Usa disarming as we are about to face wwiii

So, you're convinced WWIII is imminent, and you favor doubling the destruction by not disarming our side? Ok. May I suggest any science-based website explaining the effects of nuclear weapons? If we're about to be nuked, since we can't prevent it completely, the best strategy is simply accept it, not add to the damage to the planet by retaliating.

Effects of Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear War

Effects of Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear War

* Effects of Nuclear Weapons, 1977
* Descriptions of Weapon Bursts
* Weapon Effect Videos

The Effects of Nuclear Weapons, 1977

This is the definitive, unclassified text on nuclear weapons effects.

Give me you lunch money pansie!

Yes people get killed in war! your choice a dead fighter for freedom or a live coward dirty rat!!! your choice!
I hope that you realize that you've just destroyed any "live like the son of god" good will, don't you? Because now we all know that that was just bullshit. :lol:
No point trying to survive. Just die of something worse later. Starvation's supposed to be a real nasty way to die because it's slow. Fortunately, without drinkable water you're dead in about 3 days so you wouldn't die from lack of food. Depending on dose, radiation's faster but even more unpleasant.

Most people aren't equipped or knowledgeable about suviving without modern conveniences and technology. EMP effects would destroy the power grid, shut down most cars made since the late 70s (when electronic transmissions came into being,) communications would be destroyed, government would utterly collapse. It'd be like a combination of "The Walking Dead" and "The Road Warrior." But without the nice part of being able to turn off the tv and return to reality.

People who think fighting back in a nuclear exchange is a good idea don't know what they're talking about or even how absolutely insane they are.

I disagree with what you've said here, Delta. If a warship or sub is able to come within 28 miles of our shoreline and ( maritime borders are 14 miles ) they can launch a super EMP over the USA 26 miles high they can disable the entire country. Everything. Leaving us defenseless, knocking out satellites that would make it impossible to respond to a nuclear attack. All it takes is "One". Then we'd be facing a limited nuclear attack on our four corners followed by a ground invasion from the north and the south borders of US with 6,000 - 8,000 Russian special forces ( Spez troops ) already inside the USA ... the border of Canada is 5,000 miles long and barren enough to drive a herd of elephant across undetected...

The nuclear attack I believe that would follow would be exactly as Dumitru Duduman described it back in the 80's ( as happening ) the Russians would strike Fla, NY, California and Las Vegas. The rest of the country would be in a state of war and if they are taking potassium iodate tablets - tablets which protect the thyroid in the event of a nuclear attack - ( google the many sites that sell it and stock up ) they would not be subject to those effects if they are far enough away. I expect many states will have places of refuge for people because some americans have prepared for such an event, Delta. I don't believe the EMP's will destroy the power grids and water. I believe the 6,000 to 8,000 Russian spez troops waiting inside will handle destroying infrastructure, power grid, water supplies, etc.

So if a super EMP is launched off our coast we wouldn't be able to tell who had attacked us. There would be a delay trying to figure it out while the second wave of attacks began.. North Korea is suspected of doing EMP tests, Iranians also. I doubt the Russians would let NK launch the EMP - they will have the Iranians do it. Russia has always had other countries do their dirty work to keep it from coming back to them.

With America out of the way Russia can court Israel as an ally by waging war against the Muslims in Europe and ending the current trend of Europe abruptly. They will make Europe a part of them and take full control of the Middle East putting an end to Islam forever. They will justify this by blaming the Muslim world as responsible for a devastating jihad on America which caused her fall. The world will see Russia as the Savior of the World. ( oh the irony of that one ) Russia plans on letting the Muslim world take the fall for the attack on the United States. Why do you think the news of the Iranian warships headed to our maritime borders was publicised? THINK.
Look at the bright side. With a disarmed US, WWIII will be really short.

Only short if the US isn't too chicken to use nukes.:D

Leave democrats in power long enough and we won't have any nukes to use.

Our nuclear war experts / scientists warned and advised our Govt long ago - under 2000 warheads and we are in grave danger. We have been below under 2000 for some time now. Add to this........President Obama was advised to reduce them to 300 which hasn't taken place but is being discussed. We are sitting ducks. Right now.
If a warship or sub is able to come within 28 miles of our shoreline and ( maritime borders are 14 miles ) they can launch a super EMP over the USA 26 miles high they can disable the entire country.
What sub/warship? What super EMP?

Are these things you fear any different than your previous claims that thousands of Chinese troops are on our Mexican border that was so thoroughly debunked?
won't the rapture happen before that? What happened, you give up on it?

wwiii is not the same as armageddon.

If the Participants are

USA vs. Russia.
USA vs. China

Yeah..that's the end of life as we know it.

I agree. I believe the final moves are as follows:

China vs. Taiwan
Usa vs. China ( USA treaty with Taiwan)
Russa,China,Iran,Cuba,Nicaragua, NK, Venazuela vs. Usa

Our nuclear war experts / scientists warned and advised our Govt long ago - under 2000 warheads and we are in grave danger. We have been below under 2000 for some time now.
Which nuclear war experts and scientists? Are you counting some sound bite you dug up from NewsMax as "our nuclear experts" or was there some consensus you are referencing?

How exactly does being under 2,000 make us in grave danger, having even a few hundred nuclear weapons provides a deterrent yes?

from Nuclear Weapons: Who Has What at a Glance | Arms Control Association
Russia: Approximately 1,480 deployed strategic warheads [1]. The Federation of American Scientists estimates Russia has another 1,022 nondeployed strategic warheads and approximately 2,000 tactical nuclear warheads. Additional thousands are awaiting dismantlement.

United States: Approximately 5,113 nuclear warheads [2], including tactical, strategic, and nondeployed weapons. According to the latest official New START declaration, the United States deploys 1,654 strategic nuclear warheads on 792 deployed ICBMs, SLBMs, and strategic bombers [1].
The US has more warheads deployed than Russia, far more than China, yet since we are under 2000 we are in grave danger? Why?

Don't get me wrong I believe strongly in our need to have a solid nuclear deterrent and to continue advances in research/development to our nuclear arsenal, but you appear to be talking completely out of your ass here.
The US will NOT honor the treaty with Taiwan. obama will threaten China with calling them names like "fuddy duddy" and "old fashioned", just what he's doing with Russia. He will announce that they are on the wrong side of history, which is his favorite. Newsflash, nations MAKE history. People of bold action make history. History doesn't happen and people get to choose up sides.

What's frightening is that event movers like Putin are moving events and democrats stamp around saying it can't happen, it's sooooo last century. Doesn't that Russian bear KNOW he can't do that, it's not what we do today. It's like some idiot facing off against a wrestler in an alley saying "You can't hit me, I am wearing glasses".

Shep Smith the resident Fox democrat summed it up perfectly when he claimed that the Russians could not march into Crimea because the Ukranian constitution doesn't permit Crimea to split off. It just can't happen. It just can't.
If a warship or sub is able to come within 28 miles of our shoreline and ( maritime borders are 14 miles ) they can launch a super EMP over the USA 26 miles high they can disable the entire country.
What sub/warship? What super EMP?

Are these things you fear any different than your previous claims that thousands of Chinese troops are on our Mexican border that was so thoroughly debunked?

Claims? Google the stories on sightings of Chinese troops for past decade.. the cartel bosses are coming out on Live Leaks videos talking about a foreign invasion of Chinese troops among them.. FOX News was reporting on the sightings of Chinese troops on border of mexico a decade ago - before they "weren't reporting the sightings of Chinese troops on border of mexico"... Any military person knows the most difficult part of a ground invasion is getting your equipment on site. They are in position now. Let's move on to your next question - what is a super EMP? It is a top secret weapon the Russians were working on and intell sources report they have it and gave the technology to the Iranians and the North Koreans. Since then both countries have been in involved in launch tests - practice runs for a super EMP attack. It only takes one but the Russians have covered their bases here. ( Russians always cover their bases by using other nations to do their dirty work - that way afterwards people will be confused and not figure out who is responsible - their warfare is deception - )

We didn't discover an Akula Class II Nuclear sub right off coast of Texas last summer ( july ) until they had been there for a month and left. We're wide open. There have been russian subs off coast of eastern seaboard all along since before the 80's.. We read in the news a week or so ago that Irans plan ( made in 2011 - unfolding now ) to have warships off coast of USA are now being realized. Last stop they were off coast of continent of Africa.. A warship off the coast of USA with a super emp could easily launch a Super EMP that would disable the entire USA intell analysts say. Afterwards, it would be impossible for us to tell who did it. A nearby Russian sub could sink that ship to the bottom of the ocean and no one would be the wiser. The Russians are counting on the world not knowing that they are the ones behind the attack on the United States. Especially Israel. She's thinking WAY ahead here.

Later on Russia watch for -->-them to make war against the Muslims of Europe and become the one who saved the day. Then by taking conrol of the ME they will try to look like the savior to Israel too.
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The US will NOT honor the treaty with Taiwan. obama will threaten China with calling them names like "fuddy duddy" and "old fashioned", just what he's doing with Russia. He will announce that they are on the wrong side of history, which is his favorite. Newsflash, nations MAKE history. People of bold action make history. History doesn't happen and people get to choose up sides.

What's frightening is that event movers like Putin are moving events and democrats stamp around saying it can't happen, it's sooooo last century. Doesn't that Russian bear KNOW he can't do that, it's not what we do today. It's like some idiot facing off against a wrestler in an alley saying "You can't hit me, I am wearing glasses".

Shep Smith the resident Fox democrat summed it up perfectly when he claimed that the Russians could not march into Crimea because the Ukranian constitution doesn't permit Crimea to split off. It just can't happen. It just can't.

Glad to know someone is Hitlerish after all these years since his death...
Right before the onset of WWII, how many people were standing around saying "Hitler can't DO that".

President Putin cannot annex Crimea. He just can't. There are Ukranian laws against it. That kind of action is old fashioned, this isn't the 14th century any more.
Our nuclear war experts / scientists warned and advised our Govt long ago - under 2000 warheads and we are in grave danger. We have been below under 2000 for some time now.
Which nuclear war experts and scientists? Are you counting some sound bite you dug up from NewsMax as "our nuclear experts" or was there some consensus you are referencing?

How exactly does being under 2,000 make us in grave danger, having even a few hundred nuclear weapons provides a deterrent yes?

from Nuclear Weapons: Who Has What at a Glance | Arms Control Association
Russia: Approximately 1,480 deployed strategic warheads [1]. The Federation of American Scientists estimates Russia has another 1,022 nondeployed strategic warheads and approximately 2,000 tactical nuclear warheads. Additional thousands are awaiting dismantlement.

United States: Approximately 5,113 nuclear warheads [2], including tactical, strategic, and nondeployed weapons. According to the latest official New START declaration, the United States deploys 1,654 strategic nuclear warheads on 792 deployed ICBMs, SLBMs, and strategic bombers [1].
The US has more warheads deployed than Russia, far more than China, yet since we are under 2000 we are in grave danger? Why?

Don't get me wrong I believe strongly in our need to have a solid nuclear deterrent and to continue advances in research/development to our nuclear arsenal, but you appear to be talking completely out of your ass here.

No, I'm telling you what I have heard - discussions between former special forces military guys and intell analysts who say we are under 2000 and going to lower that to 300 - we are already in danger right now... Your numbers do not compute. These people gave different numbers from you and as they are experts in their field I'm persuaded to believe they know what they are talking about, SteadyMercury.
Claims? Google the stories on sightings of Chinese troops for past decade..
I can google on proof the earth is flat and get results, that doesn't make it so. I've seen them, and I've seen them debunked. Hell there are even videos on youtube by people who actually drove thru the areas you've claimed are Chinese troop bases where they have shown it is just housing for local workers.

What you are is gullible, you believe anything you read that tickles your fear-mongering bone and proceed to spread it as fact any chance you get.

Any military person knows the most difficult part of a ground invasion is getting your equipment on site.
Fail. The most difficult part is maintaining supply lines.

Let's move on to your next question - what is a super EMP? It is a top secret weapon the Russians were working on and intell sources report they have it and gave the technology to the Iranians and the North Koreans.
So it is a weapon you believe exists but isn't documented anywhere as a real weapon.

Which intel sources specifically?

We didn't discover an Akula Class II Nuclear sub right off coast of Texas last summer ( july ) until they had been there for a month and left.
Okay show me proof there was an Akula class sub off the coast of Texas in 2013. You've made far too many ridiculous claims for me to believe anything you say as fact.

Furthermore you said it would be North Korea or Iran, which of them operates Akula class subs?

A warship off the coast of USA with a super emp could easily launch a Super EMP that would disable the entire USA intell analysts say.
What analyst? You are the master of referencing mysterious expers, scientists, and analysts yet you never provide anything further. Was this analyst someone with an agenda? Part of the military?

Btw I'm still waiting on your citation for the "experts/scientists" that say we are in grave danger because warhead count under 2000. Will that be coming soon? Thanks.
Years ago a man named Peter Vincent Pry - on EMP commission - was first one to discuss a super EMP as a first strike weapon. He said the Russians were developing a super EMP bomb but was ignored by his colleagues. Alexander Dugan - Chief theorist of the Kremlin told a Brazilian that America would soon be eliminated - after the Chinese launch a war in Asia - he is speaking of the day Chinese invade Taiwan and we get involved and the Russians invade us - that is what he speaking of. How does he know this? It's been the plan all along. This is chess. Open your eyes.

p.s. your cut and paste amounts to nothing but disinfo, SM.
No, I'm telling you what I have heard - discussions between former special forces military guys and intell analysts who say we are under 2000 and going to lower that to 300 - we are already in danger right now...
Heard where? What were you in a bar and a bunch of guys who said they are former special forces (and therefore have nothing to do with our strategic nuclear arsenal) were having a loud argument with some guys who said they were intel analysts?

All you do is come up with random "I heard" and "experts say" yet it never comes to anything more, how EXACTLY is this what you heard?

Your numbers do not compute. These people gave different numbers from you and as they are experts in their field I'm persuaded to believe they know what they are talking about, SteadyMercury.
Ahh so you have your finger on the pulse of the "experts in their field" so can easily dispute anything. Again, who exactly are "these people" what do you hang out in bars frequented by STRATCOM generals?

You sound like you're full of shit.

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