US support for Israel seriously waning among young evangelicals


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2021
This is VERY bad news for Israel, as these Christians are the very core of their support:

Younger evangelicals’ “conceptions of justice and fairness, as it relates to the conflict, vary from that of their elders”, Bumin said.

The survey found nearly 45 percent of younger evangelical Christians are supportive of the establishment of a Palestinian state and a plurality of 42 percent support neither side in the conflict.

Bumin and Inbari’s analysis found that younger evangelicals’ views are less influenced by biblical beliefs that a second coming of Christ and the end times are near. Instead, if a young evangelical respondent believes Israel treats Palestinians unfairly, they are significantly less likely to express support for Israel.

If US support collapses, can Israel survive?

Without billions in aid from the US, and the US death grip on the United Nations, the world will be a far less hospitable place where Israel is concerned.

It would seem the clock is ticking down on the future of the theocratic apartheid state, at least as it is now constituted.

Can Israel become a more just and equitable nation, or is it destined to become a footnote in world history?
If US support collapses, can Israel survive?
People like you have been talking about the demise of the Jews for 3000 years. Trust me, sweetie, they can survive. Can you name one other single culture or people who've been around in a recognizable group for 3000 years?
One day someone will write a sad book about this generation. Maybe they'll call it 'The Miseducation of Generation Dipshit'.
In principle, supporting a religious establishment would seem contrary to U.S. Constitutional intention. The American backing of Israel is based on something else, something more ambiguous.
The mistakes of everyone throughout the ages regarding what we call the Middle East have brought us to this sad present. The woeful neglect of educating about and understanding history leaves the current generation unprepared for thorough and effective thinking about many things, but none more than this problem that is blowing up in our faces.
What "Christians" are, what they think, what they support is anything but clear.
Bumin and Inbari’s analysis found that younger evangelicals’ views are less influenced by biblical beliefs that a second coming of Christ and the end times are near.
This is precisely the loss of faith that preceds the end if the Church Age and return of Jesus Christ
People like you have been talking about the demise of the Jews for 3000 years. Trust me, sweetie, they can survive. Can you name one other single culture or people who've been around in a recognizable group for 3000 years?
Whilst appreciating your point I suspect that this is the heaviest attack these people have ever come under , with Hamas only being one factor among many .
A couple of points that I was not aware of until comparatively recently .
A very high proportion of those claiming Jewish bloodlines are faux Jews descended from, or, even active, as Khazarian and derive from the eighth century , say , when it became a very practical and sensible idea to claim to be Jewish rather than be eliminated between the warring Roman and Ottoman Empires on either side of them .
And ,
Genome studies show that about 98.4 % of those claiming to be Ashkenazi Jews have not got a drop of Semite blood in them . They are to the greater extent therefore also Faux Jews . Albeit unwittingly so .

As this all becomes more widely known it will be interesting to see how a very small remaining group -- essentially Jews from Judea -- can keep the old inaccurate stories/ ideas alive and potent .
This is VERY bad news for Israel, as these Christians are the very core of their support:

Younger evangelicals’ “conceptions of justice and fairness, as it relates to the conflict, vary from that of their elders”, Bumin said.

The survey found nearly 45 percent of younger evangelical Christians are supportive of the establishment of a Palestinian state and a plurality of 42 percent support neither side in the conflict.

Bumin and Inbari’s analysis found that younger evangelicals’ views are less influenced by biblical beliefs that a second coming of Christ and the end times are near. Instead, if a young evangelical respondent believes Israel treats Palestinians unfairly, they are significantly less likely to express support for Israel.

If US support collapses, can Israel survive?

Without billions in aid from the US, and the US death grip on the United Nations, the world will be a far less hospitable place where Israel is concerned.

It would seem the clock is ticking down on the future of the theocratic apartheid state, at least as it is now constituted.

Can Israel become a more just and equitable nation, or is it destined to become a footnote in world history?

This was taken over two years ago. I guarantee Israel has a LOT more support now. I'm sure you find that infuriating.
This is VERY bad news for Israel, as these Christians are the very core of their support:

Younger evangelicals’ “conceptions of justice and fairness, as it relates to the conflict, vary from that of their elders”, Bumin said.

The survey found nearly 45 percent of younger evangelical Christians are supportive of the establishment of a Palestinian state and a plurality of 42 percent support neither side in the conflict.

Bumin and Inbari’s analysis found that younger evangelicals’ views are less influenced by biblical beliefs that a second coming of Christ and the end times are near. Instead, if a young evangelical respondent believes Israel treats Palestinians unfairly, they are significantly less likely to express support for Israel.

If US support collapses, can Israel survive?

Without billions in aid from the US, and the US death grip on the United Nations, the world will be a far less hospitable place where Israel is concerned.

It would seem the clock is ticking down on the future of the theocratic apartheid state, at least as it is now constituted.

Can Israel become a more just and equitable nation, or is it destined to become a footnote in world history?
Israel isn't a theocratic state. The word God isn't even in its charter/constitution...
This is VERY bad news for Israel, as these Christians are the very core of their support:

Younger evangelicals’ “conceptions of justice and fairness, as it relates to the conflict, vary from that of their elders”, Bumin said.

The survey found nearly 45 percent of younger evangelical Christians are supportive of the establishment of a Palestinian state and a plurality of 42 percent support neither side in the conflict.

Bumin and Inbari’s analysis found that younger evangelicals’ views are less influenced by biblical beliefs that a second coming of Christ and the end times are near. Instead, if a young evangelical respondent believes Israel treats Palestinians unfairly, they are significantly less likely to express support for Israel.

If US support collapses, can Israel survive?

Without billions in aid from the US, and the US death grip on the United Nations, the world will be a far less hospitable place where Israel is concerned.

It would seem the clock is ticking down on the future of the theocratic apartheid state, at least as it is now constituted.

Can Israel become a more just and equitable nation, or is it destined to become a footnote in world history?
This is fantasy dreams.
Nothing based in reality.

This sounds like something dreamed up while on LSD by a writer at AlJazeera.
People like you have been talking about the demise of the Jews for 3000 years. Trust me, sweetie, they can survive. Can you name one other single culture or people who've been around in a recognizable group for 3000 years?
Well, they've been on the dole since 1948 and they're still stealing land and killing people. Aren't you proud of the Gaza ghetto?

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