Using "Mental Illness" as a cop-out for Mass shootings

I have never heard anyone suggest making gun laws looser. If you can find a way to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally disturbed without infringing on the rights of responsible law abiding gun owners I'm all for it so far no one has.

You haven't. The NRA wants to increase concealed carry, get rid of local gun bans like we have in Chicago, allow for "open carry" in some states, and a lot of other craziness.
No I have heard a lot of silly claims but no actual plans to loosen gun laws.By the way doesn't Chicago have some of the strictest gun laws in the country and yet some the worst gun violence as well? As I said before if someone has a plan that keeps guns out of the hands of the mentally disturbed without infringing on the rights of responsible law abiding gun owners I wil support it.
So you're spewing baseless BS because you feel like it. No wonder people think you're a real joke.

no i'm stating facts you guys are unable to refute, link or no link.

thanks for playing.

The inept dear leader just provided cover for the DOJ and his inept pal holder. You can't have federal officials instructing people to violate federal law and no one go to jail. That's exactly what we got with this lawless administration because he knew the commies in the senate would never vote to impeach his ass.

I seem to remember Bush and Ashcroft and Gonzalez refusing to comply with all sorts of requests for information, and your side not saying boo bout it.

Clearly, if you guys had evidence that this was anything other than some low-level agents running a botched operation, you'd have filed impeachment by now.

Right, the old catch 22, can't produce evidence of wrong doing, because the administration is concealing it under the guise of executive privilege, which would only apply if the president was involved.
No I have heard a lot of silly claims but no actual plans to loosen gun laws.By the way doesn't Chicago have some of the strictest gun laws in the country and yet some the worst gun violence as well? As I said before if someone has a plan that keeps guns out of the hands of the mentally disturbed without infringing on the rights of responsible law abiding gun owners I wil support it.

Responsible Gun Owners still have the right to belong to a Well-Regulated Militia.

All they got to do is talk to the nice Sergeant and sign up.

This writer from Salon hits it spot on.

It s not about mental illness The big lie that always follows mass shootings by white males -

“The real issue is mental illness” is a goddamn cop-out. I almost never hear it from actual mental health professionals, or advocates working in the mental health sphere, or anyone who actually has any kind of informed opinion on mental health or serious policy proposals for how to improve our treatment of the mentally ill in this country.

What I hear from people who bleat on about “The real issue is mental illness,” when pressed for specific suggestions on how to deal with said “real issue,” is terrifying nonsense designed to throw the mentally ill under the bus. Elliot Rodger’s parents should’ve been able to force risperidone down his throat. Seung-Hui Cho should’ve been forcibly institutionalized. Anyone with a mental illness diagnosis should surrender all of their constitutional rights, right now, rather than at all compromise the right to bear arms of self-declared sane people.

What’s interesting is to watch who the mentally ill people are being thrown under the bus to defend. In the wake of Sandy Hook, the NRA tells us that creating a national registry of firearms owners would be giving the government dangerously unchecked tyrannical power, but a national registry of the mentally ill would not — even though a “sane” person holding a gun is intrinsically more dangerous than a “crazy” person, no matter how crazy, without a gun.

Now, here's the thing. The sad state of our mental health system is a bipartisan issue. From Republicans who don't want to pay for outpatient programs or hospitals, to ACLU types who make it next to impossible to institutionalize a crazy person against his will.

But the main problem is, we always find out AFTER these people have gotten a gun and killed a bunch of people that they were crazy.

How about, just for the hell of it, we actually prevent crazy people from getting guns before they kill a bunch of people?

Well then - how about we keep knives, axes and picks out of the hands of looney tunes as well? Or - just for the pure hell of it - how about we lock these crazy monsters away where they can't hurt ANYONE!?!?! Jesus Christ.....
Yet another left wing thread taking advantage of black families suffering. I don't think the left has an ounce of shame, except that which their parents must feel.
Well then - how about we keep knives, axes and picks out of the hands of looney tunes as well? Or - just for the pure hell of it - how about we lock these crazy monsters away where they can't hurt ANYONE!?!?! Jesus Christ.....

Right. Because clearly your right to compensate for a tiny pecker is more important than people's individual liberty.
Well then - how about we keep knives, axes and picks out of the hands of looney tunes as well? Or - just for the pure hell of it - how about we lock these crazy monsters away where they can't hurt ANYONE!?!?! Jesus Christ.....

Right. Because clearly your right to compensate for a tiny pecker is more important than people's individual liberty.

Liberty? for the criminally insane!?!?!? Yeah, that's me compensating for a "tiny pecker" you fucking idiot. It's those like you who have turned this country into a cesspool. Your ass is back on ignore.
Well then - how about we keep knives, axes and picks out of the hands of looney tunes as well? Or - just for the pure hell of it - how about we lock these crazy monsters away where they can't hurt ANYONE!?!?! Jesus Christ.....

Right. Because clearly your right to compensate for a tiny pecker is more important than people's individual liberty.
Joey, you haven't killed anyone yet. When you eventually go completely off your rocker, do it in Indiana, they have the death penalty there.
Right, the old catch 22, can't produce evidence of wrong doing, because the administration is concealing it under the guise of executive privilege, which would only apply if the president was involved.

Or if it might compromise other ongoing investigations.

But screw those.

That wasn't given as a reason, you're just speculating. Also that is no justification to ignore congressional subpoenas, sensitive information can be seen in closed hearings. You just refuse to admit that your dear leader is obstructing justice.
That wasn't given as a reason, you're just speculating. Also that is no justification to ignore congressional subpoenas, sensitive information can be seen in closed hearings. You just refuse to admit that your dear leader is obstructing justice.

Yeah, because it's not like Congress ever leaks anything...

Oh, wait, they totally do.
What would, in your opinion, be a good reason to have a gun? Who decides what the "good reason" is?

You are a police officer or a soldier.

Those are good reasons.

You like to hunt or target shoot.

Those are really not good reasons, but relatively harmless.

You want a gun so you can shoot a bad guy!

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. THat's a terrible reason.

You want a gun to take on a government that you think is "dictatorial" (read, doesn't do things you like.)

That's absolutely retarded.

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