US to end support for Ukraine?

Notice with Xi entering the picture as a possible peacemaker, Zelensky is now all ears?
Z didn't want to hear it a couple months ago.....what changed?

My inlaws are from hong kong so I was able to glean a little from their perspective. In context, they hate xi, communism, and the ccp. They left hong kong in 1994 because they didnt know what would happen when china took over. Anyway, about that peace plan...........china floated that idea and was basically aimed at the chinese populace to paint a picture that they are the up and coming world leaders. Of course the chinese people know their govt is a lying propaganda dump, and then that plan failed when the meat of it was exposed ie favors russia heavily, lol. China scrapped it after they were found out. Zelensky is probably crying because europe has sent over their entire weaponry, munitions, tanks, and are left with a shell to defend themselves. He needs troops. Its that simple. You can only keep up the facade and propaganda for so long.
I just read MSM and some other sources like RT, southfront, tass.
Thanks! I find that Russian sources are reserved on their propaganda spinning.
You get the most out of MSM, not when they come up with numbers, but with moods. Are they steadily spamming "news" about Russian losses, you know the Ukrainian losses are currently very high.
Something significant to me on the MSM coverage is that some of their talking heads are declining comment and seem to be permitted to do so.
Are they pushing for "counter-offensive", you know Ukraine is unable to do this, otherwise they would have the idea on their own or would have started one.
Stuff like that, you know.
Well, the propaganda isn't saying that the Ukraine is ready for any offensive. IMO they never will be.

For reasoning with something to back it up, I think it's Ritter that leads the charge. The others I've named as sources are coming at it from a different angle.

Hersh isn't finished, but he already has made the case on Nord Stream for the politically adept. He has to make the case for the American people who vote now.

Southfront? I'll check it out.
Thanks! I find that Russian sources are reserved on their propaganda spinning.
The astonishing thing is that I can´t find anything that could be labeled outright propaganda at RT or tass, which are government sources.

Southfront? I'll check it out.
Russian source. You will see that they are more biased than RT and have more opinion then before Feb 22. Nevertheless, their military news are still accurate. When the Ukrainians gain some ground for example, you will see that in their numerous maps.
The astonishing thing is that I can´t find anything that could be labeled outright propaganda at RT or tass, which are government sources.
Yes, that is somewhat baffling!
My best guess is that Russia considers it not productive to counter US propaganda.
Russian source. You will see that they are more biased than RT and have more opinion then before Feb 22. Nevertheless, their military news are still accurate. When the Ukrainians gain some ground for example, you will see that in their numerous maps.
I've checked out South front and I find it interesting, at least in conjunction with RT and Sputnik.

Russian source? A news outlet?

Wouldn't a full spectrum of German media be quite useful now!
Meanwhile, china sits back with glee as the west unloads it munitions, weapons, ammo, into a black hole. You really have to marvel at our stupidity. Its a thing to behold.
This is what worries me the most.

It is like our leaders, are purposely trying to destroy the current global world order, to bring in a "forth industrial revolution," a "great reset," and "new normal."
It almost seems to me, they are begging the world to destroy the western hegemony??? :dunno:
I don't get it, it makes no sense to me.

All precepts of global strategy are being entirely thrown out the window, it is like we have entered the twilight zone. Nothing makes sense anymore.

My best guess is that Russia considers it not productive to counter US propaganda.
I don't speak Russian....

My guess, is that if Russia is not blocking US sponsored websites that are pushing Russian language information, those sites, might have information, that has US propaganda.

The English language Russian sites, only seem to us, to not be, "propaganda," because they paint a rosier picture of Russia's progress.

The truth? Is probably somewhere in between.
This is what worries me the most.

It is like our leaders, are purposely trying to destroy the current global world order, to bring in a "forth industrial revolution," a "great reset," and "new normal."
It almost seems to me, they are begging the world to destroy the western hegemony??? :dunno:
I don't get it, it makes no sense to me.

All precepts of global strategy are being entirely thrown out the window, it is like we have entered the twilight zone. Nothing makes sense anymore.

I think they've crossed the divide with their insane attachment to making the US woke in every nook and cranny and have discarded eternal vigilance for compliance to their ideology.
And the world, particularly our enemies, have taken note.
And then you have mcdonnell douglas, northrupp, boeing frolicking around the maypole. They've hit the bonanza. Endless weapons, munitions, long as there are no american bodies coming back in body bags, they know most americans have their head stuck in their phones seeking thumbs up for the perfect lifestyle they have going on in fb, Instagram, tiktok, and numerous other social medias.
And then you have mcdonnell douglas, northrupp, boeing frolicking around the maypole. They've hit the bonanza. Endless weapons, munitions, long as there are no american bodies coming back in body bags, they know most americans have their head stuck in their phones seeking thumbs up for the perfect lifestyle they have going on in fb, Instagram, tiktok, and numerous other social medias.
But they need these little wars to perfect their goods.
Yes, that is somewhat baffling!
My best guess is that Russia considers it not productive to counter US propaganda.
Between all the sensational Putin must not win and Russian losses bs, there are the more objective news in the western media, even by the same source. RT often refers to such articles and that is what makes them invincible so the EU banned them. Besides that RT brings local news that do not necessarily have something to do with Russia.

I've checked out South front and I find it interesting, at least in conjunction with RT and Sputnik.
Also check out Anna News, they also covered Syria and make war footage. They are on YT.
There is also an American who covers the war on YT:

Russian source? A news outlet?
I am sure there are plenty but I don´t speak Russian, so idk. As for "independent" (anti-kremlin) news, go to Moscow Times. I am also in facebook groups, but news there are not very often. Its pics of guns and soldiers with greetings in the morning, pics of Putin, short videos of rallies, military actions, photos of fallen soldiers (shown when alive) with mourning, ect . Its just very pro-Putin made by ordinary people, not the hateful Litwin stuff.

Wouldn't a full spectrum of German media be quite useful now!
You can go to . Not always true, and the guy wants to sell his books. But he has a point very often. Run by a German in Russia. Pro-Russia, but more anti-west.
Or go to Moscow German Newspaper, anti-Putin:
Or, they try to be neutral I think.
There are more but I have to look it up. All have in common that they don´t know more about the war than we do, so we really have to go full spectrum to return smarter from the news session.

Also check out this Ukrainian source, loyal to government but not too bloody and hateful:
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They've hit the bonanza. Endless weapons, munitions, weaponry.
. . . I do sort of wonder where the raw materials for all of these weapons come from.

And, likewise, many of the components, I had heard, until recently, were coming from China.

I don't know if they has been rectified or not. . .
Between all the sensational Putin must not win and Russian losses bs, there are the more objective news in the western media, even by the same source. RT often refers to such articles and that is what makes them invincible so the EU banned them. Besides that RT brings local news that do not necessarily have something to do with Russia.

Also check out Anna News, they also covered Syria and make war footage. They are on YT.
There is also an American who covers the war on YT:

I am sure there are plenty but I don´t speak Russian, so idk. As for "independent" (anti-kremlin) news, got to Moscow Times. I am also in facebook groups, but news there are not very often. Its pics of guns and soldiers with greetings in the morning, pics of Putin, short videos of rallies, military actions, photos of fallen soldiers (shown when alive) with mourning, ect . Its just very pro-Putin made by ordinary people, not the hateful Litwin stuff.

You can go to . Not always true, and the guy wants to sell his books. But he has a point very often. Run by a German in Russia. Pro-Russia, but more anti-west.
Or go to Moscow German Newspaper, anti-Putin:
Or, they try to be neutral I think.
There are more but I have to look it up. All have in common that they don´t know more about the war than we do, so we really ave to go full spectrum to return smarter from the news session.
I smell a Rusky
All have in common that they don´t know more about the war than we do, so we really have to go full spectrum to return smarter from the news session.
Thanks for all the sources! Are you in Europe. I'm a Canadian if you didn't know. Yeah the above you wrote is probably the biggest problem on getting good info. Common with all of America's wars.
I don't speak Russian....

My guess, is that if Russia is not blocking US sponsored websites that are pushing Russian language information, those sites, might have information, that has US propaganda.

The English language Russian sites, only seem to us, to not be, "propaganda," because they paint a rosier picture of Russia's progress.

The truth? Is probably somewhere in between.
The thing is Beale, RT and other Russian sites rarely do much propaganda. We can nearly always take their stories to be the truth.

Why would they destroy the credibility they own with a story that contains lies?
We can nearly always take their stories to be the truth.
Who do you know what they are reporting is the truth?

with a story that contains lies?
How do we know, what is a lie, and what is not, in the fog of war?

How do we know what is a lie in western media?


Take these biolabs in Ukraine for instance. The Russian paradigm is that they are bio-weapons labs.

The western paradigm, and that they are decommissioned from thirty years ago, and now, they just research current possible deadly pathogens that possible enemies might produce, or natural variants.

How do you know who is telling the truth?!? :dunno:

Perhaps there is a little bit of truth in both points of view?
Who do you know what they are reporting is the truth?
That's not the question and it's not what we've suggested. It's being suggested that Russia sources are not spinning obvious propaganda. Go to and find an example.
How do we know, what is a lie, and what is not, in the fog of war?

How do we know what is a lie in western media?


Take these biolabs in Ukraine for instance. The Russian paradigm is that they are bio-weapons labs.

The western paradigm, and that they are decommissioned from thirty years ago, and now, they just research current possible deadly pathogens that possible enemies might produce, or natural variants.

How do you know who is telling the truth?!? :dunno:

What we're saying is that we don't know enough to always know.

Perhaps there is a little bit of truth in both points of view?
That's beside the point. I'm offering you the opportunity to find the deliberate propaganda at RT or sputnik or any of the others.

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