US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

With all the hoopla about the "marine" taking three very powerful guns into Mexico, running from police and winding up in Jail, many conservatives seem to have forgotten an American soldier actively fighting in Afghanistan was being held by the Taliban.

He's free today..thanks to President Obama.

Now give the Prez some sugar.


Now how about helping that poor Pastor in Iran?
Maybe give that Marine in Mexico a boost as well.

That "poor" pastor in Iran and the gun runner entered those countries willingly. The pastor after being warned not to.

Ironically, the pastor's still alive. If it had been an Islamic cleric in our country preaching to Christians, he'd most likely be dead.

Whatever you say, stinkbug.
You have no clue when or where those weapons were used. And if the weapons can be used to kill, they weren't obsolete. Otherwise they wouldn't have bought them.
Can't you read? They were obsolete TO US, not the ragheads. Go back and read it again, slowly, maybe get some kid to help you with the big words.

No weapon that can kill is obsolete to a terrorist. Since Reagan sold weapons to terrorists who hated America, he essentially aided and abetted the ability of terrorists to target and kill Americans. That's treason.
Wrong again, stupid. They were short-range weapons. They couldn't even reach Israel, how are they gonna reach clear across the fucking ocean? It's not like we sold them to the Mexicans or something (ahem).
You assume they will spend a year there terrorist who are returned to the middle east have a habit of not ending up where there supposed to maybe these five will but I wouldn't bet the farm on it.

Please take some English lessons. This is fucking torture.

Please learn how to use the ignore author option true torture is your whining. In case you cant figure it out follow these simple steps.
1- Click on user CP
2- Click on edit ignore list
3- Add the members screen name to your ignore list
4- Click okay and then save changes.
5- Fuck off

Punctuation is your friend.
Can't you read? They were obsolete TO US, not the ragheads. Go back and read it again, slowly, maybe get some kid to help you with the big words.

No weapon that can kill is obsolete to a terrorist. Since Reagan sold weapons to terrorists who hated America, he essentially aided and abetted the ability of terrorists to target and kill Americans. That's treason.
Wrong again, stupid. They were short-range weapons. They couldn't even reach Israel, how are they gonna reach clear across the fucking ocean? It's not like we sold them to the Mexicans or something (ahem).

Stop embarrassing yourself! Please!
Well they have to spend a year in Qatar.

It's sorta doubtful they be "rejoining" any fight any time soon.

You assume they will spend a year there terrorist who are returned to the middle east have a habit of not ending up where there supposed to maybe these five will but I wouldn't bet the farm on it.

Please take some English lessons. This is fucking torture.

Didn't you know? Conservatives don't need an education. While others are busy learning silly things like facts and honing the ability to think critically about the issues, conservatives have their opinions to sustain them. And it's simple for them. All they have to do is turn on the radio where someone will tell them exactly what to believe.
No weapon that can kill is obsolete to a terrorist. Since Reagan sold weapons to terrorists who hated America, he essentially aided and abetted the ability of terrorists to target and kill Americans. That's treason.
Wrong again, stupid. They were short-range weapons. They couldn't even reach Israel, how are they gonna reach clear across the fucking ocean? It's not like we sold them to the Mexicans or something (ahem).

Stop embarrassing yourself! Please!
I'm not, I'm embarrassing you. That's why this is the best response you could come up with.
You assume they will spend a year there terrorist who are returned to the middle east have a habit of not ending up where there supposed to maybe these five will but I wouldn't bet the farm on it.

Please take some English lessons. This is fucking torture.

Didn't you know? Conservatives don't need an education. While others are busy learning silly things like facts and honing the ability to think critically about the issues, conservatives have their opinions to sustain them. And it's simple for them. All they have to do is turn on the radio where someone will tell them exactly what to believe.

Which MSNBC host did you get those talking points from?
Please take some English lessons. This is fucking torture.

Didn't you know? Conservatives don't need an education. While others are busy learning silly things like facts and honing the ability to think critically about the issues, conservatives have their opinions to sustain them. And it's simple for them. All they have to do is turn on the radio where someone will tell them exactly what to believe.

Which MSNBC host did you get those talking points from?

I believe he got it from the smartest MSNBC host.....


How did I know this was going to be the reaction..

It's like I'm psychic or sumptin'

What reaction is that Sallow? People are torn because this idiot walked away after about one month there? A man who sent his belongings home, uniforms, etc and told his parents he was embarrassed to be an American. A man who told his fellow soldiers he wanted to find the Taliban and befriend them? A man who caused the death of a least 6 fellow soldiers actively looking for him?

PFC Matthew Michael Martinek, Staff Sgt. Kurt Robert Curtiss, SSG Clayton Bowen, PFC Morris Walker, SSG Michael Murphrey, 2LT Darryn Andrews...Dead because this idiot went AWOL.

Bowe Bergdahl, a Taliban captive since 2009, has been freed - CBS News

Bowe Bergdahl, U.S. soldier held by Taliban, was "ashamed to be American," emails show - CBS News

Army sergeant held by Taliban for five years finally free: Obama - NY Daily News

Military community reaction mixed to Bergdahl release | Army Times |

He made an awful decision. No one has been be happy about it and this is not a left or right issue, it is a issue of camaraderie and the fact he got many killed because he was selfish and put his unit in danger.
Terrorists we gave to ensure his release:

•Mohammad Fazl, the former Taliban defense minister during the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, chief of staff of the Taliban army, and commander of its 22nd Division. According to a U.S. Department of Defense document obtained by Wikileaks, Fazl is believed to be an associate of Supreme Taliban Commander Mullah Omar and was “wanted by the UN for possible war crimes including the murder of thousands of Shiites,” surrendered to the Northern Alliance commander Gen. Dostum in November 2001.
“Detainee is assessed to be a HIGH risk, as he is likely to pose a threat to the US, its interests, and allies,” his Guantanamo detainee file reads. “If released, detainee would likely rejoin the Taliban and establish ties with ACM [anti-coalition militia] elements participating in hostilities against US and Coalition forces in Afghanistan.”

•Mullah Norullah Noori, a former Taliban military commander and Taliban governor of two Afghan provinces, who led Taliban forces against U.S. and coalition troops and was also “wanted by the United Nations (UN) for possible war crimes including the murder of thousands of Shiite Muslims” as Fazl was, according to Noori’s Guantanamo prisoner file as obtained and posted by Wikileaks. He is also believed to be associated with Supreme Taliban Commander Mullah Omar.
Noori commanded the Taliban in the northern city of Mazar e-Sharif. Like Fazl, he surrendered to Gen. Dostum in 2001.

Rated a “HIGH” threat to U.S. security interests if released, Noori is or was associated with members of al Qaeda, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, and Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin.

•Mohammed Nabi, another senior Taliban official with ties to al Qaeda, the Haqqani Network, Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin, and other anti-U.S., Taliban-allied groups, according to his Guantanamo Bay file as posted by Wikileaks.
Also rated as a “HIGH” security threat if released, Nabi fought with the mujahideen against the Soviets. After that, he told the Americans who captured and detained him, he was an off-and-on Taliban member in the early 2000s, worked for the chief of the Taliban’s Border Department, which controlled smuggling. In early spring of 2002, he left the Taliban to sell used cars in a small village near Khowst and became a CIA informant.

According to his Defense Dept. file, Nabi was involved in attacks against U.S. and coalition forces and facilitated smuggling routes for the Taliban and al Qaeda.

•Khairullah Khairkhwa, a direct associate of Osama bin Laden according to his Defense Dept. detainee file obtained by Wikileaks, and a senior Taliban military commander who also served as the Taliban’s minister of Interior and the governor of Herat.
He represented the Taliban at meetings with Iranian officials seeking to support actions against U.S. and coalition forces after the Sept. 11 attacks, according to the document. He attended a meeting at the direction of bin Laden, reportedly accompanied by members of Hamas, the document says, and is believe to have been one of the major opium lords of western Afghanistan.

In 2002, he sought to negotiate an integration into the new government through Wali Karzai, the brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai who has been accused of corruption and drug smuggling, but was arrested by Pakistani border patrol and released by Pakistan into U.S. custody.

He is also deemed a “HIGH” threat if released.

•Abdul Haq Wasiq, the Taliban’s former deputy minister of intelligence, had direct connections to Taliban leadership and was “central to the Taliban’s efforts to form alliances with other Islamic fundamentalist groups” to fight against U.S. and coalition forces, according to his Defense Dept. file obtained by Wikileaks.
He also used his position to support al Qaeda, assist Taliban personnel in eluding capture, and arranged for al Qaeda members to train Taliban intelligence staff, according to the file.

He seems to have later turned informant, as his file notes that Wasiq was arrested after a meeting with two Americans and a translator, in which he was supposed to deliver information leading to the capture of Mullah Omar. Shortly after the meeting, U.S. forces arrested him

What the U.S. Gave Up to Get Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Back - ABC News

We negotiated the release of terrorists, some wanted by the United Nations for mass murder of Sunni Muslims.... not to mention other acts of terrorism.
So much for not negotiating with terrorists. You of course did not include the 5 Taliban released from Gitmo in return.

So much for not negotiating with terrorists. You of course did not include the 5 Taliban released from Gitmo in return.

Exactly. I predicted we would officially begin negotiating with them before he left office. Man I am never sick of being right!

With all the hoopla about the "marine" taking three very powerful guns into Mexico, running from police and winding up in Jail, many conservatives seem to have forgotten an American soldier actively fighting in Afghanistan was being held by the Taliban.

He's free today..thanks to President Obama.

Now give the Prez some sugar.

Glad to see this hero has been set free.... have a little on your chin...

Uh, not to make light of the young man's captivity, but walking off your post with some locals because they promised alcohol is not the act of a hero. It's something a very silly, very young man would do.

Here's a shock for you.

Most of the people in Gitmo have never been on a battlefield.

Nor have they committed any crimes.

They are there because they pissed off a neighbor or someone wanted a bounty.

They can't be charged with anything?

Why? Because they haven't done anything.
Would you care to back that up? You'll really swallow anything if it's an op-ed on some dingbat lefty site.

Ex-Bush official: Many Gitmo detainees innocent

How did I know this was going to be the reaction..

It's like I'm psychic or sumptin'

There is some question whether or not he will be charged with desertion, so the guy is free for now, but he will most likely see a court-martial, and be locked up again in Leavenworth.

What a prize.

5 murdering thugs for one deserter........

Every one of these GITMO detainees are going to be back killing our troops in no time.

Obama did this for political reasons. He would be better served to focus on getting that Marine out of a Mexican jail than swapping for this guy.
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Can Obama now negotiate with our ally to the south and exchange maybe 10,000 Mexicans for our one Marine?
Here's a shock for you.

Most of the people in Gitmo have never been on a battlefield.

Nor have they committed any crimes.

They are there because they pissed off a neighbor or someone wanted a bounty.

They can't be charged with anything?

Why? Because they haven't done anything.
Would you care to back that up? You'll really swallow anything if it's an op-ed on some dingbat lefty site.

Ex-Bush official: Many Gitmo detainees innocent

If that's the case, why didn't Obama pick 5 innocent detainees instead of these guys?
Here's a shock for you.

Most of the people in Gitmo have never been on a battlefield.

Nor have they committed any crimes.

They are there because they pissed off a neighbor or someone wanted a bounty.

They can't be charged with anything?

Why? Because they haven't done anything.
Would you care to back that up? You'll really swallow anything if it's an op-ed on some dingbat lefty site.

Ex-Bush official: Many Gitmo detainees innocent
Please. There were some innocent people in the beginning. They, and others whose actions were not very serious, have long since been released leaving a hard-core of fanatics and criminals and others who have no where to go where they wouldn't be killed. I thought everyone knew that.
BTW it isn't the right that forgot those in Afghanistan that are still fighting and dying it is the MSM. Did you know 22 have died just this year? Where are the flag draped coffins that left screamed we had to see? Where is Shehan (SP), why isn't she camped outside Obama's house? I am certainly happy that the death rate has dropped since Obama admitted failure or at least everyone else knows he failed.

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