USMB Coffee Shop IV

Happy Wednesday! Nice day here, a little windy, a little cooler than it's been, probably around 60-65 degrees.


Happy Wednesday! Nice day here, a little windy, a little cooler than it's been, probably around 60-65 degrees.



Cool, sunny and fresh-smelling here too. Humidity sitting at an absurdly low 33%. My skin's falling off.
The humidity here has finally dropped below 30%, it was over 70% with the t-storms and rain yesterday and overnight. It was "sticky" which is funny because in the DC area 70% was considered average. :lol:
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Looks like I may have a fight coming up with the management company/landlord. The landlord has left a monstrosity (huge cabinet) and the bad fridge on the the property that we have stated we want removed. The last time I talked to the property manager he claimed we took the house "as is" and for all intent and purposes said we were shit out of luck. Been doing some checking and "as is refers specifically to the real property, not personal property and it is the landlords responsibility to store personal property at his/her cost, not the responsibility of the tenant unless it was so stipulated in the lease.
Happy Wednesday! Nice day here, a little windy, a little cooler than it's been, probably around 60-65 degrees.



Cool, sunny and fresh-smelling here too. Humidity sitting at an absurdly low 33%. My skin's falling off.
The humidity here has finally dropped below 30%, it was over 70% with the t-storms and rain yesterday and overnight. It was "sticky" which is funny because in the DC are 70% was considered average. :lol:

I had you specifically in mind with the humidity note. ;)

This area in WNC is the most humid in Appalachia, so 33 really is remarkably low. Feels damn good too.
Happy Wednesday! Nice day here, a little windy, a little cooler than it's been, probably around 60-65 degrees.



Cool, sunny and fresh-smelling here too. Humidity sitting at an absurdly low 33%. My skin's falling off.
The humidity here has finally dropped below 30%, it was over 70% with the t-storms and rain yesterday and overnight. It was "sticky" which is funny because in the DC are 70% was considered average. :lol:

I had you specifically in mind with the humidity note. ;)

This area in WNC is the most humid in Appalachia, so 33 really is remarkably low. Feels damn good too.
Out here (yup even in Colorado) the humidity indicator reads 0 or lower most of the time........
What's even funnier is I'm already getting acclimated to the higher temps so when it hits the mid to low 60s I'm finding I have to put a winter shirt on and switch to long pants or sweats, especially if it's breezy. Heck at night if it gets down to 70 it's "cool". :lol:
I lived in Tampa for more than 20 years, but I didn't notice the picture. If it was just of 'downtown' Tampa (I put that in quotes because as cities go, Tampa is nearly nonexistent :lol:) I wouldn't recognize it; I rarely was in downtown.

Also, I never really thought of Ybor as being part of Tampa. It was that place outside Tampa I went to for concerts or just to hang around with a bunch of other people and wonder why I had gone. :p
5 years in Foley and I've never been here. It's 200 yards from Doc's Foley Railroad Museum - Welcome


I love trains, but I don't like to ride on anything but the slow coal burners. Out on the mountain, before we moved into town, there was a little grass roots place called The Tinkertown Museum near our house. It was hundreds and hundreds of little miniature things all arranged in picturesque settings. Pretty obscure and off the beaten path, but fun to take folks to.

Last year a group of miniature trains went through the tracks by work. Looked like a fun hobby.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Chris in transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Cool this morning but supposed to get up into the mid 80s and windy today, bright sunshine which means our humidity should be pretty much non-existent. The new TV is supposed to show up today.
I've been racking my brain trying to figure out where the fan blades are for the ceiling fan and last night it hit me, the only box I hadn't looked at or in was a box in the Jack and Jill bathroom that hasn't been completely unpacked yet....... Sure enough that's where they were, down on the very bottom. I had wrapped them and put them on the bottom of the box, the wife decided to fill the rest of the box with bathroom items. I'll get that up today. :thup:
Good morning everybody. Still chilly in Albuquerque--sitting here bundled up at my desk with my little desk heater running. Usually we are in short sleeves and shorts by this time each year--we are only two weeks away from June that is often our hottest summer month here. Not that I'm complaining--I love the cooler weather that is not bitterly cold, but we have no heat in the house. And it requires courage to take a shower when the temps are in the 50's. And the rains are supposed to return tomorrow with even cooler temps.

The winter that never ended? The summer that never was? I need to write a poem I think. :)

But woo hoo to Dajjal's rain--it is always a blessing after prolonged drought. And woo hoo to Ringel finding the fan blades (though I think it never occurred to us in all our moves to pack and move fan blades.)

Need more coffee though. . .
What an interesting week I have had! Last Saturday morning I got a very bad nosebleed. Tried every trick in the book to get it stopped and had no luck so on Sunday morning around 1000 I went to the ER. They couldn't get it stopped either so they put what they called a "rocket" up my nose and inflated it. Felt like I had been kicked by a mule and nearly pooped my pants BUT the nose stopped bleeding. Was instructed to follow up with an ENT doctor in 72 hours. Well, yesterday I had the follow up appointment with the ENT doc. Took the rocket out and nose began to bleed again. She was unable to get it stopped in her office so I was immediately admitted to the hospital and rushed into surgery. The bleeding was stopped by the surgical procedure and had been coming from an area very far back in my nose. No real known reason why it happened. Blood pressure and all labs were completely normal. The theory is because I don't use a hudmitifer with my CPAP machine things just got dried out which caused the bleed. So I now use a hudmified with the CPAP machine. I was discharged from the hospital around 5:00pm with two weeks worth of restrictions. I'm back home and all is well. Taco is glad the excitement is over and has shown absolutely no sympathy for me or my condition but seems pleased that his "Mama" has returned and he can once again demand all of her attention. Damned old dog. Who wants him?

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