Used Children Abandoned In The Desert

Check it out. The group that calls for arresting anyone giving aid to immigrants is now blaming liberals because their own murderous policies have worked.

There's a special circle in hell waiting for them. Even the pedos will get better treatment than the Trump cultists.
Trump had the border crisis under control until pedo joe cheated his way in. We know you really have never cared for the children. They are treated worse in their cages now than anytime before and not a peep from your hypocrite ass.
Check it out. The group that calls for arresting anyone giving aid to immigrants is now blaming liberals because their own murderous policies have worked.

There's a special circle in hell waiting for them. Even the pedos will get better treatment than the Trump cultists.
But hey, we can blame one guy for all the evil that goes down, right?

Like you assholes scream TRUMP?
So what, he was part of the problem also....Why do you deny what happens no matter who is president?

Listen, Runt your own posting history betrays you, that and you're just a toked up flaming troll.

I didn't see anything about children dying in the desert under Trump. Think hard why you didn't you little schmuck
If you can't see the relevance you are blind..
If they were dying under Trump the media would've tripped over themselves to report it.
You expect leftists to care? Children are pawns to them.
Well at least they really cared when Trump was prez. Give them some credit. Now, just toss them away, they provide no political plasma. These people are just awful.
Check it out. The group that calls for arresting anyone giving aid to immigrants is now blaming liberals because their own murderous policies have worked.

There's a special circle in hell waiting for them. Even the pedos will get better treatment than the Trump cultists.
But hey, we can blame one guy for all the evil that goes down, right?

Like you assholes scream TRUMP?
So what, he was part of the problem also....Why do you deny what happens no matter who is president?

Listen, Runt your own posting history betrays you, that and you're just a toked up flaming troll.

I didn't see anything about children dying in the desert under Trump. Think hard why you didn't you little schmuck
If you can't see the relevance you are blind..
If they were dying under Trump the media would've tripped over themselves to report it.
Why does it matter to you it's not like you will do anything to deter it nor do you have empathy for their deaths this thread is just another attempt to ignore the reason as to why and just point fingers for political points..
These poor children are being used and abused by smugglers and cartels as a direct result of Biden's border policies. I hope the liberals that support this crap have nightmares about what they've done to these kids.
Why isn't Biden PROTECTING OUR BORDERS by throwing these CRIMINALS back over the border!!!!????

Because child sex trafficking is making him and his family a TON of money.
Check it out. The group that calls for arresting anyone giving aid to immigrants is now blaming liberals because their own murderous policies have worked.

There's a special circle in hell waiting for them. Even the pedos will get better treatment than the Trump cultists.
But hey, we can blame one guy for all the evil that goes down, right?

Like you assholes scream TRUMP?
So what, he was part of the problem also....Why do you deny what happens no matter who is president?

Listen, Runt your own posting history betrays you, that and you're just a toked up flaming troll.

I didn't see anything about children dying in the desert under Trump. Think hard why you didn't you little schmuck
If you can't see the relevance you are blind..
If they were dying under Trump the media would've tripped over themselves to report it.
Why does it matter to you it's not like you will do anything to deter it nor do you have empathy for their deaths this threat is just another attempt to ignore the reason as to why and just point fingers for political points..
I'm not the ones encouraging this border run. The Democrats are.
Check it out. The group that calls for arresting anyone giving aid to immigrants is now blaming liberals because their own murderous policies have worked.

There's a special circle in hell waiting for them. Even the pedos will get better treatment than the Trump cultists.
But hey, we can blame one guy for all the evil that goes down, right?

Like you assholes scream TRUMP?
So what, he was part of the problem also....Why do you deny what happens no matter who is president?

Listen, Runt your own posting history betrays you, that and you're just a toked up flaming troll.

I didn't see anything about children dying in the desert under Trump. Think hard why you didn't you little schmuck
If you can't see the relevance you are blind..
If they were dying under Trump the media would've tripped over themselves to report it.
Why does it matter to you it's not like you will do anything to deter it nor do you have empathy for their deaths this thread is just another attempt to ignore the reason as to why and just point fingers for political points..
Check it out. The group that calls for arresting anyone giving aid to immigrants is now blaming liberals because their own murderous policies have worked.

There's a special circle in hell waiting for them. Even the pedos will get better treatment than the Trump cultists.
But hey, we can blame one guy for all the evil that goes down, right?

Like you assholes scream TRUMP?
So what, he was part of the problem also....Why do you deny what happens no matter who is president?

Listen, Runt your own posting history betrays you, that and you're just a toked up flaming troll.

I didn't see anything about children dying in the desert under Trump. Think hard why you didn't you little schmuck
If you can't see the relevance you are blind..
If they were dying under Trump the media would've tripped over themselves to report it.
Why does it matter to you it's not like you will do anything to deter it nor do you have empathy for their deaths this thread is just another attempt to ignore the reason as to why and just point fingers for political points..
I think it is more of an arrogant jerk mode but it can be the two.
Check it out. The group that calls for arresting anyone giving aid to immigrants is now blaming liberals because their own murderous policies have worked.

There's a special circle in hell waiting for them. Even the pedos will get better treatment than the Trump cultists.
But hey, we can blame one guy for all the evil that goes down, right?

Like you assholes scream TRUMP?
So what, he was part of the problem also....Why do you deny what happens no matter who is president?

Listen, Runt your own posting history betrays you, that and you're just a toked up flaming troll.

I didn't see anything about children dying in the desert under Trump. Think hard why you didn't you little schmuck
If you can't see the relevance you are blind..
If they were dying under Trump the media would've tripped over themselves to report it.
Why does it matter to you it's not like you will do anything to deter it nor do you have empathy for their deaths this thread is just another attempt to ignore the reason as to why and just point fingers for political points..
Lol, that's rich. I wish Biden would spend more time in the basement. If he did nothing and left Trump's policies in place we would have a secure border and the economy would be booming.
Check it out. The group that calls for arresting anyone giving aid to immigrants is now blaming liberals because their own murderous policies have worked.

There's a special circle in hell waiting for them. Even the pedos will get better treatment than the Trump cultists.
But hey, we can blame one guy for all the evil that goes down, right?

Like you assholes scream TRUMP?
So what, he was part of the problem also....Why do you deny what happens no matter who is president?

Listen, Runt your own posting history betrays you, that and you're just a toked up flaming troll.

I didn't see anything about children dying in the desert under Trump. Think hard why you didn't you little schmuck
If you can't see the relevance you are blind..
If they were dying under Trump the media would've tripped over themselves to report it.
Why does it matter to you it's not like you will do anything to deter it nor do you have empathy for their deaths this thread is just another attempt to ignore the reason as to why and just point fingers for political points..

It's Biden's fail you fcking moron
Check it out. The group that calls for arresting anyone giving aid to immigrants is now blaming liberals because their own murderous policies have worked.

There's a special circle in hell waiting for them. Even the pedos will get better treatment than the Trump cultists.
But hey, we can blame one guy for all the evil that goes down, right?
Your team did it for 4 full years and you've suddenly got a problem with it? In addition, in this case, this is 100% tied to Biden and his policies.
Check it out. The group that calls for arresting anyone giving aid to immigrants is now blaming liberals because their own murderous policies have worked.

There's a special circle in hell waiting for them. Even the pedos will get better treatment than the Trump cultists.
But hey, we can blame one guy for all the evil that goes down, right?

Like you assholes scream TRUMP?
So what, he was part of the problem also....Why do you deny what happens no matter who is president?

Listen, Runt your own posting history betrays you, that and you're just a toked up flaming troll.

I didn't see anything about children dying in the desert under Trump. Think hard why you didn't you little schmuck
If you can't see the relevance you are blind..
If they were dying under Trump the media would've tripped over themselves to report it.
Why does it matter to you it's not like you will do anything to deter it nor do you have empathy for their deaths this thread is just another attempt to ignore the reason as to why and just point fingers for political points..
You should be so GD ashamed of yourself for this. Especially the kids in cages Trump fiasco.
Check it out. The group that calls for arresting anyone giving aid to immigrants is now blaming liberals because their own murderous policies have worked.

There's a special circle in hell waiting for them. Even the pedos will get better treatment than the Trump cultists.
But hey, we can blame one guy for all the evil that goes down, right?

Like you assholes scream TRUMP?
So what, he was part of the problem also....Why do you deny what happens no matter who is president?

Listen, Runt your own posting history betrays you, that and you're just a toked up flaming troll.

I didn't see anything about children dying in the desert under Trump. Think hard why you didn't you little schmuck
If you can't see the relevance you are blind..
If they were dying under Trump the media would've tripped over themselves to report it.
Why does it matter to you it's not like you will do anything to deter it nor do you have empathy for their deaths this thread is just another attempt to ignore the reason as to why and just point fingers for political points..
LOLOL..................ANGRY.....................You should be so GD ashamed of yourself for even commenting on this thread.
Since Joe Biden’s inauguration, over 19,000 unaccompanied children have entered the U.S. along the southern border, an all-time monthly high that has forced the Biden administration to house migrant teenagers in convention centers, camps for oil workers, and a military base.

100 Percent Fed Up reports- Is this the “compassionate” party we heard so much about when basement Joe was running for office against President Trump, who did more to stop the flow of human trafficking into America than any US President in modern history?

Where’s Kamala? Didn’t Basement Joe tell us she would be handling the border crisis?

Why hasn't Abbott ordered the Texas National Guard to seal the border?

What does it take?
Check it out. The group that calls for arresting anyone giving aid to immigrants is now blaming liberals because their own murderous policies have worked.

There's a special circle in hell waiting for them. Even the pedos will get better treatment than the Trump cultists.
But hey, we can blame one guy for all the evil that goes down, right?

Like you assholes scream TRUMP?
So what, he was part of the problem also....Why do you deny what happens no matter who is president?

Listen, Runt your own posting history betrays you, that and you're just a toked up flaming troll.

I didn't see anything about children dying in the desert under Trump. Think hard why you didn't you little schmuck
If you can't see the relevance you are blind..
If they were dying under Trump the media would've tripped over themselves to report it.
Why does it matter to you it's not like you will do anything to deter it nor do you have empathy for their deaths this thread is just another attempt to ignore the reason as to why and just point fingers for political points..
I think it is more of an arrogant jerk mode but it can be the two.
Least you and Benny Boy have the guts to post here while children are tossed from 16 ft is due
Since Joe Biden’s inauguration, over 19,000 unaccompanied children have entered the U.S. along the southern border, an all-time monthly high that has forced the Biden administration to house migrant teenagers in convention centers, camps for oil workers, and a military base.

100 Percent Fed Up reports- Is this the “compassionate” party we heard so much about when basement Joe was running for office against President Trump, who did more to stop the flow of human trafficking into America than any US President in modern history?

Where’s Kamala? Didn’t Basement Joe tell us she would be handling the border crisis?

Why hasn't Abbott ordered the Texas National Guard to seal the border?

What does it take?
If this ain't the last straw, wtf will be?? 5 found dead of dehydration...maybe????
Check it out. The group that calls for arresting anyone giving aid to immigrants is now blaming liberals because their own murderous policies have worked.

There's a special circle in hell waiting for them. Even the pedos will get better treatment than the Trump cultists.

The place in hell is reserved for people who condone pedos and killing unborn
Considering that the legal age in the US was eleven before 1918 there's gonna be a lot of Americans in that part of Hell....Wasn't Mary around fourteen when God had her? He's going to Hell also...
This problem began before Biden and will continue after Biden, finger pointing does no good for what people in other nations do that is brought here. See the time stamp for the posted story? Yeah it went on under Trump also, now say nasty crap about him.

Jan. 11, 2019, 7:09 AM CST / Updated Jan. 11, 2019, 7:14 AM CST

U.S. approved thousands of child bride requests, lives ruined​

The data raises questions about whether the immigration system may be enabling forced marriage.
You might want to read your own story because the time period indicts the Obama/Biden administration.
Check it out. The group that calls for arresting anyone giving aid to immigrants is now blaming liberals because their own murderous policies have worked.

There's a special circle in hell waiting for them. Even the pedos will get better treatment than the Trump cultists.
But hey, we can blame one guy for all the evil that goes down, right?
Your team did it for 4 full years and you've suddenly got a problem with it? In addition, in this case, this is 100% tied to Biden and his policies.
My team has never been elected President so try another "gotcha" strategy... The actions of the murderers are the murderers reasonability and no one else.

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