Usa disarming as we are about to face wwiii

Somehow the thought of 200,000 Russian troops on the ground isn't nearly as frightening as lib control. Do you think those troops would prevent a mother from putting up a small cross in memory of her son?
Something you may not know that they have begun doing - they marked mailboxes in some rural areas with red dot - it indicates person living there is a christian. I had looked it up on youtube
It is duly noted you believe mailboxes of Christians are being marked, and believe youtube is a good source for research.

Thanks for confirmation of your batshit crazy level.
Somehow the thought of 200,000 Russian troops on the ground isn't nearly as frightening as lib control. Do you think those troops would prevent a mother from putting up a small cross in memory of her son?


Please, don't ever stop posting here.

Yes, Putin would definitely stop a mother from putting up a small cross in memory of her son. Besides boiling potatoes and beets, there not much of anything Putin wouldn't stop.

Nobody can be certain what the red dot shit means. It's probably easily explainable. There is also a yellow and blue dot.
Somehow the thought of 200,000 Russian troops on the ground isn't nearly as frightening as lib control. Do you think those troops would prevent a mother from putting up a small cross in memory of her son?

It isn't that I do not see any danger in Russian or Chinese occupation for that matter. It is just that liberals are worse than either one or both together for that matter. Americans some anyway are slowly coming to understand that. That understanding is what is driving the public ' s lack of support for king obama and why he is being denigrated, disrespected and outright trashed.
Maybe this will change your mind, Katz, on the danger of Russian troops on the ground. I have heard the reports of 200,000 russian troops inside usa. I don't believe it. To accomplish the total destruction of our infrastructure, power grid, water supply - the Russians only need about 6,000 to 8,000 special forces spez troops to accomplish their mission. Consider that Alexander Dugan top theorist for the Kremlin just told Brazilian students recently while giving a talk - that America will soon be eliminated. Who was in attendance? Jr Nyquist. That's who. He has now went public with that story. Here's some background on who Alexander Dugan is:

Aleksandr Dugin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It isn't that I do not see any danger in Russian or Chinese occupation for that matter. It is just that liberals are worse than either one or both together for that matter. Americans some anyway are slowly coming to understand that. That understanding is what is driving the public ' s lack of support for king obama and why he is being denigrated, disrespected and outright trashed.

I take it back. Our country would be so much better off if chicken shit traitors like you would move to China or Russia.

But of course, you know that you're just spewing limbaugh garbage. No way you would ever put your money where your mouth is. If you did think the Commies were coming, you'd be hiding behind the liberals because they're the ones who actually love and fight for their country.
Something you may not know that they have begun doing - they marked mailboxes in some rural areas with red dot - it indicates person living there is a christian. I had looked it up on youtube
It is duly noted you believe mailboxes of Christians are being marked, and believe youtube is a good source for research.

Thanks for confirmation of your batshit crazy level.

Still digging through old threads you can post partially in an attempt to discredit me? This is your line of defense? Why not look at the abundant sources of information I've given you for the topic at hand rather than dredging up a discussion from over a year ago about a youtube video that warned americans of HLS marking mailboxes. lol........ you are way, way, way off topic here! Earth to Mercury! LOL!
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Most definitely, Winterborn. They dumped what they didn't need but kept everything they did. Their own former KGB agents who defected to the US were the first to tell us what they were up to. Still we didn't heed the warning and listen. We're listening now! Aren't we?
1989 was an interesting year, Winterborn. The Russians had the world believing they were "born again" and ready to hear the gospel preached! Come on over! That was the invite to TBN and other Christian media sources - why? They knew it would be more convincing to allow Christianity - and guess what? It worked! Everyone said the Russians have changed! No. The only thing that changed was strategy.

p.s. The Kremlin and KGB thugs such as Putin have not found Jesus. ( Jesus wasn't lost to begin with )

The Kremlin and KGB Putin have an agenda with their feigned outrage of immoral America. You'll see the real Kremlin / KGB Putin when America is invaded by him.
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Nobody can be certain what the red dot shit means. It's probably easily explainable. There is also a yellow and blue dot.

Yes, I'm hardly stressing myself out over a dot when I'm reading reports of China's provocative moves towards taking Taiwan. Russia invading sovereign countries. Not to mention doing practice nuclear attacks over US territories, etc. which have been caught on video! [ame] [/ame] How many times have the Russians done this? Three times now! Get the feeling they are practicing for something?
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Please note they are saying in the video those were simulated nuclear attacks those Russian nuclear jets were practicing over our territories. If that doesn't wake some people up here I don't know what will.
USA Military cutbacks to pre wwII numbers with unstable world events all over the world is CRAZY!!!
You won't need the extension, Vandal. Your neighbors will be helping you out. If they don't you can come to my house.
Still digging through old threads you can post partially in an attempt to discredit me?

There is no partial about it. I've proven that you are nothing more than a fear-mongerer who believes we are having chips implanted in our brains, FEMA camps are imminent, truckloads FEMA guillotines have been uncovered, thousands of Chinese troops are stationed in Mexico, thousands of Russian troops are already stationed in the US, etc. apparently any tin-hatter theory that rolls down the pipe you open your mouth wide and swallow.

Then the joke is when asked for proof you paste a wall of text from noted conspiracy theory site and sit back calling it concrete evidence.

Hello Captain Crackpot, I'm sure you don't mind if I take better sources for nuclear warhead counts instead of yours that you "heard" from your own sources.
In the intelligence world, what we do is take pieces of information, like pieces of a puzzle, and “put them on the wall and see what picture develops.”
This is the kind of crap I'm talking about, what is "we" here? You are part of the intelligence world?

May I ask what aspect of the intelligence world you serve under? Would it be the role of reading shit on internet conspiracy sites then deciding you have expertise?

Whats up Mr. Armchair Assassin?

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