US signs anti-abortion declaration with group of largely authoritarian governments

They don't rip a fetus out of the womb.
I suppose they didn't commit adultery to have all these unwanted babies, and they're not cutting around the baby's private parts and performing routine hysterectomies on the mothers, either?

No wonder then, that Mary the mother of Jesus remained a Virgin all her life and eternally! It was truly miraculous in those days that a young woman -- conceived by the Holy Spirit and not involved in a paternity child support alimony case -- could have given birth to a child and still have her womb intact, without being defiled by a Pap smear or cut up by a Cæsarean section in the days of Cæsar Augustus and King Herod who ordered all the fetuses in the district to be aborted as a preventive measure, lest a child be born in a filthy manger without proper medical care and genital surgery.

That is a fable.

The “core supporters” of the declaration are Brazil, Egypt, Hungary, Indonesia and Uganda, and the 27 other signatories include Belarus (where security forces are currently trying to suppress a women-led protest movement), Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Sudan, South Sudan, Libya.

Most of the signatories are among the 20 worst countries to be a woman according to the Women, Peace and Security Index established by Georgetown University.

The list of Americas new friends must make sobering reading. Not to worry. In a fortnight President Joe will consign this to the bin.
This isn’t just Trump, of course – we’d see this same wrongheaded authoritarian idiocy from any Republican president.

The simple fact is that Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance.
Just how "authoritarian" is ripping an unborn baby out of the womb and murdering her/him?
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Its none of your fucking business.

If I am the biological father then yes it is my fucking business Tommy!
It really isnt.

Yes it is seeing it is my child!
Nope,you should be more responsible when you are having sex. Maybe ask her if she wants your kids ?
So the US, under the "leadership" of trump, takes another giant leap into authoritarianism, and installing a right-wing theocracy to rule over a once-free people. They always go after women and LGBTs first, as we are considered expendable.

The US government has no business taking any stand on abortion, which is not an issue that legitimately involves government. It is purely ideological and there is no universal agreement.

Standing up for the lives of the unborn that can not defend themselves is honorable.

This is not an issue for government. Your "killing babies" thing is an exaggeration pushed by your religious sect.
No, it’s a purely logical thing.
How does gender allow for a woman to consider a man’s baby as nothing more than an eleventh finger nail?
Reconcile that.
How does gender qualify a woman to disallow any opportunity for a baby to ever know its father?
" Vice Of Psychosis In Theocratic Institutions "

* Quality Of Life Versus Quantity Of Lives *

Is it the baby's business to want to live sugar; just like any other murder victim?Does the defenseless baby get a vote.
An ethical basis for representing a fetus by proxy is based upon empathy that requisites a physical capacity for sentience ; and , the onset of sentience requires thalamocortical spindles , which do not begin to form any earlier than the 23rd week of pregnancy .

Until the onset of sentience there is not sapience ; such that , personification of cognitive want , or conscientious objection , or a capacity to make a decision to vote is a false projection .

At issue is that the religious reich use late term abortions as a histrionic excuse to outlaw all abortions , without considering second trimester abortions are performed largely because of fetal abnormalities , and third trimester abortions are exclusively for fetal abnormalities .

The religious reich does not understand the literal meaning of an afterlife as passing on ones genetic identity through to offspring , one haploid at a time , so that another both figuratively and literally as themselves may have an opportunity to experience the sentience , sapience and introspection afforded by life .

The emphasis on life by the religious reich is for a utopian ideal that ignores the means for quality of life , and the religous reich lauds to go forth and multiply without the slightest consideration for what to do when its closed systems degenerate , except to satiate its ignorance with self pity for the suffering .
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" Pro-Choice Republican Not A Member Of The Religious Reich Cult "

* Kids And Children Have Been Born So Killing One Violates An Equal Protection Wright To Life *

Killing kids for the sake of convenience ain't cool.
It is damn time these filthy asshole Libtards understood that.
When will the religious reich understand a difference between proselytizing for its tenets and edicts of creed and the limits of state interests ?

A state is concerned with the wrights of citizens of which it is comprised and on whose behalf it interests lay .

One can become a citizen at birth which is when protected wrights are received that includes a wright to life , whereby equal protection requires birth ; hence , abortion is a non enumerated wright of us constitution .

Demand Any Nomination For Us Supreme Court Justice Explain Blackmun ' Logically Of Course ' Statement From Roe V Wade .
Question for all you pro abort lefttardz. . .

"Children are Constitutionally entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws from the moment thwir lives begin."

True or False?
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" Vying For Puritanical Control l Grant Salvation From An Eternal Dirt Nap "

* Religious Creed Versus State Interest *

Question for all you pro abort lefttardz. . .
"Children are Constitutionally entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws from the moment thwir lives begin."
True or False?
Blackmun , roe v wade , ' Logically, of course, a legitimate state interest in this area need not stand or fall on acceptance of the belief that life begins at conception or at some other point prior to live birth." .
"Children are Constitutionally entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws from the moment thwir lives begin."
So, really, their lives have begun when the spermatozoon is created that will fertilise the egg. After all, at that point everything is living.

True or false?


Your ignorance about biology shines like a beacon in the night.
" Vying For Puritanical Control l Grant Salvation From An Eternal Dirt Nap "

* Religious Creed Versus State Interest *

Question for all you pro abort lefttardz. . .
"Children are Constitutionally entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws from the moment thwir lives begin."
True or False?
Blackmun , roe v wade , ' Logically, of course, a legitimate state interest in this area need not stand or fall on acceptance of the belief that life begins at conception or at some other point prior to live birth." .

What the Constitution actually says.

" No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. " - 14th Amendment

Key points to take away.

1. Children are persons, whether they are "CITIZENS" (persons born or naturalized) or not.

2. The Constitution is extremely INCLUSIVE when it specifically says "ANY person" is entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws.

3. The Constitution does NOT say how old, young, developed or otherwise convenient to others "ANY PERSON" needs to be, in order to qualify for their rights or Constitutional protections.
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"Children are Constitutionally entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws from the moment thwir lives begin."
So, really, their lives have begun when the spermatozoon is created that will fertilise the egg. After all, at that point everything is living.

True or false?

False. The life in question does not start until the egg and the sperm unite to become a human.

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