Usa disarming as we are about to face wwiii

You ask for sources and hard evidence, SM, but when you get it? You disappear! What's up with that?!
Apparently you don't understand what hard evidence is.



JR Nyquist's book didn't provide hard evidence? Ha! Ha! Did you bother to even read it before coming to that conclusion?

Listen, you, Steady Mercury are one who is guaranteed to remain in eternal ignorance because you condemn the evidence without ever bothering to examine it! THINK.
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No, I'm telling you what I have heard - discussions between former special forces military guys and intell analysts who say we are

to be clear, did this "I have heard" also come from

When you say "I have heard" apparently it means you read it somewhere on the internet right?

Did you look at who authored that article? Jr. Nyquist. This is a source you cannot refute, SM. Read up!

The Spirit Of Truth Blog: J.R. Nyquist On World War Three
For those who don't like reading. Watch this:

[ame=]J.R. Nyquist On World War 3 (1 of 7) - Coming Nuclear Attack - YouTube[/ame]
There will not be 100's of thousands of soldiers blowing each other way on the flanks of a conventional battle in this time. That's the reduction. This is not WWII. They're realigning for modern warfare. Been doing it for years. Nuclear reduction is insignificant. There will still be over 20,000 nuclear weapons on this planet regardless. More than enough to kill us all.
The only one who has been dishonest here is you, SM. You claim I said I spoke with industry insiders.
Yup, I get it your routine is to sprinkle your ridiculous claims with references to things you've heard from special forces and analysts but when anyone dares not you imply contact with defense industry insiders woah woah you never said that!

So basically when you say you've heard things from scientists/analysts/experts it means you read it on the internet somewhere.

I've seen stuff from Big Foot experts online, they are scientists who hunt him. Would you like a link?

Back to the OP -

Why would anyone believe we are "disarming"?
Why would anyone believe we are about to face WWIII?

RC Christian
Nuclear war and WWIII are inevitable. Might as well accept and find a way to deal with it.

While we're at it, why would anyone believe this?
JR Nyquist's book didn't provide hard evidence? Ha! Ha! Did you bother to even read it before coming to that conclusion?

Ahh JR Nyquist, another person who makes their living fear mongering, and a contributor to your "inside source" Imagine that.

So is this the "I heard" where you knew good info from special forces and intel analysts? Was getting that info difficult, like you had to click on their latest spam fear mongering article?

Good work, we promote you to master spy.
I heard a Police Lieutenant on the force for over 30 years on a SC Christian Radio talk show saying he has decided to leave the police force. He said they are currently being trained to participate in martial law targeting those who support 2 nd amendment rights, storing food, etc. He sounds quite certain that their plans are to do this in the next few weeks.
This was from over a year ago, how are those "next few weeks" coming along? Which town has the martial law, I'd love to hear it.

Is this the quality of your other experts?
I've also heard about the guillotine shipments to FEMA camps for years. First story I heard about guillotines was from a truck driver whose best friend had been pulled over and they checked the back of his truck - opened a crate and found they were guillotines. He was headed to deliver those guilotines to a FEMA camp.

Anyhow, I don't agree with everything Shuffert says but on the subject of FEMA camps, guillotines and why there are Russian and Chinese troops on our soil - no question she's right. She was very resourceful if finding welders who had actually worked on the box cars with shackles in them ( rail system for FEMA see Geiux's link ) as you can see military isn't denying it anymore so it looks like it must be around the corner now.
How is "around the corner now" coming along? Are we still waiting on being sent to your imaginary FEMA camps to get the guillotine?

Where exactly are the Russian and Chinese troops on our soil?

Nah, you don't have issues with tin hattism and fear mongering, not at all.

Back to the OP -

Why would anyone believe we are "disarming"?
Why would anyone believe we are about to face WWIII?

RC Christian
Nuclear war and WWIII are inevitable. Might as well accept and find a way to deal with it.

While we're at it, why would anyone believe this?

From well founded sources:

1. Bible
2. Quran.
3. Torah.
4. Bored Christians looking to fill the pews from fear mongering....
I was listening to a Christian radio show tonight and there was a Christian police lieutenant from NC that said the ATF & HLS are training their police department right now for martial law to be enforced in NC against the citizens there.
Oops, in the other post you said it was South Carolina, now it is NC.

Getting your fear-mongering mixed up?

Which town has the martial law anyway? You said in the next few weeks, what is the status? Your post was from over a year ago, what happened to your experts?
Digging through my old posts now, eh? Getting desperate now are we? That's alright. Listen to Yuri the KGB defector explain how they leak disninformation in order to later discredit those trying to warn of and expose communist plans / goals. It's a common practice. Am I suprised to see you trying to link it to me? Nah! But let me give you the facts on this, SM> I said wuite clearly that "he sounds quite certain of their plans"..... no where in the post do you witness me saying I BELIEVE THEY ARE DOING THIS IN TWO WEEKS. Why didn't you notice I was quoting him and not myself? Because you are not much on details I suspect. I can help get you focused. Watch this video!

[ame=]Yuri Bezmenov: Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society (Complete) - YouTube[/ame]

Back to the OP -

Why would anyone believe we are "disarming"?
Why would anyone believe we are about to face WWIII?

RC Christian
Nuclear war and WWIII are inevitable. Might as well accept and find a way to deal with it.

While we're at it, why would anyone believe this?

There are 22,500 nuclear devices on an ever shrinking planet with diminishing resources bound together by some weak financial glue and 3 superpowers trying to control it all. It is an absolute certainty that a nuclear device will be be used again. Pray it's regional but it will happen nonetheless.

Moreover, if you have read the right books you'll have no doubt discovered the mathematical probability of an inevitable WWIII and it's scope. The longer until WWIII occurs only increases the magnitude of the event. In January 1995 you came close to a nuclear holocaust and you didn't even know it.
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I was listening to a Christian radio show tonight and there was a Christian police lieutenant from NC that said the ATF & HLS are training their police department right now for martial law to be enforced in NC against the citizens there.
Oops, in the other post you said it was South Carolina, now it is NC.

Getting your fear-mongering mixed up?

Which town has the martial law anyway? You said in the next few weeks, what is the status? Your post was from over a year ago, what happened to your experts?

I've caught you lying yet again, SteadyMercury. I said the person in the interview made this statement. I never said anything other than quoting what the man had said on the radio inteview. Keep digging through my old threads, SM. This one proves nothing other than that you have once again attempted to accuse me of saying something I never said. If that is your strategy you don't have a chance here. Try something else. Surely you've got more than one trick up your sleeve for such an occasion!
I've got a novel idea for you! Rather than digging through my old thread drawer for some shred of anything you could discredit me with ----------------------->how about answering the replies I have posted, answer Nyquist or Pry! Answer something with an intelligent response once instead of all this hysterical ranting you have spiraled downward into.... it's disturbing, SM. Surely you can do better?
Listen to Yuri. He can help you! He's had plenty of practice!

[ame=]Yuri Bezmenov: Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society (Complete) - YouTube[/ame]
Digging through my old posts now, eh? Getting desperate now are we?
Nope, getting entertained. Fear mongering tin hatters are always entertaining, you post about FEMA camps, of 200,000 Russian troops on US soil, of brain implants, etc. non-stop yet miraculously none of it has ever been proven! You are the wonder-man insider, giving us all these experts, yet nothing ever comes of it.

You are mentally ill dude, that sucks for you.
I've caught you lying yet again, SteadyMercury. I said the person in the interview made this statement. I never said anything other than quoting what the man had said on the radio inteview.
Lol splitting hairs, a long history of wild ass psychotic claims none of which came to fruition, tell us more about the FEMA guillotines Uncle Jerry! Tell us about the cop you heard who said the FEMA camps are opening up in a few weeks! Tell us about how the government is implanting brain chips on people. Ooohh... and best of all tell us about the wnd article you read where the special forces people mentioned nuclear warheads.

Doesn't it suck to live your life in fear Chicken Little?
Just be glad its President Obama at the switch.


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