USA Today. Over 40 Years of Democrat Rule. Why is Minneapolis Still So Racist?


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
So why are Democrat controlled cities some of the most deeply racist in America? Chicago, Baltimore, St Louis, Atlanta and Minneapolis and Detroit have some of the worst racial issues in the United States. Despite all being in different geographic parts of the U.S. they all share one thing in common. Multi-generational Democrat leadership.

Why have the Democrat leaders in these cities failed so utterly? Please discuss.

"Minneapolis, Minn. has been under Democratic control since 1978. Chicago has been under Democratic control for 89 years; its present mayor is a black woman. Philadelphia has had Democratic mayors for 68 years; three of its last five mayors have been black men. Six of the last seven Atlanta, Ga., mayoral administrations were led by black Democratic mayors, and the present mayor is a black woman.

"A city runs its police department and other services; therefore, if there is so much 'systemic racism' in these organizations, why hasn't it been corrected over so many years under Democratic leaders?

"Why aren't these cities garden spots of racial tolerance, understanding, and virtue?"

There have been no answers."

"Unfortunately, in too many cases when people say they want an open and honest discussion about race in America, what they mean is they want an open and honest discussion only about what they say is wrong with people who aren’t them."



They share another thing in common. They attract white supremacists eager to bash in the skull of Black people or other people of color while safely employed as cops.

So you think the Democrats who run these cities and Police Dept's are white supremacists? Wow...okay....that is one explanation. I agree it all starts at the top and the Democrat leaders are allowing these things to happen. The question is why? Why do they facilitate and allow systemic racism? I thought they were supposed to be the party of tolerance?
So why are Democrat controlled cities some of the most deeply racist in America? Chicago, Baltimore, St Louis, Atlanta and Minneapolis and Detroit have some of the worst racial issues in the United States. Despite all being in different geographic parts of the U.S. they all share one thing in common. Multi-generational Democrat leadership.

Why have the Democrat leaders in these cities failed so utterly? Please discuss.

"Minneapolis, Minn. has been under Democratic control since 1978. Chicago has been under Democratic control for 89 years; its present mayor is a black woman. Philadelphia has had Democratic mayors for 68 years; three of its last five mayors have been black men. Six of the last seven Atlanta, Ga., mayoral administrations were led by black Democratic mayors, and the present mayor is a black woman.

"A city runs its police department and other services; therefore, if there is so much 'systemic racism' in these organizations, why hasn't it been corrected over so many years under Democratic leaders?

"Why aren't these cities garden spots of racial tolerance, understanding, and virtue?"

There have been no answers."

"Unfortunately, in too many cases when people say they want an open and honest discussion about race in America, what they mean is they want an open and honest discussion only about what they say is wrong with people who aren’t them."



Because left-wingers are evil, and intentionally stir up racial tensions. Happens in every city overwhelmingly run by Democraps.
WTF is wrong with the OP??? Its obvious why there is so much racism in US cities. Multi-culturism is a failed social engineering experiment in the US. Outside of the urban plantations people are "color-blind". In the urban plantations the democrats always play the "race card". Why are blacks so poor, uneducated, and unemployed? It has to be racism.

Don't look at everyone else getting poorer and having fewer opportunities because the democrats and globalist Never-Trumpers moved so many jobs and factories overseas. Everyone's standard of living was suffering except for the top 5% of incomes. Without Trump and better jobs we were all headed for poverty.

They share another thing in common. They attract white supremacists eager to bash in the skull of Black people or other people of color while safely employed as cops.

So you think the Democrats who run these cities and Police Dept's are white supremacists? Wow...okay....that is one explanation. I agree it all starts at the top and the Democrat leaders are allowing these things to happen. The question is why? Why do they facilitate and allow systemic racism? I thought they were supposed to be the party of tolerance?
"So you think the Democrats who run these cities and Police Dept's are white supremacists? "

Nowhere near as malignant as the racists in repub run areas but I'm pretty sure some of them are.

"The question is why?"

I have some theories but who really knows why white people are racists? Is it fear? Genetic abnormality due to neanderthal DNA? Good question though.
They share another thing in common. They attract white supremacists eager to bash in the skull of Black people or other people of color while safely employed as cops.

So you think the Democrats who run these cities and Police Dept's are white supremacists? Wow...okay....that is one explanation. I agree it all starts at the top and the Democrat leaders are allowing these things to happen. The question is why? Why do they facilitate and allow systemic racism? I thought they were supposed to be the party of tolerance?
"So you think the Democrats who run these cities and Police Dept's are white supremacists? "

Nowhere near as malignant as the racists in repub run areas but I'm pretty sure some of them are.

"The question is why?"

I have some theories but who really knows why white people are racists? Is it fear? Genetic abnormality due to neanderthal DNA? Good question though.
Why can’t you admit democrats are the racist? What do they have on you? Are you afraid of standing on your own two feet?
They share another thing in common. They attract white supremacists eager to bash in the skull of Black people or other people of color while safely employed as cops.

So you think the Democrats who run these cities and Police Dept's are white supremacists? Wow...okay....that is one explanation. I agree it all starts at the top and the Democrat leaders are allowing these things to happen. The question is why? Why do they facilitate and allow systemic racism? I thought they were supposed to be the party of tolerance?
"So you think the Democrats who run these cities and Police Dept's are white supremacists? "

Nowhere near as malignant as the racists in repub run areas but I'm pretty sure some of them are.

"The question is why?"

I have some theories but who really knows why white people are racists? Is it fear? Genetic abnormality due to neanderthal DNA? Good question though.

The mayors of many of these cities are black. So you are saying they are racists also? Wow...okay. I didn't know you felt that way.
They share another thing in common. They attract white supremacists eager to bash in the skull of Black people or other people of color while safely employed as cops.
lol, your democrats are running the city boy.
They share another thing in common. They attract white supremacists eager to bash in the skull of Black people or other people of color while safely employed as cops.

So you think the Democrats who run these cities and Police Dept's are white supremacists? Wow...okay....that is one explanation. I agree it all starts at the top and the Democrat leaders are allowing these things to happen. The question is why? Why do they facilitate and allow systemic racism? I thought they were supposed to be the party of tolerance?
"So you think the Democrats who run these cities and Police Dept's are white supremacists? "

Nowhere near as malignant as the racists in repub run areas but I'm pretty sure some of them are.

"The question is why?"

I have some theories but who really knows why white people are racists? Is it fear? Genetic abnormality due to neanderthal DNA? Good question though.

The mayors of many of these cities are black. So you are saying they are racists also? Wow...okay. I didn't know you felt that way.

"The mayors of many of these cities are black. So you are saying they are racists also?"

Black people cant be racist. They can only be prejudice and they wouldnt be prejudiced against their own people so thats a silly question.
They share another thing in common. They attract white supremacists eager to bash in the skull of Black people or other people of color while safely employed as cops.

So you think the Democrats who run these cities and Police Dept's are white supremacists? Wow...okay....that is one explanation. I agree it all starts at the top and the Democrat leaders are allowing these things to happen. The question is why? Why do they facilitate and allow systemic racism? I thought they were supposed to be the party of tolerance?
"So you think the Democrats who run these cities and Police Dept's are white supremacists? "

Nowhere near as malignant as the racists in repub run areas but I'm pretty sure some of them are.

"The question is why?"

I have some theories but who really knows why white people are racists? Is it fear? Genetic abnormality due to neanderthal DNA? Good question though.

The mayors of many of these cities are black. So you are saying they are racists also? Wow...okay. I didn't know you felt that way.

"The mayors of many of these cities are black. So you are saying they are racists also?"

Black people cant be racist. They can only be prejudice and they wouldnt be prejudiced against their own people so thats a silly question.
The definition doesn’t say that.. smh
They share another thing in common. They attract white supremacists eager to bash in the skull of Black people or other people of color while safely employed as cops.

In before the Somalian ghettos have to have white phosphorous rained down on them by the National Guard in the interest of eliminating the threat to our country.

Obama seeded 100k Somalians in Minnesota. Trying to undermine the country.

When I was a kid, Minnesotans were super-whitebred people. See umm..Like this old Howie Mandel cartoon. Bobby's World, maybe?

That's really how they were. Until Obama seeded 100K Muslim Somalians up there, which he should hang for.
He seeded a large amount in communities Nationwide. Tennessee. Minnesota, couple other places, too.

That was on purpose to create havoc in the US. He should be hanged for treason.
So why are Democrat controlled cities some of the most deeply racist in America? Chicago, Baltimore, St Louis, Atlanta and Minneapolis and Detroit have some of the worst racial issues in the United States. Despite all being in different geographic parts of the U.S. they all share one thing in common. Multi-generational Democrat leadership.

Why have the Democrat leaders in these cities failed so utterly? Please discuss.

"Minneapolis, Minn. has been under Democratic control since 1978. Chicago has been under Democratic control for 89 years; its present mayor is a black woman. Philadelphia has had Democratic mayors for 68 years; three of its last five mayors have been black men. Six of the last seven Atlanta, Ga., mayoral administrations were led by black Democratic mayors, and the present mayor is a black woman.

"A city runs its police department and other services; therefore, if there is so much 'systemic racism' in these organizations, why hasn't it been corrected over so many years under Democratic leaders?

"Why aren't these cities garden spots of racial tolerance, understanding, and virtue?"

There have been no answers."

"Unfortunately, in too many cases when people say they want an open and honest discussion about race in America, what they mean is they want an open and honest discussion only about what they say is wrong with people who aren’t them."



You could ask the same thing about New York, Boston, Chicago, and LA among others. These phonies create their own problems, and blame it on everyone else by voting for the same people, over, and over, and over again.

These Democrat strongholds are so damn tough, they over ride Federal law and have sanctuary cities. And yet, they blame the feds, for racism in their strongholds that they obviously control. What is worse is------------->the dummies on this board and across America believe it! They have zero logic, zilch, nada, nothing. They need to look in their own backyards for the people screwing them. They need to ask themselves------------> how is it that our fearless leaders can protect illegals who have broken the law, but can't protect me when I have done nothing!
They share another thing in common. They attract white supremacists eager to bash in the skull of Black people or other people of color while safely employed as cops.

So you think the Democrats who run these cities and Police Dept's are white supremacists? Wow...okay....that is one explanation. I agree it all starts at the top and the Democrat leaders are allowing these things to happen. The question is why? Why do they facilitate and allow systemic racism? I thought they were supposed to be the party of tolerance?
"So you think the Democrats who run these cities and Police Dept's are white supremacists? "

Nowhere near as malignant as the racists in repub run areas but I'm pretty sure some of them are.

"The question is why?"

I have some theories but who really knows why white people are racists? Is it fear? Genetic abnormality due to neanderthal DNA? Good question though.

The mayors of many of these cities are black. So you are saying they are racists also? Wow...okay. I didn't know you felt that way.

"The mayors of many of these cities are black. So you are saying they are racists also?"

Black people cant be racist. They can only be prejudice and they wouldnt be prejudiced against their own people so thats a silly question.
Yeah, they are so prejudiced against each other they kill them like flies, LIAR.
Who runs Chicago? Kinda similar to Minnesota, Baltimore? I think we are in to something lol

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