us troops on ground fighting isis

dipshit RW's want boots on the ground then they bitch about having boots on the ground ..

peabrains have no idea what the hell they want.
This is obviously a lie...Obama PROMISED 'no boots on the ground'.

...of course he also promised if you like your plan.....

Bouts on the ground means in invading our occupying force. Yes it's true we do have special ops and all the experts in many areas that's not exactly boots on the ground
Oh my God....can you stop being such a little obedient lap dog to your masters? "Boots on the ground" means any single U.S. member of the military walking on that soil. You know it. I know it. Obama knows it. Even if they didn't fire a single shot. Obama's entire position was that we would stay completely out of that country and that our assistance would be limited to air support (if anything).

There is nothing more laughable (or stupid) than a desperate liberal who simply cannot admit that a Democrat in office lied. Just be a frick'n adult already and admit what we all know to be true.
dipshit RW's want boots on the ground then they bitch about having boots on the ground ..

peabrains have no idea what the hell they want.
Nobody is "bitching" about having boots on the ground. What we're bitching about is the incessant lying by Obama. And we're bitching about little obedient lap dogs like you who like his little hind-end no matter what he says or does. You refuse to question him. You refuse to call him out. You refuse to admit when he lies or when he is wrong. It's pitiful. For the love of God, grow up and be a man already. Question your leaders and call them out when they lie.
Iraq is Obama's war now.

He was entrusted with a liberated Iraq, liberated at great expense to our military, and he allowed ISIS - who he called a 'JV team' - waltz in unopposed to take over part of the country.

He PROMISED 'No boots on the ground' - no more combat troops, no more combat - BUT THE FACT IS HE LIED. He sent troops in. This latest several hundred are not the 1st time. These are MORE he is sending in...and they are going in, having to RETAKE land they already liberated, because of Obama's failure!
This is obviously a lie...Obama PROMISED 'no boots on the ground'.

...of course he also promised if you like your plan.....

Bouts on the ground means in invading our occupying force. Yes it's true we do have special ops and all the experts in many areas that's not exactly boots on the ground
Oh my God....can you stop being such a little obedient lap dog to your masters? "Boots on the ground" means any single U.S. member of the military walking on that soil. You know it. I know it. Obama knows it. Even if they didn't fire a single shot. Obama's entire position was that we would stay completely out of that country and that our assistance would be limited to air support (if anything).

There is nothing more laughable (or stupid) than a desperate liberal who simply cannot admit that a Democrat in office lied. Just be a frick'n adult already and admit what we all know to be true.

Dude . Under your definition where DONT we have boots on the ground . In almost every country on the planet we have a base or embassy that has a soildier working at it .

Would u say we have "boots on the ground " in Russia? Mexico ? Canada ??
Obama promised no more combat troops on the ground in Iraq....he lied. Man with it.
dipshit RW's want boots on the ground then they bitch about having boots on the ground ..

peabrains have no idea what the hell they want.
Nobody is "bitching" about having boots on the ground. What we're bitching about is the incessant lying by Obama. And we're bitching about little obedient lap dogs like you who like his little hind-end no matter what he says or does. You refuse to question him. You refuse to call him out. You refuse to admit when he lies or when he is wrong. It's pitiful. For the love of God, grow up and be a man already. Question your leaders and call them out when they lie.

Oh please . You righties blame him when it rains on Sunday . If troops are there "he's liar, he's at war " if he pulls troops out "cut in run, he's not doing enough" .
This is obviously a lie...Obama PROMISED 'no boots on the ground'.

...of course he also promised if you like your plan.....

Bouts on the ground means in invading our occupying force. Yes it's true we do have special ops and all the experts in many areas that's not exactly boots on the ground
Oh my God....can you stop being such a little obedient lap dog to your masters? "Boots on the ground" means any single U.S. member of the military walking on that soil. You know it. I know it. Obama knows it. Even if they didn't fire a single shot. Obama's entire position was that we would stay completely out of that country and that our assistance would be limited to air support (if anything).

There is nothing more laughable (or stupid) than a desperate liberal who simply cannot admit that a Democrat in office lied. Just be a frick'n adult already and admit what we all know to be true.

Dude . Under your definition where DONT we have boots on the ground . In almost every country on the planet we have a base or embassy that has a soildier working at it .

Would u say we have "boots on the ground " in Russia? Mexico ? Canada ??

Timmy is militarily illiterate and an Obamapologist
This is obviously a lie...Obama PROMISED 'no boots on the ground'.

...of course he also promised if you like your plan.....

Bouts on the ground means in invading our occupying force. Yes it's true we do have special ops and all the experts in many areas that's not exactly boots on the ground
Oh my God....can you stop being such a little obedient lap dog to your masters? "Boots on the ground" means any single U.S. member of the military walking on that soil. You know it. I know it. Obama knows it. Even if they didn't fire a single shot. Obama's entire position was that we would stay completely out of that country and that our assistance would be limited to air support (if anything).

There is nothing more laughable (or stupid) than a desperate liberal who simply cannot admit that a Democrat in office lied. Just be a frick'n adult already and admit what we all know to be true.

Dude . Under your definition where DONT we have boots on the ground . In almost every country on the planet we have a base or embassy that has a soildier working at it .

Would u say we have "boots on the ground " in Russia? Mexico ? Canada ??
When Special Forces are deployed to a battle zone - that is not a "base" or an "embassy". You're going completely disingenuous and you know it. We send Special Forces into a battle ground for one reason - and one reason only: to engage in the conflict in some capacity. It may be to collect intel. It may be to disable weapons or communications systems. It may be to train guerrilla forces (the role of the Green Berets). Or it may be to kill everyone involved. But either way it is "boots on the ground" in the truest sense. Declaring Special Forces in a battle zone an "embassy" is just plain absurd.
dipshit RW's want boots on the ground then they bitch about having boots on the ground ..

peabrains have no idea what the hell they want.
Nobody is "bitching" about having boots on the ground. What we're bitching about is the incessant lying by Obama. And we're bitching about little obedient lap dogs like you who like his little hind-end no matter what he says or does. You refuse to question him. You refuse to call him out. You refuse to admit when he lies or when he is wrong. It's pitiful. For the love of God, grow up and be a man already. Question your leaders and call them out when they lie.

Oh please . You righties blame him when it rains on Sunday . If troops are there "he's liar, he's at war " if he pulls troops out "cut in run, he's not doing enough" .
If troops are there he's only a "liar" if he went before the American people and swore that troops wouldn't be there. By the way - he blasted George W. Bush for going into Iraq. Claimed it was (and I quote) "none of our business". How is Syria any of our business? Funny, when Saddam tortures and gases his own people, Obama doesn't care as a Senator. When Assad does the same thing, Obama loses his freaking mind as president of the united states.
Iraq is Obama's war now.

He was entrusted with a liberated Iraq, liberated at great expense to our military, and he allowed ISIS - who he called a 'JV team' - waltz in unopposed to take over part of the country.

He PROMISED 'No boots on the ground' - no more combat troops, no more combat - BUT THE FACT IS HE LIED. He sent troops in. This latest several hundred are not the 1st time. These are MORE he is sending in...and they are going in, having to RETAKE land they already liberated, because of Obama's failure!
Obama is more concerned with promoting islam and protecting the views and opinions of that religion than he is with dealing with terrorists. Funny thing though - he has no problem slamming christianity.
This is obviously a lie...Obama PROMISED 'no boots on the ground'.

...of course he also promised if you like your plan.....

Bouts on the ground means in invading our occupying force. Yes it's true we do have special ops and all the experts in many areas that's not exactly boots on the ground
Oh my God....can you stop being such a little obedient lap dog to your masters? "Boots on the ground" means any single U.S. member of the military walking on that soil. You know it. I know it. Obama knows it. Even if they didn't fire a single shot. Obama's entire position was that we would stay completely out of that country and that our assistance would be limited to air support (if anything).

There is nothing more laughable (or stupid) than a desperate liberal who simply cannot admit that a Democrat in office lied. Just be a frick'n adult already and admit what we all know to be true.

Dude . Under your definition where DONT we have boots on the ground . In almost every country on the planet we have a base or embassy that has a soildier working at it .

Would u say we have "boots on the ground " in Russia? Mexico ? Canada ??
When Special Forces are deployed to a battle zone - that is not a "base" or an "embassy". You're going completely disingenuous and you know it. We send Special Forces into a battle ground for one reason - and one reason only: to engage in the conflict in some capacity. It may be to collect intel. It may be to disable weapons or communications systems. It may be to train guerrilla forces (the role of the Green Berets). Or it may be to kill everyone involved. But either way it is "boots on the ground" in the truest sense. Declaring Special Forces in a battle zone an "embassy" is just plain absurd.

So when bin Ladin was killed, that was boots in Pakistan ?

Shit, even after the "withdrawal" of Iraq it's not like we had zero troops in the country .

When the pols talk about troops you know what they mean. They mean deploying ground troops like we have in afghan and like we had in Iraq .
Iraq is Obama's war now.

He was entrusted with a liberated Iraq, liberated at great expense to our military, and he allowed ISIS - who he called a 'JV team' - waltz in unopposed to take over part of the country.

He PROMISED 'No boots on the ground' - no more combat troops, no more combat - BUT THE FACT IS HE LIED. He sent troops in. This latest several hundred are not the 1st time. These are MORE he is sending in...and they are going in, having to RETAKE land they already liberated, because of Obama's failure!
Obama is more concerned with promoting islam and protecting the views and opinions of that religion than he is with dealing with terrorists. Funny thing though - he has no problem slamming christianity.

Yeah , he's A secret mooslim spy . You guys are fucking whack job psychos .
Obama is an ass.
So if Obama doesn't fight Isis he is weak

When he fights ISIS, or anyone else for that matter, he applies the minimum force, almost as if he is trying to appear to be fighting while mitigating their losses.

and if he does he is an ass?

He's an ass no matter what he does.
Dude, you got no clue what intelligence is being reported or what the military advisors are recommending. Stop pretending you know it all
When the pols talk about troops you know what they mean. They mean deploying ground troops like we have in afghan and like we had in Iraq .

So what are special forces in your mind - butterflies? "Air" troops? When we send special forces into a combat area we have "deployed ground troops" or "put boots on the ground".
Obama PROMISED no more combat troops in Iraq. He lied. Libs in this thread are now resembling Mr. Fantastic (Fantastic 4) playing 2 games of Twister simultaneously in an attempt to avoid admitting Obama lied ... and STILL has to throw in a 'B...b...but BUSH!'


Gawd, it's embarrassing! Man up, Come out of the ladies' room, and demonstrate the ability to hold your dear leader accountable for his failure and lie!
Obama PROMISED no more combat troops in Iraq. He lied. Libs in this thread are now resembling Mr. Fantastic (Fantastic 4) playing 2 games of Twister simultaneously in an attempt to avoid admitting Obama lied ... and STILL has to throw in a 'B...b...but BUSH!'


Gawd, it's embarrassing! Man up, Come out of the ladies' room, and demonstrate the ability to hold your dear leader accountable for his failure and lie!
It makes sense when you think about it though. These are people who refuse to hold themselves accountable for their own lives. No way are they going to hold their masters accountable so long as the pitiful government table scraps keep coming their way.
This is obviously a lie...Obama PROMISED 'no boots on the ground'.

...of course he also promised if you like your plan.....

Bouts on the ground means in invading our occupying force. Yes it's true we do have special ops and all the experts in many areas that's not exactly boots on the ground
Oh my God....can you stop being such a little obedient lap dog to your masters? "Boots on the ground" means any single U.S. member of the military walking on that soil. You know it. I know it. Obama knows it. Even if they didn't fire a single shot. Obama's entire position was that we would stay completely out of that country and that our assistance would be limited to air support (if anything).

There is nothing more laughable (or stupid) than a desperate liberal who simply cannot admit that a Democrat in office lied. Just be a frick'n adult already and admit what we all know to be true.
Dude, shit happens, plans change... If conditions warrant boots then we get boots... Get over it

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