USMB Coffee Shop IV

Just talked to my attorney (disability) she's working on having a judge look at my case, looks like Social Security violated their own rules in denying my claim......... Should know something in about a month.

Sorry to hear that you're having trouble. I've heard that it's very difficult to get on disability (my mom gets it for her MS among other things).
Been fighting for it for 3 years. This is my second go-round.

I wish you luck, Ringel. From what you've described here about your back condition, you should definitely be eligible, IMO. I'm sure you probably have your bad days when you can barely get out of bed, and it's kind of hard to have or maintain any kind of normal job when it's always "touch and go" like that.
Thanks, the worse isn't my back, which can be bad enough though I can still function. The real problems are my knees, need braces (most of the time) and a cane all the time to walk more than 50 ft. Forget stairs that have more than 4 steps, I can do it but it will take a while.

Geesh, I'm so sorry. :smiliehug: I hope you find a medicine or a routine that can help you out.
Just talked to my attorney (disability) she's working on having a judge look at my case, looks like Social Security violated their own rules in denying my claim......... Should know something in about a month.

Sorry to hear that you're having trouble. I've heard that it's very difficult to get on disability (my mom gets it for her MS among other things).
Been fighting for it for 3 years. This is my second go-round.

I wish you luck, Ringel. From what you've described here about your back condition, you should definitely be eligible, IMO. I'm sure you probably have your bad days when you can barely get out of bed, and it's kind of hard to have or maintain any kind of normal job when it's always "touch and go" like that.
Thanks, the worse isn't my back, which can be bad enough though I can still function. The real problems are my knees, need braces (most of the time) and a cane all the time to walk more than 50 ft. Forget stairs that have more than 4 steps, I can do it but it will take a while.

Geesh, I'm so sorry. :smiliehug: I hope you find a medicine or a routine that can help you out.
Currently the VA injects my knees with what I call sterile WD-40,,,,,, :lol: It helps somewhat, they give me the injections because the government regs state they have to move from step 1 to step 100 one step at a time which means I haven't hit the step that allows them to set me up for knee replacements. I do have braces I wear on both knees that, with the help of a cane makes walking easier, doesn't mean I can't walk just means I can't walk any real distance without the cane and braces. Kinda tough as I used to hike, rock climb and backpack as well as all my reenacting endeavors. One good thing about the house we're renting is we have a pool so when it warms up a little more I can start exercising in the water, no impact aerobics. :D
Oh and I now have insurance through the wifes job and when I start Social Security Disability I'll automatically be on Medicare, no more jumping through government regulation hoops to get the treatment I need.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Chris in transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
  1. Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


The new (refurbished) TV showed up yesterday and it's getting returned....... It works but the top frame was not reinstalled properly, when I opened the box the top of the screen was "popped" out of the frame. As it was pretty securely packed I have to assume the person who refurbished or packed it didn't know what they were doing or were just lazy.
The new (refurbished) TV showed up yesterday and it's getting returned....... It works but the top frame was not reinstalled properly, when I opened the box the top of the screen was "popped" out of the frame. As it was pretty securely packed I have to assume the person who refurbished or packed it didn't know what they were doing or were just lazy.

Well gee Ringel. Everything had been going pretty well for a couple of days. It was time for another complication. At least you don't have to wait long for another shoe to drop.
Whew! So long since I've been visiting in the CS. Life has moved on for you all, as well as for me.
It's been over 2 weeks since the semester ended but I've been swamped with postponed projects and a couple of bouts of exhaustion and stomach flu. My partner got another job so he's not able to come over and help with the farm chores like he was before, either.
A couple of my daughter's friends took me out to lunch yesterday. One was bemoaning the fact that she's turning 30 soon. I told her I could barely recall thirty, that it seemed like half a lifetime ago (which it is!) We had a nice visit and they updated me on how their lives are going. One I've known since my daughter was in grade school, the other is a recent transplant from Ft Bragg, NC, another Army wife who became good friends with the daughter. Maybe having some young people in my life will make it a little brighter? Of course, I just had to drive the Corvette, it makes such an impression on young ladies...well, pretty much everybody loves that Corvette.
Oddest thing happened yesterday. The last of my spring kids was born, about a month late, too. The momma was obviously in a post-partum state when I got home, so I went looking for the kid. I found it, dead. But it would never have lived in the condition it was in. While the body was fully formed, its spine ended where a skull should have been. No skull, no facial features as all, just a blob of meat. In a lifetime of raising animals, I have never seen a defect like that before. Nature is queer sometimes...
Well, I'm looking forward to engaging the CS again. It's a matter of making a bit of time daily. With no school to teach, I should be able to do that.
Hope everyone has a fine day!
Whew! So long since I've been visiting in the CS. Life has moved on for you all, as well as for me.
It's been over 2 weeks since the semester ended but I've been swamped with postponed projects and a couple of bouts of exhaustion and stomach flu. My partner got another job so he's not able to come over and help with the farm chores like he was before, either.
A couple of my daughter's friends took me out to lunch yesterday. One was bemoaning the fact that she's turning 30 soon. I told her I could barely recall thirty, that it seemed like half a lifetime ago (which it is!) We had a nice visit and they updated me on how their lives are going. One I've known since my daughter was in grade school, the other is a recent transplant from Ft Bragg, NC, another Army wife who became good friends with the daughter. Maybe having some young people in my life will make it a little brighter? Of course, I just had to drive the Corvette, it makes such an impression on young ladies...well, pretty much everybody loves that Corvette.
Oddest thing happened yesterday. The last of my spring kids was born, about a month late, too. The momma was obviously in a post-partum state when I got home, so I went looking for the kid. I found it, dead. But it would never have lived in the condition it was in. While the body was fully formed, its spine ended where a skull should have been. No skull, no facial features as all, just a blob of meat. In a lifetime of raising animals, I have never seen a defect like that before. Nature is queer sometimes...
Well, I'm looking forward to engaging the CS again. It's a matter of making a bit of time daily. With no school to teach, I should be able to do that.
Hope everyone has a fine day!

Welcome back GW and happy all is well for you other than a bout of stomach flu. I was getting worried about you and was about to put you on the MIA list. :) Have been missing your posts.

Have you put your move back to the lower 48 on the back burner? Or is that still in the works?
The new (refurbished) TV showed up yesterday and it's getting returned....... It works but the top frame was not reinstalled properly, when I opened the box the top of the screen was "popped" out of the frame. As it was pretty securely packed I have to assume the person who refurbished or packed it didn't know what they were doing or were just lazy.

Well gee Ringel. Everything had been going pretty well for a couple of days. It was time for another complication. At least you don't have to wait long for another shoe to drop.
Actually ended up being a blessing, took the bad TV back to Wally World (I ordered it online from them), they had nothing else that was in stock or matched what I was looking for (went to 2 Wally Worlds) so I went to Beast Buy, found a better brand new 39" on sale for the exact same price. :thup:
The new (refurbished) TV showed up yesterday and it's getting returned....... It works but the top frame was not reinstalled properly, when I opened the box the top of the screen was "popped" out of the frame. As it was pretty securely packed I have to assume the person who refurbished or packed it didn't know what they were doing or were just lazy.

Well gee Ringel. Everything had been going pretty well for a couple of days. It was time for another complication. At least you don't have to wait long for another shoe to drop.
Actually ended up being a blessing, took the bad TV back to Wally World (I ordered it online from them), they had nothing else that was in stock or matched what I was looking for (went to 2 Wally Worlds) so I went to Beast Buy, found a better brand new 39" on sale for the exact same price. :thup:

I have occasionally done counseling with low income/welfare families to teach some basic skills, help with paperwork, etc. and one of the areas we counsel in is budgeting, cost per unit, cost per serving etc.--basic little things that never occurred to some folks. And one of the first rules I teach is to never assume that the discount stores like Walmart et al or that the stuff 'on sale' is the best buy. Sometimes it is. And sometimes it pays to shop around. :)
I saw BB King many years ago. Great concert. Sorry to see him go. A talented and classy man. :)

I did too. In Dallas many years ago. And he absolutely was a class act. Our daughter is an accomplished blues bass player and has played professionally on both coasts. That isn't what she does for a living though. But she was definitely a BB King fan.
News from Doc's:
Some of you will remember photos I've posted of rainbow shots. A rainbow shot is a cocktail that contains many different liquores poured into a shaker in a specific order then poured into shotglasses in one continuous stream. The result in a typical place is 7 or 8 shot glasses, each containing a different color drink.
I believe the last picture I posted was of 13 distinct color shades. We got it to 17 a couple weeks ago and now I am proud to announce the first and world's only 22 shot rainbow.


News from Doc's:
Some of you will remember photos I've posted of rainbow shots. A rainbow shot is a cocktail that contains many different liquores poured into a shaker in a specific order then poured into shotglasses in one continuous stream. The result in a typical place is 7 or 8 shot glasses, each containing a different color drink.
I believe the last picture I posted was of 13 distinct color shades. We got it to 17 a couple weeks ago and now I am proud to announce the first and world's only 22 shot rainbow.



Pretty awesome Ernie. One of the challenges on The Amazing Race this year or last season was to create a three color rainbow like that. And the contestants had enough trouble producing that. 22 is amazing.
News from Doc's:
Some of you will remember photos I've posted of rainbow shots. A rainbow shot is a cocktail that contains many different liquores poured into a shaker in a specific order then poured into shotglasses in one continuous stream. The result in a typical place is 7 or 8 shot glasses, each containing a different color drink.
I believe the last picture I posted was of 13 distinct color shades. We got it to 17 a couple weeks ago and now I am proud to announce the first and world's only 22 shot rainbow.



She was having some problems for a while with getting weakness and falling down episodes a lot, but she was started on a new medication (I can't remember the name right now), and she has been doing really well for the last year or so. She seems to have more problems when she gets sick, and she needs a lot of help with things like doing laundry and other household chores, but she still walks on her own. A cousin of mine also had it, but she had a more rapidly progressive form of it and she passed away a few years back. The kind of MS my mom has is more slowly progressive.

Thanks for asking! :smiliehug:

That's the kind that my Husband has, the slowly progressive MS.

Sorry to hear that, peach. I'll have to ask my mom what is the name of the medication she is taking. It has done wonders for her! I'll find out and post it here later on tonight or something.

Thank you :)

No problem, peach! I wish I could remember the name myself. It's like right there . . . on the tip of my tongue!!! :tongue: See it?

My husband has the same problem when he gets sick.
It kicks in his MS attacks big time.
He also is still able to walk, with a cane or some days his walker, but he is still walking. :biggrin:

My mother takes an injectable medication called Rebif. What does your husband take, if you don't mind my asking?
That's the kind that my Husband has, the slowly progressive MS.

Sorry to hear that, peach. I'll have to ask my mom what is the name of the medication she is taking. It has done wonders for her! I'll find out and post it here later on tonight or something.

Thank you :)

No problem, peach! I wish I could remember the name myself. It's like right there . . . on the tip of my tongue!!! :tongue: See it?

My husband has the same problem when he gets sick.
It kicks in his MS attacks big time.
He also is still able to walk, with a cane or some days his walker, but he is still walking. :biggrin:

My mother takes an injectable medication called Rebif. What does your husband take, if you don't mind my asking?

Thank you for the info.
He doesn't take anything for the MS, but he takes meds for pain and muscle spasms.
Next time he sees his Doc I will ask about the Rebif.
Many of the drugs that are for MS, he refuses to take because of the side effects.
Sorry to hear that, peach. I'll have to ask my mom what is the name of the medication she is taking. It has done wonders for her! I'll find out and post it here later on tonight or something.

Thank you :)

No problem, peach! I wish I could remember the name myself. It's like right there . . . on the tip of my tongue!!! :tongue: See it?

My husband has the same problem when he gets sick.
It kicks in his MS attacks big time.
He also is still able to walk, with a cane or some days his walker, but he is still walking. :biggrin:

My mother takes an injectable medication called Rebif. What does your husband take, if you don't mind my asking?

Thank you for the info.
He doesn't take anything for the MS, but he takes meds for pain and muscle spasms.
Next time he sees his Doc I will ask about the Rebif.
Many of the drugs that are for MS, he refuses to take because of the side effects.

Yeah, I think they all have some serious side effects, but it wouldn't hurt to try. If he gets any side effects, he can tell the doctor and switch medications until they find the one that works well for him. That's what they did with my mom. The one biggest problem for her personally is weight gain, but she is also on antidepressant medication, so I don't know which medicine would be causing all the weight gain.

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