US Signs Agreement with Mexico to Protect Mexican Workers--Including Illegals

I know what you mean, this country is quickly becoming a place not worth even trying to stand up for. When you have such a huge portion of the population that agrees with shit like this and other absurd things, then at some point you just have to cut your losses and look for a way to get the fuck out.

I gave up then came back from the bring of 'fuck it' to give it another shot. Just shush... There are lots of unicorns and rainbows to hang my children's future on, so you just keep that reality crap to yourself. In my little world we're still America the Pro... *chokes and coughs* Unicorns and fucking rainbows!!!
I know, I've heard various theories on that, it's kind of what unions have been saying for years. Consider though, that as soon as you either make these people legal, or require the employer to give them worker rights, you'll just see another crop of illegals come in, and undercut the wages and rights of the current illegals.

Bottom line is, unless you bust some heads and throw the employers in jail, and deport the illegals, the cycle will just continue.

As much as I agree, it's just not going to happen in our political climate. Therefore I attempt to find possible positives to make myself feel better about it.

I know what you mean, this country is quickly becoming a place not worth even trying to stand up for. When you have such a huge portion of the population that agrees with shit like this and other absurd things, then at some point you just have to cut your losses and look for a way to get the fuck out.

You got that right. When you have a bunch of low info voters who are to stupid to understand that the gravy train will derail at some point were pretty much screwed.
The sad part is we are being led down this road intentionally.
Hope all these morons enjoy the new world order,because it's coming.
I am not particularly for immigration but I am also not dead set against it. America is/used to be a very blessed nation. I believe that everyone should be able to have a better life, BUT when it is done illegally that is simply not right. There are millions of American born citizens looking for work so the priority should always be the Americans first. As selfish as that may sound, its the truth. Also if you are not going to come to America the right way (legally) what makes you think you deserve the right to work and make money? How does that help our economy? You may work for less pay but guess what? So will American teenagers who are in need of jobs now too. If you're going to come here just come legally. Also there is no reason that illegals get the same (if not better) healthcare. If they come here pregnant they get free prenatal care and their babies are considered American. Come on now, America wake up!

Source: Pew Research Center.The Washington Post. Published on September 3, 2014, 9:12 p.m.

In 2001, the number of illegals in the US was 7,500,000, by 2008, it was 11,700,000. During Obama's presidency, it has leveled off, even declined slightly. Yet suddenly, we have our 'Conservatives' having an absolute shit fit over them. But they were silent while this number increased 4 million under Bush. What we see here are first class demogogueic assholes seizing on a non-issue. And it is going to bite them in the ass.

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