USMB Coffee Shop IV

What an interesting week I have had! Last Saturday morning I got a very bad nosebleed. Tried every trick in the book to get it stopped and had no luck so on Sunday morning around 1000 I went to the ER. They couldn't get it stopped either so they put what they called a "rocket" up my nose and inflated it. Felt like I had been kicked by a mule and nearly pooped my pants BUT the nose stopped bleeding. Was instructed to follow up with an ENT doctor in 72 hours. Well, yesterday I had the follow up appointment with the ENT doc. Took the rocket out and nose began to bleed again. She was unable to get it stopped in her office so I was immediately admitted to the hospital and rushed into surgery. The bleeding was stopped by the surgical procedure and had been coming from an area very far back in my nose. No real known reason why it happened. Blood pressure and all labs were completely normal. The theory is because I don't use a hudmitifer with my CPAP machine things just got dried out which caused the bleed. So I now use a hudmified with the CPAP machine. I was discharged from the hospital around 5:00pm with two weeks worth of restrictions. I'm back home and all is well. Taco is glad the excitement is over and has shown absolutely no sympathy for me or my condition but seems pleased that his "Mama" has returned and he can once again demand all of her attention. Damned old dog. Who wants him?

Wow BBD. That's scary stuff. I know that ya'll need to be using a humidifier with the CPAP machines--Hombre has some bad results if he doesn't--but it never occurred to me it could cause a problem like that. But at least they were able to fix it.

So happy it had a happy outcome. Even if Taco is being a snit. :)

Didn't know your island til I used Google image search, though I was pretty sure it wasn't anywhere near Albuquerque.

Here's my island.

Not the same Island though is it? This is near your place Ernie? The one I posted, I think the person most likely to identify it would be saveliberty
Isn't that the island of Whyamunga where no politicians are allowed, the ladies all go topless and cats are a forbidden species?

Didn't know your island til I used Google image search, though I was pretty sure it wasn't anywhere near Albuquerque.

Here's my island.

Not the same Island though is it? This is near your place Ernie? The one I posted, I think the person most likely to identify it would be saveliberty
No, definitely not the same island. This one is about 900 miles south of yours.

Didn't know your island til I used Google image search, though I was pretty sure it wasn't anywhere near Albuquerque.

Here's my island.

Not the same Island though is it? This is near your place Ernie? The one I posted, I think the person most likely to identify it would be saveliberty
No, definitely not the same island. This one is about 900 miles south of yours.

You sure? The island I posted isn't in an ocean. :)
Just had a funny "oops" moment when something I did earlier suddenly hit me, this morning I noticed the wife left her lunch box and cell phone at home...... I texted her to tell her....... :eusa_whistle:

I used google image search. It's an add on for your browser. Once you install it, you right click an image and you'll have an option to search image with google. That will take you to a page like this:
Where did Alan go to? Last thing I knew he was a made man. A Modster. :biggrin: I like Alan. He and I have had some good conversations.
Alan was never a consistent regular in the Coffee Shop, he would pop in for a while then disappear again. Heck I did that myself for a while.
Just talked to my attorney (disability) she's working on having a judge look at my case, looks like Social Security violated their own rules in denying my claim......... Should know something in about a month.
I used google image search. It's an add on for your browser. Once you install it, you right click an image and you'll have an option to search image with google. That will take you to a page like this:

Interesting and thanks. But that sure wrecks havoc with on line scavenger hunt games, huh.
Where did Alan go to? Last thing I knew he was a made man. A Modster. :biggrin: I like Alan. He and I have had some good conversations.

Alan is back in his mod suit at least through the next election so he is probably pretty busy doing that. I miss him too though--he brought a lot of interesting stuff to the Coffee Shop. But he's still a bonafide coffee shopper and he'll no doubt pop in now and then. Especially after one of his real life shopping expeditions. :)
Just talked to my attorney (disability) she's working on having a judge look at my case, looks like Social Security violated their own rules in denying my claim......... Should know something in about a month.

Sorry to hear that you're having trouble. I've heard that it's very difficult to get on disability (my mom gets it for her MS among other things).

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