Usa disarming as we are about to face wwiii

Years ago a man named Peter Vincent Pry - on EMP commission
Ahhh a guy who is involved in a private organization dedicated to raising fears about the threat of EMP... has something to say about EMP? Imagine that.

And hey your "expert" happens to sell books that rely on said fear-mongering to make a nice living, what a coincidence....

[ame=]War Scare: Peter Pry, Peter Vincent Pry: 9780275966430: Books[/ame]


p.s. your cut and paste amounts to nothing but disinfo, SM.
Says the guy who spends his day daydreaming tales of talking to defense industry insiders, who turn out to be book peddlers.
Your dishonesty is duly noted, Steady Mercury. I never said I spoke to a defense industry insider. YOU said that. Because you are not being honest here. You've misquoted me, attempted to add to my words, twist my words and that didn't work for you - you resorted to outright lies as seen here in your last post. Tsk... tsk....

Let's go to exhibit A shall we? Peter Vincent Pry was the only one to get it right. He said the first strike would be an EMP and he was right. He was ignored by RAND, ignored by his colleagues who today say he was right.

Next up we have this story from 2001. Let's go back and visit a bit of history here. Shall we?

The grand deception
Those who fear Russia are easily mocked. “The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming,” is on video. Watch it and laugh. Concern about communist subversion is also mocked. All you have to do is remember what a bad egg Joseph McCarthy was, if you remember at all. To allay any lingering doubt or fear, go to Russia and take the KGB tour. See all the rusting submarines and missile boats you want. You can even see rusty signs in front of Russia’s ABM radar at Sofrino.

If you subscribed to “National Review” when it was still under the influence of Whittaker Chambers and James Burnham, you may remember a completely different magazine than exists today. It’s funny how vigilance and a sense of danger can be turned into smug self-satisfaction over time.

Twenty years ago, a Russian KGB defector named Anatoliy Golitsyn went to see William F. Buckley, the editor of “National Review.” Golitsyn needed help on writing a book with the title “New Lies for Old.” It was about Russia’s strategy of faking the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe. As it happened, Buckley showed Golitsyn the door.

After the “patron saint of American conservatives” closed the door on the truth about communist strategy, few would have the courage to look back and say that Golitsyn was right. The changes in Eastern Europe have been deceptive, orchestrated and calculated from on high. The strategy has been to disarm the West and get communist bloc countries inside NATO – to subvert the alliance from within.

Consider the Czech Republic as an example. Having entered NATO, it is yet controlled by the old communists who are waiting for a signal from Moscow. That’s all it will take for them to reverse the changes that have taken place since 1989. Yesterday, I received a letter from a politically active Czech citizen, Hana Catalanova. “I know how hard this is to make people see,” she wrote. “You might think it is better over here … no, it is not!”

The big lie of 1989, the grand deception, was cynically calculated to take advantage of modern apathy and ignorance: “… we are actually living our lives in such lies, and people don’t care,” wrote Catalanova. “What about the next generation, our kids?”

Hana worries about freedom and the truth. Explaining how the communists retained control after the Velvet Revolution of 1989, she noted, “The problem here is that too many people were involved and engaged in shady deals with the secret police and corruption … betraying their friends, fellow workers, next door neighbors. And this is such a small country.”

America has a different excuse for turning its back on freedom and the truth. As I once told a leading Russian military defector who asked about America’s unpatriotic attitudes, “They’re too busy shopping and having fun.”

The Czechs have another problem. “In towns and villages everyone knows everyone,” explained Catalanova, “They are hiding their past behind the silence. They stay deaf to everything that doesn’t concern them, because if they speak up, somebody might tell who they were before. I can tell you, it is all very depressing.”

Hana Catalanova has written an important essay on the imprisonment of Captain Vladimir Hucin, a Czech official who has uncovered the truth about secret communist structures controlling important public institutions. “The whole world must know that communism is not dead,” wrote Catalanova. “It is very much alive and threatens to overthrow the world democracies.”

People here in America look around and wonder why the environmentalists are so strong, why business is under assault and rural property rights are no longer secure. They wonder why so many are teaching Marxist propaganda in schools and universities. Some of us cannot understand why our political leaders keep insisting on further military cutbacks as they continue to do business with the gangsters in Beijing and Moscow.

The short answer is: We’ve been subverted, infiltrated, duped and manipulated by communists and leftists. We have been too busy shopping and having fun to notice their “long march” through our institutions. We have been too absorbed in our careers and personal satisfactions. And now our country has its own hidden (or not so hidden) communist structures. As Russia and China prepare new missiles against us, our own state system allows itself to be unthinkingly nudged toward self-dissolution.

read more .......

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Only short if the US isn't too chicken to use nukes.:D

Leave democrats in power long enough and we won't have any nukes to use.

But we have worse healthcare, free birth control, and gay marrige. Instead of a good economy, and a strong military. Thanks obama!

We had crappy heathcare before Obama came on the scene.
We do't have free birth control.
We don't have gay marriage but should.
Thanks to Obama, our economy is growing and getting sgtronger.
And, we still have a bloated military bigger than the next 13 countries COMBINED.

Ya wanna try again?
Nuclear war and WWIII are inevitable. Might as well accept and find a way to deal with it.

Glad you and Gismo aren't in charge of anything important.

OTOH, if the Repubs get their way, I have no doubt they'll get us into another damn war.
GOD WORD SAYS THERE WILL BE NUKE WAR!!! SO GET READY!!!==the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem:

Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet,
Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets,
And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.

Wow, nukes are on god's side. Who knew? :lol:

God did. What do you think this means?

Deliver my soul from the wicked, which is thy sword. - Psalm 17: 13

Who is wicked? Nuclear weapons? No the wicked are those who use such things to commit mass genocide. The wicked are Gods sword. His ways are higher than our ways. Everything is under Gods control - this isn't some random happenstance!
Nuclear war and WWIII are inevitable. Might as well accept and find a way to deal with it.

Glad you and Gismo aren't in charge of anything important.

OTOH, if the Repubs get their way, I have no doubt they'll get us into another damn war.

The same type of people behind Bush's foreign policy are behind Obama's foreign policy you sloth. I'm sorry you're not intelligent enough to see that. A neocon is a neocon.
GOD WORD SAYS THERE WILL BE NUKE WAR!!! SO GET READY!!!==the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem:

Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet,
Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets,
And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.

Wow, nukes are on god's side. Who knew? :lol:

God did. What do you think this means?

Deliver my soul from the wicked, which is thy sword. - Psalm 17: 13

Who is wicked? Nuclear weapons? No the wicked are those who use such things to commit mass genocide. The wicked are Gods sword. His ways are higher than our ways. Everything is under Gods control - this isn't some random happenstance!

Daniel and Revelations scare the hell out of me. No pun intended.
GOD WORD SAYS THERE WILL BE NUKE WAR!!! SO GET READY!!!==the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem:

Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet,
Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets,
And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.

Wow, nukes are on god's side. Who knew? :lol:

God did. What do you think this means?

Deliver my soul from the wicked, which is thy sword. - Psalm 17: 13

Who is wicked? Nuclear weapons? No the wicked are those who use such things to commit mass genocide. The wicked are Gods sword. His ways are higher than our ways. Everything is under Gods control - this isn't some random happenstance!

So God nuked Nagasaki and Hiroshima??? Makes me feel better...

In that light God created homosexuals and diseases also....
Wow, nukes are on god's side. Who knew? :lol:

God did. What do you think this means?

Deliver my soul from the wicked, which is thy sword. - Psalm 17: 13

Who is wicked? Nuclear weapons? No the wicked are those who use such things to commit mass genocide. The wicked are Gods sword. His ways are higher than our ways. Everything is under Gods control - this isn't some random happenstance!

Daniel and Revelations scare the hell out of me. No pun intended.

The Raven also???
Seems like they both know that they can do what they want an we wont do a darn thing.

So what do you think we should do? Send in troops?

disarming shows weakness and we see in Crimea,SYRIA,IRAN,IRAQ,EGYPT what Putin does when he sees weakness. WISE UP FAST!

So we should continue to spend more than the next 10 countries?

If we stop playing policeman of the world we could be safe with MUCH less.
This is another excellent source. JR Nyquists new book explains in detail some of what I was expaining to you, Steady Mercury.

The Spirit Of Truth Blog: J.R. Nyquist On World War Three

Jeff Nyquist is a geopolitical analyst I've known since the mid-1990s (I proofread an early copy of his book, Origins Of The Fourth World War). He has a weekly column that appears at

Jeff has long recognized the same global strategic deception by the "Old Enemy" that I have been warning the world about for the last twenty years to no avail. In my opinion, he is one of the last true American patriots left in the world. In the video playlist above, he spells out in an uncompromising way how America has been duped by Russia and China and is facing nuclear destruction accordingly. It's a tough watch, but the truth is the truth, even if you are a minority of two.
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jknowgood, that is a false derivative analogy.

Yeah let russia know if they attack us we won't retaliate, so we can save the environment. Liberal thinking is a disease.

The environment?? LMAO!! Is that what you got from his posts?

No, it is not about pollution. It is about the fact that retaliation by the US would likely mean extinction of every living thing on the planet.
Your dishonesty is duly noted, Steady Mercury. I never said I spoke to a defense industry insider. YOU said that. Because you are not being honest here. You've misquoted me, attempted to add to my words, twist my words and that didn't work for you - you resorted to outright lies as seen here in your last post. Tsk... tsk....

Let's go to exhibit A shall we? Peter Vincent Pry was the only one to get it right. He said the first strike would be an EMP and he was right. He was ignored by RAND, ignored by his colleagues who today say he was right.

Next up we have this story from 2001. Let's go back and visit a bit of history here. Shall we?

The grand deception
Those who fear Russia are easily mocked. “The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming,” is on video. Watch it and laugh. Concern about communist subversion is also mocked. All you have to do is remember what a bad egg Joseph McCarthy was, if you remember at all. To allay any lingering doubt or fear, go to Russia and take the KGB tour. See all the rusting submarines and missile boats you want. You can even see rusty signs in front of Russia’s ABM radar at Sofrino.

If you subscribed to “National Review” when it was still under the influence of Whittaker Chambers and James Burnham, you may remember a completely different magazine than exists today. It’s funny how vigilance and a sense of danger can be turned into smug self-satisfaction over time.

Twenty years ago, a Russian KGB defector named Anatoliy Golitsyn went to see William F. Buckley, the editor of “National Review.” Golitsyn needed help on writing a book with the title “New Lies for Old.” It was about Russia’s strategy of faking the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe. As it happened, Buckley showed Golitsyn the door.

After the “patron saint of American conservatives” closed the door on the truth about communist strategy, few would have the courage to look back and say that Golitsyn was right. The changes in Eastern Europe have been deceptive, orchestrated and calculated from on high. The strategy has been to disarm the West and get communist bloc countries inside NATO – to subvert the alliance from within.

Consider the Czech Republic as an example. Having entered NATO, it is yet controlled by the old communists who are waiting for a signal from Moscow. That’s all it will take for them to reverse the changes that have taken place since 1989. Yesterday, I received a letter from a politically active Czech citizen, Hana Catalanova. “I know how hard this is to make people see,” she wrote. “You might think it is better over here … no, it is not!”

The big lie of 1989, the grand deception, was cynically calculated to take advantage of modern apathy and ignorance: “… we are actually living our lives in such lies, and people don’t care,” wrote Catalanova. “What about the next generation, our kids?”

Hana worries about freedom and the truth. Explaining how the communists retained control after the Velvet Revolution of 1989, she noted, “The problem here is that too many people were involved and engaged in shady deals with the secret police and corruption … betraying their friends, fellow workers, next door neighbors. And this is such a small country.”

America has a different excuse for turning its back on freedom and the truth. As I once told a leading Russian military defector who asked about America’s unpatriotic attitudes, “They’re too busy shopping and having fun.”

The Czechs have another problem. “In towns and villages everyone knows everyone,” explained Catalanova, “They are hiding their past behind the silence. They stay deaf to everything that doesn’t concern them, because if they speak up, somebody might tell who they were before. I can tell you, it is all very depressing.”

Hana Catalanova has written an important essay on the imprisonment of Captain Vladimir Hucin, a Czech official who has uncovered the truth about secret communist structures controlling important public institutions. “The whole world must know that communism is not dead,” wrote Catalanova. “It is very much alive and threatens to overthrow the world democracies.”

People here in America look around and wonder why the environmentalists are so strong, why business is under assault and rural property rights are no longer secure. They wonder why so many are teaching Marxist propaganda in schools and universities. Some of us cannot understand why our political leaders keep insisting on further military cutbacks as they continue to do business with the gangsters in Beijing and Moscow.

The short answer is: We’ve been subverted, infiltrated, duped and manipulated by communists and leftists. We have been too busy shopping and having fun to notice their “long march” through our institutions. We have been too absorbed in our careers and personal satisfactions. And now our country has its own hidden (or not so hidden) communist structures. As Russia and China prepare new missiles against us, our own state system allows itself to be unthinkingly nudged toward self-dissolution.

read more .......

Read more at The grand deception

You ask for sources and hard evidence, SM, but when you get it? You disappear! What's up with that?!
God did. What do you think this means?

Deliver my soul from the wicked, which is thy sword. - Psalm 17: 13

Who is wicked? Nuclear weapons? No the wicked are those who use such things to commit mass genocide. The wicked are Gods sword. His ways are higher than our ways. Everything is under Gods control - this isn't some random happenstance!

Daniel and Revelations scare the hell out of me. No pun intended.

The Raven also???

Ah hell no. I love that stuff.
Your dishonesty is duly noted, Steady Mercury.
Your gullible nature and fear mongering without being able to provide any proof further than rumors and people you call "experts" who turn out to be selling fearing mongering books is duly noted.

blah blah blah
Lol is your source? Lol x 5 your lame source is duly noted.

So how many of these experts/analysts/scientists you've heard from are from wnd? That is some seriously funny shit.
Currently, there are scientists that are working on an EMP field generator, but unfortunately, it's not able to be used as an effective weapon due to the fact that it's unable to generate a large enough field. It can be used for short ranges (up to around 150 ft), but not any farther.

If you want to get a sizeable EMP generated, that can only be done by a nuclear weapon, and you don't have to have it blow up on the ground. Scientists and others who would know about such things say that if a nuke was set off around 10 to 12 miles in the atmosphere, over the center of this country, it would set up an EMP that would take out most of the country.

As far as the U.S. being "disarmed"? Really? How are we "disarming" the country? I know that there have been proposals aimed at reducing the size of the Army, but we could probably use a couple of cuts to our military, especially considering that we currently spend more money in the U.S. for our military than the next 18 countries behind us COMBINED.

Nope.....................I don't see the U.S. being disarmed.
No, I'm telling you what I have heard - discussions between former special forces military guys and intell analysts who say we are

to be clear, did this "I have heard" also come from

When you say "I have heard" apparently it means you read it somewhere on the internet right?
The only one who has been dishonest here is you, SM. You claim I said I spoke with industry insiders. I never said that and you know it. You are a checker player with no strategy other than to heap one insult upon another claiming I am giving no sources while I have already provided you Peter Vincent Fry and JR Norquist who was the author of that WND piece ( a fact you appear to have missed completely ) You are only digging youself deeper as I continue to post links to experts that support my reason for believing Russa / China agenda to invade usa while you provide nothing!

If you cannot counter my arguement with more than baseless personal attacks don't waste my time. Understand?

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