USMB Age Test

Mom took me to Monkey Ward's

Were we:

a) visiting a zoo

b) shopping for ill fitting school clothes

c) visiting a primate hospital

B - never heard it called "Monkey" but it's logical.

My brother and I had a tradition for a while where we'd give each other a Christmas present that was some completely useless piece of junk audio equipment. One time he gave me a Montgomery Ward branded reel to reel tape deck that was actually designed to go backward (right to left).

I shoulda kept it. Only time I saw a MW brand on a tape deck too.
Ever shop here

this was another simpler pattern game...


Ah -- there used to be a circular-shaped thing, battery operated, four different colors would light up and play tones and keep adding one, you had to repeat it -- can't remember what it was called -- like that?
an electronic game i got it for Christmas one year... you had to master the different patterns..

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