US Supply of Cluster Munitions to the Ukraine is a Crime!

Not winning? They are well on their way to obliterating the third US proxy army from a shattered bunch of US - NATO and Ukey troops . The so called Kyiv sumer offensive was a total non event with the locals losing staggering numbers of men and equipment . Now looks as though Russia will move to go over the Dneiper and move to take the next four regions on their SMO shopping list . But you made me giggle--- Americans and their Fake MSM , rofl .
You are a crooked cop along with Donald. Move along please.
Not winning? They are well on their way to obliterating the third US proxy army from a shattered bunch of US - NATO and Ukey troops . The so called Kyiv sumer offensive was a total non event with the locals losing staggering numbers of men and equipment . Now looks as though Russia will move to go over the Dneiper and move to take the next four regions on their SMO shopping list . But you made me giggle--- Americans and their Fake MSM , rofl .
You've been hearing Macgregor and Ritter.

The MSM propaganda blitz is crumbling.

That's extremely dangerous for the entire world as neither side is supposed to take it to it's conclusion for the foreseeable future, or at least a year.

Who will fight for the Ukraine?
Hopefully none of our soldiers.
Biden made a poor choice on the cluster munitions. Russia can follow suit and match it 10 to 1. American mercenaries will be on the receiving end along with others.

Is there a time coming when Russia will run out of assets needed to fight the war? I think that the situation calls for America trying to avoid that happening.

No matter how much Biden obsessed over the necessity and no matter how much sleep he claims to have lost, the fact is that the deed was done.

How will Russia respond? Will it be in kind or will it be a totally different escalation of the war?

And will Biden have gained the benefit of feeling guilt free on account of needing to take so much time to decide that he was doing what is right?
Biden is the worst President in US history
Biden made a poor choice on the cluster munitions. Russia can follow suit and match it 10 to 1. American mercenaries will be on the receiving end along with others.

Is there a time coming when Russia will run out of assets needed to fight the war? I think that the situation calls for America trying to avoid that happening.
Russia is content to play the long game.
Biden made the compromise on cluster munitions out of desperation. Since that, America's propagandists aren't ever trying to paint a rosy picture for the Ukraine.

This calls for desperate measures by America on the Ukraine's behalf.

As long as Russia can match the escalations by America/Nato, the war can go on and the world is still relatively safe.

Serious peace talks have to come soon! Russia's assets must be starting to be depleted by now!
Biden made the compromise on cluster munitions out of desperation. Since that, America's propagandists aren't ever trying to paint a rosy picture for the Ukraine.

This calls for desperate measures by America on the Ukraine's behalf.

As long as Russia can match the escalations by America/Nato, the war can go on and the world is still relatively safe.

Serious peace talks have to come soon! Russia's assets must be starting to be depleted by now!
Russia has time on their side.

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