USA - China Climate Deal

So Obama gets China to make major concessions for the first time... and Longknife says that proves Obama is weak.

Conclusion: ODS causes brain damage.

They said the same thing President Obama got other countries to give up nook-U-ler weapons while he gave up only old, out-dated and worthless US armaments.

Thank you, Mr. President.
So Obama gets China to make major concessions for the first time... and Longknife says that proves Obama is weak.

Conclusion: ODS causes brain damage.
Please explain to me exactly what "major concessions" Obama had China make?
I think it is a choice if you want to use solar panels. But calling it a panacea to solve our problems is just rhetoric. Look at not only the Chinese graphs but the ones in this country for solar usage as percentage of total energy. The Chinese government subsidizes the panels and then the us govt subsidizes the installation and makes everyone feel better about the environment without really accomplishing much.

As a side note, I have to buy a lot of manufactured heavy duty products, blocks, cable, rope, etc. the Chinese products are always cheaper by far but always of much lesser quality. The reality will be cheaper installation and a very short life, a landscape littered with failed panels and good intentions.

I have already given you one excellent suggestion. Natural gas is what 50 percent cleaner than coal? Plugging china into nat gas would do more to help pollution levels than billions of solar panels which pollute just in their construction. Turning our truck fleets to nat gas. Recapturing heat energy could multiply efficiency. Blah blah blah

Nuclear fission or fusion may be the answer. I have been intrigued by Lockheed martins fusion announcement, as well as mini reactor news. I was hoping Mathew would enlighten us on the fusion thing but so far nothing. We are shackled only by our lack of imagination.
Nuclear fusion A big bet on small The Economist
Seriously, do you people even read the 'effin thread?

"China, the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world, has agreed to cap its output by 2030 or earlier if possible. Previously China had only ever pledged to reduce the rapid rate of growth in its emissions. Now it has also promised to increase its use of energy from zero-emission sources to 20% by 2030."
Seriously, do you people even read the 'effin thread?

"China, the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world, has agreed to cap its output by 2030 or earlier if possible. Previously China had only ever pledged to reduce the rapid rate of growth in its emissions. Now it has also promised to increase its use of energy from zero-emission sources to 20% by 2030."



Shit dude.........maybe you really were born last Monday!!
Check it out. Skook posts a pre-agreement graph to describe the post-agreement world.

Skook, do you understand just how 'effin stupid you are?

Don't worry. Even if you don't, everyone else does.
Seriously, do you people even read the 'effin thread?

"China, the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world, has agreed to cap its output by 2030 or earlier if possible. Previously China had only ever pledged to reduce the rapid rate of growth in its emissions. Now it has also promised to increase its use of energy from zero-emission sources to 20% by 2030."

China agreed to cap their output in 2030....and that's a good deal?

No enforcement, no targets, what a deal! It's better than that Nigerian Diamond mine
My God.......if there has ever been a thread which illustrates perfectly the magical world of Disney these AGW people live in, its this one...........the "sun rose today and it was purple" thread. These people have an unmatched ability to convince themselves of ANYTHING.:gay:

Simply boils down to the fact that these people don't get how things work. We all sees something similar in the EV thread....just a flat out dismissal of the facts. Look at the graph presented above!( post #67). These dolts think that a summit where nobody signs any kind of binding accord is going to flip that enormous amount of blue into light-blue/brown.:wtf: Anybody with half a brain realizes that China will continue to burn massive amounts of coal for decades!!:deal: Because they can.

That is exactly why skeptic people need to keep their foot on the gas peddle always.........these progressives are the most dangerous mofu's on the planet so the need to expose the level of mental is crucial. The damage is profound..........the responses on here should be instructive.

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