us troops on ground fighting isis

Here's the guy who claimed he opposed the first invasion and said Bush should be impeached for the first invasion. And even as he brags about re-invading Iraq, he makes an attack on Bush for all the wounded and dead soldiers from the first invasion!


DONALD TRUMP: We can circle it. We can circle it. We're going to have so much money. And what I would do with the money that we make, which would be tremendous, I would take care of the soldiers that were killed, the families of the soldiers that were killed, the soldiers, the wounded warriors that are-- I love them. And they're walking all over the streets of New York, all over the streets of every city without arms, without legs, and worse than that. And I would take care of them. They paid a big price--

CHUCK TODD: So America should take over these oil fields. Shouldn't be given to the Iraqis?

DONALD TRUMP: Well, we can give them something. But we should definitely take back money for our soldiers.

Meet the Press Transcript - August 16, 2015
I can see it now. The next election cycle, another demagogue will be telling us we need to invade Iraq a third time.

"Well, Trump invaded Iraq to pay for the wounded warriors of the first invasion. Now we need to invade again to pay for the wounded warriors of the second invasion. It will be tremendous. We'll make so much money."
I'm surprised that was even reported. there have been many killed under Obama but they haven't been broadcast daily like they were under Bush.
The reason their deaths were "broadcast daily" under Bush is because soldiers were being killed almost daily under Bush.


It took Obama a whopping two years as Commander in Chief to match the death total of Bush in 8 years.... (and this is from left-wing HuffPo :lol:)

The Death Toll Does Not Lie -- Afghanistan Is Obama's War
Hey dumbass. This topic is about a solider killed in Iraq.

Try looking at Bush's death total there.

Total US casualties under Bush in Iraq and Afghanistan: 4791.

Total US casualties under Obama in Iraq and Afghanistan: 1608.

Goddam, you hacks are so fucking STOOPID!
Why so angry junior? Simmer down. You'll be ok. I promise. You're letting your ego get the best of you.

As far as Bush vs. Obama in Iraq, thats a very special kind of stupid considering that Obama pulled out of Iraq. So of course Bush will have a higher body count there. How about you compare apples-to-apples for just once?
Gosh, it's so nice to see the rubes shedding tears over a single death of a US soldier in Iraq these days after being silent about the THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS dying a few years ago.

Fucking hypocritical pseudo-con hacks.
Why you do feel the need to rant like a lunatic and drop f-bombs in every post? The only thing worse than your ignorance on some topics is your anger management issues. Maybe if you got a job or something you wouldn't be sitting in your government subsidized housing stewing all day? Just say'n...
Gosh, it's so nice to see the rubes shedding tears over a single death of a US soldier in Iraq these days after being silent about the THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS dying a few years ago.

Fucking hypocritical pseudo-con hacks.
Why you do feel the need to rant like a lunatic and drop f-bombs in every post? The only thing worse than your ignorance on some topics is your anger management issues. Maybe if you got a job or something you wouldn't be sitting in your government subsidized housing stewing all day? Just say'n...
I'm sorry to have kicked your nuts, dumbass.

Better luck next time.
Trump: Take Iraq's Oil Wealth and Give It to Wounded Warriors

Now how will he do that?

He'll have to re-invade Iraq, of course! With American boots on the ground.

Donald Trump says he would defeat ISIS by taking over the oil fields the terrorists have seized in Iraq.

He will invade Iraq for oil, and use the money to give to the American soldiers who will be wounded re-invading Iraq!

Yeah....there couldn't possibly be another way to have Iraq pay for it other than to "invade" them. G5000's - proving over and over that no brains are necessary to speak. I also get the feeling you're a bit of a little bitch? A pansy ass coward? Because any time war is brought up, you lose your shit like no one I've ever seen. I could be wrong. I don't know you (thank God). But that's certainly the way it comes across in your rantings.
Gosh, it's so nice to see the rubes shedding tears over a single death of a US soldier in Iraq these days after being silent about the THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS dying a few years ago.

Fucking hypocritical pseudo-con hacks.
Why you do feel the need to rant like a lunatic and drop f-bombs in every post? The only thing worse than your ignorance on some topics is your anger management issues. Maybe if you got a job or something you wouldn't be sitting in your government subsidized housing stewing all day? Just say'n...
I'm sorry to have kicked your nuts, dumbass.

Better luck next time.
Confirming that he does in fact sit in his government subsidized housing all day stewing.... :lmao:
Gosh, it's so nice to see the rubes shedding tears over a single death of a US soldier in Iraq these days after being silent about the THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS dying a few years ago.

Fucking hypocritical pseudo-con hacks.
Those thousands died killing hundreds of thousands of ragheads, many Isis have we killed?
So that was the goal, eh? Just to kill a bunch of darkies?

Thanks for confirming.

We didn't get anything else out of the deal. Just a whole lot of good Americans dead.

After all, body counts brought us victory in Viet Nam, too!

As for ISIS, we have killed more than the love of your life Putin has. You'd know this if you washed his semen out of your mouth.

I'd say the ratio of dead Americans to dead ISIS is pretty good, seeing as how that is YOUR criteria.

Putin wasn't there to kill Isis, Herman...
Kerry Warns Assad to Start Transition by Aug. 1 — or Else

Or else what John? Are you and Obama going to send over your transvestite force to disgust the enemy into surrendering by granting them bathroom rights of the opposite sex? Obama has shown himself to be the biggest coward of all time. Hell, Putin just had jets buzz naval battleships in the region just to laugh at Obama. Obama's ruthless response was......nothing. Absolutely nothing.

I can only imagine how hard Putin and Assad are laughing right now. It probably looks like a Jimmy Fallon skit as they sit on their iPhones talking to each other about Obama giving them an ultimatum.

Kerry Warns Assad to Start Transition by Aug. 1 — or Else
Gosh, it's so nice to see the rubes shedding tears over a single death of a US soldier in Iraq these days after being silent about the THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS dying a few years ago.

Fucking hypocritical pseudo-con hacks.
Those thousands died killing hundreds of thousands of ragheads, many Isis have we killed?
So that was the goal, eh? Just to kill a bunch of darkies?

Thanks for confirming.

We didn't get anything else out of the deal. Just a whole lot of good Americans dead.

After all, body counts brought us victory in Viet Nam, too!

As for ISIS, we have killed more than the love of your life Putin has. You'd know this if you washed his semen out of your mouth.

I'd say the ratio of dead Americans to dead ISIS is pretty good, seeing as how that is YOUR criteria.

Putin wasn't there to kill Isis, Herman...
All of his piss drinkers said he was. Including you and your granddaughter!

Conservatives ain't happy unless soildiers are dying.

You're such a dumb phuck

You mad cause it's true .

When you bitch about not doing enough with ISIS , what u mean is sending ground troops in. Which means troops being killed .
Putin is not sending troops. He's bombing the shit out of them. Obabble is too feminine to do that.

Putin is not only bombing ISIS he is bombing those that supply ISIS. While Dear Leader has his thumb up his ass...or Reggie's.

I'm the one who told all you rubes Putin wasn't doing fuck-all against ISIS. Thanks for finally catching up to reality, dumbass. Glad I could help!
Gosh, it's so nice to see the rubes shedding tears over a single death of a US soldier in Iraq these days after being silent about the THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS dying a few years ago.

Fucking hypocritical pseudo-con hacks.
Those thousands died killing hundreds of thousands of ragheads, many Isis have we killed?
So that was the goal, eh? Just to kill a bunch of darkies?

Thanks for confirming.

We didn't get anything else out of the deal. Just a whole lot of good Americans dead.

After all, body counts brought us victory in Viet Nam, too!

As for ISIS, we have killed more than the love of your life Putin has. You'd know this if you washed his semen out of your mouth.

I'd say the ratio of dead Americans to dead ISIS is pretty good, seeing as how that is YOUR criteria.

Putin wasn't there to kill Isis, Herman...
All of his piss drinkers said he was. Including you and your granddaughter!

Conservatives ain't happy unless soildiers are dying.

You're such a dumb phuck

You mad cause it's true .

When you bitch about not doing enough with ISIS , what u mean is sending ground troops in. Which means troops being killed .
Putin is not sending troops. He's bombing the shit out of them. Obabble is too feminine to do that.

Putin is not only bombing ISIS he is bombing those that supply ISIS. While Dear Leader has his thumb up his ass...or Reggie's.

I'm the one who told all you rubes Putin wasn't doing fuck-all against ISIS. Thanks for finally catching up to reality, dumbass. Glad I could help!
"Piss drinkers", "fuck-all", "dumbass" - nothing says class like G5000.

I can tolerate his extraordinary ignorance (I really can - I've dealt with children for years and am quite adept at educating them). But throw in his repulsive language (what kind of high school drop out uses the term "piss-drinker"?) and....well....he's just a special kind of stupid - living in mommy's basement.
This is obviously a lie...Obama PROMISED 'no boots on the ground'.

...of course he also promised if you like your plan.....
This is obviously a lie...Obama PROMISED 'no boots on the ground'.

...of course he also promised if you like your plan.....

Bouts on the ground means in invading our occupying force. Yes it's true we do have special ops and all the experts in many areas that's not exactly boots on the ground
This is obviously a lie...Obama PROMISED 'no boots on the ground'.

...of course he also promised if you like your plan.....

Bouts on the ground means in invading our occupying force. Yes it's true we do have special ops and all the experts in many areas that's not exactly boots on the ground

Good are boots.
Gosh, it's so nice to see the rubes shedding tears over a single death of a US soldier in Iraq these days after being silent about the THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS dying a few years ago.

Fucking hypocritical pseudo-con hacks.
Those thousands died killing hundreds of thousands of ragheads, many Isis have we killed?
So that was the goal, eh? Just to kill a bunch of darkies?

Thanks for confirming.

We didn't get anything else out of the deal. Just a whole lot of good Americans dead.

After all, body counts brought us victory in Viet Nam, too!

As for ISIS, we have killed more than the love of your life Putin has. You'd know this if you washed his semen out of your mouth.

I'd say the ratio of dead Americans to dead ISIS is pretty good, seeing as how that is YOUR criteria.

Putin wasn't there to kill Isis, Herman...
All of his piss drinkers said he was. Including you and your granddaughter!

Conservatives ain't happy unless soildiers are dying.

You're such a dumb phuck

You mad cause it's true .

When you bitch about not doing enough with ISIS , what u mean is sending ground troops in. Which means troops being killed .
Putin is not sending troops. He's bombing the shit out of them. Obabble is too feminine to do that.

Putin is not only bombing ISIS he is bombing those that supply ISIS. While Dear Leader has his thumb up his ass...or Reggie's.

I'm the one who told all you rubes Putin wasn't doing fuck-all against ISIS. Thanks for finally catching up to reality, dumbass. Glad I could help!

Stop being hysterical and get past anyone with an ounce of sense takes you serious. You post like a deranged middle schooler
Gosh, it's so nice to see the rubes shedding tears over a single death of a US soldier in Iraq these days after being silent about the THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS dying a few years ago.

Fucking hypocritical pseudo-con hacks.
Those thousands died killing hundreds of thousands of ragheads, many Isis have we killed?
So that was the goal, eh? Just to kill a bunch of darkies?

Thanks for confirming.

We didn't get anything else out of the deal. Just a whole lot of good Americans dead.

After all, body counts brought us victory in Viet Nam, too!

As for ISIS, we have killed more than the love of your life Putin has. You'd know this if you washed his semen out of your mouth.

I'd say the ratio of dead Americans to dead ISIS is pretty good, seeing as how that is YOUR criteria.

Putin wasn't there to kill Isis, Herman...
All of his piss drinkers said he was. Including you and your granddaughter!

Conservatives ain't happy unless soildiers are dying.

You're such a dumb phuck

You mad cause it's true .

When you bitch about not doing enough with ISIS , what u mean is sending ground troops in. Which means troops being killed .
Putin is not sending troops. He's bombing the shit out of them. Obabble is too feminine to do that.

Putin is not only bombing ISIS he is bombing those that supply ISIS. While Dear Leader has his thumb up his ass...or Reggie's.

I'm the one who told all you rubes Putin wasn't doing fuck-all against ISIS. Thanks for finally catching up to reality, dumbass. Glad I could help!

Stop being hysterical and get past anyone with an ounce of sense takes you serious. You post like a deranged middle schooler
How could someone like you know what people with an ounce of sense take seriously?

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