US Women's World Cup Cheaters

If the player who is beyond the defender isn't involved in the's not an off sides. Rose Lavelle takes that ball the defender...and drives a perfect shot into the net. It's a goal and a very pretty one!
So say four members of the team can hang out BEHIND a defender within a couple of feet from the goal line but as long as they don't touch the ball it's not an offside?

(I assume you mean near the net) If they are standing on the goal line they are obstructing the keeper and are involved in the play.
Watch this Youtube video. More than a dozen camera angles prove the goal scorer's team mate was IN FACT OFF SIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I assume you're talking about Alex Morgan #13? She was off-sides very briefly but the ball was never played to her and the defense didn't react to her. Ergo, no off-sides is called. The call is correct.

EDIT - off-sides is called by the refs, not the players. So "cheating" on an off-sides call is impossible.
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Soccer needs to incorporate the Star Trek "evil universe" rules. Whatever they may be.
I watched a lot of the games this year. I saw where many times a player who did not have the ball was called offside and the play was stopped.
There were many still shots showing a player was offside.
they didn't even beat Spain
2-1 BOTH PKs---and they were not even penalties
I watched a lot of the games this year. I saw where many times a player who did not have the ball was called offside and the play was stopped.
There were many still shots showing a player was offside.

In that case play was probably stopped because the offsides player had gained an advantage from being off sides. You don't seem to grasp that there are two parts to an off side infraction, Danny. Once again...simply being off sides, if you're not involved in the play, is not an infraction.
Trump now has his followers hating our sports teams.

I don't "hate" Megan Rapinoe! I think she's a great soccer player. Her abilities make her opinions on politics no more or less viable to me however. I feel the same way about actors and musicians. Being gifted at sports or the arts doesn't mean that you are gifted at how the world should run! Kicking a ball well means I should respect her opinion?

The real test of someone like Rapinoe is what they DO with power when it's given to them! Do they seek to build a consensus with those who don't agree with them? Or do they make the disagreement worse? The easy thing to do is start a fight...the hard thing to do is to find common ground.
Watch this Youtube video. More than a dozen camera angles prove the goal scorer's team mate was IN FACT OFF SIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dead wrong. I was a player, coach and referee for many years. That wasn't even close to off-side. For many reasons, the two most important are 1: The offside player was not involved in the play. and 2: The offside player returned to the on-side position before the shot was taken.

Pretty clear that it was a legit goal.

YOU even admitted a player was offside.
She NEVER "returned to the onside position before the shot was taken"!

I am amazed that not one football expert on this
planet noticed that.

It was a great goal.

I think danny was betting on the other team.
Watch this Youtube video. More than a dozen camera angles prove the goal scorer's team mate was IN FACT OFF SIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s not cheating if the refs miss a call. Or are you saying that any player that gets called for offsides in soccer is cheating?
they didn't even beat Spain
2-1 BOTH PKs---and they were not even penalties

Spain played dirty that entire game, Harmonica! Only one yellow card for what they did was a joke!
still doesn't call for PKs
What it "called for" were multiple yellow cards and Spain playing short handed! That game resembled rugby as much as soccer at times! Spain obviously knew they couldn't compete with the US without playing a physical style but the referee let it get way out of hand!
I watched a lot of the games this year. I saw where many times a player who did not have the ball was called offside and the play was stopped.
There were many still shots showing a player was offside.

In that case play was probably stopped because the offsides player had gained an advantage from being off sides. You don't seem to grasp that there are two parts to an off side infraction, Danny. Once again...simply being off sides, if you're not involved in the play, is not an infraction.
What I grasp is if the offense has a player offside but does not have the ball that player is a distraction to the defense including the goalie.
Watch this Youtube video. More than a dozen camera angles prove the goal scorer's team mate was IN FACT OFF SIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dead wrong. I was a player, coach and referee for many years. That wasn't even close to off-side. For many reasons, the two most important are 1: The offside player was not involved in the play. and 2: The offside player returned to the on-side position before the shot was taken.

Pretty clear that it was a legit goal.

YOU even admitted a player was offside.
She NEVER "returned to the onside position before the shot was taken"!

I am amazed that not one football expert on this
planet noticed that.

It was a great goal.

I think danny was betting on the other team.

Yes I was!
Over time I have seen so many US athletes behave in disgraceful manners. And SO HAVE YOU ALL! It's no wonder most of the world HATES the US.
Even when I was a very young world traveller with a backpack I would sew a Canadian flag on my packback.
Now we have the US soccer team mocking their opposing teams. WHAT CLASSLESS KUNTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I watched a lot of the games this year. I saw where many times a player who did not have the ball was called offside and the play was stopped.
There were many still shots showing a player was offside.

In that case play was probably stopped because the offsides player had gained an advantage from being off sides. You don't seem to grasp that there are two parts to an off side infraction, Danny. Once again...simply being off sides, if you're not involved in the play, is not an infraction.
What I grasp is if the offense has a player offside but does not have the ball that player is a distraction to the defense including the goalie.

You still don't grasp the off sides rule, Danny. It's a two part equation. Ignoring that because you don't like the US team is just plain stupid. Continuing to ignore it after you've been shown the rule is simply pig headed stubbornness!
Megan, Milano, my my you boys hate it when women speak their mind

I've got no problem with ANYONE speaking their mind, Candy! When they say incredibly stupid things like AOC however...I'm going to mock them! It's nothing to do with's more about intellect or the lack there of! AOC has a degree from BU. So do I. She's making a whole bunch of Boston University alums look bad because she majored in economics yet doesn't seem to have a clue about the subject! I'd like to know who it was that passed her in their courses! Someone's got some "splaining" to do!
Megan, Milano, my my you boys hate it when women speak their mind
They need to die for the cause. Put their lives on the line in huge numbers if violence becomes the way. Women don't. At least most will not.

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