US Surgeon, Who Exposed Clinton Foundation Corruption In Haiti, Found Dead

Yep. Must have been that brain implant that did it. Ask Dale. He can give you the lowdown, and a nice tinfoil hat too.
SNOPES? Seriously? Everyone knows they're biased. And if this was the only suspicious death linked to the Clintons, you might have a point. But there are dozens. More than one of them died just before they were set to testify against the Clintons. And let's not forget Vince Foster. Shot twice in the back of the head, and it was ruled a suicide. No. I don't buy your refutation of this story. There is a long list of corpses connected to the Clintons. Once is chance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action. Your a fool if you think the Clintons are innocent.
Who commits suicide by stabbing himself in the chest?
Who would kill themselves with a knife, particularly where your 11 yr old daughter would find you? No idea about all the other, but that sounds suspect. Her daughter had told the doorman he had been assaulted?
because suicides are committed by only rational, clear thinking people.

And wouldn't you know it. The police immediately ruled it a suicide. The queen of corruption adds another to her dead list. You can't tell me this is a suicide, or coincidence.

US Surgeon, Who Exposed Clinton Foundation Corruption In Haiti, Found Dead

Here is the letter written by the good Doctor that is the source he outed the Clintons.

Please highlight the part of it which deals with the Clintons and their actions in Haiti.

Doctors: Haiti medical situation shameful -

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