo chat board. I do not trust such 'sources' to be accurate. The quality just isn't wouldn't even pass muster for a high-school assignment.

"Racial discrimination"? Just because the allegation is posted on a website, I'm supposed to believe it? WHY? Why should I?

"We need to ask: What kind of national liberation movement allies itself in every case and at every moment in its history with the powers of world imperialism? "

NO: we need to ask why the author makes such an allegation and where is anything resembling proof? What are her qualifications, and what are her biases?

I think it's obvious that she's a communist, and thereby opposed to 'capitalism' and the US and all nations friendly to us. No different from any other proselytizer pimping their particular 'salvation'.
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Now, why would I give any credence to communist propaganda?

Ask Amos about the role socialism played in founding the Jewish state:

"Israeli author Amos Elon explains in his novel, The Israelis: Founders and Sons, this desire to escape religious persecution and possess freedom in a new homeland: 'Many were seized by a profound desire to get away from it all - from anti-Semitism, social injustice, money, capitalism, away even from the fetters of their own orthodox religion - to a desert island of their dreams, where no man would be his fellow's master...'"

"Jews believed that this new society would feature the socialist ideals that had been introduced to them while living in Russia. This socialist ideology included a commitment to the land with a focus on agriculture and cultivation.

Thus, the economic status of Zionists was safe under the principles of socialism, allowing each to gain equally. Jews established their economy based largely on the exclusion of Arabs from land they farmed and from the Jewish labor market."

What credence to you attach to racist discrimination, Margie?

The Zionist Movement and the Birth of Israel: 1880-1948 - Yahoo! Voices -

That isn't Amos: it's someone purporting to quote him on some Yahoo chat board. I do not trust such 'sources' to be accurate. The quality just isn't wouldn't even pass muster for a high-school assignment.

"Racial discrimination"? Just because the allegation is posted on a website, I'm supposed to believe it? WHY? Why should I?

"We need to ask: What kind of national liberation movement allies itself in every case and at every moment in its history with the powers of world imperialism? "

NO: we need to ask why the author makes such an allegation and where is anything resembling proof? What are her qualifications, and what are her biases?

I think it's obvious that she's a communist, and thereby opposed to 'capitalism' and the US and all nations friendly to us. No different from any other proselytizer pimping their particular 'salvation'.
Annie Zirin is a middle school teacher living in Massachusetts and she isn't pimping for apartheid or colonization:

"We need to ask: What kind of national liberation movement allies itself in every case and at every moment in its history with the powers of world imperialism? What national liberation struggle built its very existence on the colonization of another people, on the obliteration of that people's history, their culture, and their land?

"The founding fathers of Zionism were much more honest about what they stood for.

"Over and over, one word appears in their writing: not national 'liberation,' but 'colonization.'

"Vladimir Jabotinsky, one of the founding fathers of the Zionist movement, wrote in 1923:

"[It is the] iron law of every colonizing movement, a law which knows of no exceptions, a law which existed in all times and under all circumstances.

"If you wish to colonize a land in which people are already living, you must provide a garrison on your behalf Or else-or else, give up your colonization, for without an armed force which will render physically impossible any attempts to destroy or prevent this colonization, colonization is impossible, not 'difficult,' not 'dangerous' but impossible!...

"Zionism is a colonizing adventure and therefore it stands or falls by the question of armed force.

"It is important to build, it is important to speak Hebrew, but, unfortunately, it is even more important to be able to shoot-or else I am through with playing at colonization."

The Hidden Roots of Zionism

You slavish devotion to every action taken by the racist colonizers on the West Bank make it impossible for you to admit Israel's dependence upon the British garrison for its birth or the US taxpayer for its presence in Palestine today, and that's your problem, not Annie's or Amos's.

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