US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

Since I myself am a Veteran, I care more about Veterans than all the conservatives in America who have never served their country

Hear, hear. You right wing far nut cons who have not served: shut up. You have nothing worthy to say. Run along now.
The gun runner? Hopefully he rots.

This turd is a poster child for why I think aborting liberals is good for humanity


What did liberals do that was so offensive to the conservatives? Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did Conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things. So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, ‘Liberal,’ as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won’t work, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor. -Lawrence O’Donnell Jr.

Just wow!!! You really believe all the bull you just posted, don't you? You are truly misinformed. Might want to actually check your sources before repeating them. What a truly sad commentary about our youth today. They have been fed lies and actually fall for them.
Why would someone buy an obsolete weapon that's no longer used by anyone? Are you saying the weapons that Reagan had Ollie North provide to Iran wouldn't and/or couldn't effectively be used in combat? I have to ask if for no other reason than the fact that the weapons were actually provided to Iran by a third party. That third party was Israel. Was the US selling obsolete weapons to Israel? I ask THAT particular question because My impression is that we always provided Israel with the finest military equipment available which is one of the reasons that Israel always had such a battlefield advantage in conflicts with their Arab neighbors despite a disadvantage in the size of their military compared to their opponents.

Care to explain?
They were obsolete to us (and Israel), not to the ragheads.
They were used in combat, yes, against other terrorists (Iraq).
They were funneled through Israel.
We DO sell Israel the finest military equipment available.

You have no clue when or where those weapons were used. And if the weapons can be used to kill, they weren't obsolete. Otherwise they wouldn't have bought them.
Can't you read? They were obsolete TO US, not the ragheads. Go back and read it again, slowly, maybe get some kid to help you with the big words.
What's he going to tell us.... the Rice and beans he had everyday for meals sucked?

After five years I am sure he has plenty to tell us.
He is probably being debriefed right at this moment.

In 20 years he'll be a senator and "reach across the isle" for "compromise" with the next generation of our enemies.

But first he'll have to go before Congress, declare he's a Democrat and say...."I'll testified to war crimes committed in Afghanistan. These were not isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command. It is impossible to describe to you exactly what did happen as I wasn't present but the Taliban told me
that at times our soldiers had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of Afghanistan in addition to the normal ravage of war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country."

Vaguely sound familiar, doesn't it?
They were obsolete to us (and Israel), not to the ragheads.
They were used in combat, yes, against other terrorists (Iraq).
They were funneled through Israel.
We DO sell Israel the finest military equipment available.

You have no clue when or where those weapons were used. And if the weapons can be used to kill, they weren't obsolete. Otherwise they wouldn't have bought them.
Can't you read? They were obsolete TO US, not the ragheads. Go back and read it again, slowly, maybe get some kid to help you with the big words.

And those weapons as described by the Bushies were never found.

Chemistry sets, asshole, don't count.
Since I myself am a Veteran, I care more about Veterans than all the conservatives in America who have never served their country

Hear, hear. You right wing far nut cons who have not served: shut up. You have nothing worthy to say. Run along now.

Then the Fag of a president should shut the fuck up...isn't that what you're saying?
If the soldier is released, Obama's weak.

If the soldier was killed, Obama's weak.

Actually, the truth is this.

Every single day conservatives undermine our country's leaders, even on the world stage, and that means that they are the ones who truly make America look weak in the eyes of the world.

Consequently, we should make conservatives honorary anti-American rhetorical terrorists since they aid and abet the enemy so much and so often.

But when bed wetters undermine the president it's "patriotic".

BTW, 24 hours ago you didn't know shit about that soldier nor did you care to.

Spare us your bullshit empathy.

Since I myself am a Veteran, I care more about Veterans than all the conservatives in America who have never served their country and think that patriotism means being armchair shock and awe cheerleaders as others fight the battles they support while watching Fox News with a waving American Flag in the corner of the screen.

That means you don't know shit about what I care about.

As an aside, while I was at McDonald's this morning drinking my coffee, I saw a young man in civilian clothes who was wearing a camo cap which indicated he was once in the US Marines (I was once Regular Army and had never served in combat). I noticed a small pin on the side of his cap that was obviously a purple heart. I engaged him in conversation and discovered that he had been wounded in battle during two tours in Iraq and one tour in Afghanistan. I thanked him for his service. I wonder how many people never even notice the pin.

They were obsolete to us (and Israel), not to the ragheads.
They were used in combat, yes, against other terrorists (Iraq).
They were funneled through Israel.
We DO sell Israel the finest military equipment available.

You have no clue when or where those weapons were used. And if the weapons can be used to kill, they weren't obsolete. Otherwise they wouldn't have bought them.
Can't you read? They were obsolete TO US, not the ragheads. Go back and read it again, slowly, maybe get some kid to help you with the big words.

No weapon that can kill is obsolete to a terrorist. Since Reagan sold weapons to terrorists who hated America, he essentially aided and abetted the ability of terrorists to target and kill Americans. That's treason.
Exchange of prisoners?

Anyone who has trouble with that is an anti-American asshole.

You need to use your head and look at what we gave them............

And if you think it was a good deal I've got some property to sell you........

It was a great deal for our soldier, and I am ashamed for you, Ollie. You are a guy I respect, but not on this OP.
If the soldier is released, Obama's weak.

If the soldier was killed, Obama's weak.

Actually, the truth is this.

Every single day conservatives undermine our country's leaders, even on the world stage, and that means that they are the ones who truly make America look weak in the eyes of the world.

Consequently, we should make conservatives honorary anti-American rhetorical terrorists since they aid and abet the enemy so much and so often.

But when bed wetters undermine the president it's "patriotic".

BTW, 24 hours ago you didn't know shit about that soldier nor did you care to.

Spare us your bullshit empathy.

Since I myself am a Veteran, I care more about Veterans than all the conservatives in America who have never served their country and think that patriotism means being armchair shock and awe cheerleaders as others fight the battles they support while watching Fox News with a waving American Flag in the corner of the screen.

That means you don't know shit about what I care about.

As an aside, while I was at McDonald's this morning drinking my coffee, I saw a young man in civilian clothes who was wearing a camo cap which indicated he was once in the US Marines (I was once Regular Army and had never served in combat). I noticed a small pin on the side of his cap that was obviously a purple heart. I engaged him in conversation and discovered that he had been wounded in battle during two tours in Iraq and one tour in Afghanistan. I thanked him for his service. I wonder how many people never even notice the pin.

DO NOT ATTEMPT to glorify your veteran status with me bed wetter. I've "served" with a handful of oxygen thieves who did nothing but complain for 11 months, and bed wetters like you strike me as the type.

Conservatives dominate the military, bed wetters like you are a liability we tolerate.

You only care about yourself. No real vet with any brains should be able to tolerate the damage this regime has done to our country.
You have no clue when or where those weapons were used. And if the weapons can be used to kill, they weren't obsolete. Otherwise they wouldn't have bought them.
Can't you read? They were obsolete TO US, not the ragheads. Go back and read it again, slowly, maybe get some kid to help you with the big words.

And those weapons as described by the Bushies were never found.

Chemistry sets, asshole, don't count.

All in here asshole, From Saddam's General.... but you're such a left wing subversive, I'll bet you never heard of it, or read it if you did!

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You have no clue when or where those weapons were used. And if the weapons can be used to kill, they weren't obsolete. Otherwise they wouldn't have bought them.
Can't you read? They were obsolete TO US, not the ragheads. Go back and read it again, slowly, maybe get some kid to help you with the big words.

No weapon that can kill is obsolete to a terrorist. Since Reagan sold weapons to terrorists who hated America, he essentially aided and abetted the ability of terrorists to target and kill Americans. That's treason.

And that's bullshit.

Reagan sold not a single round of ammo to anyone.

There hasn't been a shred of proof otherwise.

You're a failure consumed with 30 year old bullshit.
I'm happy for him and happy for his family just as I'm sure the five Taliban who were exchanged for him are happy the can go back and rejoin the fight.

Well they have to spend a year in Qatar.

It's sorta doubtful they be "rejoining" any fight any time soon.

You assume they will spend a year there terrorist who are returned to the middle east have a habit of not ending up where there supposed to maybe these five will but I wouldn't bet the farm on it.

Please take some English lessons. This is fucking torture.
Exchange of prisoners?

Anyone who has trouble with that is an anti-American asshole.

You need to use your head and look at what we gave them............

And if you think it was a good deal I've got some property to sell you........

It was a great deal for our soldier, and I am ashamed for you, Ollie. You are a guy I respect, but not on this OP.

You haven't read it all and once again you are showing your true colors......

I have nothing but gladness that Bowe is home, and i will take down the "Bring Bowe home Alive" sign that has been hung in my window when he sets foot in the states.
I do not like giving up 5 top level Taliban prisoners....

As i have said before, most of these clowns didn't even know his name before today....

I was there for him Where were the rest of you.....Especially those who claim to be better because they are veterans.

I'm happy for him and happy for his family just as I'm sure the five Taliban who were exchanged for him are happy the can go back and rejoin the fight.

Well they have to spend a year in Qatar.

It's sorta doubtful they be "rejoining" any fight any time soon.

They have long since demonstrated that they have patience.

A year is approximately nothing to them.

In four or five years, the whirlwind we might reap is the shit that President Obumbler just sewed.
Exchange of prisoners?

Anyone who has trouble with that is an anti-American asshole.

You need to use your head and look at what we gave them............

And if you think it was a good deal I've got some property to sell you........


Like that bed wetter has the money to buy any property.

You have no clue when or where those weapons were used. And if the weapons can be used to kill, they weren't obsolete. Otherwise they wouldn't have bought them.
Can't you read? They were obsolete TO US, not the ragheads. Go back and read it again, slowly, maybe get some kid to help you with the big words.

And those weapons as described by the Bushies were never found.

Chemistry sets, asshole, don't count.
Maybe that's because we sold them to the Iranians, not the Iraqis, you dumb shit. :lol:
Well they have to spend a year in Qatar.

It's sorta doubtful they be "rejoining" any fight any time soon.

You assume they will spend a year there terrorist who are returned to the middle east have a habit of not ending up where there supposed to maybe these five will but I wouldn't bet the farm on it.

Please take some English lessons. This is fucking torture.

Please learn how to use the ignore author option true torture is your whining. In case you cant figure it out follow these simple steps.
1- Click on user CP
2- Click on edit ignore list
3- Add the members screen name to your ignore list
4- Click okay and then save changes.
5- Fuck off
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