US Women's World Cup Cheaters

Watch this Youtube video. More than a dozen camera angles prove the goal scorer's team mate was IN FACT OFF SIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Two things, they weren’t offsides and the refs didn’t call the play. The refs view and reviewed and didn’t call it offsides and if they did or didn’t it would not have made the team cheaters
Watch this Youtube video. More than a dozen camera angles prove the goal scorer's team mate was IN FACT OFF SIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh dear. Why do you hate America.

Lol! So thinking a non-call is anti-American? You seem ignorant about America.

He bet against his country. That was stupid and treasonous.

Where did he post that he bet against them? Hell you hate England soccer, why do you hate Britain? You seem shallow and petty.

I haven’t watch a minute of the World Cup or the Olympics in decades. I don’t care about it, I have a life and it doesn’t revolve around sports. You should get a life and quit trying to drag down my country.
Megan, Milano, my my you boys hate it when women speak their mind

I've got no problem with ANYONE speaking their mind, Candy! When they say incredibly stupid things like AOC however...I'm going to mock them! It's nothing to do with's more about intellect or the lack there of! AOC has a degree from BU. So do I. She's making a whole bunch of Boston University alums look bad because she majored in economics yet doesn't seem to have a clue about the subject! I'd like to know who it was that passed her in their courses! Someone's got some "splaining" to do!
BU is packed with radical LIB professors.
Any student who shows up wearing one of those cute little Chairman Mao hats automatically gets a degree.

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