USA Today: "Fact check: Guns sales rise and crime falls as the coronavirus spreads in US"

Sure thing and there was a full moon recently you forgot to mention its impact. Try to see all the connections for if you look you'll find them, so long as they fit.

What you fail to understand is that guns do not increase the crime rate......that is the one thing you anti-gun extremists can't understand because you are driven by hormones, not brains.......

What this points out, is that normal people who own and buy guns do not use them for crime, so the crime rate does not go up simply because there are more guns in more hands....

The crime rate goes up because we don't control our criminals....the democrat party has a policy of supporting criminals....due to a distorted sense of reality.........they take violent, repeat gun offenders, the ones who actually use illegal guns for crime and murder......and release them over and over again. There is a direct link between our gun crime rates and the policies of the democrat party....and we can see one aspect right now during the Chinese Virus outbreak....

The owner of a hair salon is arrested for opening her store to feed her family....while the democrat party is releasing violent criminals and sex offenders so they won't catch the Chinese Virus.......

The democrat party is the crime problem, not guns and their owners.......

You don't understand this because you have raging hormones, and not enough brains...

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