US to end support for Ukraine?

US couped Ukraine's in 2014, planned to attack Russia, Nuland picked the new Gov't, our Gov't knowingly funded Nazis, Biden fired the prosecutor, Ukraine shelled ethnic Russians in the Dombass for 8 years and Ukraine broke the Minsk Agreement
Totally Unprovoked?

US to end support for Ukraine?​

Nope, the arms manufacturers and their pets in and out of government will never allow it.
And neither will the millions of Americans who work for them or the American people, some 60% of whom support the aid to Ukraine while only about 29% oppose it. And of course if the US pulled out now and abandoned Ukraine, US credibility and influence in Europe and around the world would be gone. Putin's wet dream, of course, but it will never happen.
The US regularly votes against condemning the glorification of Nazism at the UN. Now we have openly Nazi US officials.

US to end support for Ukraine?​

Nope, the arms manufacturers and their pets in and out of government will never allow it.
Agreed. That only way the masses will influence policy in a meaningful way, is if lots lots of pain and blood is spilled from America's men and boys. Only when communities have a lot of crippled and mangled bodies and souls, will pressure be put on, to end it.
US AID has divided Street Children into Four Categories:

  • A “Child of the Streets" Children who have no home but the streets, and no family support. They move from place to place, living in shelters and abandoned buildings.
  • A “Child on the street": Children who visit their families regularly and might even return every night to sleep at home, but spend most days and some nights on the street because of poverty, overcrowding, sexual or physical abuse at home.
  • Part of a Street Family: These children live on sidewalks or city squares with the rest of their families. They may be displaced due to poverty, wars, or natural disasters. The families often live a nomadic life, carrying their possessions with them. Children in this case often work on the streets with other members of their families.
  • In Institutionalized Care: Children in this situation come from a situation of homelessness and are at risk of returning to a life on the street.
Veterans Make Up Nearly 20% Of The Homeless Population In The United States.

Of the Veterans Living in America Today, 63,000 Are Chronically Homeless​

Agreed. That only way the masses will influence policy in a meaningful way, is if lots lots of pain and blood is spilled from America's men and boys. Only when communities have a lot of crippled and mangled bodies and souls, will pressure be put on, to end it.

As it stands, we'll just keep sending hundreds of billions and ukraine will continue to get annihilated and american media propaganda will report ukraine as a glowing success as russia finishes her off. Biden and the grifters will squeeze that laundromat for every last cent.
Incredibly bad news for you, Litwin. Very disappointing. Somehow apocalyptic.

For several reasons, the US support for Ukraine could come to an end. Apparently the Americans are not satisfied with the development of the war. Also, there is opposition to the ongoing support. At last, the depletion of Nato armies is feared.
This is why the US is urging Ukraine to launch an all-out offensive now - as a last resort.

""We will continue to try to impress upon them that we can't do anything and everything forever," said the official, referring to conversations the administration's staffers have had with Ukraine's leaders. The official was granted anonymity by The Post to talk about sensitive foreign policy matters."

"Speaking to The Post anonymously, several administration officials also said they have told Ukraine's government that now — while the US and other allies are still sending economic and military aid — is Ukraine's best chance to launch a full offensive against Russia, to try to turn the tide of the war."

It seems that the US is not asking Ukraine to start an allout offensive! Just the opposite on saving existing ammunition.
It seems that the US is not asking Ukraine to start an allout offensive! Just the opposite on saving existing ammunition.
Just reading about Ukrainian counter-offensives today. I don´t think this going to happen, there is no new offensive to counter anyway.
Just reading about Ukrainian counter-offensives today. I don´t think this going to happen, there is no new offensive to counter anyway.
I'm always interested in hearing factual information on the war. Do you have any sources? Personally, I rely on Ritter, Saks, Chomsky, Hedges, Hersh, and maybe 5 or 6 others who seem to be reliable on what they know at least.
Meanwhile, china sits back with glee as the west unloads it munitions, weapons, ammo, into a black hole. You really have to marvel at our stupidity. Its a thing to behold.
Notice with Xi entering the picture as a possible peacemaker, Zelensky is now all ears?
Z didn't want to hear it a couple months ago.....what changed?
I'm always interested in hearing factual information on the war. Do you have any sources? Personally, I rely on Ritter, Saks, Chomsky, Hedges, Hersh, and maybe 5 or 6 others who seem to be reliable on what they know at least.
I just read MSM and some other sources like RT, southfront, tass.
You get the most out of MSM, not when they come up with numbers, but with moods. Are they steadily spamming "news" about Russian losses, you know the Ukrainian losses are currently very high. Are they pushing for "counter-offensive", you know Ukraine is unable to do this, otherwise they would have the idea on their own or would have started one.
Stuff like that, you know.
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I just read MSM and some other sources like RT, southfront, tass.
You get the most out of MSM, not when they come up with numbers, but with moods. Are they steadily spamming "news" about Russian losses, you know the Ukrainian losses are currently very high. Are they pushing for "counter-offensive", you know Ukraine is unable to to do this, otherwise they would have the idea on their own or would have started one.
Stuff like that, you know.
Like no 155 shells.

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