Using "Mental Illness" as a cop-out for Mass shootings


Mental illness as a cop-out? And you making this a 'bipartisan thing?' No--the right has said that evil exists. But since that doesn't suit the leftist agenda, something has to explain it? If not mental illness, then what? What the fuck are you even trying to get at? What's the big fucking distinction between 'crazy' and 'mentally ill' anyhow?
Old man results come with effort, you have a shitty education because you were too lazy to learn.

Tell us again how if we poured more money into those South Chicago schools them po black kids would all become scholars.

What you are witnessing there is what happened to you, shitty parents generally put out shitty children.

First, I went to Catholic Schools. Where I got a fairly decent education and an eternal HATRED of religion.

Second, the fact is most of make efforts through our lives and end up not much better off than those who don't. I admit, I have had some advantages in life's lottery- being born white and male, to start with. But the fact is, 80% of us will just end up getting by. 19% will do very well and 1% of us end up obscenely rich in a rigged game.

Third, sorry, we do have an obligation to each other. I realize most of you conservatives are incapable of human decency or compassion, but you should be capable of some self interest.

Not spending enough money on those Chicago schools because, hey, my kid is a private school and fuck them, means that those kids aren't going to be productive and we are going to be spending their whole lives carrying them.

Conservatism is such a combination of greedy and stupid and mean that it never ceases to boggle the mind.
Mental illness as a cop-out? And you making this a 'bipartisan thing?' No--the right has said that evil exists. But since that doesn't suit the leftist agenda, something has to explain it? If not mental illness, then what? What the fuck are you even trying to get at? What's the big fucking distinction between 'crazy' and 'mentally ill' anyhow?

I don't think you read the post or understood what it was about.
I'll try to make it simple for you.

Once again, we have a case where an unstable person was able to get a gun and do some truly horrible things.

But the usual nuts on the right will say, "We need to lock up the mentally ill" rather than "We need to actually regulate who can get a gun"

which actually is nuts.
Old man results come with effort, you have a shitty education because you were too lazy to learn.

Tell us again how if we poured more money into those South Chicago schools them po black kids would all become scholars.

What you are witnessing there is what happened to you, shitty parents generally put out shitty children.

First, I went to Catholic Schools. Where I got a fairly decent education and an eternal HATRED of religion.

Second, the fact is most of make efforts through our lives and end up not much better off than those who don't. I admit, I have had some advantages in life's lottery- being born white and male, to start with. But the fact is, 80% of us will just end up getting by. 19% will do very well and 1% of us end up obscenely rich in a rigged game.

Third, sorry, we do have an obligation to each other. I realize most of you conservatives are incapable of human decency or compassion, but you should be capable of some self interest.

Not spending enough money on those Chicago schools because, hey, my kid is a private school and fuck them, means that those kids aren't going to be productive and we are going to be spending their whole lives carrying them.

Conservatism is such a combination of greedy and stupid and mean that it never ceases to boggle the mind.

We 'carry' people cos libtards compulsively say we have to and while crushing the middle class that you whine about getting robbed.
Mental illness as a cop-out? And you making this a 'bipartisan thing?' No--the right has said that evil exists. But since that doesn't suit the leftist agenda, something has to explain it? If not mental illness, then what? What the fuck are you even trying to get at? What's the big fucking distinction between 'crazy' and 'mentally ill' anyhow?

I don't think you read the post or understood what it was about.
I'll try to make it simple for you.

Once again, we have a case where an unstable person was able to get a gun and do some truly horrible things.

But the usual nuts on the right will say, "We need to lock up the mentally ill" rather than "We need to actually regulate who can get a gun"

which actually is nuts.

No, it's not. Maybe stop regulating who the fuck has a gun. Do you think that a-hole tries that if he knows a handful of others have guns? You cut down the second amendment so that it doesn't work like it's supposed to and then bitch about it not working.

And btw, that is not what you were arguing in the OP. You were trying to make some lame differentiation between crazy and mentally ill cos you're not allowed to tribute something to evil in libtard land.
We 'carry' people cos libtards compulsively say we have to and while crushing the middle class that you whine about getting robbed.

Okay, let's look at who is "Robbing" the middle class.

The bottom 40% control less than 1% of the wealth in this country. Many of them have jobs.

The top 1% controls 43% of the wealth. They did not do 43% of the actual labor. Which means they robbed the people who did the actual work.

No, it's not. Maybe stop regulating who the fuck has a gun. Do you think that a-hole tries that if he knows a handful of others have guns? You cut down the second amendment so that it doesn't work like it's supposed to and then bitch about it not working.

Guy, we have 300 million guns out there, and that doesn't dissaude any of these guys.

And btw, that is not what you were arguing in the OP. You were trying to make some lame differentiation between crazy and mentally ill cos you're not allowed to tribute something to evil in libtard land.

Go back and read the OP, and then have someone help you with the big words.
They teach them to strive to achieve, nothing will be handed to them and they are owed nothing,that is reinforced at home also. Now they are taught about what you describe and they are taught Socialism has never worked...and never will

Are you claiming Corporatism "works". Obviously, you missed the whole 2008 thing.

OK smartass, prove me wrong, where has Socialism used as the mainstay ideology ever worked. Don't come back with little examples, name a country that practiced Socialism and succeeded. You can't, I already know this. Stay on point, I know the liberal tactic of spin and deflection and will quickly point out when you go down that road
OK smartass, prove me wrong, where has Socialism used as the mainstay ideology ever worked. Don't come back with little examples, name a country that practiced Socialism and succeeded. You can't, I already know this. Stay on point, I know the liberal tactic of spin and deflection and will quickly point out when you go down that road

where ha capitalism ever "worked". Usually they run the economy into the ground, and then governmetn has to step in and fix what they screwed up.

Socialism and Capitalism both look great on paper, but usually get mucked up wh en you put people in the mix.
OK smartass, prove me wrong, where has Socialism used as the mainstay ideology ever worked. Don't come back with little examples, name a country that practiced Socialism and succeeded. You can't, I already know this. Stay on point, I know the liberal tactic of spin and deflection and will quickly point out when you go down that road

where ha capitalism ever "worked". Usually they run the economy into the ground, and then governmetn has to step in and fix what they screwed up.

Socialism and Capitalism both look great on paper, but usually get mucked up wh en you put people in the mix.

You were asked a question, answer it and stay of Spin and Defection Route. If you can't then say so. But again I already know the answer....and you do also but yet you want to keep trying a failed system. You do know the definition of insanity, right?
You were asked a question, answer it and stay of Spin and Defection Route. If you can't then say so. But again I already know the answer....and you do also but yet you want to keep trying a failed system. You do know the definition of insanity, right?

Funny, i have the same thoughts on Capitalism. This last recession is the Fifth one I've lived through, and all of them caused because some sector of the economy got too greedy and we required a huge socialist government bailout to save them.

The fact is, the Socialists save you from yourselves. 2008 would have been a lot worse without government bailouts.
You were asked a question, answer it and stay of Spin and Defection Route. If you can't then say so. But again I already know the answer....and you do also but yet you want to keep trying a failed system. You do know the definition of insanity, right?

Funny, i have the same thoughts on Capitalism. This last recession is the Fifth one I've lived through, and all of them caused because some sector of the economy got too greedy and we required a huge socialist government bailout to save them.

The fact is, the Socialists save you from yourselves. 2008 would have been a lot worse without government bailouts.

Can't name a country, eh? I knew it. You're dismissed
Can't name a country, eh? I knew it. You're dismissed

No country has really tried "socialism". So, no, not that I was actually advocating socialism to start with.

Hey, you know what country did do what I favor? The United States, between 1932 and 1980. Strong unions, strong regulation, progressive taxation and massive spending on infrastructure.

It gave us the strongest economy the world have ever seen and the best standard of living.
Can't name a country, eh? I knew it. You're dismissed

No country has really tried "socialism". So, no, not that I was actually advocating socialism to start with.

Hey, you know what country did do what I favor? The United States, between 1932 and 1980. Strong unions, strong regulation, progressive taxation and massive spending on infrastructure.

It gave us the strongest economy the world have ever seen and the best standard of living.

BS, I'm weary of your nonsense. Go back to bed or whatever you old fools do all day.
First, I went to Catholic Schools. Where I got a fairly decent education and an eternal HATRED of religion.
You hate religion, yet you bow to government as your god from which you get your morals and commandments about gun control, global warming, etc.

Second, the fact is most of make efforts through our lives and end up not much better off than those who don't. I admit, I have had some advantages in life's lottery- being born white and male, to start with. But the fact is, 80% of us will just end up getting by. 19% will do very well and 1% of us end up obscenely rich in a rigged game.
Nobody prevents you from giving up everything you gained by your "lottery winnings" to those who are being less fortunate. Of course you wont do that, but you'll demand from everyone else to do it.

Third, sorry, we do have an obligation to each other. I realize most of you conservatives are incapable of human decency or compassion, but you should be capable of some self interest.
So there you are to tell me what to think, decide for me what is moral or not, to take from me so you can finance your generosity, and to compel how should I live my life.
I owe you nothing. Beside of paying my taxes, I have no obligations except of those to my family and to people i chose to associate with. Period.

Not spending enough money on those Chicago schools because, hey, my kid is a private school and fuck them, means that those kids aren't going to be productive and we are going to be spending their whole lives carrying them.

Chicago schools gut twice as much money as schools where I live and results are completely opposite. That shows that lack of money is not really the cause of the problem. So yeah, fuck them.

Conservatism is such a combination of greedy and stupid and mean that it never ceases to boggle the mind.
You want to take from me and that is not greed and me wanting to keep whats mine is. That should be boggling your mind.
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You hate religion, yet you bow to government as your god from which you get your morals and commandments about gun control, global warming, etc.

uh, no, actually, I get those opinions because after years of swallowing right wing bullshit, I realized the science and research supports those position. I don't need to government to tell me the climate is warmer, I can see that by direct observation.

Nobody prevents you from giving up everything you gained by your "lottery winnings" to those who are being less fortunate. Of course you wont do that, but you'll demand from everyone else to do it.

No, I'll demand that we do the right thing because a moral society doesn't let children starve.

So there you are to tell me what to think, decide for me what is moral or not, to take from me so you can finance your generosity, and to compel how should I live my life.
I owe you nothing. Beside of paying my taxes, I have no obligations except of those to my family and to people i chose to associate with. Period.

I agree you should pay your taxes. You should probably pay more of them for the benefits you are getting.

Chicago schools gut twice as much money as schools where I live and results are completely opposite. That shows that lack of money is not really the cause of the problem. So yeah, fuck them.

Uh, somehow, i doubt that is true. I also suspect the CPS system has a lot more students than the Cleetusville School District does.

You want to take from me and that is not greed and me wanting to keep whats mine is. That should be boggling your mind.

No, guy. Unless you are in the 1%, the 1% is taking from you.

A Koch Brother a Teabagger and a welfare recipient are in a restaurant. A waiter comes by with 10 cookies. The Koch Brother wolfs down 9 of them and says to the Teabagger, "That welfare person wants half your cookie!"
Old man results come with effort, you have a shitty education because you were too lazy to learn.

Tell us again how if we poured more money into those South Chicago schools them po black kids would all become scholars.

What you are witnessing there is what happened to you, shitty parents generally put out shitty children.

First, I went to Catholic Schools. Where I got a fairly decent education and an eternal HATRED of religion.

Second, the fact is most of make efforts through our lives and end up not much better off than those who don't. I admit, I have had some advantages in life's lottery- being born white and male, to start with. But the fact is, 80% of us will just end up getting by. 19% will do very well and 1% of us end up obscenely rich in a rigged game.

Third, sorry, we do have an obligation to each other. I realize most of you conservatives are incapable of human decency or compassion, but you should be capable of some self interest.

Not spending enough money on those Chicago schools because, hey, my kid is a private school and fuck them, means that those kids aren't going to be productive and we are going to be spending their whole lives carrying them.

Conservatism is such a combination of greedy and stupid and mean that it never ceases to boggle the mind.

LOL, what a load of crap ;)

No matter HOW much is spent you'd say it wasn't enough.
Now on to guns?

Chicago proves your own stupid theory incorrect pop.
We 'carry' people cos libtards compulsively say we have to and while crushing the middle class that you whine about getting robbed.

Okay, let's look at who is "Robbing" the middle class.

The bottom 40% control less than 1% of the wealth in this country. Many of them have jobs.

The top 1% controls 43% of the wealth. They did not do 43% of the actual labor. Which means they robbed the people who did the actual work.

No, it's not. Maybe stop regulating who the fuck has a gun. Do you think that a-hole tries that if he knows a handful of others have guns? You cut down the second amendment so that it doesn't work like it's supposed to and then bitch about it not working.

Guy, we have 300 million guns out there, and that doesn't dissaude any of these guys.

And btw, that is not what you were arguing in the OP. You were trying to make some lame differentiation between crazy and mentally ill cos you're not allowed to tribute something to evil in libtard land.

Go back and read the OP, and then have someone help you with the big words.

So you pass laws to take guns away from law abiding citizens and leave the only people having them to be the criminals and the are seriously lacking in the intelligence area
uh, no, actually, I get those opinions because after years of swallowing right wing bullshit, I realized the science and research supports those position. I don't need to government to tell me the climate is warmer, I can see that by direct observation.

You obviously can't, since we are actually in cooling period.

No, I'll demand that we do the right thing because a moral society doesn't let children starve.

It's obvious that you want to decide what the right thing is and for everyone to live by your moral standards. I also assume you have firm data that shows children starvation in America.

I agree you should pay your taxes. You should probably pay more of them for the benefits you are getting.

And those benefits would be?

Uh, somehow, i doubt that is true. I also suspect the CPS system has a lot more students than the Cleetusville School District does.

Number of kids doesn't matter if you look at the cost of education per child.

Obviously, data doesn't mean anything to you. You just keep shitposting for sake of shitposting.

Operating cost per student in Chicago District 299 is $14,600. High school ranks ranks in bottom 3%, elementary/middle school ranks in bottom 4%
Operating cost per student in Utica Community Schools, Michigan is $9,800. Ranks in top 17%, elementary/middle school ranks in top 18%

No, guy. Unless you are in the 1%, the 1% is taking from you.

More communist shitposting.

I got what I negotiated with my employer and I am satisfied with it. Otherwise I would look for employment elsewhere.

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