Used to be Christian, now atheist/other

Nope, try again. Read the words. The words mean something.

Okay, read them again.

Are you claiming the fruits of christians are better than all other religions or atheist? Because I don't see it.

There are good christians out there, no doubt. But I know too many good atheist, buddhist, muslims and hindus to think christians are any better.

Some of those groups I suspect would rank a bit higher in the big picture depending on the measuring stick you use.
Nope, try again. Read the words. The words mean something.

Okay, read them again.

Are you claiming the fruits of christians are better than all other religions or atheist? Because I don't see it.

There are good christians out there, no doubt. But I know too many good atheist, buddhist, muslims and hindus to think christians are any better.

Some of those groups I suspect would rank a bit higher in the big picture depending on the measuring stick you use.

When people say things to me like "Are you saying" and then add some outrageous thing that I have never said, or implied, I recognize that as a feeble attempt to change what I have said into something else that they feel comfortable arguing against.

Trust me. I say what I mean. If I haven't said that, then I am not saying it. Capice?
If she wasn't, she had a funny way of showing it.

"There is so much in the bible against which every insinct of my being rebels, so much so that I regret the necessity which has compelled me to read it through from beginning to end." - Helen Keller
That has absolutely no bearing on whether or not she was Christian.

Again. Stick with the words that are actually there. Stop with the creative addition of meaning.
Galatians 5:22-23

New International Version (NIV)

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Which of those are you busy exhibiting here, KG?

You think I'm being un-Christian to point out that the predominant atheist tactic when discussing these issues is to falsely attribute stances and beliefs to people?

The third most common tactic of atheists...after rejecting science, and attributing false arguments to Christians, is to attack the Christianity of those who debate them.
Nope, try again. Read the words. The words mean something.

Okay, read them again.

Are you claiming the fruits of christians are better than all other religions or atheist? Because I don't see it.

There are good christians out there, no doubt. But I know too many good atheist, buddhist, muslims and hindus to think christians are any better.

Some of those groups I suspect would rank a bit higher in the big picture depending on the measuring stick you use.

When people say things to me like "Are you saying" and then add some outrageous thing that I have never said, or implied, I recognize that as a feeble attempt to change what I have said into something else that they feel comfortable arguing against.

Trust me. I say what I mean. If I haven't said that, then I am not saying it. Capice?


If it was clear, I wouldn't be asking what the fuck you mean now would I?

You posted a verse that says "by your fruits you will know them". I am asking, as clearly as is humanly possible, what you think that means.

I gave two interpretations. The first of which you have claimed before when you say "all good things come from god". The second is almost exactly what the bible verse is saying.

So if I am wrong, please, for the love of your god, answer the fucking question already rather than simply claiming I am putting words in your mouth.

This is what happens when you back a christian into an indefensible position. I'm not obfuscating. I want a straight answer to my question.
You didn't ask me what I mean. You asked me if I was saying something completely different from what I actually said. Those are two different things. One shows a desire to explore what I said. The other shows a desire to assign a stance.
You didn't ask me what I mean. You asked me if I was saying something completely different from what I actually said. Those are two different things. One shows a desire to explore what I said. The other shows a desire to assign a stance.

And both show a desire to clear up your meaning. Something you have still failed to do.

Dodge much?
PS...any time you feel compelled to ask me "So are you saying..." followed by something completely made up that can't be found in anything I've actually said, I can save us both time and space by telling you now...the answer will always be "No, that is not what I am saying."

Which is exactly what I already said. What is with you and having to have everything explained to you in exactly the same words multiple times? Do you have a learning disability?
PS...any time you feel compelled to ask me "So are you saying..." followed by something completely made up that can't be found in anything I've actually said, I can save us both time and space by telling you now...the answer will always be "No, that is not what I am saying."

Which is exactly what I already said. What is with you and having to have everything explained to you in exactly the same words multiple times? Do you have a learning disability?

Now you are just being childish. A proud moment for you and your family I am sure.
I think I've had to explain the whole "so you are saying" concept to you about 4 different times now...and each explanation is just a reiteration of the one before it, which is perfectly sufficient to the point.

Again...if you ask me "so you are saying....?" the answer will be *no*. If you ask me to clarify what I have already said, I will do so, provided I haven't already reduced the concept down to the most basic tenets....which I pretty much always have, given the limited capabilities of atheists to grasp simple concepts, or to stick to any point when discussing the topics of faith/religion. My job isn't to take the concepts you assign to me, and then defend them. My job is just to make my point. If you can't understand it, then there's really not much I can do, aside from repeating it, in increasingly simple language.
I think I've had to explain the whole "so you are saying" concept to you about 4 different times now...and each explanation is just a reiteration of the one before it, which is perfectly sufficient to the point.

Again...if you ask me "so you are saying....?" the answer will be *no*. If you ask me to clarify what I have already said, I will do so, provided I haven't already reduced the concept down to the most basic tenets....which I pretty much always have, given the limited capabilities of atheists to grasp simple concepts, or to stick to any point when discussing the topics of faith/religion. My job isn't to take the concepts you assign to me, and then defend them. My job is just to make my point. If you can't understand it, then there's really not much I can do, aside from repeating it, in increasingly simple language.

1 Samuel 2:3

Talk no more so very proudly, let not arrogance come from your mouth; for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.

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