US to open more land for wind, PV


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
US to open more land for wind, PV

By Karl-Erik Stromsta in London

Tuesday, June 25 2013

Updated: Tuesday, June 25 2013
US to open more land for wind, PV -Recharge News
In a landmark speech with significant consequences for renewables, US President Barack Obama will today unveil a series of measures giving far more political weigh to climate change and energy issues in the remaining years of his second term.

At the heart of Obama’s speech, to be delivered Tuesday, is a three-pronged approach the US will take towards climate change: cutting carbon emissions beyond what the shale gas boom alone can deliver; preparing the country for the physical impacts of climate change; and pouring more geopolitical capital into finding solutions to climate change at the international level, including new bilateral treaties.

For renewables, one of the biggest boosts on offer will be a new goal for the Department of Interior to approve 10GW of utility-scale wind, solar and geothermal plants on

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