Using "Mental Illness" as a cop-out for Mass shootings

He should realize the Constitution is more clear on gun ownership then it is on homo marriage

Yes, the Constitution says you can belong to a Well-Regulated militia if you want a gun.

You obviously reading the wrong book...


Uhm, what book is that? Some left loon text book? Because that is not what the Second Amendment says

It is what is being taught to our children in our public schools today. The second amendment: The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

That wasn't given as a reason, you're just speculating. Also that is no justification to ignore congressional subpoenas, sensitive information can be seen in closed hearings. You just refuse to admit that your dear leader is obstructing justice.

Yeah, because it's not like Congress ever leaks anything...

Oh, wait, they totally do.

Well I see the river of denial is running deep. Carry on, I'm done with this one.
He should realize the Constitution is more clear on gun ownership then it is on homo marriage

Yes, the Constitution says you can belong to a Well-Regulated militia if you want a gun.

You obviously reading the wrong book...


Uhm, what book is that? Some left loon text book? Because that is not what the Second Amendment says

It is what is being taught to our children in our public schools today. The second amendment: The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


Yes, I know it's being taught in public schools. In our children's private schools they are taught they are protected by the Constitution to own firearms
That wasn't given as a reason, you're just speculating. Also that is no justification to ignore congressional subpoenas, sensitive information can be seen in closed hearings. You just refuse to admit that your dear leader is obstructing justice.

Yeah, because it's not like Congress ever leaks anything...

Oh, wait, they totally do.

Well I see the river of denial is running deep. Carry on, I'm done with this one.

He should realize the Constitution is more clear on gun ownership then it is on homo marriage

Yes, the Constitution says you can belong to a Well-Regulated militia if you want a gun.

You obviously reading the wrong book...


Uhm, what book is that? Some left loon text book? Because that is not what the Second Amendment says

That's where they're getting their "facts" from. The reality of liberal education.
It is what is being taught to our children in our public schools today. The second amendment: The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


so the right of the people to have militia's shall not be infringed. Got it.

Doesn't mean you hand out guns to every crazy person who wants one.
Yes, I know it's being taught in public schools. In our children's private schools they are taught they are protected by the Constitution to own firearms

They are also being taught that Mankind is in a state of disgrace because someone listened to a talking snake and ate fruit from a magic tree...

Meanwhile, out here in the REAL world, we have crazy people mowing down church ladies and preschoolers because they were able to get guns.
Yes, I know it's being taught in public schools. In our children's private schools they are taught they are protected by the Constitution to own firearms

They are also being taught that Mankind is in a state of disgrace because someone listened to a talking snake and ate fruit from a magic tree...

Meanwhile, out here in the REAL world, we have crazy people mowing down church ladies and preschoolers because they were able to get guns.

I said private schools, I never mentioned religious private schools
Yes, I know it's being taught in public schools. In our children's private schools they are taught they are protected by the Constitution to own firearms

They are also being taught that Mankind is in a state of disgrace because someone listened to a talking snake and ate fruit from a magic tree...

Meanwhile, out here in the REAL world, we have crazy people mowing down church ladies and preschoolers because they were able to get guns.

I said private schools, I never mentioned religious private schools


You know the thing is, "Private" schools don't really do a better job than PUblic ones.
Yes, I know it's being taught in public schools. In our children's private schools they are taught they are protected by the Constitution to own firearms

They are also being taught that Mankind is in a state of disgrace because someone listened to a talking snake and ate fruit from a magic tree...

Meanwhile, out here in the REAL world, we have crazy people mowing down church ladies and preschoolers because they were able to get guns.

I said private schools, I never mentioned religious private schools


You know the thing is, "Private" schools don't really do a better job than PUblic ones.

Well old timer the school our twins go to blows away the public schools in test scores in our state. Your premise is false. It's also great fun watching them debate public schools, the beat down is horrific :)
Well old timer the school our twins go to blows away the public schools in test scores in our state. Your premise is false. It's also great fun watching them debate public schools, the beat down is horrific

You know what, that's anecdotal evidence.

Public Schools Outperform Private Schools Book Says - Education Week

After accounting for socioeconomic status, race, and other demographic differences among students, the researchers found that public school math achievement equaled or outstripped math achievement at every type of private school in grades 4 and 8 on NAEP. The advantage was as large as 12 score points on a scale of 0 to 500 (or more than one full grade level) when the authors compared public school students with demographically similar 4th graders in conservative Christian schools.

The Lubienskis also used NAEP data to conclude that regular public schools outperformed independently operated, publicly funded charter schools in 4th grade math and equaled them in 8th grade math.
Well old timer the school our twins go to blows away the public schools in test scores in our state. Your premise is false. It's also great fun watching them debate public schools, the beat down is horrific

You know what, that's anecdotal evidence.

Public Schools Outperform Private Schools Book Says - Education Week

After accounting for socioeconomic status, race, and other demographic differences among students, the researchers found that public school math achievement equaled or outstripped math achievement at every type of private school in grades 4 and 8 on NAEP. The advantage was as large as 12 score points on a scale of 0 to 500 (or more than one full grade level) when the authors compared public school students with demographically similar 4th graders in conservative Christian schools.

The Lubienskis also used NAEP data to conclude that regular public schools outperformed independently operated, publicly funded charter schools in 4th grade math and equaled them in 8th grade math.

Well education week can spew what they want. I know for a fact our twin's school ranks at the number one spot in our state. Facts are facts, old timer. By the way they ranked "conservative Christian schools", our children don't attend religious schools. Keep trying
Well education week can spew what they want. I know for a fact our twin's school ranks at the number one spot in our state. Facts are facts, old timer. By the way they ranked "conservative Christian schools", our children don't attend religious schools. Keep trying

Again, I'm hoping they are teaching "anecdotal evidence is not an argument"...
Well education week can spew what they want. I know for a fact our twin's school ranks at the number one spot in our state. Facts are facts, old timer. By the way they ranked "conservative Christian schools", our children don't attend religious schools. Keep trying

Again, I'm hoping they are teaching "anecdotal evidence is not an argument"...

No, they teach you better have your ducks in a row before you make a statement...something you should have learned.
No, they teach you better have your ducks in a row before you make a statement...something you should have learned.

Do they also teach that a system has to work well for everyone, not just a few people, or does that not work for the party "I got mine, fuck you." ?

They teach them to strive to achieve, nothing will be handed to them and they are owed nothing,that is reinforced at home also. Now they are taught about what you describe and they are taught Socialism has never worked...and never will
It is what is being taught to our children in our public schools today. The second amendment: The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


so the right of the people to have militia's shall not be infringed. Got it.

Doesn't mean you hand out guns to every crazy person who wants one.

Nope, you don't get it. The Constitution doesn't say that, it says that the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

But hey, what else to expect from the guy who says that Constitution is overrated.
Okay, no guns for you.

How about "No guns for anyone who doesn't have a damned good reason for having one".

Like every other civilized country does.

Sorry but the Constitution says otherwise :)

JoeB hates the constitution in general, and only references it when it suits his purposes.

He is a wanna-be tyrant., He is also absolutely pure evil on the level of Stalin. He dreams of sending anyone who disagrees with him to a death camp.
No, they teach you better have your ducks in a row before you make a statement...something you should have learned.

Do they also teach that a system has to work well for everyone, not just a few people, or does that not work for the party "I got mine, fuck you." ?

Old man results come with effort, you have a shitty education because you were too lazy to learn.

Tell us again how if we poured more money into those South Chicago schools them po black kids would all become scholars.

What you are witnessing there is what happened to you, shitty parents generally put out shitty children.

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