Usa disarming as we are about to face wwiii

LOL! I am so flattered by all your attention but you do understand what a typo is don't you? In the meantime, Sherlock, why don't you address the links I posted by JR Nyquist? Is it that too difficult for you? Recruit help. You're not getting anywhere.
LOL! I am so flattered by all your attention but you do understand what a typo is don't you?
Yup you accidentally type in just about every wacko conspiracy theory in the book... woops I typo'd that there are truckloads of FEMA guillotines ready to execute people my bad.

why don't you address the links I posted by JR Nyquist? Is it that too difficult for you?
He's a World Net Daily contributor who makes a living off people like you who are gullible enough to lap up his end-of-days rhetoric, anyone can sit there constantly claiming world war 3 is around the corner. You provide a lot insight into what your views are so wacked just by the sources you follow.

Is reading World Net Daily and Before Its News what made you decide you are part of the intelligence community and know more about nuclear warhead counts than published numbers? The forum should be honored to have an insider onboard!

Recruit help. You're not getting anywhere.
Nah, I think I've clearly exposed you for the fear mongering chicken little fraud you are.
He's an expert on Russia, SM. You should pay attention. With that said, your nonsense has gone far enough. I never said I was part of any intelligence community - it could have been a dialogue of anything as you pulled it a year ago and if you didn't alter it it's a typo.. don't know which one at this point as it is obvious you have very little integrity - you'll go to any length to try and discredit my character in an attempt to dismiss what I've posted here about Russia and China. Including fabricating words I've never said on this very thread.

Here is your problem as I see it, Steady. My character is not in question. Yours? That is debatable. You are a liar. You also spend a lot of time with the personal attacks, twisting words, you have created outright fabrications when quoting me. What else can I do but confront you about it?

You remind me of the saying, The lady doth protest too much. In this case the man protests too much. Which tells me that I'm right on target and for whatever reason you have spent the better part of an evening attempting to discredit me by digging up posts over a year old - anyone reading this should go back and carefully look at the links I posted about Russia and China and the video because this is obviously something SteadyMercury is working hard to shut down.

As for the year old threads? Off topic. But let me indulge your childishness -no I don't believe aliens are coming - no I don't believe the govt is coming to get me - although RFID chip is no secret as its in Obamacare - its used in animals & has already been implanted in humans so spare me your comments on that too. I think you have overplayed your hand here, SM. Next time try an honest debate. You might learn something.

Have a nice evening! - Jeri
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He's an expert on Russia, SM. You should pay attention.
He's a contributor to noted tin hatter conspiracy sites. His job is to convince suckers like that he is an expert, just like the other one you quoted who happens to sell books on Amazon about the coming war.

I never said I was part of any intelligence community - it could have been a dialogue of anything as you pulled it a year ago and if you didn't alter it it's a typo
You did too, anyone can follow the link to see what you typed and it wasn't a typo. You are an armchair general who thinks reading shit on the internet makes them an expert and proceeds to lecture with authority when you have none.

Here is your problem as I see it, Steady. My character is not in question.
I'm right here questioning it. I think you get off on spreading fear and feigning expertise to back it up, and that is a detestable attribute.

no I don't believe the govt is coming to get me
Repeated claims of 800 FEMA camps aside...
This part 2 of JR Nyquists series this one titled World War III. Powerful video! Watch this!

[ame=]J.R. Nyquist On World War 3 (2 of 7) - America's Enemies - YouTube[/ame]
Part Three

[ame=]J.R. Nyquist On World War 3 (3 of 7) - Anti-American Propaganda - YouTube[/ame]
Part Four

[ame=]J.R. Nyquist On World War Three (4 of 7) - Western Stupidity - YouTube[/ame]
Part Five

[ame=]J.R. Nyquist On World War 3 (5 of 7) - Al Qaeda - YouTube[/ame]
Part Six - This Video he tells you exactly how to determine the timing of when China and Russia will attack the United States. Very interesting sources he quotes in his speech. Must see video:

[ame=]J.R. Nyquist On World War 3 (6 of 7) - Overture - YouTube[/ame]
Part 7 Last Video - Excellent message and closing statements. Watch this!

[ame=]J.R. Nyquist On World War 3 (7 of 7) - Enemy Within - YouTube[/ame]
Interesting information on this video.

[ame=]The Collapse Of Communism: The Untold Story - YouTube[/ame]
The information you'll learn on this video is priceless. You'll never hear this on mainstream media. Listen in on a discussion that mentions the most valuable KGB Defector ever to escape Russia and what he revealed to the US:

[ame=]Perestroika Deception Series 1 -Communist Long Range US Takeover Deception Strategy - YouTube[/ame]
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Who was James Angleton?

Edward Jay Epstein's Web Log: James Jesus Angleton Reconsidered

In his newly published memoir, Dick Cheney provides such an intriguing coda to his service on the House Intelligence Committee that it could been the opening of a Le Carre novel. He writes that in May 1987 James Jesus Angleton, the former head of CIA counterintelligence, requested an urgent meeting with him to reveal to him something of “vital importance.” He immediately scheduled it but, just days before it was to take place, Angleton died, taking the unconveyed message to the grave with him. At the time, the general consensus in the intelligence community was that Angleton was paranoid about the KGB. His hunt for a mole, which had partly paralyzed the CIA had failed, and when he was fired from the CIA in 1975, CIA director William Colby called his obsession that the CIA could be penetrated by the KGB “sick think.” His idea that the KGB could plant and then sustain a mole in the CIA or FBI had not been substantiated by any evidence in 1975, and his idea that the CIA could be manipulated into cooperating in its own deception seemed totally out of touch with reality,

Yet, as it turned out after his death, he was not as far out of touch with reality as his critics inside the CIA.

First, the discovery of KGB moles Aldrich Ames, Harold Nicholson, and Robert Hanssen showed that the KGB had the capability to penetrate both the CIA and FBI.

Second, the fact that, despite lie detector tests, surveillance, and other counterespionage measures, Ames and Hanssen went undetected for more than a decade– Hanssen worked for the KGB over a period of 22 years– showed that the KGB had the ability to protect and advance their moles. ( Ames headed the CIA's Soviet Russia Division’s counterintelligence unit, Hanssen worked in the FBI’s anti- KGB operations.)

Third, the CIA Inspector General’s finding in 1995 found that in the 1980s and early 1990s the KGB had dispatched at least a half-dozen double agents who provided the CIA with disinformation cooked up in Moscow and that for eight years this disinformation had been passed in blue-striped reports signed personally by the CIA director to three Presidents even thought “senior CIA officers responsible for these reports had known that some of their sources were controlled by Russian intelligence” showed that the CIA would not necessarily expose KGB deception. So Angleton was right on all three scores.

read more on the link...
A clip for the article:

* NOTE Truth is stranger than fiction! Amazing, isn't?
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We are not disarming, we are disarmed.

Do we have the Industrial base to fight a war, do we have the excess in Energy Production? Do we grow all our food so we can live without relying on Mexico for produce or China for garlic.

Do we have the textile industry to provide uniforms for troops?

We are disarmed, no industry, no manufacturing, no agriculture, no energy production.

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